Thursday, June 11, 2009



10. So far as candy is concerned, the coarseness of the sugar does not

make a great deal of difference, although the finer sugars are perhaps a

little better because they dissolve more quickly in the liquid and are a

trifle less likely to crystallize after cooking. When sugar is to be

used without cooking, however, its fineness makes a decided difference.

Sugars finer than granulated are known as pulverized sugars and are

made by grinding granulated sugar in a mill that crushes the crystals.

These pulverized sugars are known on the market as coarse powdered,

standard powdered, and XXXX powdered, the last being the one that

should always be purchased for the making of confectionery where the use

of uncooked sugar is required. One of the chief characteristics of

sugars of this kind is that they lump to a great extent, the finer the

sugar the larger and harder being the lumps. Before sugar that has

become lumpy can be used, it must be reduced to its original condition

by crushing the lumps with a rolling pin and then sifting the sugar

through a fine wire sieve. As explained in Cakes, Cookies, and

Puddings, Part 1, sugars of this kind are not suitable for cooking

purposes, such as the preparation of cooked icings, etc. These are made

from granulated or other coarse sugar, while the uncooked ones are made

from XXXX, or confectioners', sugar, as it is sometimes called. Then,

too, fine sugars cost more than do the granulated sugars, so it is well

to remember that nothing is gained by their use.

11. The third variety of sugars, which are known as soft sugars, are

purchased by the retail dealer by number. There are fifteen grades of

this sugar, ranging from 1 to 15, and the number indicates the color of

the sugar. No. 1 is practically white, while No. 15 is very dark, and

the intervening numbers vary in color between these two shades. The

lightness of the color indicates the amount of refinement the sugars

have had. The dark-brown sugars are stronger in flavor and indicate less

refinement than the light ones. When brown sugar is required for any

purpose, it is usually advisable to use one of the lighter shades,

because they are more agreeable in taste than the very dark ones.

12. MOLASSES.--The liquid that remains after most of the sugar has been

refined out of the cane juice is known as molasses. The juice from beets

does not produce molasses; therefore, all of the molasses found on the

market is the product of cane juice. A molasses known as sorghum

molasses is made by boiling the sap of sorghum, which is a stout cereal

grass, but this variety is seldom found on the general market, it being

used locally where it is manufactured. The dark color and the

characteristic flavor of molasses are due to the foreign materials that

remain in the juice after the removal of the sugar. Molasses is not so

sweet as sugar, but it is much used as an ingredient in the making of

many delicious confections. As in the case of soft sugars, the lighter

the molasses is in color, the more agreeable is the flavor of the

confections made from it.

13. GLUCOSE.--Another substance much used in the making of confections

is glucose. It is usually manufactured from the starch of corn and is

put on the market under various trade names, but generally it is called

corn sirup. Many persons have long considered glucose a harmful food,

but this belief has been proved untrue. Glucose has come to be

absolutely necessary in some candy making in order to produce certain

results. The glucose that the confectioners use is a heavier, stickier

substance than the sirups that can be purchased for table use or for

cooking, but these do very well for most candy-making purposes. However,

none of the glucose preparations are so sweet as sugar, maple sirup,

or honey.

14. Glucose will not crystallize nor make a creamy substance; neither

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will it permit any substance that contains more than a very little of it

to become creamy. A creamy candy containing a small amount of it will

remain soft longer than that made without it; also, it will cream

without danger of the formation of large crystals. Because of these

characteristics, which are responsible for its use in candy making, a

mixture containing glucose will not "go to sugar." Taffy-like

confections and clear candies contain a large proportion of glucose,

while any that are intended to be creamy, such as bonbons and the

centers for chocolates, have only a small amount, if any, glucose

in them.

15. MAPLE SIRUP AND MAPLE SUGAR.--Maple sirup and maple sugar, because

of their pleasing flavor, are used extensively for candy making. Maple

sirup is, of course, the basis for maple sugar, for by boiling the sirup

to evaporate the water and then stirring it, maple sugar results. When

the sirup is used for candy making, it must be boiled, but it seldom

requires any liquid other than that which it already contains. On the

other hand, maple sugar requires liquid in some form, for it must first

be dissolved in a liquid and then boiled with it.

16. HONEY.--Honey that has been pressed from the comb and is in the form

of a heavy sirup is used in the making of various confections. It

provides a delightful flavor much different from that of sugar, and when

it is cooked it acts in much the same way as glucose.


17. KINDS OF FLAVORINGS.--Flavorings are very important in the making of

confections, for it is on them that much of the appetizing effect of

these foods depends. In fact, unless good flavorings are secured and

then used discreetly, tasty results cannot be expected.

The flavorings used in candy making are in reality divided into two

classes--natural and artificial.

18. NATURAL FLAVORINGS.--Under the head of natural flavorings come those

which are made from the fruit or the plant that produces the desired

flavor. They are known as oils and extracts.

19. The oils are obtained by pressing out the natural flavoring

substance from the material containing it. They are usually very strong,

so that only a little is needed to flavor a comparatively large quantity

of food. Peppermint, wintergreen, and cinnamon are the oils that are

used the most.

20. EXTRACTS are prepared by using alcohol to extract the flavoring

substances from certain materials. The alcohol acts as a preservative,

so that the finished extract nearly always contains a high percentage of

this material. Vanilla and such flavorings as lemon and orange are

examples of extracts that are usually made in this way. A few companies

manufacture a product in which glycerine instead of alcohol is used as

the preservative. Flavorings so prepared are in the form of a thick,

sirupy substance rather than a liquid and are usually sold in a tube.

21. ARTIFICIAL FLAVORINGS.--Flavorings classified as artificial

flavorings are of two kinds: those having for their basis substances

extracted from coal tar and those prepared by various chemical

combinations. They are also known as synthetic flavors. With regard to

both healthfulness and taste, they are not so desirable as the natural


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22. ADULTERATION OF FLAVORINGS.--As it is a common practice to

adulterate flavorings, every manufacturer of these materials is obliged

to state on the label of each bottle or tube of flavoring just what its

contents consist of. Therefore, when the purchase is made, the label

should be carefully examined. Without doubt, vanilla is adulterated more

often than any other flavoring, a pure extract of vanilla being seldom

found. The beans from which the flavor is extracted are very expensive,

so the Tonka bean and other cheaper flavoring substances are often

resorted to in the making of this flavoring. However, when large amounts

of such things are used, the price of the extract should be less than

that charged for the pure extract of the vanilla bean. Many chefs and

professional cooks overcome this difficulty by purchasing the vanilla

beans and using them for flavoring purposes by soaking or cooking small

pieces of them in the material that is to be flavored or grinding the

bean in a mortar and using it in the ground form.


23. COLORINGS are used in the making of confections, candy in

particular, for two purposes: to make them attractive and to indicate

certain flavors. For instance, candies flavored with wintergreen are

usually colored pink, while those containing peppermint are colored pale

green or are left white. Strawberry and rose flavors are also colored

pink; orange and lemon, their respective shades of yellow; violet,

lavender; and pistachio and almond, green.

24. The substances used for coloring confections are of two general

classes: vegetable and mineral, or chemical. The vegetable

colorings, like the natural flavorings, are considered to be the most

healthful ones. Some of the chemical colorings are derivatives of coal

tar, just as are the coal-tar flavorings. Cochineal, a red color

extracted from the bodies of cochineal insects, is a coloring matter

much used in the preparation of confections. These coloring materials

may be purchased in several forms. The ones most commonly used come in

the form of liquid or paste, but frequently colorings are to be had in

powder or tablet form.

25. Discretion must always be observed in the use of colorings. Because

of their concentration, they must be greatly diluted and used in only

very small amounts. As is well known, pale colors in candies are always

more attractive than deep ones. Then, too, when candies contain much

color, most persons are likely to consider them harmful to eat. To get

the best results, only a little coloring should be added at a time, and

each amount added should be mixed in thoroughly. Then the danger of

getting too much coloring will be avoided. It should be remembered,

however, that if colored candies are kept for any length of time or are

exposed to the light, they will fade to a certain extent; consequently,

these may be colored a little more deeply than those which are to be

used at once.


26. To prevent the creaming or the crystallizing of such candy as taffy,

an acid of some kind is generally used with the cane sugar in the making

of this variety of confection. The acid, upon being boiled with the

sugar, changes a part of the cane sugar to invert sugar, and as this

does not crystallize, the candy will not become sugary. A similar effect

is obtained by adding glucose in sufficient amounts; since it does not

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crystallize, the cane sugar is prevented from becoming sugary.

27. The acids most commonly used for this purpose are cream of tartar,

acetic acid, vinegar, which has acetic acid for its basis, and lemon

juice, which has citric acid for its basis. With each pound of sugar, it

will be necessary to use 1/8 teaspoonful of cream of tartar, 1 or 2

drops of acetic acid, or 1 tablespoonful of vinegar or lemon juice in

order to prevent crystallization. Lemon juice and vinegar are much more

likely to flavor the candy than are cream of tartar and acetic acid.

Often, if a fine-grained creamy candy is desired, a small amount of one

of these acids is used. Even in small quantities, they will prevent the

coarse-grained crystallization that is the natural result of the cooking

and stirring of the cane sugar when nothing is done to prevent it.


28. In addition to the ingredients already mentioned, there are a number

of materials that may be used in the making of candy to provide food

value and at the same time give variety and improve the flavor and

appearance of the candy. Chief among these materials are coconut, cocoa,

chocolate, nuts, candied and dried fruits, milk, cream, butter, etc.

Their value in candy depends on their use, so it is well to understand

their nature and the methods of using them.

29. COCONUT.--Either shredded or ground coconut is often used in candy

to give it flavor or variety. Coconut for this purpose may be secured in

a number of forms. A coconut itself may be purchased, cracked open to

remove the flesh, and then prepared either by grating it or by grinding

it. This will be found to be very delicious and preferable to any other

kind. However, if it is not desired to prepare the coconut in the home,

this material may be purchased shredded in boxes or in cans. That which

comes in boxes is usually somewhat dry and is often found to be quite

hard. The canned varieties remain soft, since the shredded coconut is

mixed with the milk of the coconut, but these have the disadvantage of

not keeping very well. Any coconut that becomes too dry for use may be

softened by steaming it.

30. COCOA AND CHOCOLATE.--In the making of confections, cocoa and

chocolate are used extensively for both flavoring and coating. Either of

them may be used for flavoring purposes, but chocolate is always

preferable, because it has a richer, deeper flavor than cocoa. Bitter

chocolate should be used in preference to any kind of sweet chocolate.

When it is to be cooked with candy for flavoring, it may be added to the

other ingredients in pieces and allowed to melt during the cooking. It

is often used without cooking, however, as when it is added to material

that is to be used as centers for bonbons or opera creams. In such an

event, it is first melted over steam or hot water and then worked into

the candy.

31. When desired for coating, chocolate that is sweetened is usually

employed, although many persons are fond of creams that have a bitter

coating. Sometimes a bitter-sweet coating, that is, a slightly sweetened

chocolate, is used, and for most purposes a coating of this kind is

preferred. Such chocolate must usually be purchased from a store where

confectioner's supplies are sold or from a candy-making establishment.

Milk chocolate and very sweet coatings may also be purchased for

coating, but the eating chocolate that is sold in bars will not produce

satisfactory results, and so should never be used for coating purposes.

32. CANDIED AND DRIED FRUITS.--Many varieties of candied or crystallized

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fruits and flowers find a place in the making of confections. Sometimes

they are used as an ingredient, while other times they are added to

bonbons and chocolates merely for decorative purposes. Again, they are

often used in boxes of fancy candies that are packed to sell at some

special event or to give away. They are somewhat expensive to purchase,

but if they are properly used they add such an appetizing touch and

produce such gratifying and delightful results that the expenditure for

them is well justified. Many of these may be prepared in the home with a

certain degree of satisfaction.

33. The two candied fruits most frequently used are candied pineapple

and candied cherries, but, in addition to these candied apricots,

peaches, pears, limes, lemons, and oranges are often found in the

market. Cherries preserved in maraschino wine and creme de menthe add

attractive touches of color to candies and make delicious confections

when coated with bonbon cream or chocolate.

34. Crystallized violets, rose petals, and mint leaves are used

frequently in the preparation of confections. They are added merely for

decoration and make very attractive candies. They can usually be

purchased in confectionery stores.

35. Several varieties of dried fruits, chief among which are dates,

figs, and raisins, are useful in the making of confections. They have

the advantage of not requiring complicated manipulation, and at the same

time they lend themselves to a number of delicious confections that may

often be eaten by persons who cannot eat anything so rich as candy.

Children can usually partake of confections made of these fruits without

harm when candy would disagree with them.

36. NUTS.--Nuts of various kinds probably have more extensive use in the

making of confections than any other class of foods. In fact, there are

few kinds of candy that cannot be much improved by the addition of nuts.

Halves of such nuts as English walnuts and pecans are frequently used by

being pressed into the outside of bonbons and chocolates. Then, too,

pieces of various kinds of nuts are used with a filling for coated

candies. Such nuts as almonds, filberts, walnuts, and peanuts are often

covered singly or in clusters with the same chocolate coating that is

used to coat creams. Pistachio nuts, which are light green in color, are

either chopped or used in halves on chocolates or bonbons.

37. When nuts are not desired whole for confections, they should never

be put through a food chopper; rather, they should always be broken up

by being cut or chopped with a knife. The simplest way in which to cut

them is to spread the nuts in a single layer on a board and then with a

sharp knife press down on them, having one hand on the back of the knife

near the point and the other on the handle and rocking the knife back

and forth across the nuts until they are as fine as desired. They may

also be chopped in a chopping bowl or cut one at a time with a small,

sharp knife.

38. Salted nuts, while not a confection in the true sense of the word,

are closely related to confections, since they are used for the same

purpose. For this reason, it seems advisable to give the methods of

preparing them in connection with the preparation of confections.

39. POP CORN.--An excellent confection and one that always appeals to

children may be made from pop corn. This variety of Indian corn has

small kernels with or without sharp points. To prepare it for

confections; the kernels, or grains, are removed from the ears and then

exposed to heat in a corn popper or a covered pan. When they become

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sufficiently hot, they pop, or explode; that is, they rupture their

yellow coat and turn inside out. The popped kernels may be eaten in this

form by merely being salted or they may be treated with various sugar

preparations in the ways explained later.

40. MILK, CREAM, AND BUTTER.--Milk is extensively used in the making of

candy, both to obtain a certain flavor and to secure a particular

consistency. Skim milk may be used for this purpose, but the richer the

milk, the better will be the flavor of the finished candy. Cream, of

course, makes the most delicious candy, but as it is usually expensive,

it greatly increases the cost of the confection. Butter may be used with

milk to obtain a result similar to that secured by the use of cream. If

skim milk is used, butter should by all means be added, for it greatly

improves the flavor of the candy. In any recipe requiring milk,

condensed or evaporated milk may be substituted with very satisfactory

results. These milks may be diluted as much as is desired.

Besides providing flavor, milk, cream, and butter add food value to the

confections in which they are used. Most of this is in the form of fat,

a food substance that is not supplied by any other ingredients, except

perhaps chocolate and nuts. They are therefore particularly valuable and

should always be used properly in order that the most good may be

derived from them.

41. The chief problem in the use of milk is to keep it from curding and,

if curding takes place, to prevent the curds from settling and burning

during the boiling. When maple sirup, molasses, or other substances that

are liable to curdle milk are to be cooked with the milk, a little soda

should be added or, if possible, the milk should be heated well before

it is put in. When it can be done, the milk should be cooked with the

sugar before the ingredients likely to make it curdle are added.

In case the milk does curdle, the mixture should be treated at once, or

the result will be very unsatisfactory. The best plan consists in

beating the mixture rapidly with a rotary egg beater in order to break

up the curds as fine as possible, and then stirring it frequently during

the boiling to keep the milk from settling and burning. As this stirring

is a disadvantage in the making of candy, every precaution should be

taken to prevent the curding of the milk.


42. The utensils for candy making are few in number and simple in

nature. As with all of the more elaborate foods, the fancy candies

require slightly more unusual equipment, and even for the more ordinary

kinds it is possible to buy convenient utensils that will make results a

little more certain. But, practically all the utensils required are to

be found in every kitchen.

43. To boil the confectionery ingredients, a saucepan or a kettle is

required. This may be made of copper or aluminum or of any of the

various types of enamelware that are used for cooking utensils. One

important requirement is that the surface of the pan be perfectly

smooth. A pan that has become rough from usage or an enamelware pan that

is chipped should not be used for the boiling of candy.

The size of the utensil to use depends on the kind and the amount of the

mixture to be boiled. A sugar-and-water mixture does not require a pan

much larger in size than is necessary to hold the mixture itself, for it

does not expand much in boiling. However, a mixture containing milk,

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condensed milk, cream, or butter should be cooked in a pan much larger

than is needed for the same quantity of sugar and water, for such a

mixture expands greatly and is liable to boil over. The necessary size

of the pan to be used should be overestimated rather than

underestimated. In the cooking of candy, just as in the cooking of other

foods, the surface exposed to the heat and the depth of the material to

be cooked affect the rapidity of cooking and evaporation. Consequently,

if rapid evaporation and quick cooking are desired, a pan that is broad

and comparatively shallow should be used, rather than one that is

narrow and deep.

44. Measuring cups and spoons, a spoon for stirring, and a knife are, of

course, essential in making confections. Then, too, it is often

convenient to have a metal spatula and a wooden spoon or spatula. When

these utensils are made of wood, they are light in weight and

consequently excellent for stirring and beating. If egg whites are used

in the preparation of a confection, an egg whip is needed. When candy

must be poured into a pan to harden, any variety of pan may be used, but

generally one having square corners is the most satisfactory. Then if

the candy is cut into squares, none of it will be wasted in the cutting.

45. A thermometer that registers as high as 300 or 400 degrees

Fahrenheit is a valuable asset in candy making when recipes giving the

temperature to which the boiling must be carried are followed. A degree

of accuracy can be obtained in this way by the inexperienced candy maker

that cannot be matched with the usual tests. A small thermometer may be

used, but the larger the thermometer, the easier will it be to determine

the degrees on the mercury column. A new thermometer should always be

tested to determine its accuracy. To do this, stand the thermometer in a

small vessel of warm water, place the vessel over a flame, and allow the

water to boil. If the thermometer does not register 212 degrees at

boiling, the number of degrees more or less must be taken into account

whenever the thermometer is used. For instance, if the thermometer

registers 208 degrees at boiling and a recipe requires candy to be

boiled to 238 degrees, it will be necessary to boil the candy to 234

degrees because the thermometer registers 4 degrees lower than

it should.

46. The double boiler also finds a place in candy making. For melting

chocolate, coating for bonbons, or fondant for reception wafers, a

utensil of this kind is necessary. One that will answer the purpose very

well may be improvised by putting a smaller pan into a larger one

containing water. In using one of this kind, however, an effort should

be made to have the pans exactly suited to each other in size;

otherwise, the water in the lower pan will be liable to splash into the

pan containing the material that is being heated.

For the coating of bonbons, a coating fork, which is merely a thin wire

twisted to make a handle with a loop at one end, is the most convenient

utensil to use. However, this is not satisfactory for coating with

chocolate, a different method being required for this material.

47. A number of candies, such as fondant, bonbon creams, and cream

centers for chocolates, can be made much more satisfactorily if, after

they are boiled, they are poured on a flat surface to cool. Such

treatment permits them to cool as quickly as possible in a comparatively

thin layer and thus helps to prevent crystallization. When only a small

amount of candy is to be made, a large platter, which is the easiest

utensil to procure, produces fairly good results. For larger amounts,

as, for instance, when candy is being made to sell, some more convenient

arrangement must be made. The most satisfactory thing that has been

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found for cooling purposes is a marble slab such as is found on an

old-fashioned table or dresser. If one of these is not available, and

the kitchen or pastry table has a vitrolite or other heavy top

resembling porcelain, this will make a very good substitute.

48. To prevent the hot candy from running off after it is poured on a

slab or any similar flat surface, a device of some kind should be

provided. A very satisfactory one consists of four metal bars about 3/4

to 1 inch in width and thickness and as long as desired to fit the slab,

but usually about 18 inches in length. They may be procured from a

factory where steel and iron work is done, or they may be purchased from

firms selling candy-making supplies. These bars are merely placed on top

of the slab or flat surface with the corners carefully fitted and the

candy is then poured in the space between the bars. When it is desired

to pour out fudge, caramels, and similar candies to harden before

cutting, the metal bars may be fitted together and then placed on the

slab in such a way as to be most convenient. Fudge, however, may be

cooled satisfactorily in the pan in which it is cooked if the cooling is

done very rapidly.

49. A satisfactory cooling slab may be improvised by fastening four

pieces of wood together so as to fit the outside edge of the slab and

extend an inch or more above the surface. If such a device is used,

plaster of Paris should be poured around the edge of the slab to fill

any space between the wood and the slab. In using a slab or similar

surface for purposes of this kind, a point that should be remembered is

that a part of it should never be greased, but should be reserved for

the cooling of fondant and certain kinds of center creams, which require

only a moistened surface.

50. Many of the candies that are turned out on a flat surface must be

worked to make them creamy. For this purpose, nothing is quite so

satisfactory as a putty knife or a wallpaper scraper. If a platter is

used, a putty knife is preferable, for it has a narrower blade than a

wallpaper scraper; but where candy is made in quantity and a large slab

is used, the larger scraper does the work better. For use with a

platter, a spoon is perhaps the best utensil when a putty knife is not

in supply.

51. Scales are valuable in candy making because they permit exact

measurements to be made. However, they are not an actual necessity, for

almost all recipes give the ingredients by measure, and even if this is

not done, they may be purchased in the desired weight or transposed into

equivalent measure. Scales, of course, are required if it is desired to

weigh out candy in small amounts or in boxes after it is made.

52. Waxed paper is a valuable addition to candy-making supplies, there

being many occasions for its use. For instance, caramels and certain

other candies must be wrapped and waxed paper is the most suitable kind

for this purpose. Then, too, chocolate-coated candies and bonbons must

be placed on a smooth surface to which they will not stick. Waxed paper

is largely used for this purpose, although candy makers often prefer

white oilcloth, because its surface is ideal and it can be cleansed and

used repeatedly. Often a candy- or cracker-box lining that has been

pressed smooth with a warm iron may be utilized. For such purposes, as

when reception wafers are to be dropped, it is necessary that the

surface of the paper used be absolutely unwrinkled.

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53. WEATHER CONDITIONS.--If uniformly good results are desired in candy

making, certain points that determine the success or failure of many

candies, although seemingly unimportant, must be observed. Among these,

weather conditions form such a large factor that they cannot be

disregarded. A cool, clear day, when the atmosphere is fairly dry, is

the ideal time for the making of all kinds of candies. Warm weather is

not favorable, because the candy does not cool rapidly enough after

being cooked. Damp weather is very bad for the making of such candies as

the creamy ones that are made with egg white and that are desired to be

as soft as possible and still in condition to handle. In view of these

facts, candy should be made preferably on days when the weather is

favorable if the element of uncertainty, so far as results are

concerned, would be eliminated.

54. COMBINING THE SUGAR AND LIQUID.--The proportion of liquid and sugar

to use in making candy varies to some extent with the kind of

ingredients used and with the quantity of candy being made. In the

making of quantities up to several pounds, the usual proportion is

one-third as much liquid as sugar, but with larger amounts of sugar

the quantity of liquid may be slightly decreased.

With the quantities decided on, mix the sugar and liquid and put them

over the fire to boil. Stir at first to prevent the sugar from settling

and burning, continuing the stirring either constantly or at intervals

until the boiling begins. At this point, discontinue the stirring if

possible. Mixtures that do not contain milk usually require no further

stirring, and many times stirring is unnecessary even in those which do

contain milk; but whenever any stirring is required, as little as

possible should be done. The rule that applies in this connection is

that the sugar should be entirely dissolved before the boiling begins

and that all unnecessary agitation should then cease.

55. BOILING THE MIXTURE.--When the mixture begins to boil, wash down the

sides of the kettle with a small cloth wet with clean water. This

treatment should not be omitted if especially nice candy is desired, for

it removes all undissolved sugar and helps to prevent crystallization

later. In case merely sugar and water make up the ingredients, a cover

may be placed on the kettle; then the steam that is retained will keep

any sirup that may splash on the sides from crystallizing. This cannot

be done, however, with mixtures containing milk and butter, for they

will in all probability boil over.

56. The boiling of candy should be carried on quickly, for slow boiling

often proves a disadvantage. A sugar-and-water mixture may, of course,

be boiled more rapidly than any other kind, because there is not the

danger of its boiling over nor of burning before the water is evaporated

that there is with a mixture containing material that may settle and

burn. It should be remembered that candy does not begin to burn until

the water has entirely evaporated.

57. The length of time candy should boil is also a matter to which

attention should be given. This depends somewhat on the kind that is

being made, but largely on the rapidity with which the boiling is

carried on. Thus, to time the boiling of candy is the most uncertain way

of determining when the boiling has continued long enough. The

inaccuracy of measurement, the size and shape of the pan, and the rate

of speed in boiling cause a variation in the time required.

Consequently, it would be rather difficult for the same person to get

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identical conditions twice and much more difficult for two persons to

produce the same results.

58. TESTING CANDY.--Since accurate results cannot be obtained by timing

the boiling of candy, other tests must be found that will be reliable.

As has already been stated, a thermometer is perhaps the most accurate

means that can be adopted for this purpose. However, if one is not

available, the testing of a small quantity of the hot mixture by cooling

it in cold water will be found to be fairly accurate. Ice water is not

necessary nor particularly desirable for this kind of testing. In fact,

water just as it comes from the faucet is the best, as it is quickly

obtained and its temperature will not vary greatly except in very hot or

very cold weather. Of course, to make an extremely accurate test of this

kind, it would be necessary always to have the water at the same

temperature, a condition that can be determined only by testing the

temperature, but such accuracy is not usually required.

If the thermometer is used, all that need be done is to insert it into

the candy and allow it to remain there until the temperature is

registered. In case it does not reach the right temperature the first

time, keep the mixture boiling until it registers the temperature that

is decided on as the correct one.

59. To test the mixture by the water method, allow it to boil almost

long enough to be done, and then try it at close intervals when it is

nearing the end of the boiling. Dip a little of the sirup into a spoon

and drop it slowly into a cup containing a little water. Not much sirup

is needed for the test, a few drops being sufficient. Gather the drops

together with the tips of the fingers and judge from the ball that forms

whether the candy has boiled sufficiently or not. If the ball is not of

the right consistency, boil the candy a little longer, and test again.

Be sure, however, to get fresh water for each test. When the candy is

nearing the final test, and it is thought that the mixture has boiled

enough, remove the pan from the heat while the test is being made so

that the boiling will not be continued too long.

60. To assist in making the tests for candy properly, Table I is given.

This table shows both the water test and the corresponding temperature

test for the representative variety of the leading classes of candies.

In each one of these classes there are, of course, a number of varieties

which may cause a slight variation in some of the tests, but on the

whole these tests are uniform and can be relied on for practically

all candies.



Classes Water Test Temperature Test

Degrees Fahrenheit

Center Cream......Soft ball 234 to 236

Fudge.............Firm ball 238 to 240

Caramels..........Hard ball 246 to 248

Taffies..........Brittle ball 256 to 260

When candy is cooked long enough to form a soft ball, it can just be

gathered together and held in the fingers. If it is held for any length

of time, the warmth of the fingers softens it greatly and causes it to

lose its form. This test is used for candies, such as soft-center

cream. It will be found that when candy boiled to this degree is

finished, it can scarcely be handled.

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The firm ball is the stage just following the soft ball. It will keep

its shape when held in the fingers for some time. This is the test for

fudge, bonbon creams, and similar candies that are creamed and are

expected to be hard and dry enough to handle when they are finished.

To form a hard ball, candy must be cooked longer than for the firm

ball. At this stage, the ball that is formed may be rolled in the finger

tips. It is not so hard, however, that an impression cannot be made in

it with the fingers. It is the test for caramels, soft butter scotch,

sea foam, and many other candies.

A brittle ball is the result of any temperature beyond 256 degrees up

to the point where the sugar would begin to burn. It is hard enough to

make a sound when struck against the side of the cup or to crack when an

attempt is made to break it. This is the test that is made for taffy and

other hard candies.


61. After the testing of the mixture proves that it is boiled

sufficiently, there are several procedures that may be followed. The one

to adopt depends on the kind of candy that is being made, but every

candy that is cooked should be cooled by one of the following methods.

62. The first treatment consists in pouring the mixture at once from the

pan to be finished without cooling, as, for instance, caramels and

butter scotch, which are poured at once into a buttered pan to be cooled

and cut; or, the hot sirup may be poured upon beaten egg whites, as in

the case of sea foam or penuchie. In the making of either of these

kinds, the sirup may be allowed to drip as completely as possible from

the pan without injury to the finished product.

63. The second method by which the mixture is cooled calls for cooling

the sirup in the pan in which it was cooked, as, for instance, in the

case of fudge. When this is done, the pan should be carried from the

stove to the place where the mixture is to be cooled with as little

agitation as possible. Also, during the cooling, it should not be

disturbed in any way. Stirring it even a little is apt to start

crystallization and the candy will then be grainy instead of creamy.

64. In the third form of treatment, the sirup is poured out and then

cooled before it is stirred to make it creamy, as in opera creams or

bonbon creams. To accomplish this, the pan should be tipped quickly and

all its contents turned out at once. It should not be allowed to drip

even a few drops, for this dripping starts the crystallization. Candies

that contain milk or butter, or sticky materials, such as taffies,

should always be poured on a buttered surface. Those which are cooked

with water but are to be creamed should be poured on a surface moistened

with cold water.

65. When candy mixtures are cooled before being completed, the cooling

should be carried to the point where no heat is felt when the candy is

touched. To test it, the backs of the fingers should be laid lightly on

the surface of the candy, as they will not be so likely to stick as the

moist tips on the palm side. It should be remembered that the surface

must not be disturbed in the testing, as this is also apt to bring about


Every precaution should be taken to prevent even the smallest amount of

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crystallization. Any crystals that may have formed can be easily

detected when the stirring is begun by the scraping that can be felt by

the spoon or paddle used. If a little crystallization has taken place

before the candy has cooled completely, it being easily seen in the

clear sirup, the mixture should be cooled still further, for nothing is

gained by stirring it at once.

A point that should always be kept in mind in the cooling of candy is

that it should be cooled as quickly as possible. However, a refrigerator

should not be used for cooling, for the warm mixture raises the

temperature of the refrigerator and wastes the ice and at the same time

the moist atmosphere does not bring about the best results. As has

already been learned, a platter or a slab is very satisfactory. If

either of these is used, it should be as cold as possible when the sirup

is poured on it. Cold weather, of course, simplifies this matter

greatly, but if no better way is afforded, the utensil used should be

cooled with cold water.


66. The treatment through which candy mixtures are put after being

cooled varies with the kind of candy being made. Some mixtures, as

fudge, are beaten until creamy in the pan in which they are cooked.

Others are worked on a platter or a slab with the proper kind of

utensil. These are usually treated in a rather elaborate way, being

often coated with bonbon cream or with chocolate. Still others, such as

taffy, are pulled until light in color and then cut into small pieces

with a pair of scissors. Again, certain candies, after being poured into

a pan, are allowed to become hard and then cut into squares or broken

into pieces. Usually candies made in the home are served without being

wrapped, but when certain varieties are to be packed, it is advisable to

wrap them. Directions for finishing confections in these different ways

are here given.

67. MARKING AND CUTTING CANDIES.--Much of the success of certain candies

depends on their treatment after being cooled. Those which must be

beaten in the pan until they are creamy should be beaten just as long as

possible. Then, if the surface is not smooth when they are poured out,

pat it out with the palm of the hand after the candy has hardened a

little. As soon as it has hardened sufficiently to remain as it is

marked and not run together, mark it in pieces of the desired size,

using for this purpose a thin, sharp knife. Be careful to have the lines

straight and the pieces even in size. Generally, candy that is treated

in this manner is cut into squares, although it may be cut into other

shapes if desired.

68. COATING CANDIES WITH BONBON CREAM.--When especially nice candy is

desired for a special occasion, it is often made into small pieces and

then coated with bonbon cream. A large number of the centers to be

coated should be made up before the coating is begun. In fact, if it is

possible, all the centers should be made first and then the coating can

proceed without interruption. The cream to be used for coating may be

flavored or colored in any desirable way. Any flavoring or coloring that

is to be used, however, should be added while the cream is melting.

69. To coat with bonbon cream, put the cream in a double boiler without

any water and allow it to melt with as little stirring as possible. It

is best to use a small double boiler for this purpose and not to melt

too much of the cream at one time, as it is apt to become grainy if it

is used too long for dipping. When it has melted to the extent that the

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coating will not be too thick after it has cooled, the dipping of the

candies may begin. As soon as it is found that no more centers can be

dipped in the cream, melt some fresh cream for the remaining centers,

but do not add it to that which has been used before. Instead, use the

first up as closely as possible and then drop the remainder by spoonfuls

on waxed paper. With all of it used, wash and dry the inner pan of the

double boiler and start again with a fresh lot of the cream.

70. To coat the centers, drop one at a time into the melted cream and

turn over with a coating fork or an ordinary table fork. When the

surface is entirely covered, lift out of the cream with the fork and

allow any superfluous coating to drip off. Then drop the coated bonbons

on waxed paper, to cool. While this work may prove a little difficult at

first, it can be done with dexterity after a little practice. If an

effort is made to have the centers uniform in size and shape, the

finished candies will have the same appearance. While the cream is soft,

tiny pieces of candied fruit or nuts may be pressed into the coating to

decorate the bonbons.

71. COATING WITH CHOCOLATE.--Candies coated with chocolate are always

desirable; so it is well for any one who aspires toward confection

making to become proficient in this phase of the work. The centers

should, of course, be prepared first and put in a convenient place on

the table where the coating is to be done. They may be made in any

desired size and shape.

If it is possible to secure a regular coating chocolate, this should be

obtained, for it produces better results than does a chocolate that can

be prepared. However, unless one lives in a place where confectioner's

supplies are on sale, it is almost impossible to purchase a chocolate of

this kind. In such an event, a substitute that will prove very

satisfactory for candy to be eaten in the home and not to be sold may be

made as follows:


4 oz. milk chocolate

2 oz. bitter chocolate

1/2 oz. paraffin

To prepare the chocolate, put all the ingredients in a double boiler and

allow them to melt, being careful that not a single drop of water nor

other foreign substance falls into the mixture. Do not cover the boiler,

for then the steam will condense on the inside of the cover and fall

into the chocolate. As this will spoil the chocolate so that it cannot

be used for coating, the pan in which the chocolate is melted should

always be allowed to remain open. The paraffin used helps to harden the

chocolate after it is put on the centers; this is a particular

advantage at any time, but especially when chocolates are made in

warm weather.

72. When the chocolate HAS COMPLETELY MELTED, dip some of it into a

small bowl or other dish or utensil having a round bottom and keep the

rest over the heat so that it will not harden. With a spoon, beat that

which is put into the bowl until it is cool enough to permit the fingers

being put into it. Then work it with the fingers until all the heat is

out of it and it begins to thicken. It may be tested at this point by

putting one of the centers into it. If it is found to be too thin, it

will run off the candy and make large, flat edges on the bottom. In such

an event, work it and cool it a little more. When it is of the proper

thickness, put the centers in, one at a time, and cover them completely

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with the chocolate and place them on waxed paper or white oilcloth to

harden. As they harden, it will be found that they will gradually grow

dull. No attempt whatever should be made to pick up these candies until

they are entirely cold. This process is sometimes considered

objectionable because of the use of the bare hands, but chocolate

coating cannot be so successfully done in any other way as with the

fingers. Therefore, any aversion to this method should be overcome if

good results are desired.

73. When the chocolate begins to harden in the bowl and consequently is

difficult to work with, add more of the hot chocolate from the double

boiler to it. It will be necessary, however, to beat the chocolate and

work it with the fingers each time some is added, for otherwise the

coating will not be desirable. So as to overcome the necessity of doing

this often, a fairly large amount may be cooled and worked at one time.

Care should be taken to cover each center completely or its quality will

deteriorate upon standing. With conditions right, the centers of

chocolates and bonbons should soften and improve for a short time after

being made, but chocolate-coated candies will keep longer than bonbons,

as the coating does not deteriorate.

74. WRAPPING CANDIES.--Such candies as caramels, certain kinds of

taffies, and even chocolates are often wrapped in waxed paper,

especially if they are to be packed in boxes. When this is to be done,

cut the paper into pieces of the proper size and then wrap each piece

separately. The best way to prepare the paper is to fold several sheets

until they are the desired size and then cut them with a sharp knife.

If a pair of scissors is used for this purpose, they are apt to slip

and cut the paper crooked. The method of wrapping depends on the candy

itself. Caramels are wrapped in square pieces whose ends are folded in

neatly, while taffy in the form of kisses is rolled in the paper and

the ends are twisted to fasten the wrapping.

* * * * *




75. TAFFY is probably one of the simplest candies that can be made.

Indeed, if candy of this kind is boiled long enough, it is almost

impossible to have unsatisfactory results. Taffies are usually made from

white sugar, but a variety of flavors may be obtained by the use of

different ingredients and flavors. For instance, molasses is used for

some taffies, maple sirup for others, and brown sugar for others, and

all of these offer an opportunity for variety. Then, again, taffy made

from white sugar may be varied by means of many delightful colors and

flavors. Melted chocolate or cocoa also makes a delightful

chocolate-flavored taffy. Recipes for all of these varieties are here

given, together with a number of recipes for closely related

confections, such as butter scotch, glace nuts and fruits, peanut

brittle, and nut bars.

76. METHODS OF TREATING TAFFY.--Taffy may be poured out in a pan,

allowed to become entirely cold, and then broken into irregular pieces

for serving, or it may be pulled and then cut in small pieces with a

pair of scissors. If it is to be pulled, it should be poured from the

pan in which it is cooked into flat pans or plates and set aside to

cool. As soon as it is cool enough to handle, it may be taken from the

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pans and pulled. It will be found that the edges will cool and harden

first. These should be pulled toward the center and folded so that they

will warm against the center and form a new edge. If this is done two or

three times during the cooling, the candy will cool evenly and be ready

to take up into the hands. The pulling may then begin at once. If it has

been cooked enough, it will not stick to the hands during the pulling.

It is usually wise, however, to take the precaution of dusting the hands

with corn starch before starting to pull the candy. Grease should never

be used for this purpose. When taffy is made in quantities, the work of

pulling it is greatly lessened by stretching it over a large hook

fastened securely to a wall.


77. VANILLA TAFFY.--The taffy explained in the accompanying recipe is

flavored with vanilla and when pulled is white in color. However, it may

be made in different colors and flavors by merely substituting the

desired flavor for the vanilla and using the coloring preferred. This

recipe may also be used for chocolate taffy by adding melted chocolate

just before the taffy has finished boiling.


4 c. sugar

1/4 tsp. cream of tartar

1 Tb. vinegar

1 c. boiling water

2 Tb. butter

1 tsp. vanilla

To the sugar, add the cream of tartar, vinegar, and boiling water. Place

over the fire and boil until it will form a brittle ball when tested in

cold water or will register at least 260 degrees on a thermometer. Just

before the boiling is completed, add the butter. Remove from the fire,

add the vanilla, pour in a shallow layer in a buttered pan or plate.

Cool and pull. When the taffy has been pulled until it is perfectly

white and is hard enough to retain its shape, twist it into a long, thin

rope and cut with a pair of scissors into inch lengths.

78. BUTTER TAFFY.--Another variety of taffy flavored with vanilla is the

one given in the accompanying recipe. It is called butter taffy because

butter is used in a rather large amount for flavoring. It will be noted,

also, that brown sugar and corn sirup are two of the ingredients. These,

with the butter, give the taffy a very delightful flavor.


2 c. light-brown sugar

1 c. white sugar

1/2 c. corn sirup

1 Tb. vinegar

3/4 c. boiling water

1/4 butter

1 tsp. vanilla

Mix all the ingredients except the butter and vanilla. Place over the

fire and boil until a brittle ball will form in cold water or a

temperature of 260 degrees is reached. Just before the boiling has been

completed, add the butter. Remove from the fire, add the vanilla, and

pour in a thin layer into greased pans or plates. Cool, pull, and cut.

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79. MOLASSES TAFFY.--Of all the taffies, that made with molasses is

nearly always the favorite. A light cane molasses that is not very

strong in flavor is the preferred kind for this candy. When cut into

round flat pieces and wrapped in waxed paper, molasses taffy appeals to

both old and young.


2 c. light cane molasses

1 c. sugar

2 Tb. vinegar

1/2 c. boiling water

2 Tb. butter

Mix all the ingredients except the butter. Cook until a brittle ball

will form or a temperature of 264 degrees is reached on the thermometer.

Add the butter just before the boiling is completed. Remove from the

fire, pour into greased pans or plates, and allow it to become cool

enough to handle. Then pull and cut.

80. CHEWING TAFFY.--A taffy that is hard enough not to be sticky and

still soft enough to chew easily is often desired. Chewing taffy, which

is explained in the accompanying recipe, is a candy of this kind. After

being pulled, it may be cut as other taffy is cut or it may be piled in

a mass and chopped into pieces.


1/2 Tb. unflavored gelatine

2 c. sugar

1-1/2 c. corn sirup

1-1/4 c. milk

2 Tb. butter

Vanilla and lemon

Put the gelatine to soak in a few tablespoonfuls of cold water. Cook the

sugar, sirup, and milk until the mixture will form a hard ball that may

be dented with the fingers or it reaches a temperature of 252 degrees.

Stir the mixture gently to prevent burning. Remove from the fire and add

the butter. Take the gelatine from the water, squeeze it as dry as

possible, and add it to the hot mixture, stirring until it is entirely

dissolved. Pour on a greased surface, cool, and pull until it is a

light-cream color. While pulling, flavor with vanilla and a few drops of

lemon. Stretch into a long thin rope and cut into inch lengths or pile

in a mass and chop into pieces.

81. BUTTER SCOTCH.--Closely related to taffies so far as ingredients are

concerned is candy known as butter scotch. This variety, however, is

not pulled as are the taffies, but is allowed to become cool and then

marked in squares which are broken apart when the candy is

entirely cold.


2 c. white sugar

2 c. brown sugar

1/4 c. corn sirup

1 Tb. vinegar

1/4 tsp. cream of tartar

1/4 c. butter

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1 tsp. lemon extract

Mix all the ingredients except the butter and the lemon extract. Boil

until a hard ball will form or 256 degrees register on the thermometer.

Just before the boiling is completed, add the butter, and when the

mixture has been removed from the fire, add the lemon extract. Pour into

a greased pan, and before it has entirely cooled, cut into squares with

a knife. When cold and desired for serving, remove from the pan and

break the squares apart. If desired, candy of this kind may be allowed

to become entirely cold without cutting and then broken into irregular

pieces just before being served.

82. MARSHMALLOWS COATED WITH BUTTER SCOTCH.--A delightful confection may

be made by covering marshmallows with hot butter scotch. To accomplish

this, drop the marshmallows with a coating fork or an ordinary table

fork into hot butter scotch that has just finished cooking. Remove them

quickly, but see that the marshmallows are entirely covered. Drop on a

buttered pan or plate and set aside to cool.

83. GLACE NUTS AND FRUITS.--Nuts and fruits covered with a clear, hard

candy are known as glace nuts and fruits. These are a very delightful

confection, and can easily be made if the accompanying directions are

carefully followed. Nuts of any variety may be used for this purpose,

and such nuts as almonds need not be blanched. Candied cherries, candied

pineapple, pressed figs, dates, and raisins are the fruits that are

usually glaced. Confections of this kind should be eaten while fresh or

kept in a closed receptacle in a dry place.


Fruits and nuts

2 c. granulated sugar

1/8 tsp. cream of tartar

3/4 c. water

1 tsp. vanilla

Prepare the nuts by shelling them and, if necessary, roasting them, and

the fruits by cutting them into small strips or cubes. Mix the sugar and

cream of tartar and add the water. Cook until it will form a very

brittle ball in water, will spin hair-like threads when drops of it fall

from the spoon, or registers 290 degrees on the thermometer. Remove from

the fire and put in a convenient place for the dipping of the fruit and

nuts. Drop these into the hot sirup, one at a time, with a coating fork

or an ordinary table fork. When entirely covered with the sirup, remove

and drop on greased plates or pans.

84. PEANUT BRITTLE.--Peanuts are often used in confection making and are

very much liked by the majority of persons. They come in two general

varieties, which may be roasted before use or used unroasted, and it is

well for the housewife to understand the difference between them. One

variety is the large, oblong peanut generally sold at peanut stands and

used for the salted peanuts sold in confectionery stores. The other is

the variety known as Spanish peanuts, which are small and round. For

some candies, it is necessary that the peanuts be roasted and the skins

removed, while for others unroasted peanuts with the skins on are

desirable. To remove the skins from unroasted peanuts, they must be

blanched by immersing them in boiling water until the skins will slip

off easily, but in the case of roasted peanuts, the skins may be removed

without blanching.

85. Peanut brittle is one of the candies in which peanuts are used. As

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its name implies, it is very thin and brittle and it usually contains a

great many peanuts. Two recipes for candy of this kind are here given,

one requiring peanuts that are roasted and blanched and the other,

peanuts that are unroasted and not blanched.


2 c. sugar

1/2 lb. shelled, roasted peanuts

Put the sugar in a saucepan without any water. Place it over a slow fire

and allow it to melt gradually until a clear, reddish-brown liquid is

formed, taking care not to allow it to burn. Have a pan greased and

covered with a thick layer of a large variety of roasted peanuts. Pour

the melted sugar over them and allow it to become hard. Then break into

pieces and serve.


3 c. sugar

1 c. corn sirup

1 c. water

1/4 c. butter

1 lb. raw Spanish peanuts

1 tsp. vanilla

1 Tb. soda

Mix the sugar, sirup, and water and place it over the fire. Boil until

a hard ball will form or a temperature of 250 degrees is reached on the

thermometer. Add the butter and the peanuts without removing their brown

skins. Allow to cook, stirring all the time, until the mixture begins to

turn a light brown and the skins of the peanuts pop open, showing that

the peanuts are roasted. Remove from the fire, add the vanilla and the

soda and stir rapidly. Then pour the mixture, which will become thick

upon the addition of the soda, on a flat, greased surface. A slab is

better for this purpose than anything else, but if this cannot be

obtained a metal or other hard table top may be used. When the candy

begins to get stiff, loosen it from the surface on which it was poured,

cut it into two pieces, and turn each over; or, if it can be handled

without cutting, turn the entire piece over. Then stretch the candy

until it is just as thin as possible, beginning around the edge. As it

becomes colder, stretch even thinner. When entirely cool, break into

pieces and serve.

86. NUT BARS.--Another excellent nut candy can be made by pouring a

sirup made of sugar, corn sirup, and water over a thick layer of nuts.

Such fruits as dates and figs or coconut, or a combination of these, may

be used with the nuts, if desired.


2 c. sugar

3/4 c. corn sirup

1/4 c. water

1-1/2 c. shelled nuts

Put the sugar, sirup, and water over the fire and stir until it boils.

Cover and cook until a hard ball will form or a temperature of 254 or

256 degrees is reached. Spread the nuts on a buttered slab or pan, and

to them add fruit or coconut if it is desired to use either of these.

Pour the hot sirup over this until it is about 1 inch in thickness. When

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sufficiently cool, cut in pieces of any desirable size, using a quick,

sliding motion of the knife and pressing down at the same time. Break

into pieces when entirely cold and serve.


87. NATURE OF CARAMELS.--Caramels are included among the popular

candies, and they may be made in many varieties. To plain vanilla

caramels, which are the simplest kind to make, may be added any

desirable color or flavor at the time they are removed from the fire. To

keep caramels from crystallizing after they are boiled, glucose in some

form must be used, and the most convenient kind to secure is corn sirup.

Then, too, caramels will cut more easily and will have less of a sticky

consistency if a small piece of paraffin is boiled with the mixture. The

addition of this material or any wax that is not a food is contrary to

the pure-food laws, and such candy cannot be sold. However, paraffin is

not harmful, but is merely a substance that is not digested, so that the

small amount taken by eating candy in which it is used cannot possibly

cause any injury.

88. In the making of caramels, it should be remembered that good results

depend on boiling the mixture to just the right point. If they are not

boiled enough, they will be too soft to retain their shape when cut, and

if they are cooked too long, they will be brittle. Neither of these

conditions is the proper consistency for caramels. To be right, they

must be boiled until a temperature of 246 to 248 degrees is reached.

However, chocolate caramels need not be boiled so long, as the chocolate

helps to harden them.

89. PLAIN CARAMELS.--The accompanying recipe for plain caramels may be

made just as it is given, or to it may be added any flavoring or

coloring desired. A pink color and strawberry flavor are very often

found in caramels and are considered to be a delicious combination. As

will be noted, white sugar is called for, but if more of a caramel

flavor is preferred, brown sugar may be used instead of white. Maple

sugar may also be used in candy of this kind. Nuts, fruits, or coconut,

or any mixture of these materials, improves plain caramels wonderfully.

If they are used, they should be stirred into the mixture at the time it

is removed from the fire.


3 c. milk

3 c. sugar

1-1/2 c. corn sirup

The milk used for making caramels should be as rich as possible; in

fact, if cream can be used, the candy will be very much better. Add half

of the milk to the sugar and sirup and put over the fire to cook. Allow

this mixture to boil until a soft ball will form when dropped in water,

stirring when necessary to prevent burning. Then gradually add the

remaining milk without stopping the boiling if possible. Cook again

until a temperature of 248 degrees will register on the thermometer or a

fairly hard ball will form when tried in water. In the water test, the

ball, when thoroughly cold, should have exactly the same consistency as

the finished caramels. Toward the end of the boiling, it is necessary to

stir the mixture almost constantly to prevent it from burning. When

done, pour it out on a buttered slab or some other flat surface and

allow it to become cool. Then cut the candy into squares from 3/4 to 1

inch in size, cutting with a sliding pressure, that is, bearing down and

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away from you at the same time.

If the caramels are to be packed or kept for any length of time, it is

well to wrap them in waxed paper. Before attempting to use caramels,

however, they should be allowed to stand overnight in a cool, dry place,

but not in a refrigerator.

90. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS.--When chocolate caramels are made, the chocolate

should be added just before the cooking is finished. The amount of

chocolate to be used may be varied to suit the taste, but 2 squares are

usually considered sufficient for the quantities given in the

accompanying recipe.


1 c. molasses or 1 c. maple sirup

1/2 c. corn sirup

2 c. sugar

1 pt. milk

2 Tb. butter

2 sq. chocolate

Pinch of salt

1 tsp. vanilla

Cook the molasses or maple sirup, the corn sirup, and the sugar with 1

cupful of the milk until the mixture will form a soft ball in cold

water. Then add the remainder of the milk and cook until the mixture is

thick. Add the butter, chocolate, and salt, and cook until a hard ball

will form in cold water or a temperature of 248 degrees is reached,

stirring constantly to prevent burning. Add the vanilla, pour on a

buttered surface, cool, cut, and serve.

* * * * *



91. There are numerous varieties of cream candies, some of which must be

made with great care while others may be made quickly and easily. For

instance, fudge, penuchie, divinity, and sea foam are examples of cream

candies that do not require long preparation, but these must generally

be used up quickly, as they do not stay soft upon exposure to the air

unless it is very moist. On the other hand, such cream candies as opera

cream, fondant, center cream, and orientals require both care and time

in their preparation. If these are properly looked after, they may be

kept for some time. In fact, it is necessary that some of them stand for

several days before they can be made into the numerous varieties to

which they lend themselves.

The main point to consider in the preparation of all cream candies is

that crystallization of the sugar, which is commonly called graining,

must be prevented if a creamy mixture is to be the result. Candies of

this kind are not palatable unless they are soft and creamy. However, no

difficulty will be experienced in preparing delicious cream candies if

the principles of candy making previously given are applied.


92. FUDGE NO. 1.--Probably no other candy is so well known and so often

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made as fudge. Even persons little experienced in candy making have

success with candy of this kind. Another advantage of fudge is that it

can be made up quickly, very little time being required in its

preparation. Several varieties of fudge may be made, the one given in

the accompanying recipe being a chocolate fudge containing a small

quantity of corn starch.


3 c. sugar

1-1/4 c. milk

2 Tb. butter

Pinch of salt

2 sq. chocolate

1 Tb. corn starch

3 Tb. water

1 tsp. vanilla

Mix the sugar, milk, butter, and salt and boil until a very soft ball

will form in water. Then add the chocolate and the corn starch, which

has been moistened with the cold water. Boil to a temperature of 236

degrees or until a ball that will hold together well and may be handled

is formed in cold water. Remove from the fire and allow the mixture to

cool until there is practically no heat in it. Add the vanilla, beat

until thick, pour into a buttered pan, cut into squares, and serve.

93. FUDGE NO. 2.--A fudge containing corn sirup is liked by many

persons. It has a slightly different flavor from the other variety of

fudge, but is just as creamy if the directions are carefully followed.


3/4 c. milk

2 c. sugar

1/4 c. corn sirup

2 Tb. butter

Pinch of salt

2 sq. chocolate

1 tsp. vanilla

Cook the milk, sugar, corn sirup, butter, and salt until the mixture

will form a very soft ball when tried in water. Add the chocolate and

cook again until a soft ball that can be handled will form or the

thermometer registers 236 degrees. Remove from the fire, cool without

stirring until entirely cold, and then add the vanilla. Beat until

creamy, pour into buttered pans, cut into squares, and serve.

94. TWO LAYER FUDGE.--A very attractive as well as delicious fudge can

be had by making it in two layers, one white and one dark. The dark

layer contains chocolate while the white one is the same mixture, with

the exception of the chocolate. The layers may be arranged with either

the white or the dark layer on top, as preferred.


4 c. sugar

1-1/2 c. milk

6 Tb. corn sirup

2 Tb. butter

Pinch of salt

2 sq. chocolate

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1 tsp. vanilla

Mix the sugar, milk, corn sirup, butter, and salt, and cook until a very

soft ball will form. Transfer half of the mixture to another pan and add

to it the chocolate, which has been melted. Boil each mixture until it

tests 238 degrees with the thermometer or a soft ball that can be

handled well will form in cold water. Upon removing it from the fire,

add the vanilla, putting half into each mixture. Set aside to cool and

when all the heat is gone, beat one of the mixtures until it becomes

creamy and pour it into a buttered pan. Then beat the other one and

pour it over the first. Cut into squares and serve.

95. BROWN-SUGAR FUDGE.--Fudge in which brown sugar is used for the

largest part of the sweetening is explained in the accompanying recipe.

Peanuts are added, but if desired nuts of any other kind may be used.


2 c. brown sugar

1 c. white sugar

1 c. milk

1 Tb. butter

1 tsp. vanilla

3/4 c. chopped peanuts

Mix the sugar, milk, and butter and boil until a soft ball will form in

cold water or a temperature of 238 degrees is reached on the

thermometer. Remove from the fire, add the vanilla, and cool until the

heat is out of the mixture. Beat, and when the candy begins to grow

creamy, add the chopped nuts. When sufficiently thick, pour into a

buttered pan, cut, and serve.

96. MAPLE PENUCHIE.--Almost any kind of maple candy finds favor with the

majority of persons, but maple penuchie is especially well liked. Nuts

and coconut are used in it, and these improve the flavor very much.


3 c. maple sirup

1/4 tsp. soda

1 c. milk

Few grains of salt

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 c. chopped nuts

1/2 c. shredded coconut

Into the maple sirup, stir the soda, and add the milk and salt. Place

over the fire and boil until a soft ball that can be easily handled will

form in cold water or a temperature of 238 degrees is reached on the

thermometer. Remove from the fire, add the vanilla, and allow the

mixture to become entirely cold. Beat, and when it begins to get thick,

add the nuts and coconut. Continue beating until the candy grows stiff

but can be poured out. Pour in a buttered pan, cut, and serve.

97. DIVINITY.--An excellent confection known as divinity can be made

with very little difficulty if the accompanying recipe is carefully

followed. Nuts and raisins are used in this confection, but if desired

they may be omitted. As divinity is dropped from a spoon on oiled paper,

care should be taken not to boil the mixture too long, or it will be

necessary to work very rapidly in order to drop all of it before it

becomes too dry.

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1/3 c. corn sirup

1/2 c. water

2 c. sugar

1 egg white

1 tsp. vanilla

1/4 c. nuts

1/4 c. raisins

Boil the sirup, water, and sugar together until a fairly hard ball will

form in cold water or the mixture registers 240 degrees on the

thermometer, which is a trifle harder than the fudge mixture. Beat the

egg white until it is stiff but not dry. Over this pour the hot mixture

a drop at a time until it can be added faster without cooking the egg

white. Beat rapidly until all the sirup is added, stir in the vanilla,

and when fairly stiff add the nuts and raisins. Continue beating until

the mixture will stand alone, and then drop by spoonfuls on oiled paper

or a buttered surface. When dry enough to handle, divinity may

be served.

98. SEA FOAM.--Another candy in which a cooked sirup is poured over

beaten egg white is known as sea foam. Candies of this kind should be

served at once, for they are apt to become dry and hard if they are

allowed to stand.


2 c. light-brown sugar

1/2 c. water

Pinch of salt

1 egg white

1 tsp. vanilla

Boil the sugar, water, and salt until a fairly hard ball will form or

the thermometer registers 240 degrees. Beat the egg white stiff, but not

dry. Pour the hot sirup over the egg white, a drop at a time at first,

and then as fast as possible without cooking the egg white. Add the

vanilla and continue beating the mixture until it will stand alone. Drop

by spoonfuls on a buttered surface or oiled paper. When sufficiently

dry, remove from the surface and serve.


99. NATURE OF FONDANT.--Fondant is the foundation cream out of which

bonbons and various other fancy candies are made. It is also used for

stuffing dates, taking the place of the pit. While it is not so

desirable for the centers of chocolate creams as for most of the other

candies for which it is used, it can, of course, be coated with

chocolate if desired. Some persons have an idea that fondant and related

candies are difficult to make, but if directions are followed

carefully this will not be the case.

100. In the first place, it should be remembered that the weather is an

important factor in the success of candy of this kind. A clear, cold day

should be selected, for it is difficult to make fondant successfully on

a warm or a damp day. Then, too, it is an excellent plan to make more

than can be used at one time, for no greater labor will be involved in

the making of a large amount than a small amount and better results may

be expected. If the fondant material is cared for properly, small

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quantities of it may be made up as desired. Therefore, if convenient

equipment is on hand for making candies of this type, no less than 2-1/2

pounds should be made at one time. Five pounds is a preferable amount,

but, if desired, 10 pounds may be made up at one time, although this

amount is about as much as one person can handle and even this is

somewhat difficult for some to work up.

A little ingenuity on the part of the person making up the fondant will

result in many delightful bonbons. Candied fruits, nuts, coconut, and

numerous varieties of flavoring and coloring may be utilized very

successfully with fondant. It should be remembered, however, that

bonbons do not keep fresh for more than a few days or a week at the most

if they are exposed to the air. If it is desired to keep them for any

length of time, they should be packed in a tin box, but when stored in

this way, different colors should not be placed next to each other or

they will mix.

101. FONDANT.--As will be noted, the accompanying recipe for fondant

calls for 5 pounds of sugar. It is not necessary that all of the fondant

be worked up at once. Indeed, it is suggested that this amount be

prepared and then stored so that the fondant may be used as needed. If a

smaller amount should be desired, half of each ingredient may be used.


5 lb. sugar

1 qt. water

6 drops acetic acid or 1/4 tsp. cream tartar

Mix the sugar, water, and acetic acid or cream of tartar. Place over the

fire and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Just before the mixture

begins to boil, wash down the sides of the kettle with a wet cloth.

Then place a lid over the kettle and cook until almost ready to test.

Remove the cover and insert a thermometer, which should register 238

degrees. If the fondant is to be stored for some time, it may be boiled

to 240 degrees, but for general use a mixture that reaches a

temperature of 238 degrees will be the most satisfactory. If the water

test is applied, the mixture should form a firm ball that can be easily

held in the fingers. Just before the boiling is completed, cool a large

platter or a slab and moisten it by wetting it with a damp cloth.

No time should intervene between the end of the boiling and the removal

of the sirup from the stove, for every second that the sirup is allowed

to stand over the hot burner before it is poured out will raise the

temperature. Pour quickly on the platter and do not allow it to drip.

If some sirup is left in the pan, utilize it for something else, rather

than allow it to drop on the surface of the candy in the platter or

slab. It is at this point that crystallization begins, and the fondant,

instead of being creamy, will become grainy. Cool as quickly as

possible, so as to lessen the chances for crystallization to begin, and

do not disturb the sirup in any way during the cooling. The best way in

which to accomplish this is to put the platter in a cool place and make

it perfectly level before the sirup is poured into it.

When the mixture has cooled to the extent that it no longer retains any

heat, it is ready to be stirred. As already explained, a putty knife or

a wallpaper scraper is the most satisfactory utensil to use for this

purpose, especially if a large batch is being made. However, a small

batch may be stirred very successfully with a case knife. With whatever

utensil is selected, scrape the fondant up into a heap, and then start

the working. See that all parts are worked alike. Continue the

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operation, occasionally scraping off the knife or the paddle used. The

first indication of the creaming stage will be a cloudy look in the

mixture and a slight thinning of it, so that the work will be easier

for a few minutes. It will then gradually begin to harden, and when the

end of the work is reached the hardening will progress rapidly. At this

stage, try to get the mass together, see that no loose fragments cling

to the platter, and pile all into a heap. By the time the working is

completed, the candy will be rather hard and will look as if it can

never be worked into a soft, creamy candy. It will become soft, however,

by the proper treatment.

Wring a clean towel or napkin out of cold water, and place it tightly

over the mass of fondant and tuck it in securely around the edges.

Allow the candy to stand for an hour in this way. At the end of this

time it will be sufficiently moist to work in any desired way. With a

knife or a scraper, break it off into pieces of a size that can be

handled well at one time and work each one of these soft by squeezing

it in the manner shown in Fig. 12. When all of the pieces have been

worked soft, pack them into a bowl and continue working until all the

fondant has been worked together and is soft. Over the top of the bowl,

place a damp cloth and cover this with a plate or an earthen cover. Set

away in some place where it will remain cool, but will not become too

moist, until it is desired for further use.

The four recipes that follow show how fondant can be made up into

attractive as well as delicious confections. They will doubtless give

the housewife other ideas as to ways of preparing candies from this

foundation material.

102. BONBONS.--In a broad sense, bonbons mean candy or confections in

general, but it is also the name of candies made out of colored and

flavored fondant. Sometimes they are made small and dainty and are

decorated with a nut meat or a piece of maraschino or candied cherry or

candied pineapple. Again, centers may be made that contain coconut,

nuts, figs, dates, raisins, etc., and these then dipped in some of the

fondant that has been colored, flavored, and melted.

103. When bonbons are to be made, remove fondant in pieces from the

utensil in which it has been stored. Work it with the hands as it was

worked when put away and add the desired coloring and flavoring at this

time. If simple bonbons are to be made, form the colored and flavored

fondant into tiny balls, place them on oiled paper, and press a nut or a

piece of maraschino or candied cherry or candied pineapple on top.

104. To make more elaborate bonbons, form small round centers out of

the fondant to which have been added such materials as dates, figs,

raisins, nuts, or coconut, or any combination of these. Only enough

fondant should be used to make the other materials stick together.

Then, in a double boiler, color, flavor, and melt some of the fondant

and, with a coating or other fork, drop the centers into this melted

cream. When thoroughly coated, remove, and place on waxed paper. While

warm, a piece of nut or candied fruit may be placed on the top of each

one. If it is desired not to use fondant in the centers, the nuts or

candied fruits themselves may be dipped into the melted bonbon cream

and then placed on waxed paper to harden.

105. RECEPTION WAFERS.--Thin wafers made of fondant are a confection

much used at parties, receptions, and similar social gatherings. One

variety of these is colored pink and flavored with wintergreen, while

another is flavored with peppermint and not colored in any way. Other

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colors and flavors may also be made if desired, but the usual kinds are

the pink and white ones.

Divide the mass of fondant to be used into two parts and color one of

these a pale pink. Flavor the pink mass with wintergreen and the white

one with peppermint. Put one of these in a double boiler and allow it to

melt until it is soft enough to pour. Then, with a dessert spoon or a

tablespoon, drop the melted fondant on a smooth surface in sufficient

amounts to make wafers about the size of a quarter. Drop quickly and as

accurately as possible so that the wafers will be the same size and

shape. Allow them to stand until cold and set.

Sometimes it will be found that two wafers can be dropped from the same

spoonful before the material becomes too cold to pour, but usually it is

necessary to dip a fresh spoonful for each wafer. As the fondant hardens

on the back of the spoon it should be scraped off and put back into the

double boiler. A comparatively small amount of fondant should be melted

at one time in order to provide against its becoming sugary, but if it

shows any signs of this condition the double boiler should be emptied

and thoroughly cleaned before more of the fondant is melted in it.

106. RAINBOW DELIGHT.--An especially attractive candy that has fondant

for its foundation is rainbow delight. As may be inferred from its name,

candy of this kind is in several colors.

To make rainbow delight, divide fondant into three parts. Flavor one

with vanilla and to it add chopped nuts. Flavor the second with

strawberry, color it pink, and, if desired, add shredded coconut. To the

third, add melted bitter chocolate until it is as dark as preferred.

Line a small bread pan or a box as smoothly as possible with waxed

paper, place the white fondant in the bottom, and press it down into a

layer. Over this put the chocolate fondant, press this into a layer, and

on top of it place the pink candy. After making the mass smooth and

even, allow it to remain where it will be cold until it is set. Then

remove it from the pan or box by turning it out on a surface that has

been slightly dusted with confectioner's sugar. Have coating chocolate

melted and cover the surface of three sides of the candy with a thick

layer of the chocolate. If, when the chocolate becomes dry and hard, it

seems a little thin, give it a second coating.

When it is entirely cold, turn the candy over and coat the remaining

side. To serve, cut into slices and cut each slice into pieces.

107. TUTTI-FRUTTI ROLLS.--Another very good candy that can be made from

fondant is tutti-frutti roll. Secure nuts, cherries, candied pineapple,

and citron, chop them fine, and to them add shredded coconut. Work these

in any quantity desired into the fondant until all are worked through

evenly and then flavor with vanilla. Shape the mass into a roll and let

it stand until it is well set. Then coat it with coating chocolate. When

it has become cold, turn it over and coat the bottom. To serve

tutti-frutti roll, cut it into slices.

108. OPERA CREAM.--No more delicious cream candy can be made than that

known as opera cream. This may be colored and flavored in many different

ways or made up in various forms. When chocolate is added to it, a

better fudge than the ordinary kinds is the result. Sufficient time

should be allowed for the making of opera cream, for it is necessary

that this candy stand for several hours before it is worked up.


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4 c. sugar

1/8 tsp. cream of tartar

2 Tb. corn sirup

1 pt. thin cream


Mix the sugar and the cream of tartar, add the sirup and cream, and cook

over a hot fire. Watch closely to see whether the cream looks as if it

might curd, and if it does, beat rapidly with a rotary beater. Do not

stir after the boiling has begun unless it is necessary to keep the

mixture from sticking to the pan. Boil until a very hard ball will form

in water or until it registers 240 degrees on the thermometer. Moisten a

large, flat platter or a marble slab, pour the mixture on it, and allow

it to remain until it is entirely cool, disturbing it in no way during

this cooling. When cool, work up with a putty knife or a similar utensil

in the same manner as for fondant until it becomes hard and creamy.

Place all in a heap in the center of the slab or platter and cover

closely with a damp cloth, a clean towel being desirable for this

purpose. Allow it to stand for about 2 hours, and then work it with the

hands, being careful to remove any lumps that it might contain.

The cream is now ready to be worked up in any desirable way. Divide it

into small batches, and then flavor and color it or work melted

chocolate into it. Press it into a layer about 1 inch thick in a shallow

box lined with waxed paper or a pan that has been buttered, cut it into

squares, and allow it to stand for a few hours. Then remove and serve.

109. CENTER CREAM.--An excellent cream candy for the centers of

chocolates is given in the accompanying recipe. As molds are necessary

in its preparation, it is more difficult to make than fondant, but

success can be had with this as well as with other candies.

The cream used for these centers may be colored and flavored in any

desirable way. It is somewhat firm while being handled, but will be

found to soften after it has been made up and coated. It can be handled

better if it is made 3 or 4 days before it is desired for use. As will

be noted, the recipe is given in a fairly large quantity, for it is

preferable to make a good-sized amount of the cream at a time; but it

need not all be used up at once.


8 c. sugar

2 c. glucose or corn sirup

3 c. water

Mix the sugar, glucose or corn sirup, and water and proceed in the same

way as for fondant. Boil until the thermometer registers 234 or 236

degrees or a ball that is not quite so firm as for fondant will form in

cold water. Pour on a moistened platter or slab to cool. Then cream in

the same manner as for fondant, but allow more time for this part of the

work, as the glucose does not cream rapidly. Just before it hardens,

pour it into a crock or a bowl, place a damp cloth over the top of the

bowl, and put away for a couple of days.

110. The molds for shaping center creams are formed in a thick layer of

corn starch by means of a device that may be bought from a candy-making

supply house or made at home. This device consists of a long strip with

projections that may be pushed into the corn starch to make neatly

shaped holes, or molds. These projections are spaced about 1 inch apart,

so that the walls between the corn-starch molds will not fall down when

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the center-cream mixture is poured into them. A long stick, such as a

ruler or a yardstick, and either corks of different sizes or plaster of

Paris may be employed to make such a device. If corks are to be used,

simply glue them to the stick, spacing them about 1 inch apart. If

plaster of Paris is to be used, fill small receptacles about the size

and shape of chocolate creams with a thin mixture of plaster of Paris

and water and allow it to set. When hard, remove the plaster-of-Paris

shapes and glue them to the stick, spacing them the same distance as

mentioned for the corks. The home-made device will answer the same

purpose as one that is bought, and is much less expensive.

111. When it is desired to make up the creams, sift corn starch into a

pan to form a thick layer, making it perfectly level on top with the

straight edge of a knife. Then make depressions, or molds, in the corn

starch by pressing into it the device just described. Make as many rows

of molds as the space will permit, but do not make them so close

together as to weaken the walls between the molds. Melt some of the

center cream in a double boiler, color and flavor as desired, and pour

into the molds made in the corn starch. Allow the centers to remain

until they become hard in the molds. Then pick them out, blow off the

corn starch, and set aside until ready to coat. Continue making centers

in this way until all the cream is used up, resifting the corn starch

and making new molds each time. Then coat with chocolate in the

usual way.

112. ORIENTALS.--Delicious chocolate creams known as orientals can be

made by the amateur if a little care is exercised. It should be

remembered, however, that these cannot be made successfully on a damp

day and that it is somewhat difficult to make them in warm weather. A

clear, cold day is required for satisfactory results. Unlike fondant,

these creams must be made up at once, so it will be necessary to allow

sufficient time not only for the cooking and creaming processes, but

also for the making and coating as well. After being made up, however,

they should be allowed to stand for 3 or 4 days, as they, like many

other cream candies, improve upon standing.

Since these centers are very sweet, a slightly bitter chocolate is the

best kind with which to coat them. Confectioner's bitter-sweet chocolate

will be found to be the most satisfactory, but if this cannot be

procured, bitter chocolate may be mixed with sweet coating chocolate.


5 c. granulated sugar

2 c. water

1 tsp. glycerine

6 drops acetic acid

2 egg whites


Put the sugar, water, and glycerine over the fire and stir until the

sugar is dissolved. Wash down the sides of the kettle with a cloth, and

just as the mixture begins to boil, add the acetic acid. Place a cover

over the pan and allow the mixture to boil until a temperature of 238

degrees is reached on the thermometer or a firm ball that can be easily

held in the fingers will form. Pour out on a slab or a platter to cool,

and when perfectly cool begin to work it as for fondant, but first beat

the egg whites until they are stiff. As soon as the candy is collected

into a mass, pour the egg whites over it. Continue to work the candy

until all of the egg white is worked in. Add the vanilla during this

process. If the mixture seems stiff and the eggs do not work in,

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continue with a little patience, for they will eventually combine with

the candy. Because of the eggs, oriental cream is whiter than bonbon

cream, and so it is a little difficult to tell just when it is

beginning to get creamy. However, it softens a little as it begins to

set, just as fondant does. At this point work slowly, and as it hardens

get it into a mass in the center of the slab. When completely worked, it

will not be so hard as fondant. Make it up at once into small, round

centers, and as they are made place them on pieces of oiled paper to

become dry. Chopped nuts may be added to the filling if desired before

it is made up. As soon as it is possible to handle the centers, coat

them with chocolate in the usual way. Be careful to cover the entire

surface with chocolate, for otherwise the quality of the center will

deteriorate. A good plan is to wrap candies of this kind in waxed paper,

especially if they are to be packed in boxes, for then they will not be

so likely to crush.

113. UNCOOKED FONDANT.--A fairly satisfactory substitute for fondant

can be made by moistening confectioner's sugar with egg white or sweet

cream. A very fine sugar must be secured for this purpose or the candy

will be granular, and even then the result will not be so satisfactory

as in the case of cooked fondant properly made. Uncooked fondant, too,

is more limited in its uses than cooked fondant, for it cannot be melted

and used for bonbons.


XXXX sugar

Egg white or sweet cream

Roll and sift the sugar if it is lumpy, making it as fine as possible.

Beat the egg white just enough to break it up or pour into a bowl the

desired amount of sweet cream, remembering that very little liquid will

moisten considerable sugar. Add the sugar a little at a time, beating

all the while, until a sufficient amount has been used to make the

mixture dry enough to handle with the fingers. Then flavor and color in

any desired way and make up as if it were fondant.


114. STUFFED DATES.--Dates from which the seeds have been removed and

which have been filled with nuts or fondant or a combination of both are

a confection that meets with much favor. The uncooked fondant is

entirely satisfactory for this purpose, but if some of the other is on

hand it will make an especially fine confection. Regardless of what is

used for a filling, though, the preparation of such dates is the same.

First wash the dates in warm water and rinse them in cold water. Then,

if there is time, spread them out in a single layer on a cloth and let

them remain until they are entirely dry. Cut a slit in the side of each

one with a knife and remove the seed. If nuts, such as English walnuts,

are to be used for the filling, place half a nut meat in the cavity left

by the seed and press the date together over it. In case fondant and

nuts are to be used, chop the nuts and mix them with the fondant.

Coconut may be used in place of the nuts if desired or the fondant may

be used alone. Shape the fondant into tiny balls, press one tightly into

the cavity left by the seed, and close the date partly over the filling.

When all the dates have been stuffed, roll them in sugar, preferably

granulated, and serve.

115. SALTED NUTS.--Nuts to which salt has been added are an excellent

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contrast to the sweet confections that have been described. At social

gatherings, luncheons, dinners, etc., they are often served in

connection with some variety of bonbon and many times they replace the

sweet confection entirely. Peanuts and almonds are the nuts generally

used for salting. If peanuts are to be salted, the unroasted ones should

be purchased and then treated in exactly the same way as almonds. Before

nuts are salted, they must first be browned, and this may be

accomplished in three different ways: on the top of the stove, in the

oven, and in deep fat. Preparing them in deep fat is the most

satisfactory method, for by it all the nuts reach the same degree of


116. First blanch the nuts by pouring boiling water over them and

allowing them to remain in the water until the skins can be removed;

then slip off the skins without breaking the nuts apart if possible.

Spread the nuts out on a towel to dry.

If the deep-fat method of browning them is to be followed, have in a

small saucepan or kettle a sufficient quantity of cooking fat or oil.

Allow it to become as hot as for frying doughnuts or croquettes, place

the nuts in a sieve, and fry them in the fat until they become a

delicate brown. Pour them out into a pan, sprinkle them with salt, cool,

and serve.

To brown nuts on top of the stove, heat a heavy frying pan over a slow

fire and into it put a small amount of fat. Add the nuts and stir

constantly until they are browned as evenly as possible. This part of

the work requires considerable time, for the more slowly it is done the

less likely are the nuts to have burned spots. Salt the nuts before

removing them from the pan, turn them out into a dish, cool, and serve.

It is more difficult to brown nuts equally by the oven method, but

sometimes it is desired to prepare them in this way. Put the nuts with a

little fat into a pan and set the pan in a hot oven. Stir frequently

until they are well browned, salt, cool, and serve.

117. ORIENTAL DELIGHT.--An excellent confection that can be prepared

without cooking is known as oriental delight. It is composed of fruit,

nuts, and coconut, which are held together with egg white and powdered



1/2 lb. dates

1/2 lb. raisins

1/2 lb. pressed figs

1/2 c. shredded coconut

1/2 c. English walnuts

1 egg white

Powdered sugar

Wash all the fruits, put them together, and steam for about 15 minutes.

Then put these with the coconut and nuts through a food chopper or chop

them all in a bowl with a chopping knife. When the whole is reduced to a

pulpy mass, beat the egg white slightly, add sufficient sugar to make a

very soft paste, and mix with the fruit mixture. If it is very sticky,

continue to add powdered sugar and mix well until it is stiff enough to

pack in a layer in a pan. Press down tight and when it is set mark in

squares, remove from the pan, and serve as a confection.

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118. MARSHMALLOWS.--To be able to make marshmallows successfully is the

desire of many persons. At first thought, this seems somewhat of a task,

but in reality it is a simple matter if the directions are carefully

followed. Upon being cut into squares, the marshmallows may be served

plain or they may be coated with chocolate or, after standing several

days, dipped into a warm caramel mixture.


8 tsp. gelatine

1-1/4 c. water

2 c. sugar

Few grains salt

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 Tb. corn starch

Soak the gelatine in one-half of the water for 5 minutes. Cook the sugar

and the remaining water until it will spin a thread when dropped from a

spoon. Remove from the fire and add the gelatine. When partly cold, add

the salt and the flavoring. Beat with an egg whip, cooling the mixture

as rapidly as possible, until it is light and fluffy. When the mixture

is thick, add the corn starch slowly, working it in thoroughly. Then

pour out on a flat surface that is well dusted with confectioner's

sugar. Let stand in a cool place until thoroughly chilled. Cut in

squares by pressing the blade of a knife down through the mass, but do

not slide it along when cutting. Remove the pieces, dust on all sides

with powdered sugar, and serve.

119. NOUGAT.--The confection known as nougat consists usually of a paste

filled with chopped nuts. Both corn sirup and honey are used in the

preparation of this candy. Generally it is merely flavored with vanilla,

but if chocolate flavoring is preferred it may be added.


3 c. sugar

1-1/2 c. corn sirup

1/4 c. strained honey

1 c. water

2 egg whites

1 tsp. vanilla

2 c. nut meats

Put the sugar, corn sirup, honey, and water together and cook until a

temperature of 260 degrees is reached or a brittle ball will form in

water. Beat the egg whites stiff and pour the mass slowly into them,

beating constantly until the mixture grows stiff and waxy. Then add the

vanilla and nut meats. Mix well and pour into a small box or pan lined

with waxed paper. If chocolate is to be used for flavoring, add the

desired amount just before pouring the mixture into the pan. When it has

cooled sufficiently, cut in squares or slices.

120. CANDIED PEEL.--Another favorite confection and one that is much

used in connection with candies for social functions is candied orange,

lemon, and grapefruit peel. After being removed from the fruit, the peel

should be well scraped and then cut into thin strips. In this form, it

is ready to coat with sirup.


1/2 doz. lemons, oranges, or grapefruit

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1/2 c. water

1 c. sugar

Remove the skin in quarters from the fruit, scrape off as much of the

white as possible, and cut each piece of skin into narrow strips. Put

these to cook in cold water, boil them until they may be easily pierced

with a fork, and then drain off the water. Add the water to the sugar

and cook until a thread will form when the sirup is dropped from a

spoon. Add the cooked peel to the sirup and cook for 5 to 10 minutes.

Drain and dredge in granulated sugar. Spread in a single layer to dry.

121. POP-CORN BALLS.--Pop corn in any form is always an attractive

confection, especially to young persons. It is often stuck together with

a sirup mixture and made into balls. In this form, it is an excellent

confection for the holiday season.

To make pop-corn balls, first shell the corn and pop it. Then make a

sirup with half as much water as sugar and cook it until it will spin a

thread. Have the pop corn in a large bowl and pour the sirup over it,

working quickly so that all the sirup can be used up while it is warm.

To form the balls, take up a large double handful and press firmly

together. If the sirup sticks to the hands, dip them into cold water so

as to moisten them somewhat before the next handful is taken up. Work in

this manner until all the corn is made into balls.

122. CRACKER JACK.--Another pop-corn confection that is liked by

practically every one is cracker jack. In this variety, pop corn and

peanuts are combined and a sirup made of molasses and sugar is used to

hold them together.


4 qt. popped corn

1 c. shelled, roasted peanuts

1 c. molasses

1/2 c. sugar

Put the popped corn and the peanuts together in a receptacle large

enough to hold them easily. Cook the molasses and the sugar until the

sirup spins a thread. Then pour this over the popped corn and peanuts

and mix well until it becomes cold and hard.


123. The best time to serve candy is when it will interfere least with

the digestion, and this is immediately after meals. A dish of candy

placed on the table with the dessert adds interest to any meal. It

should be passed immediately after the dessert is eaten.

Various kinds of bonbon dishes in which to serve candies are to be had,

some of them being very attractive. Those having a cover are intended

for candy that is to be left standing for a time, while open dishes

should be used for serving. Present the candy tastefully arranged on a

silver dish having a handle. Dishes made of glass or china answer the

purpose equally as well as silver ones, and if a bonbon dish is not in

supply a small plate will do very well. A paper or a linen doily on the

dish or plate adds to the attractiveness, as does also the manner in

which the candy is arranged.

* * * * *

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(1) What are confections?

(2) Discuss the use of confections in the diet of children and adults.

(3) (a) What food substance is found in the largest proportion in

candy? (b) Are candies high or low in food value?

(4) Discuss briefly the kinds and qualities of sugar and their uses.

(5) What is the value of glucose in candy making?

(6) What kinds of flavorings are the most desirable?

(7) What care should be exercised in the use of colorings in candy?

(8) (a) What acids are used in candy making? (b) Why are these acids


(9) Of what value are milk, cream, and butter in the making of candy?

(10) What may be said of the selection of a pan for cooking candy?

(11) (a) What methods are used for testing candies? (b) Which of

these methods is the most accurate?

(12) (a) How should the mixture be poured out to cool when a creamy

candy is being made? (b) To what point should the sirup be cooled

before the stirring is begun?

(13) (a) How should chocolate be melted? (b) How should coating with

chocolate be done?

(14) How should waxed paper be cut for wrapping candies?

(15) Discuss the ingredients generally used for taffy.

(16) On what do good results in caramel making depend?

(17) What should be guarded against in the making of all cream candies?

(18) (a) What is fondant? (b) How may fondant be stored for future


(19) How should dates be prepared for stuffing?

(20) What is the best time for the serving of candy?

* * * * *


* * * * *


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1. Throughout the lifetime of every person there is constant need for

solid food to preserve health and prolong life; and, just as such food

is necessary to satisfy the requirements of the body, so, too, is there

need for water. As is well known, the composition of the body is such

that it contains more liquid than solid material, the tissues and the

bones weighing much less than the liquid. A tremendous amount of this

liquid is continually being lost through the kidneys, through each pore

in the skin, and even through every breath that is exhaled, and if

continued good health is to be maintained this loss must be constantly

made up. This loss is greater in very hot weather or in the performance

of strenuous exercise than under ordinary conditions, which accounts for

the fact that more than the usual amount of liquid must be supplied

during such times. So necessary is liquid refreshment that the body

cannot exist without it for any great length of time. In fact, if the

supply were cut off so that no more could be obtained, the body would

begin to use its own fluids and death would soon occur. A person can

live for many days without solid food, but it is not possible to live

for more than a very few days without drink.

2. Nature's way of serving notice that the body is in need of liquid

refreshment is through the sensation of thirst. Satisfying thirst not

only brings relief, but produces a decidedly pleasant sensation;

however, the real pleasure of drinking is not experienced until one has

become actually thirsty.

The various liquids by which thirst may be slaked, or quenched, are

known as beverages. The first one of these given to man was water,

and it is still the chief beverage, for it is used both alone and as a

foundation for numerous other beverages that are calculated to be more

tasty, but whose use is liable in some cases to lead to excessive

drinking or to the partaking of substances that are injurious to health.

3. The beverages that are in common use may be placed in three general

classes: alcoholic, stimulating, and non-stimulating. The

alcoholic beverages include such drinks as beer, wine, whisky, etc.,

some of which are used more in one country than in another. In fact,

almost every class of people known has an alcoholic beverage that has

come to be regarded as typical of that class. Alcoholic fermentation is

supposed to have been discovered by accident, and when its effect became

known it was recognized as a popular means of supplying a beverage and

some stimulation besides. Under stimulating beverages come tea, coffee,

and cocoa. These are in common use all over the world, certain ones, of

course, finding greater favor in some countries than in others. With the

exception of cocoa, they provide very little food value. In contrast

with these drinks are the non-stimulating beverages, which include fruit

punches, soft drinks, and all the milk-and-egg concoctions. These are

usually very refreshing, and the majority of them contain sufficient

nourishment to recommend their frequent use.


4. Many persons restrict the term beverages, contending that it refers

to refreshing or flavored drinks. It should be remembered, however, that

this term has a broader meaning and refers to any drink taken for the

purpose of quenching thirst. Water is the simplest beverage and is in

reality the foundation of nearly all drinks, for it is the water in them

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that slakes thirst. Flavors, such as fruit juice, tea, coffee, etc., are

combined with water to make the beverages more tempting, and

occasionally such foods as eggs, cream, and starchy materials are added

to give food value; but the first and foremost purpose of all beverages

is to introduce water into the system and thus satisfy thirst.

5. KINDS OF WATER.--Inasmuch as water is so important an element in the

composition of beverages, every one should endeavor to become familiar

with the nature of each of its varieties.

SOFT WATER is water that contains very little mineral matter. A common

example of soft water is rainwater.

HARD WATER is water that contains a large quantity of lime in solution.

Boiling such water precipitates, or separates, some of the lime and

consequently softens the water. An example of the precipitation of lime

in water is the deposit that can be found in any teakettle that has been

used for some time.

MINERAL WATER is water containing a large quantity of such minerals as

will go in solution in water, namely, sulphur, iron, lime, etc.

DISTILLED WATER is water from which all minerals have been removed. To

accomplish this, the water is converted into steam and then condensed.

This is the purest form of water.

CARBONATED WATER is water that has had carbon-dioxide, or carbonic-acid,

gas forced into it. The soda water used at soda fountains is an example

of this variety. Carbonated water is bottled and sold for

various purposes.

6. NECESSITY FOR PURE WATER.--The extensive use made of water in the

diet makes it imperative that every effort be exerted to have the water

supply as pure as possible. The ordinary city filter and the smaller

household filter can be depended on to remove sand, particles of leaves,

weeds, and such foreign material as is likely to drop into the water

from time to time, but they will not remove disease germs from an

unclean supply. Therefore, if there is any doubt about water being pure

enough to use for drinking purposes, it should be boiled before it is

used. Boiling kills any disease germs that the water may contain, but at

the same time it gives the water a very flat taste because of the loss

of air in boiling. However, as is mentioned in Essentials of Cookery,

Part 1, the natural taste may be restored by beating the boiled water

with an egg beater or by partly filling a jar, placing the lid on, and

shaking it vigorously.


7. About one-third of all the water required each day is taken in the

form of beverages with the meals. It was formerly thought that liquids

dilute the gastric juice and so should be avoided with meals. However,

it has been learned that beverages, either warm or cold, with the

exception of an occasional case, may be taken with meals without

injury. The chief point to remember is that it is unwise to drink

beverages either too hot or too cold. For the best results, their

temperature should be rather moderate.

8. Foods that may be dissolved in water can be incorporated in a

beverage to make it nutritious. With many persons, as in the case of

small children and invalids, this is often the only means there is of

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giving them nourishment. In serving beverages to healthy persons, the

food value of the meal should be taken into consideration. The beverage

accompanying a heavy meal should be one having very little food value;

whereas, in the case of a light meal, the beverage can be such as will

give additional nutrition. For instance, hot chocolate, which is very

nutritious, would not be a good beverage to serve with a meal consisting

of soup, meat, vegetables, salad, and dessert, but it would be an

excellent drink to serve with a lunch that is made up of light

sandwiches, salad, and fruit.


9. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES are made by allowing yeast to ferment the starch

or the sugar in a certain kind of food, thus producing acid and alcohol.

Grains and fruits are used oftenest for this purpose. In some cases, the

fermentation is allowed to continue long enough to use up all the starch

or sugar in the material selected, and in this event the resulting

beverages are sour and contain a great deal of alcohol. In others, the

fermentation is stopped before all the sugar or starch is utilized, and

then the beverage is sweet and contains less alcohol. The higher the

percentage of alcohol a beverage contains, the more intoxicating it is

and the more quickly will a state of intoxication be reached by

drinking it.


beverages were considered to be a necessity for medicinal purposes in

hospitals and in homes, but this use of them has been very greatly

decreased. In fact, it is believed by most authorities that often more

harm than good is done by using alcoholic beverages as a medical

stimulant or as a carrier for some drug. As these drinks are harmful in

this respect, so are they detrimental to health when they are taken

merely as beverages. It is definitely known that alcohol acts as a food

when it enters the body, for it is burned just as a carbohydrate would

be and thus produces heat. That this action takes place very rapidly can

be detected by the warmth that is produced almost immediately when the

drink is taken. Some of it is lost through the breath and the kidneys

without producing heat, and it also acts upon the blood vessels near the

skin in such a way as to lose very quickly the heat that is produced. It

is never conserved and used gradually as the heat from food is used. The

taking of alcohol requires much work on the part of the kidneys, and

this eventually injures them. It also hardens the liver and produces a

disease known as hob-nailed, or gin, liver. In addition, if used

continuously, this improper means of nourishing the body produces an

excessive amount of fat. Because of these harmful effects on the various

organs, its too rapid loss from the body, and the fact that it does not

build tissue, alcohol is at best a very poor food and should be avoided

on all occasions.

11. KINDS OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES.--In spite of the truth that beverages

containing alcohol are found to be harmful, many of them are in common

use. Following are the names of these, together with a short account of

their preparation:

BEER is an alcoholic beverage made from certain grains, usually barley,

by malting the grain, boiling the product with hops, and finally

fermenting it with yeast. The malting of grains, it will be remembered,

is explained in Cereals. The hops are used to give the beer a

desirable flavor. This beverage is characterized by a low percentage of

alcohol, containing only 2 to 5 per cent., and consequently is not very


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WINE is a beverage that is usually made from grapes, although berries

and other small fruits are occasionally used. It contains from 7 to 16

per cent. of alcohol and is therefore more intoxicating than beer. The

wines in which all of the sugar is fermented are known as sour, or

dry, wines, while those in which not all of the sugar has been

fermented are called sweet wines. Many classes of wines are made and

put on the market, but those most commonly used are claret, sherry,

hock, port, and Madeira.

BRANDY is an alcoholic liquor distilled from wine. It is very

intoxicating, for it consists of little besides alcohol and water, the

percentage of alcohol varying from 40 to 50 per cent. Upon being

distilled, brandy is colorless, but it is then stored in charred wooden

casks, from which it takes its characteristic color.

GIN is a practically colorless liquor distilled from various grains and

flavored with oil of juniper or some other flavoring substance, such as

anise, orange peel, or fennel. It contains from 30 to 40 per cent. of

alcohol. It is usually stored in glass bottles, which do not impart a

color to it.

RUM is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting cane sugar, molasses,

cane juice, or the scum and waste from sugar refineries and then

distilling the product. It contains from 45 to 50 per cent. of alcohol,

and has a disagreeable odor when it is distilled. This odor, however, is

removed by storing the rum in wooden receptacles for a long period

of time.

CORDIALS are beverages made by steeping fruits or herbs in brandy.

Absinthe, which is barred from the United States because it contains

wormwood, a very injurious substance, is a well-known cordial. Besides

being extremely intoxicating, it overstimulates the heart and the

stomach if taken in even comparatively small quantities.

WHISKY is an alcoholic beverage obtained by distilling fermented grain

several times until it has a strength of 40 to 50 per cent. of alcohol.

Then it is flavored and stored in charred casks to ripen and become

mellow, after which it has a characteristic color. As can readily be

understood, distilled liquors contain the highest percentage of alcohol.

* * * * *



12. STIMULATING BEVERAGES are those which contain a drug that stimulates

the nervous and the circulatory system; that is, one that acts on the

nerves and the circulation in such a way as to make them active and

alert. Common examples of these beverages are coffee, tea, and cocoa or

chocolate. If the nerves are in need of rest, it is dangerous to

stimulate them with such beverages, for, as the nervous system

indirectly affects all the organs of the body, the effects of this

stimulation are far-reaching. The immediate effect of the stimulant in

these beverages is to keep the drinker awake, thus causing

sleeplessness, or temporary insomnia. If tea and coffee are used

habitually and excessively, headaches, dull brains, and many nervous

troubles are liable to result.

13. The stimulant that is found in the leaves of tea is known as

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theine; that found in coffee beans, caffeine; and that found in

cacao beans, from which cocoa and chocolate are made, theobromine.

Each of these stimulants is extracted by the hot liquid that is always

used to make the beverage. It is taken up by the liquid so quickly that

the method used to prepare the beverage makes little difference as to

the amount obtained. In other words, tea made by pouring water through

the leaves will contain nearly as much of the stimulant as tea made by

boiling the leaves.

14. In addition to the stimulant, tea and coffee contain tannin, or

tannic acid, an acid that is also obtained from the bark of certain

trees and used in the tanning of animal hides in the preparation of

leather. Tannin is not taken so quickly from tea and coffee by the hot

liquid used in preparing the beverage as is the stimulant, so that the

longer tea leaves and coffee grounds remain in the liquid, the more

tannic acid will be drawn out. This fact can be detected by the bitter

flavor and the puckery feeling in the mouth after drinking tea that has

been allowed to remain on the leaves or coffee that has stood for some

time on the grounds. Tannic acid has a decidedly bad effect on the

digestion in the stomach, so that if improperly prepared tea or coffee

is indulged in habitually, it may cause stomach disorders.




Quantity of Quantity of

Beverage Stimulant Stimulant Tannic Acid

Grains Grains


Coffee Caffeine 2 to 3 1 to 2

Tea Theine 1 to 2 1 to 4

Cocoa or chocolate Theobromine 1 to 1-1/2 1/2 to 1


15. The quantity of stimulant and tannic acid contained in an ordinary

cup of tea, coffee, and cocoa or chocolate is given in Table I. As this

table shows, the quantity, which is given in grains, does not vary

considerably in the different beverages and is not present in such

quantity as to be harmful, unless these beverages are indulged in

to excess.

To reduce the quantity of caffeine contained in coffee has been the aim

of many coffee producers. As a result, there are on the market a number

of brands of coffee that have been put through a process that removes

practically all the caffeine. The beverage made from coffee so treated

is less harmful than that made from ordinary coffee, and so far as the

flavor is concerned this loss of caffeine does not change it.

16. Neither tea nor coffee possesses any food value. Unless sugar or

cream is added, these beverages contain nothing except water, flavor,

stimulant, and tannic acid. Chocolate and cocoa, however, are rich in

fat, and as they are usually made with milk and sugar they have the

advantage of conveying food to the system. Because of their nature, tea

and coffee should never be given to children. Cocoa and chocolate

provide enough food value to warrant their use in the diet of young

persons, but they should not be taken in too great quantity because of

the large amount of fat they contain. Any of these beverages used in

excessive amounts produces the same effect as a mild drug habit.

Consequently, when a person feels that it is impossible to get along

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without tea or coffee, it is time to stop the use of that beverage.

* * * * *



17. COFFEE is the seed of the coffee tree, which in its wild state grows

to a height of 20 feet, but in cultivation is kept down to about 10 or

12 feet for convenience in gathering the fruit. Coffee originated in

Abyssinia, where it has been used as a beverage from time immemorial. At

the beginning of the 15th century, it found its way into Arabia, where

it was used by the religious leaders for preventing drowsiness, so that

they could perform religious ceremonies at night. About 100 years later

it came into favor in Turkey, but it was not until the middle of the

17th century that it was introduced into England. Its use gradually

increased among common people after much controversy as to whether it

was right to drink it or not. It is now extensively grown in India,

Ceylon, Java, the West Indies, Central America, Mexico, and Brazil. The

last-named country, Brazil, furnishes about 75 per cent. of the coffee

used in the United States and about 60 per cent. of the world's supply.

18. Coffee is a universal drink, but it finds more favor in some

countries than others. The hospitality of a Turkish home is never

thought to be complete without the serving of coffee to its guests;

however, the coffee made by the Turks is not pleasant except to those

who are accustomed to drinking it. As prepared in Turkey and the East, a

small amount of boiling water is poured over the coffee, which is

powdered and mixed with sugar, and the resulting beverage, which is very

thick, is served in a small cup without cream. The French make a

concoction known as cafe an lait, which, as explained in Essentials

of Cookery, Part 2, is a combination of coffee and milk. These two

ingredients are heated separately in equal proportions and then mixed

before serving. This is a very satisfactory way in which to serve coffee

if cream cannot be obtained.

19. OBTAINING THE COFFEE SEEDS.--The seeds of the coffee tree are

enclosed in pairs, with their flat surfaces toward each other, in dark,

cherry-like berries. The pulp of the berry is softened by fermentation

and then removed, leaving the seeds enclosed in a husk. They are then

separated from the husks by being either sun-dried and rolled or reduced

to a soft mass in water with the aid of a pulping machine. With the

husks removed, the seeds are packed into coarse cloth bags and


20. ROASTING THE COFFEE BEANS.--The next step in the preparation of

coffee for use is the roasting of the coffee beans. After being

separated from the husks, the beans have a greenish-yellow color, but

during the roasting process, when they are subjected to high temperature

and must be turned constantly to prevent uneven roasting, they turn to a

dark brown. As the roasting also develops the flavor, it must be done

carefully. Some persons prefer to buy unroasted coffee and roast it at

home in an oven, but it is more economical to purchase coffee already

roasted. In addition, the improved methods of roasting produce coffee of

a better flavor, for they accomplish this by machinery especially

devised for the purpose.

21. GRINDING THE COFFEE BEANS.--During the roasting process there is

developed an aromatic volatile oil, called caffeol, to which the

flavor of the coffee is due. This oil is very strong, but upon being

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exposed to the air it passes off and thus causes a loss of flavor in the

coffee. For this reason, roasted coffee should be kept in air-tight

cans, boxes, or jars. Before it is used, however, it must be ground.

The grinding of the coffee beans exposes more surface and hence the

flavor is more quickly lost from ground than unground coffee. Because of

this fact and because ground coffee can be adulterated very easily, it

is not wise to buy coffee already ground. If only a small quantity is

bought at a time and it can be used up at once, the grinding may be done

by the grocer, but even in such a case the better plan is to grind it

immediately before using it.

22. The method by which the coffee is to be prepared for drinking will

determine to a large extent the way in which the coffee beans must be

ground. When coffee is to be made by a method in which the grounds are

not left in the water for any length of time, the beans must be ground

very fine, in fact, pulverized, for the flavor must be extracted

quickly. For other purposes, such as when it is to be made in a

percolator, the beans need not be ground quite so fine, and when it is

to be made in an ordinary coffee pot they may be ground very coarse.

23. For use in the home, simple coffee mills that will grind coffee as

coarse or as fine as may be desired are to be had.

One kind is fastened to a board so that it can be attached to the wall.

The coffee to be ground is put in the chamber from which it is fed to

the grinding rolls, and the ground coffee drops into the chamber. The

grinding rolls are adjusted to the desired fineness by the notched

arrangement on the end of the shaft.

Another type of coffee mill may be placed on a table top or some

other flat surface, but it operates on the same principle as the other.

The coffee beans are placed in the chamber at the top, and the ground

coffee drops into the drawer a at the bottom. The adjustment of the

grinding rolls is regulated by the notched head at the end of the

vertical shaft.

24. ADULTERATION OF COFFEE.--As in the case of numerous other foods,

attempts are often made to adulterate coffee. Since the Pure Food Laws

have been enforced, there is not so much danger of adulteration in a

product of this kind; still, every housewife should be familiar with the

ways in which this beverage may be reduced in strength or quality, so

that she may be able to tell whether she is getting a good or an

inferior product for her money.

Coffee may be adulterated in a number of ways. Ground coffee is

especially easy to adulterate with bread crumbs, bran, and similar

materials that have been thoroughly browned. Many of the cheaper coffees

are adulterated with chicory, a root that has a flavor similar to that

of coffee and gives the beverages with which it is used a reddish-brown

color. Chicory is not harmful; in fact, its flavor is sought by some

people, particularly the French. The objection to it, as well as to

other adulterants, is that it is much cheaper than coffee and the use of

it therefore increases the profits of the dealer. The presence of

chicory in coffee can be detected by putting a small amount of the

ground coffee in a glass of water. If chicory is present, the water will

become tinged with red and the chicory will settle to the bottom more

quickly than the coffee.


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25. SELECTION OF COFFEE.--Many varieties of coffee are to be had, but

Mocha, Java, and Rio are the ones most used. A single variety, however,

is seldom sold alone, because a much better flavor can be obtained from

blend coffee, by which is meant two or more kinds of coffee

mixed together.

It is usually advisable to buy as good a quality of coffee as can be

afforded. The more expensive coffees have better flavor and greater

strength than the cheaper grades and consequently need not be used in

such great quantity. It is far better to serve this beverage seldom and

to have what is served the very best than to serve it so often that a

cheap grade must be purchased. For instance, some persons think that

they must have coffee for at least two out of three daily meals, but it

is usually sufficient if coffee is served once a day, and then for the

morning or midday meal rather than for the evening meal.

After deciding on the variety of coffee that is desired, it is well to

buy unground beans that are packed in air-tight packages. Upon

receiving the coffee in the home, it should be poured into a jar or a

can and kept tightly covered.

26. NECESSARY UTENSILS.--Very few utensils are required for coffee

making, but they should be of the best material that can be afforded in

order that good results may be had. A coffee pot, a coffee percolator,

and a drip pot, or coffee biggin, are the utensils most frequently used

for the preparation of this beverage.

27. If a COFFEE POT is preferred, it should be one made of material that

will withstand the heat of a direct flame. The cheapest coffee pots are

made of tin, but they are the least desirable and should be avoided, for

the tin, upon coming in contact with the tannic acid contained in

coffee, sometimes changes the flavor. Coffee pots made of enamelware are

the next highest in price. Then come nickel-plated ones, and, finally,

the highest-priced ones, which are made of aluminum.

28. PERCOLATORS are very desirable for the making of coffee, for they

produce excellent results and at the same time make the preparation of

coffee easy. Those having an electric attachment are especially

convenient. In one form of percolator, the ground coffee is put in the

filter cup a and the water in the lower part of the pot. The water

immediately passes into the chamber. In this chamber, which is small, it

heats rapidly and then rises through a vertical tube. At the top it

comes out in the form of a spray, strikes the glass top, and falls back

on a perforated metal plate called the spreader. It then passes through

this plate into the filter cup containing the grounds, through which it

percolates and drops into the main chamber. The circulation of the

water continues as long as sufficient heat is applied, and the rate of

circulation depends on the degree of heat.

29. The DRIP POT, or coffee biggin, as it is sometimes called is

sometimes preferred for the making of coffee. This utensil is made of

metal or earthenware and operates on the same principle as a

percolator. The ground coffee is suspended above the liquid in a cloth

bag or a perforated receptacle and the water percolates through it.

30. In case a more complicated utensil than any of those mentioned is

used for the making of coffee, the directions that accompany it will

have to be followed. But no matter what kind of utensil is selected for

the preparation of coffee, it should be thoroughly cleaned each time it

is used. To clean it, first empty any coffee it contains and then wash

every part carefully and scald and dry it. If the utensil is not clean,

the flavor of the coffee made in it will be spoiled.

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31. METHODS OF MAKING COFFEE.--Several methods are followed in the

making of coffee, the one to select depending on the result desired and

the kind of utensil to be used. The most common of these methods are:

boiling, which produces a decoction; infusion, or filtration,

which consists in pouring boiling water over very finely ground coffee

in order to extract its properties; and percolating, in which boiling

water percolates, or passes through, finely ground coffee and extracts

its flavor. For any of these methods, soft water is better than water

that contains a great deal of lime. Many times persons cannot understand

why coffee that is excellent in one locality is poor in another. In the

majority of cases, this variation is due to the difference in the water

and not to the coffee. From 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls of coffee to 1 cupful

of water is the usual proportion followed in making coffee.

32. BOILED COFFEE.--Without doubt, coffee is more often boiled in its

preparation than treated in any other way. Usually, an ordinary coffee

pot is all that is required in this method of preparation. The amount of

ground coffee used may be varied to obtain the desired strength.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

1 c. cold water

1/2 c. ground coffee

3 c. boiling water

After scalding the coffee pot, put 1/2 cupful of the cold water and the

ground coffee into it. Stir well and then add the boiling water. Allow

it to come to the boiling point and boil for 3 minutes. Pour a little of

the coffee into a cup to clear the spout of grounds, add the remaining

cupful of cold water, and put back on the stove to reheat, but not to

boil. When hot, serve at once. Never allow the liquid to stand on the

grounds for any length of time, for the longer it stands the more tannic

acid will be drawn out.

33. As coffee made by boiling is usually somewhat cloudy, it may be

cleared in one way or another. The last cold water is added for this

purpose, for as it is heavier than the warm liquid it sinks to the

bottom and carries the grounds with it. Coffee may also be cleared by

stirring a small quantity of beaten raw egg, either the white or the

yolk, or both, into the grounds before the cold water is added to them.

One egg will clear two or three potfuls of coffee if care is exercised

in its use. What remains of the egg after the first potful has been

cleared should be placed in a small dish and set away for future use. A

little cold water poured over it will assist in preserving it. If the

egg shells are washed before the egg is broken, they may be crushed and

added to the grounds also, for they will help to clear the coffee. The

explanation of the use of egg for this purpose is that it coagulates as

the coffee heats and carries the particles of coffee down with it as

it sinks.

34. Another very satisfactory way in which to make boiled coffee is to

tie the ground coffee loosely into a piece of cheesecloth, pour the

boiling water over it, and then let it boil for a few minutes longer

than in the method just given. Coffee prepared in this manner will be

found to be clear and therefore need not be treated in any of the ways


35. FILTERED COFFEE.--When it is desired to make coffee by the filtering

process, the coffee must be ground into powder. Then it should be made

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in a drip, or French, coffee pot. If one of these is not available,

cheesecloth of several thicknesses may be substituted. The advantage of

making coffee by this method is that the coffee grounds may sometimes be

used a second time.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

1/2 c. powdered coffee

1 qt. boiling water

Place the coffee in the top of the drip pot, pour the boiling water over

it, and allow the water to drip through into the vessel below. When all

has run through, remove the water and pour it over the coffee a second

time. If cheesecloth is to be used, put the coffee in it, suspend it

over the coffee pot or other convenient utensil, and proceed as with

the drip pot.

36. PERCOLATED COFFEE.--The coffee used for percolated coffee should be

ground finer than for boiled coffee, but not so fine as for filtered

coffee. This is perhaps the easiest way in which to prepare coffee and

at the same time the surest method of securing good coffee.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

1/2 c. finely ground coffee

1 qt. cold water

Place the coffee in the perforated compartment in the top of the

percolator and pour the cold water in the lower chamber. As the water

heats, it is forced up through the vertical tube against the top. It

then falls over the coffee and percolates through into the water below.

This process begins before the water boils, but the hotter the water

becomes the more rapidly does it percolate through the coffee. The

process continues as long as the heat is applied, and the liquid becomes

stronger in flavor as it repeatedly passes through the coffee. When the

coffee has obtained the desired strength, serve at once.

37. AFTER-DINNER COFFEE.--After a rather elaborate meal, a small cup of

very strong, black coffee is often served. To prepare after-dinner

coffee, as this kind is called, follow any of the methods already

explained, but make it twice as strong as coffee that is to accompany

the usual meal. Sugar and cream may be added to after-dinner coffee, but

usually this coffee is drunk black and unsweetened.

38. VIENNA COFFEE.--An especially nice way in which to serve coffee is

to combine it with boiled milk and whipped cream. It is then known as

Vienna coffee. The accompanying directions are for just 1 cup, as this

is prepared a cupful at a time.


(Sufficient to Serve One)

1/4 c. boiled milk

3 Tb. whipped cream

1/2 c. hot filtered coffee, or coffee prepared by any method

Place the boiled milk in a cup, add the whipped cream, and fill the cup

with the hot coffee.

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39. ICED COFFEE.--Persons fond of coffee find iced coffee a most

delicious hot-weather drink. Iced coffee is usually served in a glass,

rather than in a cup, and when whipped cream is added an attractive

beverage results.

To prepare iced coffee, make coffee by any desired method, but if the

boiling method is followed be careful to strain the liquid so that it is

entirely free from grounds. Cool the liquid and then pour into glasses

containing cracked ice. Serve with plain cream and sugar or with a

tablespoonful or two of whipped cream. If desired, however, the cream

may be omitted and the coffee served with an equal amount of milk, when

it is known as iced cafe au lait.

40. LEFT-OVER COFFEE.--The aim of the person who prepares coffee should

be to make the exact quantity needed, no more nor no less, and this can

usually be done if directions are carefully followed. However, if any

coffee remains after all are served, it should not be thrown away, as it

can be utilized in several ways. Drain the liquid from the grounds as

soon as possible so that the flavor will not be impaired.

If desired, left-over coffee may be added to fresh coffee when it is

prepared for the next meal or, in hot weather, it may be used for iced

coffee. It may also be used to flavor gelatine, which, when sweetened

and served with whipped cream, makes an excellent dessert. Again,

left-over coffee is very satisfactory as a flavoring for cake icing, for

custards, or for whipped cream that is to be served with desserts. When

coffee is desired for flavoring, it should be boiled in order to

evaporate some of the water. Very good cake is made by using left-over

coffee for the liquid and spices for the flavoring.


41. The serving of coffee may be done in several ways, but, with the

exception of iced coffee, this beverage should always be served as hot

as possible. As can well be imagined, nothing is more insipid than

lukewarm coffee. Therefore, coffee is preferably made immediately before

it is to be served. Sugar and cream usually accompany coffee, but they

may be omitted if they are not desired.

Coffee may be served with the dinner course, with the dessert, or after

the dessert. When it is served with the dinner course or the dessert, a

coffee cup or a tea cup of ordinary size is used; but when it is served

after the dessert, a demi-tasse, or small cup that holds less than half

the amount of the other size, is preferable. Usually, after-dinner

coffee, or cafe noir, as such black coffee is called, rather than

coffee with cream and sugar, is served after the dessert course of a

heavy dinner because it is supposed to be stimulating to the digestion.

The pouring of coffee may be done at the table or in the kitchen. If it

is done at the table, the person serving should ask those to be served

whether or not they desire cream and sugar, and then serve accordingly.

If it is done before the coffee is brought to the table, the cream and

sugar should be passed, so that those served may help themselves to the

desired amount. Care should always be taken in the serving of coffee not

to fill the cup so full that it will run over or that it will be too

full to handle easily when the cream and sugar are added.

* * * * *


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42. TEA consists of the prepared leaves or leaf buds of a plant known as

the tea plant and is used as one of the three stimulating beverages.

This plant is grown in China, Japan, India, Ceylon, and the East Indies,

and to a small extent in South Carolina. There are two distinct

varieties of tea, and each one may be used for the preparation of either

green or black tea. The leaves of the tea plant, which are what is used

for making the beverage, are gathered four times a year from the time

the plants are 4 years old until they are 10 or 12 years old. Then the

plants are pulled up and new ones planted. Upon being gathered, the

leaves are put through a series of processes before they are ready for

use. During this treatment, various modifications of flavor are

developed and the leaves are changed in color to black or green,

depending on the process used.

43. It is surprising to most persons to learn that tea was known in

China for many years before people began to make a beverage of it. The

first record of its use as a beverage was probably in the 6th century,

when an infusion of tea leaves was given to a ruler of the Chinese

Empire to cure a headache. A century later, tea had come into common use

as a beverage in that country. As civilization advanced and new

countries were formed, tea was introduced as a beverage, and today there

is scarcely a locality in which it is not commonly used.

44. CLASSIFICATION OF TEA AS TO QUALITY.--The position of the leaf on

the tea plant determines the quality of the tea. The farther from the

top, the coarser are the leaves and the poorer is the quality. On the

other hand, the smaller the leaves and the nearer the top, the better is

the quality. In the very best qualities of tea, the buds of the plant

are included with the tiny top leaves.

45. Tea that is raised in China is graded in a particular way, and it

will be well to understand this grading. The top buds are used entirely

for a variety known as flowery pekoe, but this is seldom found in our

markets. The youngest leaves next to the buds are made into a tea called

orange pekoe; the next older leaves are used for pekoe; the third,

for souchong first; the fourth, for souchong second; the fifth, for

congou; and if there is another leaf, it is made into a tea known as

bohea. Sometimes the first three leaves are mixed, and when this is

done the tea is called pekoe. If they are mixed with the next two, the

tea is called souchong pekoe. The laws controlling the importation of

tea require that each shipment be tested before it passes the custom

house, to determine whether or not it contains what the label claims

for it.

46. VARIETIES OF TEA.--The teas that are put on the market are of two

general varieties, black tea and green tea. Any quality of tea or

tea raised in any country may be made into these two kinds, for, as has

been mentioned, it is the method of preparation that is accountable for

the difference. A number of the common brands of tea are blends or

mixtures of green and black tea. These, which are often called mixed

teas, are preferred by many persons to the pure tea of either kind.

47. BLACK TEA is made by fermenting the tea leaves before they are

dried. This fermentation turns them black and produces a marked change

in their flavor. The process of preparation also renders some of the

tannin insoluble; that is, not so much of it can be dissolved when the

beverage is made. Some well-known brands of black tea are China

congou, or English breakfast, Formosa, oolong, and the various

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pekoes. The English are especially fond of black tea, and the people

of the United States have followed their custom to the extent that it

has become a favorite in this country.

48. GREEN TEA is made by steaming the leaves and then drying them, a

process that retains the green color. With tea of this kind, all

fermentation of the leaves is carefully avoided. Some familiar kinds of

green tea are hyson, Japan, and gunpowder. The best of these are

the ones that come from Japan.


49. SELECTION OF TEA.--In the course of its preparation, tea is rolled

either into long, slender pieces or into little balls. Knowing this, the

housewife should be able to detect readily the stems and other foreign

material sometimes found in teas, especially the cheaper varieties. Such

teas should be avoided, for they are lacking not only in flavor but also

in strength. If economy must be practiced, the moderately expensive

grades will prove to be the best ones to buy.

50. METHODS OF MAKING TEA.--Upon steeping tea in hot water, a very

pleasant beverage results. If this is properly made, a gentle stimulant

that can be indulged in occasionally by normal adults without harmful

results can be expected. However, the value of tea as a beverage has at

all times been much overestimated. When it is served as afternoon tea,

as is frequently done, its chief value lies in the pleasant hospitality

that is afforded by pouring it. Especially is this the case in England,

where the inhabitants have adopted the pretty custom of serving

afternoon tea and feel that guests have not received the hospitality of

the home until tea has been served. Through their continued use of this

beverage, the English have become expert in tea making.

51. The Russians are also adepts so far as the making of tea is

concerned. They use a very good kind of tea, called caravan tea, which

is packed in lead-covered packages and brought to them by caravans. This

method of packing and delivery is supposed to have a ripening effect on

the leaves and to give them an unusually good flavor. For making tea,

the Russians use an equipment called a samovar. This is an urn that is

constantly kept filled with boiling water, so that tea can be served to

all visitors or callers that come, no matter what time of day they


52. Most persons, however, make tea into a beverage by steeping it in

boiling water or by placing it in a tea ball or some similar utensil and

then allowing it to stand in boiling water for a short time. Whichever

method of preparation is followed, the water must be at the boiling

point and it must be freshly boiled. Water that has been boiled for any

length of time becomes very insipid and flat to the taste and affects

the flavor of the tea. Tea leaves that have been used once should never

be resteeped, for more tannin is extracted than is desirable and the

good tea flavor is lost, producing a very unwholesome beverage. As a

rule, 1 to 1-1/2 teaspoonfuls of tea to 1 cupful of water is the

proportion followed in tea making.

53. STEEPED TEA.--When tea is to be steeped, a teapot is used. That the

best results may be secured, the teapot should always be freshly scalded

and the water freshly boiled.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

155 / 211

2 Tb. tea

1 qt. boiling water

Scald the teapot. Put the tea into the teapot and pour the boiling water

over it. Let stand on the back of the stove for 3 minutes, when a

beverage of sufficient strength will be formed. Strain the beverage from

the tea leaves and serve at once.

54. AFTERNOON TEA.--When tea is desired for afternoon serving or when it

is to be prepared at the table, a tea ball is the most satisfactory

utensil to use. This is a perforated silver or aluminum ball which

opens by means of a hinge and into which the tea is placed. For

convenience in use, a chain is attached to the ball and ends in a ring

that is large enough to slip over the finger. Some teapots contain a

ball attached to the inside of the lid and suspended inside the pot.

Utensils of this kind are very convenient, for when the tea made in

them becomes strong enough, the leaves may be removed without pouring

off the tea.

To prepare afternoon tea with a tea ball, put 1 or 2 teaspoonfuls of tea

in the ball, fasten it securely, and place it in a cup. Then pour enough

freshly boiled water over the ball to fill the cup to the desired

height. Allow the ball to remain in the water until the desired strength

is attained and then remove it. If more than 2 or 3 persons are to be

served, it will be necessary to refill the ball.

55. ICED TEA.--Perhaps one of the most refreshing drinks for warm

weather is iced tea. A tea that is especially blended for this purpose

and that is cheaper in price than other tea may be purchased. Slices of

lemon or crushed mint leaves add much to the flavor of the tea and are

often served with it.

Prepare tea by steeping it, but make it double strength. Strain it from

the leaves and allow it to become cool. Then pour it into glasses

containing cracked ice. Serve with sugar and slices of lemon or

mint leaves.

56. LEFT-OVER TEA.--Tea that remains after all persons are served need

not be wasted if it is poured off the leaves at once. Such tea is

satisfactory for iced tea, or it may be combined with certain fruit

juices in the preparation of various cold beverages. However, there are

not many satisfactory uses for left-over tea; so it is best to take

pains not to make more than will be required for one time.


57. Tea may be served as an accompaniment to meals or with small

sandwiches, dainty cakes, or macaroons as an afternoon ceremony. If it

is served with meals and is poured at the table, the hostess or the one

pouring asks those to be served whether they desire sugar and cream and

then uses these accompaniments accordingly. In the event that it is

brought to the table poured, the sugar and cream are passed and those

served may help themselves to what they desire. Lemon adds much to the

flavor of tea and is liked by most persons. A dish of sliced lemon may

be passed with the cream and sugar or placed where the hostess may add

it to the tea. The Russians, who are inveterate tea drinkers, prepare

this beverage by putting a slice of lemon in the cup and then pouring

the hot tea over it. If this custom is followed, the lemons should be

washed and sliced very thin and the seeds should be removed from the

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slices. The flavor may also be improved by sticking a few cloves in each

slice of lemon; or, if the clove flavor is desired, several cloves may

be put in the teapot when the tea is made.

Lemon is almost always served with iced tea, for it adds a delightful

flavor. If it is not squeezed into the glass, it should be cut into

quarters or eighths lengthwise and then cut across so that small

triangular pieces are formed. These are much easier to handle than

whole slices.

58. In the serving of afternoon tea, the pouring of the tea is the main

thing, and the remainder of the service simply complements this pleasant

ceremony. Tiny sandwiches, small cakes, or macaroons usually accompany

the tea, while such confections as candied orange peel, stuffed dates,

or salted nuts are often served also. When sandwiches are used, they may

be merely bread-and-butter sandwiches or they may contain marmalade or

any desired filling. The principal requirement is that they be made as

small and thin as possible, so that they will be extremely dainty in


59. A tea cozy is a convenient device to use when tea is served from

the pot. It consists of a padded cap, or cover, that may be slipped over

the teapot to prevent the heat from escaping after the tea is infused.

It is made of several thicknesses of material in a shape and size that

will slip over the teapot easily and can then be removed when the tea

is to be poured. This can be made very attractive by means of a nicely

embroidered cover.

* * * * *



62. COCOA and CHOCOLATE are made from the fruit of the cacao, or

chocolate, tree. This tree is native to Mexico, where cocoa was first

used as a beverage, but it is also grown in South America and the West

Indies. The fruit of this tree was named cocoa Theobroma, which means

"food for the gods," because of its excellent flavor. The original

natives of Mexico and Peru used cocoa in place of money. When the

Spanish invaded these countries, they learned its use and took it back

to Spain, where it is still a popular beverage. In many localities in

Spain it became a fashionable morning drink, but it was also served at

other times.

63. PRODUCTION OF COCOA AND CHOCOLATE.--The fruit of the cacao tree is

in the form of pods from 6 to 10 inches in length and 3 to 4 inches in

diameter. These pods are filled with a white, pulpy mass in which are

embedded from twenty to forty seeds about twice the size and very much

the shape of kidney beans. After seeds are removed from the pod, they

are fermented and then dried. In this form they are packed in bags and

distributed. The beans are then roasted to develop their flavor and are

crushed into small pieces called cocoa nibs. The cocoa nibs are then

ground fine, when they become almost a liquid mass because of the very

large amount of fat contained in cocoa. To make the ordinary bitter

chocolate used so extensively for cooking purposes, this mass is run

into shallow pans, where it hardens as it cools. It is often flavored

and sweetened and then forms the confection known as sweet chocolate.

The application of pressure to bitter chocolate extracts considerable

fat, which is known as cocoa butter and is used largely in creams and

toilet preparations. The remaining material is ground into a powder and

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becomes the commercial cocoa.

To prevent the formation of a large amount of sediment in the bottom of

the cup, cocoa is treated with various kinds of alkali. Some of these

remain in the cocoa and are supposed to be harmful if it is taken in any

quantity. The cocoas that are treated with alkali are darker in color

than the others. The Dutch cocoas are considered to be the most soluble

and also contain the most alkali.

64. SELECTION OF COCOA AND CHOCOLATE.--Chocolate is usually pure in the

form in which it is sold, because it does not offer much chance for

adulteration. However, the volume of cocoa can be easily increased by

cheaper materials, such as starch, ground cocoa shells, etc. Cocoa so

adulterated should be avoided if possible. Generally the best brands,

although higher in price than others, are free from adulteration, and

from these a selection should be made. The particular brand of chocolate

or cocoa to buy must be governed by the taste of those to whom it is to

be served.


65. As a beverage, cocoa probably has greater use than chocolate; still

there are some who prefer the flavor of chocolate to that of cocoa.

Directions for preparing beverages from both of these materials are

given, with the intention that the housewife may decide for herself

which one she prefers to use. For either one, any ordinary saucepan or

kettle may be used, but those made of enamel or aluminum are best. Of

these two materials, aluminum is the better, for milk is less liable to

scorch in a vessel of this kind than in one of any other material.

66. When chocolate is to be used for a beverage, the amount required

varies with the strength desired. Recipes for bitter chocolate usually

give the amount in squares, but no difficulty will be experienced in

determining the amount, for the cakes of chocolate are marked in squares

of 1 ounce each. If sweet chocolate is used, less sugar should, of

course, be added to the beverage.

67. In all but the first of the recipes that follow, it will be observed

that milk is used for a part of the liquid. The quantity given makes an

excellent beverage, but more or less may be used if desired. However, if

the quantity of milk is changed, the quantity of water should be changed

accordingly. Condensed or evaporated milk may be utilized very nicely in

the making of these two beverages. Milk of this kind should, of course,

be diluted, a half-pint can requiring 2 to 3 cupfuls of water. If

condensed milk is used, less sugar than the recipe calls for may be

employed. A few drops of vanilla added just before serving always

improves the flavor of cocoa or chocolate.

68. PLAIN COCOA.--The quickest and cheapest method of making cocoa is

explained in the recipe that follows. It may be prepared in a saucepan

and poured into the cups or it may be made in the cups themselves. To

improve the flavor of cocoa made in this way, as well as add to its food

value, cream should be served with it. Salt also is used to improve the

flavor of all cocoa and chocolate beverages.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

2-1/2 Tb. cocoa

2-1/2 Tb. sugar

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Few grains of salt

4 c. boiling water

Mix the cocoa, sugar, and salt, form into a paste by stirring in a

little of the water, and then add the remainder of the water. Serve

with cream.

69. BREAKFAST COCOA.--Delicious cocoa can be made by following the

directions given in the accompanying recipe. Here milk and water are

used in equal amounts. When milk is used in the preparation of this

beverage, a scum of albumin is likely to form on the top of the cups

unless care is taken. To prevent this, the cocoa, as soon as it is

prepared, should be beaten with a rotary egg beater until a fine froth

forms on top. This process is known as milling, and should always be

applied whenever milk is used in the preparation of these beverages.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

2 c. milk

2 Tb. cocoa

2 Tb. sugar

Few grains of salt

2 c. boiling water

Scald the milk. Mix the cocoa, sugar, and salt, form into a paste by

stirring in a little of the boiling water, and then add the scalded milk

and the remainder of the water. Beat with an egg beater until a froth is

formed and serve at once.

70. RICH COCOA.--There are times when it is desired to serve rich cocoa,

as, for instance, with a lunch that is not high in food value or with

wafers at afternoon social affairs. The accompanying recipe explains how

to make cocoa that will be suitable for such occasions.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

4 c. milk

3 Tb. cocoa

1/4 c. sugar

Few grains of salt

1/2 c. boiling water

Scald the milk. Stir the cocoa, sugar, and salt into a smooth paste with

the boiling water and boil for 2 or 3 minutes. Add the scalded milk,

mill, and serve.

71. CREAMY COCOA.--When there is not very much milk on hand and still a

rich, creamy cocoa is desired, the accompanying recipe should be tried.

As will be noted, flour is used in addition to the usual ingredients.

While this is accountable for the creamy consistency of the cocoa, it

should be remembered that the cocoa must be cooked long enough to remove

the raw, starchy flavor of the flour.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

4 Tb. cocoa

1 Tb. flour

4 Tb. sugar

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Few grains of salt

2 c. boiling water

2 c. milk

Mix the cocoa, flour, sugar, and salt, and stir into a paste with some

of the water. Add the rest of the water, cook for 5 minutes, and then

add the milk, which has been scalded. Mill and serve.

72. HOT CHOCOLATE.--Very good hot chocolate can be made by following

the directions here given. As will be noted, this recipe is similar to

several of those given for cocoa, except that chocolate is substituted

for the cocoa. It may therefore be used on any occasion when cocoa would

be served. It is especially delicious when served with a tablespoonful

or two of whipped cream.


2 c. milk

1-1/2 sq. unsweetened chocolate

1/4 c. sugar

Few grains of salt

2 c. boiling water

Scald the milk. Melt the chocolate over the fire, add the sugar and

salt, and gradually stir in the boiling water. Place over the fire, let

boil for 2 or 3 minutes, and add the scalded milk. Mill and serve plain

or with whipped cream.

73. ICED COCOA OR CHOCOLATE.--An excellent warm-weather beverage

consists of cold cocoa or cold chocolate served either with or without

sweetened whipped cream. Prepare the cocoa or chocolate according to any

of the recipes already given and then allow it to cool. Fill glasses

with cracked ice, pour the cocoa or chocolate over it, and serve either

with or without sweetened whipped cream.

74. LEFT-OVER COCOA AND CHOCOLATE.--As the materials used in the

preparation of cocoa and chocolate are rather expensive, not the

slightest quantity of these beverages that remains after serving should

be wasted. However, a small amount of chocolate usually has to be added

so that it will have a stronger flavor. It may then be thickened with

corn starch for chocolate blanc mange or with gelatine for chocolate

jelly. Either of these served with whipped cream or a sauce of some kind

makes an excellent dessert. Chocolate bread pudding may also be flavored

with these left-over beverages.

It is also a good plan to utilize left-over cocoa or chocolate for

flavoring purposes. However, additional cocoa or chocolate and sugar

should first be added to it, and the mixture should then be boiled to a

sirup. When so prepared it may be used whenever a chocolate flavoring is

desired, such as for flavoring other beverages, cake icings, custards,

sauces for desserts, and ice creams.


75. When cocoa or chocolate is used to accompany meals, it is served in

the usual sized teacup. However, when either of these beverages is

served at receptions or instead of tea in the afternoon, regular

chocolate cups, which hold only about half as much as teacups, are used.

The cocoa or chocolate is prepared in the kitchen, but is served to the

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guests from a chocolate pot in tall cups that match the chocolate pot

in design. If such a service is not available, the cocoa or chocolate

may be poured into the cups in the kitchen and then brought to the

guests on a tray.

Besides sugar, which is generally added in the preparation of cocoa and

chocolate, cream usually accompanies these beverages, especially when

they are made without milk or with only a little. If the cream is

whipped and slightly sweetened, a spoonful or two will be sufficient to

render the beverage delightful. In case no cream is on hand,

marshmallows make a very good substitute. One of these should be placed

in the bottom of each cup and the hot beverage poured over it. The

marshmallow softens and rises to the top. When marshmallows are to be

added to cocoa, less sugar should be used in its preparation.

* * * * *



76. NON-STIMULATING BEVERAGES are those which contain neither stimulant

nor alcohol. They are the ones usually depended on to carry nutrition

into the body and to provide the necessary refreshment. In this class of

beverages come the various cereal beverages, fruit drinks, soft drinks,

and milk-and-egg drinks. With the exception of the cereal beverages,

these drinks are of a very refreshing nature, for they are served as

cold as possible and they contain materials that make them very pleasing

to the taste. Most of them can be prepared in the home at much less cost

than they can be purchased commercially prepared or at soda fountains;

so it is well for the housewife to be familiar with their nature and

their preparation.

77. CEREAL BEVERAGES, as the name implies, are made from cereals. Of

these, the cereal coffees are perhaps the most common. They contain

nothing that is harmful, and are slightly beneficial in that they assist

in giving the body some of the necessary liquid. However, they have

absolutely no food value and are therefore of no importance in the diet

except to take the place of stimulating beverages that are likely to

injure those who drink them. They are made of cereals to which sugar or

molasses is added, and the whole is then baked until the cereals brown

and the sugar caramelizes, the combination producing a flavor much like

that of coffee. Plain roasted wheat or bran can be used very well as a

substitute in the making of these beverages. In the parts of the country

where rye is extensively grown, it is roasted in the oven until it is an

even brown in color. It is then used almost exclusively by some persons

to make rye coffee, a beverage that closely resembles coffee

in flavor.

78. The instantaneous cereal beverages are made by drawing all the

flavor possible out of the material by means of water. The water is then

evaporated and the hard substance that remains is ground until it is

almost a powder. When water is added again, this substance becomes

soluble instantly. Instantaneous coffee is prepared in the same way.

The way in which to use these beverages depends, of course, on the kind

selected, but no difficulty will be experienced in their preparation,

for explicit directions are always found in or on all packages

containing them.

* * * * *

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79. FRUIT BEVERAGES are those which contain fruit and fruit juices for

their foundation. As there are many kinds of fruit that can be used for

this purpose, almost endless variety can be obtained in the making of

these beverages. One of the important features is that a great deal of

nourishment can be incorporated into them by the materials used. In

addition, the acids of fruits are slightly antiseptic and are

stimulating to the digestion as well as beneficial to the blood.

80. Lemon juice, when mixed with other fruit juices, seems to intensify

the flavor. Because of this fact, practically all the recipes for fruit

beverages include this juice as one of the ingredients. The combination

of pineapple and lemon yields a greater quantity of flavor for

beverages, ices, etc. than any other two fruit flavors. Juice may be

extracted from all fruits easily. To obtain lemon juice for a fruit

beverage, first soften the fruit by pressing it between the hand and a

hard surface, such as a table top, or merely soften it with the hands.

Then cut it in two, crosswise, and drill the juice out, as shown in Fig.

12, by placing each half over a drill made of glass or aluminum and

turning it around and around until all the juice is extracted. To remove

the seeds and pulp, strain the juice through a wire strainer. The juice

from oranges and grapefruit, if they are not too large, may be extracted

in the same way.

81. It is not always necessary to extract juices from fresh fruit for

fruit beverages; in fact, juice from canned fruit or juice especially

canned for beverage making is the kind most frequently employed. For

instance, in the canning of fruit there is often a large quantity of

juice left over that most persons use for jelly. It is a good plan to

can this juice just as it is and then use it with lemon juice or other

fruit juices for these beverages. Also, juices that remain after all the

fruit has been used from a can may be utilized in the same way, no

matter what the kind or the quantity. In fact, unless otherwise stated

in the recipes that follow, the fruit juices given, with the exception

of orange and lemon juice, are those taken from canned fruit or juices

canned especially for beverage making. These juices also lend themselves

admirably to various other uses, for, as has already been learned, they

are used in ices, gelatine desserts, salad dressing, pudding sauces,

etc. Therefore, no fruit juice should ever be wasted.

82. The clear-fruit beverages become more attractive when they are

garnished in some way. A slice of lemon, orange, or pineapple, or a

fresh strawberry put into each glass improves the flavor and makes the

beverage more appetizing. Red, yellow, and green cherries may be bought

in bottles and used for such purposes. As these are usually preserved in

wine and are artificially colored, many persons object to their use. A

good substitute for them is candied cherries. These can be bought from

any confectioner and do very well when a red decoration is desired.


83. LEMONADE.--Next to water, no other drink is so refreshing nor

quenches the thirst to so great an extent as lemonade. Lemonade is

suitable for many occasions, and as lemons can be purchased at any time

of the year it can be made at almost any season. The lemon sirup

prepared for this beverage may be used as desired, for if it is put in a

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cool place it will keep for a long time. The more the sirup is boiled

down, the better will it keep. A tablespoonful or two of glucose or corn

sirup added to such mixtures when they are boiled will help to keep them

from crystallizing when they stand.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

1 c. sugar

1 qt. water

1/2 c. lemon juice

Make a sirup by boiling the sugar and water for a few minutes, and set

aside to cool. Add the lemon juice and then dilute with ice water to

suit the taste. Serve in glasses and garnish each one with a slice of

lemon or a red cherry.

84. ORANGEADE.--While not so acid in flavor as lemonade, orangeade is

also a delightful drink. On warm days, drinks of this kind should take

the place of the hot ones that are generally used during the

cold weather.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

3/4 c. sugar

1 qt. water

1/2 c. orange juice

3 Tb. lemon juice

Make a sirup of the sugar and 1 cupful of the water. Allow this to

become cool and then add the fruit juices and the remaining water. Pour

into glasses and garnish each glass with a slice of orange, a red

cherry, or a fresh strawberry.

85. GRAPE LEMONADE.--An excellent combination in the way of a beverage

is lemonade and grape juice. Besides adding flavor to the lemonade, the

grape juice gives it a delightful color.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

1 qt. lemonade

1 c. grape juice

Prepare the lemonade in the manner explained in Art. 83. Add the grape

juice to the lemonade and stir well. Serve ice cold in glasses.

86. PINEAPPLE LEMONADE.--Another variation of lemonade is produced when

pineapple juice is added to it. To garnish this beverage, a slice of

lemon and a spoonful of grated pineapple are generally used. This

pineapple beverage is delightful with wafers or small cakes as

refreshments for informal social affairs during hot weather.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

1 c. water

3/4 c. sugar

3 c. ice water

1 c. juice from canned pineapple

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3 lemons

Make a sirup of the water and sugar, and set aside to cool. Add the ice

water, the pineapple juice, and the juice of the lemons. Stir well,

strain, and serve. Garnish with a slice of lemon and a spoonful of

grated pineapple added to each glass.

87. MINT JULEP.--Mint drinks are not served so often as some of the

other fruit beverages, but those with whom they find favor will

undoubtedly be delighted with mint julep prepared according to the

following recipe:


(Sufficient to Serve Eight)

4 sprigs mint

1 c. sugar

1 qt. water

1 c. red cherry juice

1/2 c. pineapple juice

1/2 c. orange juice

1/4 c. lemon juice

Crush the mint with the sugar, using a potato masher or a large spoon.

Add the water and fruit juices and strain. Serve over crushed ice and

garnish the glasses with sprigs of mint. Tall, narrow glasses are

especially attractive for serving this drink.

88. FRUIT NECTAR.--The term nectar was used by the early Greeks to mean

the drink of the gods. Now it is often applied to an especially

delightful beverage. Pineapple combined with lemon is always good, but

when orange juice is also used, an excellent nectar is the result.


(Sufficient to Serve Eight)

3/4 c. sugar

2 c. water

1-1/2 c. orange juice

1 c. pineapple juice

1/2 c. lemon juice

Boil the sugar and water for 2 minutes and then cool. Add the fruit

juices, strain, and serve over cracked ice.

89. RED-RASPBERRY NECTAR.--A beverage that is pleasing to the eye, as

well as delightful to the taste, can be made by combining red-raspberry

juice and lemon juice with the required amount of sugar and water. The

juice from canned raspberries may be used for this drink.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

1/2 c. sugar

2 c. water

1/2 c. lemon juice

1-1/2 c. red raspberry juice

Boil the sugar and water for 2 minutes and allow the sirup to become

cool. Then add the fruit juices, strain, and serve over cracked ice.

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90. SPICE CUP.--Occasionally a spice drink seems to be just what is

desired. When this is the case, the directions given in the accompanying

recipe for spice cup should be followed.


(Sufficient to Serve Eight)

1-1/2 c. sugar

1-1/2 pt water

12 cloves

2-in. stick cinnamon

3 lemons

4 oranges

2 drops oil of wintergreen

Boil the sugar, water, and spices together for 5 minutes and allow the

sirup to become cool. Add the juice of the lemons and oranges and the

wintergreen oil and serve in glasses over cracked ice. Garnish each

glass with slices of orange and lemon or a piece of preserved ginger.

91. FRUIT PUNCH.--As fruit beverages are very often served at small

receptions, club meetings, or parties, a recipe that will make a

sufficiently large quantity is often desired. The amounts mentioned in

the following recipe will make enough fruit punch to serve thirty to

forty persons if punch glasses are used, or sixteen to twenty if

ordinary drinking glasses are used.


2-1/2 c. sugar

1 qt. water

2 c. fruit juice (raspberry, strawberry, or cherry)

6 oranges

6 lemons

1 pt. can grated pineapple

1 c. strong black tea (strained)

1 qt. carbonated water

Boil the sugar and water for 2 minutes and allow the sirup to become

cool. Then add the fruit juice, the juice of the oranges and lemons, the

pineapple, and the tea. Just before serving, add the carbonated water,

which lends a sparkling appearance and a snappy taste to a beverage of

this kind. Pour over cracked ice into sherbet or punch glasses or into

tall narrow ones.

92. GINGER-ALE PUNCH.--As most persons like the flavor of ginger ale,

punch containing ginger ale is always a favorite when a large company of

persons is to be served. The quantity that the accompanying recipe makes

will serve twenty to twenty-five persons if punch glasses are used, or

ten to twelve persons if drinking glasses are used.


1-1/2 c. sugar

1 pt. water

2 lemons

3 oranges

1 pt. grape juice

4 sprigs fresh mint (crushed)

1 lemon sliced thin

1 qt. ginger ale

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Boil the sugar and water for 2 minutes and allow the sirup to become

cool. Drill the juice from the lemons and oranges and add this with the

grape juice, crushed mint, and sliced lemon to the sirup. Just before

using, add the ginger ale and serve over cracked ice.


93. A class of very popular non-stimulating beverages are the SOFT

DRINKS sold at the soda fountains. Many of them can also be bought in

bottles and so may be purchased and served at home. These drinks really

consist of carbonated water and a flavoring material that is either

prepared chemically and colored or made of fruit extracts. Sometimes ice

cream is added, and the drink is then called ice-cream soda.

94. Soft drinks include phosphates, ginger ale, coca cola, birch beer,

root beer, and various other drinks called mashes, sours, and freezes.

While these are pleasing to the taste and have the advantage of being

ready to drink when prepared, it is advisable not to indulge in them too

frequently, because excessive use of them is liable to affect the

system. Besides, beverages that are just as satisfactory as these so far

as flavor is concerned and that are made of much better material can be

prepared at home at far less cost. With these drinks, as with other

commercially prepared articles of food, the cost of preparation and

service in addition to the cost of materials must be paid for by

the consumer.


95. Many times it is necessary or desirable to administer food in the

form of liquid. When this is to be done, as much nourishment as possible

should generally be incorporated into the beverage. To meet such a need,

the following recipes are presented. In each case, the quantities

mentioned make a drink sufficient for only one person, so that if more

than one are to be served the amounts should be multiplied by the number

desired. The food materials used in these drinks are easily digested,

and the beverages are comparatively high in food value.

96. At most soda fountains, these nourishing drinks are offered for

sale, so that if one does not desire the work of preparation, they may

be obtained at such places. However, as practically all the ingredients

are materials used in the home and are therefore nearly always on hand

in most households, drinks of this kind may be prepared at home at much

less cost than when purchased already made. The main thing to remember

in their preparation is that the ingredients should be as cold as

possible and that the beverage should be cold when served.

97. The beverages containing eggs may be made in more than one way. They

may be mixed in a bowl or an enamelware dish with a rounded bottom and

then beaten with a rotary egg beater, or they may be mixed in a metal

shaker designed especially for this purpose and then shaken thoroughly

in that. In drinks of this kind, the point to remember is that the eggs

should be beaten or shaken until they are light and foamy.

98. CHOCOLATE SIRUP.--While chocolate sirup is not a beverage in itself,

it is used to such an extent in beverages, as well as an accompaniment

to numerous desserts, that it is well for the housewife to know how to

prepare it. It may be kept an indefinite length of time if it is put

into a glass jar and sealed. Here, as in the preparation of other

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sirups, a tablespoonful or two of corn sirup or glucose will help to

keep the sirup from crystallizing.


4 sq. chocolate

1 c. water

3/4 c. sugar

Melt the chocolate in a saucepan, stir in the water, and add the sugar.

Boil until a thick sirup is formed.

99. PLAIN MILK SHAKE.--A pleasant variation for milk is the plain milk

shake here given. Even those who are not fond of milk and find it hard

to take like it when it is prepared in this way.


1 c. milk

2 tsp. sugar

Few drops of vanilla

Dash of nutmeg

Beat all the ingredients together with an egg beater or shake well in a

shaker and serve in a glass with cracked ice.

100. EGG MILK SHAKE.--The simplest form of egg drink is the egg milk

shake explained in the accompanying recipe. This is an extremely

nutritious drink and is often served to invalids and persons who must

have liquid nourishment.


3/4 c. milk

1 egg

1 Tb. sugar

Pinch of salt

Few drops of vanilla

Mix all the ingredients and beat the mixture with a rotary beater or

shake it in a shaker. Serve in a glass over cracked ice.

101. EGG CHOCOLATE.--The addition of chocolate to an egg milk shake

improves it very much and makes a drink called egg chocolate.


3/4 c. milk

1 egg

2 Tb. chocolate sirup

Few drops of vanilla

Pinch of salt

Mix all the materials and beat with an egg beater or shake thoroughly in

a shaker. Serve in a glass with cracked ice.

102. CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK.--A preparation that is much used in

nourishing drinks and that furnishes a great deal of nutrition is malted

milk. This is made from cow's milk and is blended by a scientific

process with malted grains. It comes in powder form and may be purchased

in bottles of various sizes. It is well to keep a good brand of malted

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milk on hand, as there are various uses to which it can be put.


3/4 c. milk

1 egg

2 Tb. malted milk

2 Tb. chocolate sirup

Few drops of vanilla

Pinch of salt

Mix and shake in a shaker or beat with a rotary egg beater. Serve in a

glass with cracked ice.

103. ORANGE EGG NOG.--The accompanying recipe for egg nog requires

orange for its flavoring, but any fruit juice may be substituted for the

orange if desired. Pineapple and apricot juices are exceptionally good.


1/4 c. cream

1/4 c. milk

1 egg

1 Tb. sugar

2 oranges

Mix the cream, milk, egg, and sugar, beat well with an egg beater, and

continue beating while adding the juice of the oranges. Serve in a glass

over crushed ice.

104. FOAMY EGG NOG.--An egg nog can be made foamy and light by

separating the eggs and beating the yolks and whites separately. Either

cream or milk may be used for this drink, and it may be flavored with

vanilla or fruit juice, as preferred. A small piece of red jelly beaten

into the egg white makes this drink very attractive; or, jelly may be

used as a flavoring and beaten with the ingredients.


2 eggs

1 Tb. sugar

1/2 c. cream or milk

2 Tb. fruit juice or 1/2 tsp. vanilla

Separate the yolks and whites of the eggs. Mix the yolks with the sugar,

cream or milk, and the fruit juice or vanilla and beat thoroughly. Beat

the whites stiff and fold into the first mixture, retaining a

tablespoonful of the beaten white. Pour into a tall glass, put the

remaining white on top, and serve.

* * * * *



(1) What is a beverage?

(2) What does boiling do to: (a) hard water? (b) impure water?

(3) What is the value of beverages in the diet?

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(4) Mention and define the three classes of beverages.

(5) (a) What are caffeine, theine, and theobromine? (b) Where is

each found? (c) What effect do they have on the human body?

(6) (a) Where is tannic acid found? (b) What effect does it have on

the human body?

(7) Tell briefly about the preparation of coffee for the market.

(8) How should coffee be bought?

(9) What are the general proportions of coffee and liquid used in the

making of coffee?

(10) What use can be made of left-over coffee?

(11) Tell briefly about the preparation of black and green tea for the


(12) What points should be observed in the selection of tea?

(13) What general proportions of tea and water are used for the making

of tea?

(14) Tell briefly about the preparation of cocoa and chocolate for the


(15) What advantage have cocoa and chocolate over tea and coffee as.

articles of food?

(16) What use can be made of left-over cocoa and chocolate?

(17) (a) How are cereal coffees made? (b) Of what value are they?

(18) Of what value are fruit beverages?

(19) What uses can be made of left-over fruit juices?

(20) What good use can be made of nourishing beverages?

* * * * *


* * * * *


1. As every housewife realizes, the feeding of the members of her family

places upon her serious and important responsibilities. While she

deserves and receives credit for their good health, the blame for much

of their ill health falls upon her, too. The reason for this is that

illness is due in a greater measure to wrong food than to any other

single factor; and even if improper diet is not directly responsible for

ill health, it certainly lowers the bodily resistance and thus makes a

person susceptible to disease.

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The health of her family is naturally the housewife's first and greatest

consideration, and as this depends so much on correct diet, it should be

the aim of every housewife to plan her meals in the careful, intelligent

way required to supply her household with the food each member needs.

2. As has already been learned, a knowledge of the selection, care, and

preparation of food is absolutely necessary in providing proper diet.

But correct feeding requires more than this. In addition, the housewife

must have a working knowledge of what foods contain and their effect in

the body. She must also learn what her family needs and then make every

effort to supply this need in the most economical way. The result will

be a sufficient amount of food of the right kind at a minimum

expenditure of funds.

She should keep in mind, however, that the cost of diet has no direct

relation to its food value, but that economy and proper feeding are

closely connected. For instance, an inexpensive diet may be just as

satisfactory from a food-value standpoint as an expensive one. But in

order to make the inexpensive one adequate and the expensive one

balanced, the housewife must apply her knowledge of the general

composition of food; that is, she must know whether a food predominates

in carbohydrate, fat, or protein, and whether or not it furnishes

minerals. Equipped with such knowledge, she will be able to purchase the

largest amount of nutritive material for the smallest outlay of money.

The cheapest food is not always the one that sells for the lowest price

per pound, quart, or bushel, but the one that furnishes the most

nutritive material at the lowest cost; also, food that is the wrong kind

to serve is not an economical one to purchase.

3. Many housewives regard it as unnecessary to plan beforehand and

persist in preparing meals without giving any previous thought to them.

But to begin thinking about an hour before meal time what to have for a

meal is neither wise nor economical, for then it is too late to

determine what ought to be served from a diet standpoint and there can

be prepared only those foods which the time will allow. As can well be

understood, this is both a disastrous plan for correct diet and a very

extravagant way in which to feed a family. Quickly broiled steaks and

chops, commercially canned vegetables and fruits, and prepared desserts

should be the occasional treat rather than the daily food. Instead of

using these constantly, time should be allowed for the preparation of

the less expensive meats and vegetables and the home-made desserts.

To prepare such foods successfully requires that meals should be planned

at least 24 hours before they are to be served, and in reality the main

dishes should be decided on 48 hours ahead of time. Then, sometime

between breakfast and luncheon and before the day's marketing is done,

detailed plans should be made for luncheon and dinner of that day and

for breakfast of the next. Nor should the left-overs be disregarded if

economy would be the watchword in the management of the household.

Rather, they should be included in the plans for each day and used up as

fast as possible.

* * * * *



4. The truly economical housewife will find it necessary each day to

determine three things: (1) what is left from yesterday's meals and what

use can be made of it; (2) what is in supply that can be used for that

170 / 211

day; and (3) what must be added to these things to provide satisfactory

meals for the family. Having determined these points, she should make a

list of the articles that she must purchase when she does her marketing.

A pad fastened to the kitchen wall and a pencil on a string attached to

the pad are convenient for this purpose. At the same time, they serve as

a reminder that when all of any article, such as coffee, sugar, baking

powder, etc., has been used, a note should be made of this fact. To her

list of supplies that have become exhausted since her preceding

marketing day should be added the fresh fruits, vegetables, and other

perishable foods needed for the next day or preferably for the next two

days if they can be kept.

5. It is only with proper preparation that the housewife may expect her

marketing trips to be successful. If she starts to market with merely

two or three items in mind and then tries to think of what she needs as

she orders, not only does she waste the grocer's time, but her marketing

trip will be a failure. After she arrives home, she will find that there

are other things she should have purchased, and the grocer will be

forced to make an extra delivery to bring them to her. This is more than

she has a right to expect, for the grocer should not be obliged to pay

for her lack of planning.

6. To purchase economically, it is advisable, when possible, to buy at a

cash grocery and to pay cash for what is bought. When this is done, one

is not helping to pay the grocer for accounts he is unable to collect.

It is a fortunate grocer who is able to collect 80 per cent. of his

bills from his patrons when he conducts his business on the credit plan.

However, if it is desired to deal with a credit grocer, all bills

should be paid at least once a month. No customer has a right to expect

the grocer to wait longer than 30 days for his money.

In many of the cities and large towns, some credit grocers have adopted

what is called the "cash-and-carry plan." All customers, whether they

buy for cash or on credit, must pay the same price for groceries, but

those who wish their goods delivered must pay additional for delivery

and those who buy on credit must pay a certain percentage additional on

each purchase for bookkeeping. It will readily be seen that such a plan

gives the cash customers, especially if they carry their purchases, a

decided advantage over credit customers. Also, the grocer is better able

to sell his wares at a lower price than the credit grocer who makes free

deliveries and no charge for bookkeeping.


7. NECESSITY FOR KEEPING ACCOUNTS.--Practically every family is limited

to a definite sum of money that may be spent for food. The first

consideration, then, while it may not be the most important one, is that

of making each dollar buy all that it possibly can in order that the

income may meet all the demands upon it. Various conditions arise that

affect the proportion of the income to be used for this purpose. For

instance, two women whose husbands have equal incomes would, under the

same conditions, have an equal amount of money to spend for food, but as

a rule there is something to cause this amount to become unequal. One

woman may have two children in her family while the other has none, a

condition that means, of course, that the woman with the children will

have less money to spend for food and with that money she must feed more

persons. Her family must be, if possible, as well nourished as the other

one. In order to accomplish this task, it will be necessary to supply

all the required food material in a form that will cost less than the

food purchased by the woman who has a smaller family to feed and clothe.

171 / 211

An excellent way in which to keep expenses down and consequently to live

within one's income is to keep a simple record of household expenses.

Such a record will enable every housewife to determine just what each

item of household necessities costs and whether or not the proportion of

cost to income is correct. To keep a record of expenditures will not

prove much of a task if it is done systematically, for a few minutes a

day will be sufficient time in which to keep accounts up to date.

However, if account keeping is attempted, it should not be neglected

even for a day, for it will soon assume the proportions of a large task

and will have a tendency to discourage the housewife with this part

of her work.


household accounts, a small desk should, if possible, be secured and

placed in an unoccupied or convenient corner of the kitchen. Here can

be kept cook books, recipes, suitable books or cards for account

keeping, the marketing pad, a file for bills from the grocer and the

butcher, labels for cans and jars, etc. Here may also be placed an

extension telephone, which, by being so convenient, will save the

housewife many steps. A white desk with a chair to match is the most

attractive kind to select for kitchen use, but a dark one may be used if

preferred. A small, plain table will, of course, answer very well if

no desk is available and it is desired not to buy one.


credit account with the grocer, she will learn that different grocers

have different ways of recording her purchases.

In some cases, she is provided with a "store book," which she takes to

the grocer each time she makes a purchase and in which he records the

date and the items bought by her. Then at the end of a stated time,

usually the end of the month, when a settlement is to be made, the

amounts for the month are totaled and a new account is started. With

such a plan, the housewife does not have to keep any record for herself.

To be certain that the grocer's account is accurate, she simply has to

check the entries each time they are made in the book by the grocer.

In other cases, the grocer merely makes out a slip, or bill, for each

purchase and at the end of the month presents his statement for the

amount due. In such an event, provided the housewife does not wish to

make entries into a suitable book, she may file the slips as she

receives them in order that she may check the grocer's monthly bill as

to accuracy. A bill file is very convenient for the filing of bills.

However, if she does not wish to save each slip she receives, she may

adopt one of two methods of account keeping, depending on how much time

she has to devote to this matter.

10. If she desires to be very systematic and has sufficient time, it

will prove a good plan to record each purchase in a suitable book.

Books for this purpose can be purchased in any store where stationery

is sold and are not expensive. In this method of recording, as a page

becomes filled with items, the total is carried forward to each new

page until the bill is paid at the end of the month. Then, for the next

month, a new account may be started. This same method may also be

followed in keeping accounts for meats, milk, and such household

expenses as rent, light, heat, and laundry. All these accounts,

together with an account for clothing and one for miscellaneous

expense, make up a complete expense account.

172 / 211


With John Smith, 420 Fourth Avenue


10/15 | 1 pk. Apples......................| $ .45

| 1 doz. Eggs.......................| .55

| 1 lb. Butter......................| .53

| 2 lb. Sweet Potatoes..............| .15

| 2 cans Duff's Molasses............| .54

| 1 pt. Vinegar.....................| .10

10/17 | 1 cake Yeast......................| .04

| 6 lb. Crisco......................| 1.98

| 1 box Coconut.....................| .35

| 1 can Pineapple...................| .25

| 1 lb. coffee......................| .40

| 2 qt. Carrots.....................| .10

10/19 | 1 box Matches.....................| .10

| 2 bars Laundry Soap...............| .12

| 1 head Lettuce....................| .08

| 1 can Corn........................| .20

| 1 bu. Potatoes....................| 2.00

| 1 qt. Maple Sirup.................| .65

| |--------

| Forwarded.......| $8.59


FIG. 3

11. A somewhat simpler plan and one that requires less time is shown in

Fig. 4. When the slips are received, they should be checked to see

whether they are correct and then added to get the total. Only this

total, together with the date, is placed in the book kept for the

purpose, the slips then being discarded. Such a plan will prove very

satisfactory for the various household expenses if care is used in

checking the items of the slips and in adding them.

Regarding the settlement of her accounts, the housewife who buys on

credit will find it a good plan to pay her bills by check. Then

receipts will not have to be saved, for the returned check is usually

all that is required to prove that a bill has been paid.

12. The housewife who buys for cash does not necessarily have to keep a

detailed record of her purchases, for by simply filing her purchase

slips in the manner shown in Fig. 2 she can determine at any time what

her money has been used for. Still, in every well-regulated household,

it is advisable to keep a daily record of income and expenditure; that

is, to put down every day how much is spent for food, laundry, cleaning,

and, in fact, all expenditures, as well as how much cash is received.

Indeed, if such an account is kept, the tendency of money to "slip away"

will be checked and a saving of money is bound to result.


WithJohn Smith, 420 Fourth Avenue


10/2 | Groceries...........................| $ 2.10

10/3 | Groceries...........................| 2.76

10/6 | Groceries...........................| .42

173 / 211

10/8 | Groceries...........................| 4.12

10/10 | Groceries...........................| 1.09

10/13 | Groceries...........................| .32

10/15 | Groceries...........................| 2.30

10/17 | Groceries...........................| 2.13

10/20 | Groceries...........................| 1.93

10/22 | Groceries...........................| 3.97

10/24 | Groceries...........................| 1.69

10/27 | Groceries...........................| 4.10

10/29 | Groceries...........................| 1.12

10/31 | Groceries...........................| 3.35

| |--------

| Forwarded..............| $31.40


FIG. 4

13. A simple plan for keeping such a record is illustrated in Fig. 5.

For this record it is possible to buy sheets of paper or cards already

ruled at any stationery store, but it is a simple matter to rule sheets

of blank paper that will answer the purpose very well. As will be

observed, there is a space provided for every day of the month and

columns into which may be placed the expenditures for groceries,

including fruits and vegetables, as well as for meats and fish, milk,

laundry and cleaning, and miscellaneous items, such as ice and other

necessities that are not ordinarily classed as groceries. Of course, the

number of columns to be used can be regulated by the person keeping the

account, the illustration simply showing the general procedure. However,

one column should be devoted to the daily expenditure, the figures here

being the amounts of the total money spent for the different items each

day. In the last column should be recorded the various amounts of money

received by the housewife during the month for the settlement of her

bills. At the end of the month, all of the columns should be totaled.

The total of the daily outlay should equal that of the preceding

columns. The difference between this total and that of the money

received will show the housewife just how she stands with regard to

income and expenditure for foods and kitchen supplies. In this case,

there is an excess of expenditure amounting to $10.68, and this sum

should be forwarded to the June account. On the other hand, should the

housewife find that her expenses exceed her allowance, she will know

that it will be necessary for her to curtail her expenditures in

some way.

Expenditures and Receipts for the Month of May, 19


| | Meats | |Laundry | Miscel-| |

Date| Groc- | and | Milk | and | laneous| Daily | Money

| eries | Fish | |Cleaning| Expend-| Outlay | Rec'vd

| | | | | itures | |


1 | $ 2.10| $ .60| $ .28| $ 1.50 | | $ 4.48 | $ 5.70

2 | | .40| .28| | | .58 |

3 | 2.76| 1.90| .28| | $ .35 | 5.29 | 15.00

4 | | | .28| | | .28 |

5 | | | .28| | | .28 |

6 | .42| | .28| | .35 | 1.05 |

7 | | .36| .28| | .10 | .74 |

8 | 4.12| | .28| 2.00 | .40 | 6.80 |

9 | | | .28| | | .28 |

10 | 1.09| 1.83| .28| | .38 | 3.60 | 15.00

11 | | | .28| | | .28 |

12 | | | .28| | .35 | .63 |

174 / 211

13 | .32| .76| .28| | | 1.36 |

14 | | | .28| | .19 | .47 |

15 | 2.30| | .28| 1.50 | .12 | 4.20 |

16 | | .53| .28| | | .81 |

17 | 2.13| 1.63| .28| | .60 | 4.64 | 15.00

18 | | | .28| | | .28 |

19 | | | .28| | .22 | .50 |

20 | 1.93| | .28| | .40 | 2.61 |

21 | | .90| .28| | | 1.18 |

22 | 3.97| | .28| 2.00 | .40 | 6.65 |

23 | 2.10| | .28| | | .28 |

24 | 2.10| 2.24| .28| | .80 | 5.01 | 15.00

25 | | | .28| | .10 | .38 |

26 | | | .28| 1.50 | | 1.78 |

27 | 4.10| | .28| | .35 | 4.73 |

28 | | .38| .28| | | .66 |

29 | 1.12| .46| .28| 1.50 | .40 | 3.76 |

30 | | | .28| | | .28 |

31 | 3.35| 1.87| .28| | .55 | 6.05 | 15.00


Total $31.40| $13.88| $ 8.68| $10.00 | $ 6.66 | $70.02 | $80.70


FIG. 5

Such a method of record keeping could also be followed with good

results for showing the distribution of the entire income of a family.

It would simply mean the planning of suitable columns for the different

items of expenditure.

14. Too much cannot be said of the merit of following some such simple

account-keeping method as the ones here outlined, for, as has been

explained, it will enable the housewife to know with a fair degree of

accuracy what she has spent her money for. In addition to the

satisfaction this will give, it will supply a basis from which she can

apportion, or budget, her yearly income if she so desires. By giving

careful consideration to the various items of expense, she may find it

possible to reduce some of them in order to increase her savings account

or to have money for other items that require a larger expenditure.

* * * * *



15. Certain factors that enter into the production of food add so much

to the cost that they must be taken into consideration when food is

purchased. The housewife who disregards these factors fails in the

purchase of food, for she does not know so well what foods to buy nor

how to buy them in a way to keep down the cost as the woman who is

familiar with these matters. It is possible that the cost of a food may

be out of all proportion to its value because of the profits that must

necessarily be paid to each person through whose hands the food passes.

In the first place, the overhead expenses of the food dealer must be

paid by the housewife, who is regarded as the consumer. These expenses

include his rent, light, and heat, his hired help, such as clerks,

bookkeepers, delivery men, and the cost of delivery. In addition, the

cost of transportation figures in prominently if the foods have to be

shipped any distance, the manufacturer's profit must often be counted

in, and the cost of advertising must not be overlooked. With all such

matters, the housewife must acquaint herself if she would buy in the

175 / 211

most economical way.

18. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED GOODS.--Much is said about the fact that the

consumer, in buying package foods that are nationally advertised, must

pay for the package and the advertising. This statement is absolutely

true; but it must be remembered that where large quantities of foods are

handled, the materials can be bought by the manufacturer or the

wholesaler at a lower price than by one who purchases only a small

amount. Then, too, if great quantities are sold, and this condition is

made possible only through advertising, the profit on each package sold

can be much smaller than that which would have to be made when less is

sold. Often, therefore, in spite of the advertising cost, a widely

advertised food can be sold for less than one that is not advertised at

all because a much greater quantity is sold.

19. CHAIN STORES.--The principle of selling great quantities of food at

a comparatively small profit on each item is put into practice in chain

stores, which are operated by different companies throughout the United

States. Such stores are a boon to the housewife who must practice

economy, for they eliminate a middleman by acting both as wholesaler and

as retailer. Because of this fact, foods that are purchased in large

quantities from the producer or manufacturer can be offered to the

consumer at a lower price than in a retail store not a part of a chain.

Therefore, if foods of the same quality are not lower in price in chain

stores, it must be because the buying is not well done or a greater

profit is made in selling them. In addition, chain stores generally

require cash for all purchases made in them and they do not usually

deliver goods. Consequently, their overhead expense is materially

reduced and they do not need to make such a large profit.


20. APPORTIONMENT OF INCOME.--When the housewife thoroughly understands

the qualities of foods as well as their comparative food values and is

familiar with the factors that govern food prices, she is well equipped

to do economical buying for her family. Then it remains for her to

purchase the right kind of food and at the same time keep within her

means. A good plan is to apportion the household expenses according to a

budget; that is, to prepare a statement of the financial plans for the

year. Then the amount of money that can be used for this part of the

household expenses will be known and the housewife will be able to plan

definitely on what she can buy. If necessary, this amount may be reduced

through the housewife's giving careful attention to the details of

buying, or if she is not obliged to lower her expenses, she may

occasionally purchase more expensive foods, which might be considered

luxuries, to give variety to the diet. The amount of money that may be

spent for food depends, of course, on the income, and the greater the

income, the lower will be the proportion of money required for this item

of the household expense.

21. To throw some light on the proper proportion of the family income to

spend for food, Table I is given. As the basis of this table, a family

of five is taken and the proportion that may be spent for food has been

worked out for incomes ranging from $600 to $2,400 a year. As will be

noted, an income of $600 permits an expenditure of only 19 cents a day

for each person. When food prices are high, it will be a difficult

matter to feed one person for that amount, and still if the income is

only $600 it will be necessary to do this. To increase the food cost

over 39 cents a day per person, which is the amount allotted for an

income of $2,400, would denote extravagance or at least would provide

176 / 211

more luxury than is warranted.




Income Per Cent. of Amount Spent Amount Spent Amount Spent

per Income Spent per year for per Day for per Day per

Year for Food Food Five Persons Person


$ 600 60 $360 $ .98 $ .19

800 55 500 1.36 .27

1,000 50 576 1.57 .31

1,200 48 576 1.57 .31

1,500 44 660 1.80 .36

1,800 39 702 1.92 .38

2,400 30 720 1.97 .39


Various conditions greatly affect this proportion. One of these is the

rise and fall of the food cost. Theoretically, the buyer should adjust

this difference in the food cost rather than increase her expenditures.

For instance, if in a certain year, the general cost of food is 20 per

cent. greater than it was in the preceding year, the housewife should

adjust her plan of buying so that for the same amount of money spent in

the previous year she will be able to supply her family with what they

need. Of course, if there is an increase in the income, it will not be

so necessary to work out such an adjustment.

22. ECONOMIES IN PURCHASING FOOD.--Through her study of the preceding

lessons, the student has had an opportunity to learn how to care for

food in order to avoid loss and waste, how to prepare it so that it may

be easily digested and assimilated, and how to make it appetizing and

attractive so that as little as possible is left over and none is

wasted. She should therefore be thoroughly acquainted with the methods

of procedure in regard to all such matters and should have worked out to

her satisfaction the best ways of accomplishing these things to suit her

individual needs. But, in addition to these matters, she must give

strict attention to her food purchases if she would secure for her

family the most wholesome and nourishing foods for the least

expenditure of money.

23. To purchase food that will provide the necessary food value for a

small outlay is possible to a certain extent, but it cannot be done

without the required knowledge. In the first place, it means that fewer

luxuries can be indulged in and that the family dietary will have to be

reduced to necessities. It may also mean that there will probably be a

difference in the quality of the food purchased. For instance, it may be

necessary to practice such economies as buying broken rice at a few

cents a pound less than whole rice or purchasing smaller prunes with a

greater number to the pound at a lower price than the larger, more

desirable ones. The housewife need not hesitate in the least to adopt

such economies as these, for they are undoubtedly the easiest ways in

which to reduce the food expenses without causing detriment to any one.

24. Further economy can be practiced if a little extra attention is

given in the purchase of certain foods. As is well known, the packages

and cans containing food are labeled with the contents and the weight of

177 / 211

the contents. These should be carefully observed, as should also the

number of servings that may be obtained from the package or can. For

instance, the housewife should know the weight per package of the

various kinds of prepared cereals she uses and the number of servings

she is able to procure from each package.

Let it be assumed that she buys two packages of different cereals at

the same time, which, for convenience, may be called package No. 1 and

package No. 2. She finds that No. 1 contains 16 ounces and No. 2, only

12 ounces; so she knows that No. 1 furnishes the greater amount of food

by weight for the money spent. But, on the other hand, No. 2 may go

farther; that is, it may serve a greater number of persons. This, in all

probability, means that the cereals are similar in character, but that

the food value of the servings from No. 2 is greater than that of the

servings from No. 1. No. 2 is therefore the more economical of the two.

Matters of this kind must not be overlooked, especially in the feeding

of children.

Then, too, the housewife should work out carefully which she can use to

greater advantage, prepared or unprepared cereals. If she finds that

unprepared cereals are the more economical and if she can depend on

their food value as being as high as that of the prepared ones, she

should by all means give them the preference. Of course, she may use

prepared cereals for convenience or for varying the diet, but the more

economical ones should be used with greater regularity.

25. Canned goods should be carefully observed. A certain brand of

tomatoes, for instance, may have 16 ounces to the can, whereas another

brand that can be bought for the same price may have 24 ounces. There

may be, however, and there probably is, a great difference in the

quality of the tomatoes. The 24-ounce can may have a much greater

proportion of water than the 16-ounce can, and for this reason will not

serve to the same advantage. As it is with canned tomatoes, so is it

with canned corn, peas, and other canned vegetables, for the price

depends altogether on the quality. Therefore, several brands should be

compared and the one should be purchased which seems to furnish the most

food or the best quality of food for the least money, provided the

quality continues.

26. In the preparation of meat, there is always some waste, and as waste

is a factor that has much to do with the increasing of costs, it should

be taken into consideration each time a piece of meat is purchased. If

there is time for some experimenting, it makes an interesting study to

weigh the meat before and after preparation, for then the amount of

shrinkage in cookery, as well as the waste in bone, skin, and other

inedible material, can be determined.

An actual experiment made with a 4-pound chicken showed that there was

a loss of 2-3/4 pounds; that is, the weight of the edible meat after

deducting the waste was only 1-1/4 pounds. The following shows how this

weight was determined:


Weight of chicken, including head, feet, and entrails 4

Weight of head, feet, and entrails 1-1/4

Weight of bones after cooking 7/8

Weight of skin after cooking 1/4

Shrinkage in cooking 3/8


178 / 211

Total amount of waste 2-3/4


Actual weight of edible meat 1-1/4

It will readily be seen that chicken at 40 cents a pound would make the

cost per pound of edible meat amount to exactly $1.28, a rather

startling result. It is true, of course, that the busy housewife with a

family can hardly spare the time for the extra labor such experiments

require; still the greater the number of persons to be fed, the more

essential is the need for economy and the greater are the possibilities

for waste and loss.

27. The home production of foods does not belong strictly to economical

buying, still it is a matter that offers so many advantages to the

economical housewife that she cannot afford to overlook it. A small

garden carefully prepared and well cultivated will often produce the

summer's supply of fresh vegetables, with sufficient overproduction to

permit much to be canned for winter. Not only do foods produced in a

home garden keep down the cost of both summer and winter foods, but they

add considerably to the variety of menus.

* * * * *



28. At the same time the housewife is making a study of economy and

trying to procure as nearly as possible the best quality and the largest

quantity of food for the amount of money she has to spend, she must

consider the suitability of this food for the persons to whom it is to

be served. This matter is undoubtedly of greater importance than

economy, for, regardless of the amount of money that is to be spent,

suitable foods for the nourishment of all the members of the family must

be supplied to them. For instance, a family of two may have $10 a week

to spend for food, whereas one of five may perhaps have no more; but the

larger family must have nourishing food just as the one of two must

have. Therefore, whether the housewife has much or little to spend, her

money must purchase food suited to the needs of her family. Unless she

is able to accomplish this, she fails in the most important part of her

work as a housewife, and as a result, the members of her family are not

properly nourished.

29. It has long been an established fact that correct diet is the

greatest factor in maintaining bodily health. Food is responsible for

the growth and maintenance of the body tissues, as well as for their

repair. In addition, it supplies the body with heat and energy.

Consequently, taking the right food into the body assists in keeping a

person in a healthy condition and makes work and exercise possible.

Because so much depends on the diet, the housewife, while considering

what can be bought with the money she has to spend, must also decide

whether the foods she plans to buy are suitable for the needs of her

family. In fact, she should be so certain of this matter that she will

automatically plan her menus in such a way that they will contain all

that is necessary for each person to be fed. But, as every housewife

knows, the appetites of her family must also be taken into

consideration. Theoretically, she should feed her family what the

various members need, regardless of their likes and dislikes. However,

very few persons are willing to be fed in this way; in truth, it would

179 / 211

be quite useless to serve a dish for which no one in the family cared

and in addition it would be one of the sources of waste.

30. To make the work of the housewife less difficult, children should be

taught as far as possible to eat all kinds of food. Too often this

matter is disregarded, and too often, also, are the kinds of food

presented, to a family regulated by the likes and dislikes of the person

preparing the food. Because she is not fond of certain foods, she never

prepares them; consequently, the children do not learn to like them. On

the other hand, many children develop a habit of complaining about foods

that are served and often refuse to eat what is set before them. Such a

state of affairs should not be permitted. Indeed, every effort should be

made to prevent a spirit of complaint. If the housewife is certain that

she is providing the members of her family with the best that she can

purchase with the money she has to spend and that she is giving them

what they need, complaining on their part should be discouraged.

31. With a little effort, children can be taught to like a large variety

of foods, especially if these foods are given to them while they are

still young. It is a decided advantage for every one to form a liking

for a large number of foods. The person who can say that he cares for

everything in the way of food is indeed fortunate, for he has a great

variety from which to choose and is not so likely to have served to him

a meal in which there are one or more dishes that he cannot eat because

of a distaste for them.

Every mother should therefore train her children during their childhood

to care for all the cereals, vegetables, and fruits. Besides affording

the children a well-balanced diet, these foods, particularly vegetables

and fruits, when served in their season, offer the housewife a means of

planning economical menus, for, as every one knows, their price is then

much lower than at any other time and is less than that of most other

foods. During the winter, turnips, carrots, onions, and other winter

vegetables are more economical foods than summer vegetables that must be

canned or otherwise prepared to preserve them for winter use or the

fresh summer vegetables purchased out of season. However, it is

advisable to vary the diet occasionally with such foods.


32. To feed her family properly, the housewife should understand that

the daily food must include the five food substances--protein, fat,

carbohydrate, mineral matter, and water. As these are discussed in

Volume 1, they should be clear to the housewife, but if they are not

fully understood, a careful review should be made of the discussions

given there. The ways in which these food principles contribute to the

growth and health of the body, as well as the ordinary foods that

supply them in the greatest number, are tabulated in Table II for easy

reference. This information will assist the housewife materially in the

selection and preparation of food for her family; consequently, close

attention should be given to it and constant application made of it.

33. As has already been learned and as will be noted here, a food

substance often has more than one use in the body. For instance, protein

builds tissue and also yields energy, but its chief work is that of

building tissue, and so it is classed first as a tissue-building food

substance. The fats and carbohydrates also have a double use in the

body, that of producing heat and energy and of building fatty tissue.

However, as their chief use is to produce heat and energy, they are

known principally as heat-producing foods. Mineral matter not only is

180 / 211

necessary for the building of bone and muscle, but also enters into the

composition of the blood and all the fluids in the body. Growth and

development are not ideal without an adequate supply of the many kinds

of these salts, which go to make up the tissues, nerves, blood, and

other fluids in the body.

34. The body regulators must be included in the food given, for they

assist in all processes carried on in the body. Some are necessary to

aid in the stimulation required to carry on the processes of digestion

and in some cases make up a part of the digestive fluids. Consequently,

vegetables and fruits that supply these body regulators and foods that

supply vitamines should be provided.

Water, the chief body regulator, not only is essential to life itself,

but forms by far a greater proportion of the body than any other single

substance. The largest part of the water required in the body is

supplied as a beverage and the remainder is taken in with the foods that

are eaten.



I Body-building materials



Fish and shell fish

Poultry and game


Milk and milk products

Legumes (dried beans, peas, lentils)

Wheat and wheat products, as corn starch


Mineral matter, or ash







II Heat-producing materials






Butter and cream


Olive oil

Corn oil

Cottonseed oil

Coconut oil

Nut oils

Mixed oils



Nut butter

Crisco, etc.



Cereals and cereal products

181 / 211

Irish and sweet potatoes


Cane sugar and molasses

Beet sugar

Maple sugar and sirup


Corn sirup and other manufactured sirups


Same as in I

III Body regulators


Mineral matter, or ash

Same as in I




Covering of cereals and nuts

Food Acids

Sour fruits--citric and malic





Fat soluble A



Egg yolk

Water soluble B

Green vegetables, as spinach, chard, lettuce, beet greens

Asparagus and stem vegetables, as celery

Fruit vegetables, as tomatoes, peppers, okra


The importance of bulk in foods cannot be emphasized too much. The

indigestible cellulose of fruits, vegetables, and cereals is of such

importance in the body that some of these foods should be supplied with

every meal. Therefore, their incorporation into the diet should be

considered as a definite part of the menu-making plan.

The acids of fruits are valuable as stimulants both to the appetite and

to the digestion. Then, too, they give a touch of variety to a menu

otherwise composed of rather bland foods. The stimulation they produce

is much more healthful than that of condiments, drugs, or alcoholic

beverages and should receive the preference.

Vitamines are substances necessary for both growth and health. A child

deprived of the foods containing them is usually not well and does not

grow nor develop normally. These substances are also required in the

diet of adults in order to maintain the body in a healthy condition. The

leafy vegetables and milk are the foods that yield the greatest supply

of vitamines. In fact, it is claimed by those who have experimented most

with this matter that these two sources will supply the required amount

of vitamines under all conditions.

* * * * *



182 / 211

35. FACTORS INFLUENCING FOOD.--Numerous factors affect the kind and

quantity of food necessary for an individual. Chief among these are age,

size, sex, climate, and work or exercise. In addition to determining the

amount of food that must be taken into the body, these factors regulate

largely the suitability of the foods to be eaten. It is true, of course,

that all the food substances mentioned in Table II must be included in

every person's diet after the first few years of his life, but the

quantity and the proportion of the various substances given vary with

the age, sex, size, and work or exercise of the person and the climate

in which he lives. Merely to provide dishes that supply sufficient food

value is not enough. This food material must be given in forms that can

be properly digested and assimilated and it must be in the right

proportion for the person's needs. The aim should therefore be to

provide a balanced diet, by which is meant one that includes the

correct proportion of the various food substances to supply the needs of

the individual.

36. QUANTITY OF FOOD IN CALORIES.--Without doubt, the most intelligent

way in which to feed people is to compute the number of calories

required daily. As will be remembered, the calorie is the unit employed

to measure the amount of work that the food does in the body, either as

a tissue builder or a producer of energy. The composition and food value

of practically all foods are fairly well known, and with this

information it is a simple matter to tell fairly accurately the amount

of food that each person requires.

As has been stated, the number of calories per day required by a person

varies with the age, size, sex, and occupation of the person, as well as

with the climate in which he lives. For the adult, this will vary from

1,800 to 3,000, except in cases of extremely hard labor, when it may be

necessary to have as high as 4,500 calories. The average number of

calories for the adult, without taking into consideration the particular

conditions under which he lives or works, is about 2,500. Still a small

woman who is inactive might be sufficiently fed by taking 1,800 calories

a day, whereas a large man doing heavy, muscular work might require

3,500 to 4,000 daily.

37. IMPORTANCE OF PROPER AMOUNT OF FOOD.--Most authorities agree that it

is advisable for adults and children well past the age of infancy to

take all the food required in three meals. The taking of two meals a day

is sometimes advocated, but the possibility of securing in two meals the

same quantity of food that would ordinarily be taken in three is rather

doubtful, since it is assumed that large amounts of food are not so

easily disposed of as are smaller ones.

On the other hand, to overeat is always a disadvantage in more respects

than one. Taking food that is not required not only is an extravagance

in the matter of food, but overtaxes the digestive organs. In addition,

it supplies the body with material that must be disposed of, so that

extra work on the part of certain organs is required for this activity.

Finally, overeating results in the development of excessive fatty

tissue, which not only makes the body ponderous and inactive, but also

deadens the quickness of the mind and often predisposes a person to

disease or, in extreme cases, is the actual cause of illness.

38. EFFECT OF WEIGHT ON DIET.--An idea of the way in which the weight of

a person affects the amount of food required can be obtained by a study

of Tables III and IV. As will be observed, Table III gives the number

of calories per pound of body weight required each day by adults engaged

in the various normal activities that might be carried on within 24


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It deals only with activity, the various factors that might alter the

amounts given being taken up later. The figures given are for adults

and the factors mentioned are those which affect the intake of food

to the greatest extent.

The lowest food requirement during the entire 24 hours is during the

time of sleep, when there is no activity and food is required for only

the bodily functions that go on during sleep. Sitting requires more food

than sleeping, standing, a still greater amount, and walking, still

more, because of the increase in energy needed for these activities.

In a rough way, the various occupations for both men and women are

classified under three different heads: Light Work, Moderate Work, and

Heavy Work. It is necessary that these be understood in examining

this table.



Occupation Calories

Sleeping............................... 12

Sitting................................ 14

Standing............................... 17

Walking................................ 20

Light work............................. 22

Moderate work.......................... 24

Heavy work............................. 27

Those considered as doing light work are persons who sit or stand at

their employment without any great degree of activity. They include

stenographers, dressmakers, milliners, teachers, clerks, shoemakers,

tailors, machine operators, elevator operators, and conductors.

Moderate work involves a little more activity than light work, but not

so much as heavy work. Professional cooks, professional housekeepers,

housekeepers in their own homes, professional chambermaids, waitresses,

masons, drivers, chauffeurs, plumbers, electricians, and machinists come

under this class.

Persons doing heavy work are the most active of all. They include

farmers, laundresses, excavators, lumbermen, miners, metal workers, and

soldiers on forced march.

39. To show the variation in the amount of food required according to

body weight, Table IV is given. The scale here presented has been worked

out for two persons who are normal and whose weight is correct, but

different, one weighing 130 pounds and the other 180 pounds. It is

assumed, however, that they are occupied in 24 hours with activities

that are identical, each one sleeping 8 hours, working at moderate labor

for 8 hours, walking 2 hours, standing 2 hours, and sitting 4 hours.



Number of Calories for 130 Pounds

8 hours, sleeping ....... 520

4 hours, sitting ........ 303

184 / 211

2 hours, standing ....... 184

2 hours, walking ........ 216

8 hours, moderate work 1,040

-- -----

24 2,263

Number of Calories for 180 Pounds

8 hours, sleeping ....... 720

4 hours, sitting ........ 430

2 hours, walking ........ 300

2 hours, standing ....... 238

8 hours, moderate work 1,440

-- -----

24 3,128

To find the total number of calories required for these activities, the

weight, in pounds, is multiplied by the calories per pound for 24 hours

for a certain activity. Thus, as in Table IV, if a person weighing 130

pounds sleeps for 24 hours, the number of pounds of weight, or 130,

would be multiplied by 12, which is the number of calories required per

pound in 24 hours for sleeping. However, since only 8 hours is occupied

by sleep and 8 is 1/3 of 24, the required number of calories would be

only 1/3 of this number. In this way each item is worked out in the

table, as is clearly shown by the following figures:

For sleeping .............. 130 X 12 X 1/3 = 520

For sitting ............... 130 X 14 X 1/6 = 303

For standing .............. 130 X 17 X 1/12 = 184

For walking ............... 130 X 20 X 1/12 = 216

For moderate work ......... 130 X 24 X 1/3 = 1,040

Total, as in Table IV ..................... 2,263

40. In this connection, it may be interesting to know the ideal weight

for persons of a given height. Table V shows the various heights for

both men and women, in inches, and then gives, in pounds, the correct

weight for each height. When, from this table, a person determines how

far he is above or below the ideal weight, he can tell whether he should

increase or decrease the number of calories he takes a day. For persons

who are under weight, the calories should be increased over the number

given in Table III for the normal individual if the ideal weight would

be attained. On the other hand, persons who are overweight should

decrease the number of calories until there is sufficient loss of weight

to reach the ideal. Of course, an adjustment of this kind should be

gradual, unless the case is so extreme as to require stringent measures.

In most cases, a slight decrease or increase in the quantity of food

taken each day will bring about the desired increase or decrease

in weight.




Men | Women


185 / 211

Height | Weight | Height | Weight

Inches | Pounds | Inches | Pounds


61 | 131 | 59 | 119

62 | 133 | 60 | 122

63 | 136 | 61 | 124

64 | 140 | 62 | 127

65 | 143 | 63 | 131

66 | 147 | 64 | 134

67 | 152 | 65 | 139

68 | 157 | 66 | 143

69 | 162 | 67 | 147

70 | 167 | 68 | 151

71 | 173 | 69 | 155

72 | 179 | 70 | 159

73 | 185 | |

74 | 192 | |

75 | 200 | |


41. EFFECT OF SEX ON DIET.--The difference in sex does not affect the

diet to any great extent. Authorities claim that persons of opposite sex

but of the same weight and engaged in the same work require equal

quantities of food. But, in most cases, the work of women is lighter

than that of men, and even when this is not the case women seem to

require less food, probably because of a difference in temperament. That

taken by women is usually computed to be about four-fifths of the amount

necessary for a man. The proportion of food substances does not differ,

however, and when individual peculiarities are taken into consideration,

no definite rules can be made concerning it.

In the case of boys and girls up to the age of young manhood and

womanhood, the same amount of food is required, except for the

difference in activity, boys usually being more active than girls.

42. EFFECT OF CLIMATE ON DIET.--The climate in which a person lives has

much to do with the kind of diet he requires. In the extreme North, the

lack of vegetation makes it necessary for the inhabitants to live almost

entirely upon animal food except during the very short warm season.

Consequently, their diet consists largely of protein and fat. Under some

circumstances, a diet of this kind would be very unfavorable, but it

seems to be correct for the people who live in these regions, for

generations of them have accustomed themselves to it and they have

suffered no hardship by doing so. It is true, however, that races of

people who do not live on a well-balanced diet are not physically such

fine specimens as the majority of persons found in countries where it is

possible to obtain a diet that includes a sufficient supply of all the

food substances.

43. In hot countries, the diet consists much more largely of vegetables

than any other class of foods. This means that it is very high in

carbohydrate and comparatively low in protein and fat. As can well be

understood, a diet of this kind is much more ideal for a warm climate

than a diet composed to a great extent of animal foods.

44. In temperate zones, the diet for both summer and winter seasons

varies according to the appetite of the inhabitants themselves. Usually

a light diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, cereals, and a small

amount of meat is found the most desirable for summer weather, while a

similar one with a larger proportion of meat is the usual winter diet.

On the whole, the desire for food, which, to a certain extent, is

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regulated by the climate, can be trusted to vary the diet fairly well

for the existing conditions.

45. EFFECT OF AGE ON DIET.--The proper diet for infancy and childhood is

a matter that must be discussed by itself, for it has practically no

connection with other diet. It is also well understood that up to

maturity there is a difference in the diet because of a difference in

the needs of the body. However, from maturity up to 60 years of age, the

diet is altered by the conditions already mentioned, namely weight,

size, sex, climate, and work or exercise. At the age of 60, the amount

of food required begins to decrease, for as a person grows older, the

body and all of its organs become less active. Then, too, there is a

reduced amount of physical exercise, which correspondingly reduces the

necessity for food. At this time, an oversupply of food merely serves to

overwork the organs, which being scarcely able to handle the normal

quantity of food certainly keep in better condition if the amount of

work they are called upon to do is decreased rather than increased.

It has been estimated that persons 60 years of age require 10 per cent.

less food than they formerly did; those 70 years old, 20 per cent. less;

and those 80 years old, 30 per cent. less. Usually the appetite

regulates this decrease in food, for the less active a person is, the

less likely is the appetite to be stimulated. However, the fact that

there is also a great difference in persons must not be lost sight of.

Some men and women at 70 years of age are as young and just as active as

others at 50 years. For such persons, the decrease in quantity of food

should not begin so soon, nor should it be so great as that given for

the more usual cases.

46. As there is a decrease in quantity with advancing years, so should

there be a difference in the quality of the food taken. That which is

easily digested and assimilated is preferable to food that is rich or

highly concentrated. Usually, it is necessary to increase the laxative

food in the diet at this time of life, but this matter is one of the

abnormalities of diet and therefore belongs properly to medical

dietetics rather than to a lesson on normal diet.


47. From birth until a child has attained full growth, the food

requirement is high in proportion to the size of the child. This is due

to the fact that energy must be supplied for a great deal of activity,

and at the same time new tissue must be manufactured from the food

taken. It should be remembered, too, that all body processes during

growth are extremely rapid. At birth, the average child weighs about 7

pounds, and for several days after birth there is a normal loss of

weight. In a few days, however, if the diet is correct, the child begins

to increase in weight and should gain about 1/2 pound a week until it is

3 months old. From this time on, its weekly gain should be slightly

less, but it should be constant. If the weight remains the same or there

is a decrease for a number of consecutive days or weeks, it is certain

that the diet is incorrect, that the quantity of food is insufficient,

or that the child is ill. The reason for the loss should be determined

at once and the trouble then corrected.

Normal diet for the infant is the mother's milk, but if this cannot be

supplied, the next best diet is modified cow's milk, which for the young

child must be greatly diluted. If it is found necessary to give

proprietary, or manufactured, foods, raw food of some kind should be

used in addition, the best way to supply this being with a little orange

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juice or other fruit juice. At the age of 3 months, this may be given in

small quantity if it is diluted, and then the amount may be gradually

increased as the child grows older.

48. EFFECT OF WEIGHT ON CHILDREN'S DIET.--The food requirement in the

case of children is determined by weight. To decide on the proper

amount, it is necessary to know the normal weight at certain ages. At

birth, as has been stated, the normal weight is 7 pounds; at 6 months,

15 pounds; at 1 year, 21 pounds; at 2 years, 30 pounds. The food

requirement for 24 hours per pound of weight is as follows:



Children up to 1 year.......................... 45

Children from 1 to 2 years..................... 40

Children from 2 to 5 years..................... 36

From a study of these figures, it will be noted that there is a gradual

decrease in the required number of calories per pound as the child

grows older. The decrease continues until maturity is reached, and then

the scale for adults applies.

49. EFFECT OF AGE ON CHILDREN'S DIET.--A child should not be kept

exclusively on milk for more than 6 or 8 months, and then only in case

it is fed on the mother's milk. Fruit juice, which has already been

mentioned as an additional food, is recommended if the diet requires raw

food or if it is necessary to make the child's food more laxative. When

the child reaches the age of 6 months, it should be taught to take foods

from a spoon or a cup; then when it must be weaned, the task of weaning

will be much easier. At the age of 8 or 9 months, depending on the

condition of the child, small amounts of well-cooked, strained cereals

may be added to the diet, and these may gradually be decreased as the

food is increased in variety. Up to 1-1/2 years of age, a child should

have 8 ounces of milk three times a day, which amounts to 1-1/2 pints.

At this age, half of a soft-cooked egg or a spoonful or two of tender

meat chopped very fine, may be given, and for each such addition 4

ounces of milk should be taken out of the day's feeding. But from 1-1/2

years up to 5 years, at least 1 pint of milk a day should be included

in the diet.

At a little past 1 year of age, a normal child may begin taking a few

well-cooked vegetables, such as a bit of baked potato, a spoonful of

spinach, carrot, celery, green peas, or other vegetables that have been

forced through a sieve or chopped very fine. At 1-1/2 years, the normal

child should be taking each day one vegetable, a cereal, buttered bread

or toast softened with milk, eggs, fruit juice, a little jelly, and

plain custards. However, each of these foods should be added to the diet

with caution and in small amounts, and if it appears to disagree with

the child in any way, it should be discontinued until such time as it

can be tolerated.

In case a child is being raised on a formula of cow's milk and it is a

strong, normal child, it should be taking whole milk at the age of 8 or

10 months. If the child is not strong, the milk may still be diluted

with a small amount of sterile water, but this should be gradually

decreased until the child is able to tolerate whole milk.

50. FEEDING SCALE FOR INFANTS.--It is, of course, a difficult matter to

make definite rules for the feeding of all children, for conditions

arise with many children that call for special plans. However, for

children that are normal, a feeding scale may be followed quite closely,

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and so the one given in Table VI is suggested.



First Three Months


Fourth Month

Same as for preceding months and orange juice and cereal waters.

Sixth Month

Same as for preceding months and well-cooked and strained cereal.

Eighth Month

Same as for preceding months and beef juice, beef broth, and yolk of

soft-cooked egg.

Tenth Month

Same as for preceding months and unstrained cereal, half of

soft-cooked egg, both white and yolk, chopped or strained cooked

vegetables, such as spinach and other greens, asparagus, carrots,

celery, and squash, stale bread, crackers, toast and butter.

Eleventh Month

Same as for preceding months and well-cooked rice, baked potato,

jelly, plain custard, corn-starch custard, and junket.

Twelfth Month

Same as for preceding months and whole egg, a tablespoonful of

tender meat, string beans, peas, turnips, onions, chopped or

strained applesauce, stewed prunes, and other fruits.

Eighteenth Month

Same as for preceding months and home-made ice cream, plain sponge

cake, milk soups, and cereal puddings.

This scale is to be used by adding to the diet for one month the foods

suggested for the next month, giving them at the time the child reaches

the age for which they are mentioned. For instance, a child of 8 months

may have everything included in the first three, four, and six months

and, in addition, beef juice, beef broth, and the yolk of a soft-cooked

egg, which is the diet suggested for the eighth month. Then at the tenth

month it may have all of these things together with those given for

this month.

51. When any of these foods is first added to the diet, much care is

necessary. Each new food should be given cautiously, a teaspoonful or

two at a time being sufficient at first, and its effect should be

carefully observed before more is given. If it is found to disagree, it

should not be repeated. If at any time a child is subject to an attack

of indigestion, its diet should be reduced to simple foods and when it

189 / 211

has recovered, new foods should be added slowly again. In the case of

any of the ordinary illnesses to which children are subject, such as

colds, etc., the diet should be restricted to very simple food, and

preferably to liquids, until the illness has passed. The diet of a baby

still being fed on milk should be reduced to barley water or a very

little skim milk diluted with a large amount of sterile water. When the

illness is over, the child may be gradually brought back to its

normal diet.


52. One of the difficulties of every housewife having a family composed

of persons of widely different tastes and ages is the preparation of

meals that will contain sufficient food of the correct kind for all of

them. Children up to 6 years of age usually require something especially

prepared for their meals, except breakfast, but, as a rule, the

selection of the diet for children from 6 years up to 15 or 16 years of

age is merely a matter of taking from the meal prepared for the

remainder of the family the right amount of the various foods. Tea and

coffee should not be included in the diet of growing children, and

should under no circumstances be given to small children. If the proper

method is followed in this matter, no difficulty will result, but where

children expect to eat the food served to the others at the table and

are not content with what is given to them, it is better not to feed

them at the same table with the adults.

53. The most satisfactory way in which to arrange meals that are to be

served to persons of different ages is to include several foods that may

be fed to all members of the family and then to select certain others

proper only for adults and still others suitable for the children. A

sample of such a menu for supper is the one here given. It is assumed

that the children that are to eat this meal are not infants.



Rice Croquettes with Cheese Sauce

Lettuce Salad

Bread, Butter, Jelly

Baked Apples

Plain Cookies



Steamed Rice

Bread, Butter, Jelly

Baked Apples

Plain Cookies


A menu of this kind is not difficult to prepare, and still it meets the

needs of both the children and the adults of the family. The main dish

for each has the same foundation--rice. Enough to serve the entire

family may be steamed. Then some may be retained for the children and

the rest made up into croquettes and served with cheese sauce to the

adults. The remainder of the menu, bread, butter, jelly, baked apples,

and plain cookies, may be eaten by every one. Tea will probably be

preferred by the adults, but milk should be served to the children.

Other suitable menus may be planned without any extra trouble if just a

190 / 211

little thought is given to the matter.


54. The proportion of food substances necessary for building and

repairing the body and for providing it with material necessary for its

various functions is a matter to which much discussion has been given.

Formerly, it was not understood that the protein should be limited to

exactly what the body needed and that its requirements were

comparatively low regardless of conditions or exercise. The standard for

diet very often allowed as much as 25 per cent. in protein. This

percentage has been gradually reduced by the discovery of the actual

body needs, so that now it is believed by the most dependable

authorities that only about 10 per cent. of the entire day's rations for

the adult should be protein. The growing child needs a greater

proportion than this because he is building up muscle tissue. The adult

whose muscles have been entirely constructed requires protein only for

repair, and 10 per cent. of the day's food in protein is sufficient for

this. This means that if the total calories for the day are 2,500, only

250 of them need be protein.

55. The remainder of the calories are largely made up by fat and

carbohydrate. These, however, need not be in such exact proportion as

the protein, for no real danger lies in having either one in a greater

amount than the ideal proportion. This is usually three-tenths fat and

six-tenths carbohydrate or in a diet of 2,500 calories, 750 fat and

1,500 carbohydrate. The carbohydrate is very much in preponderance

because of its easy digestion and assimilation. As may be imagined, it

is not a simple matter to figure a diet as closely and carefully as

this, and it is only in extreme cases where such planning is necessary.

56. The required amount of protein for the ordinary daily diet can be

had with about 3 ounces of meat, together with that which is found in

the bread, vegetables, and cereals taken each day. At any rate, the menu

should be planned so as to supply a protein dish for at least one meal

in the day. The fat is supplied largely by the butter taken and the fat

used in the cooking of foods. The carbohydrate is provided by the starch

found in cereals, bread, and vegetables and by the sugar contained in

fruits, as well as that used in the preparation of various foods and in

the sweetening of beverages, cereals, and fruits.

In addition to providing these food substances, each meal should include

at least one food, and for dinner preferably two foods, that will supply

a large amount of mineral salts, cellulose, and vitamines. As will be

remembered, fruits and vegetables are the foods to be used for

this purpose.

57. This method of menu planning may seem somewhat difficult at first

thought, but in reality it is not different from that which the

intelligent housewife follows who attempts to provide her family with a

variety of foods and who appreciates the value of that variety. If she

plans her menu in this manner, prepares the food so that it will be

wholesome, easily digested, and given in the proper proportion, and at

the same time watches the weights of the members of the family in the

manner suggested, she need have no fear about the general health of her

family, for it will be well maintained.

* * * * *

191 / 211



58. Perhaps the greatest problem in the planning of menus for a family

is that of securing sufficient variety. A housewife who uses the same

recipes and the same combinations of food repeatedly is apt to get into

a rut and the members of her family will undoubtedly lose interest in

their meals. This condition results even with the dishes of which those

of the family are extremely fond. However, they will not tire so quickly

of the foods they care for if such foods are served to them less often.

Then, too, there is more chance to practice economy when a larger

variety of food is used.

The importance of planning menus systematically should not be

overlooked, either, no matter how simple they may be. Even if breakfast

consists of only two or more dishes, luncheon of three or four, and

dinner of no more than four or five, a certain amount of planning should

be done in order that the meal may be properly balanced. If the

suggestions for meal planning already given are applied to this work,

very little difficulty will be experienced in providing meals that are

both attractive and properly balanced. In addition to these suggestions,

a few general rules for menu making ought to be observed. Most of these

are simple and can be followed with very little effort.

59. Unless the menu is planned for a special occasion, the cost of the

various dishes should be made to balance. For instance, if an expensive

meat is to be served, the vegetables and the salad selected to accompany

it should be of moderate cost. On the other hand, if an expensive salad

is to be served, a dessert of moderate cost, such as a simple rice

pudding, should be used to offset the price of the other dish. Planning

meals in this way is urged for the sake of economy, and if it is

carefully followed, all the meals may be made to average about the

same cost.

60. Another important point in successful meal planning is the avoidance

of two dishes in the same meal made from the same food. For instance,

tomato soup and tomato salad should not be served in the same meal, for

the combination is undesirable. Corn soup contrasts much better with

tomato salad than does the tomato soup, for it has the bland flavor that

is needed to offset the acid salad. Some housewives, it is true, object

to such planning on the ground that it does not give them opportunity to

utilize all the materials they may have on hand at the same time. But in

nearly every instance the materials can be used to excellent advantage

in meals that are to follow and, in addition, the gain in variety is

sufficient to warrant the adoption of such a method.

61. As there should be variety in the materials used to make up the

dishes of a meal, so should there be variety in the flavor of the foods

selected. Rice, macaroni, and potato, for instance, make an undesirable

combination. They are too similar because they are all high in starch;

besides, they resemble one another too closely in consistency and they

are all bland in flavor. If a meal contains one or two bland dishes, a

special effort should be made to supply some highly flavored dish in

order to relieve the monotony. The same thing may be said of acid foods;

that is, an oversupply of these is just as distasteful as too many

bland foods.

62. To have fresh fruit for the daily breakfast would be very

delightful, but such fruit cannot always be secured. When fresh fruit

cannot be had every day, it is better to alternate it with canned fruit

192 / 211

or stewed dried fruit than to have it for several days in succession and

then have to serve the alternative for a number of days. The same is

true of cereals. If use is to be made of both cooked and uncooked

cereals, it is much better to alternate them than to serve the cooked

ones for breakfast for an entire week and then uncooked ones the

next week.

63. When two vegetables are used in the same meal, they should be

different. Sweet potatoes and white potatoes, although often served

together, do not belong in the same meal. In fact, for most seasons of

the year, two vegetables dissimilar in consistency should be supplied.

For instance, if spinach is included in a meal, some contrasting

vegetable, such as carrots, shell beans, etc., should be served with it.

Beets and carrots would not make a good combination, nor should cabbage

be combined with spinach, especially if both vegetables are prepared

with a sour dressing.

64. A bland food or one high in fat, such as roast pork, certain kinds

of fish, etc., is much more palatable if a highly seasoned sauce or

another highly seasoned food or, in fact, a food of an entirely

different flavor is served with it. Apple sauce or baked apples are

usually served with roast pork for this purpose, while sour sauces or

pickles of some description are served with fish to relieve its


65. To secure the most successful meals, the main course should be

decided upon first and the additional dishes, such as soup, salad, and

dessert, should be the second consideration. In this method of planning

meals, they can be properly balanced, for if the main course is heavy,

the others can be made light or some of them omitted altogether, while

if the main course is a light one, heavier dishes may be selected to

accompany it.

Whenever it is possible to do so, the heavy meal of the day should be

served at noon and the lighter one in the evening. This plan should

always be followed for children, and it is preferable for adults.

However, having dinner at noon is often very inconvenient and sometimes

impossible, because frequently one or more members of the family are at

business some distance from home and their coming home at noon for

dinner is impractical. In such an event, the evening meal should be the

heavy one, but it should not be made too hearty and overeating should

be avoided.

At all meals, tea and coffee should be used sparingly. Especially should

this rule be followed by persons who are nervous, or high strung, or are

troubled with indigestion and insomnia. At any rate, it is advisable not

to drink either of these beverages at night.

* * * * *



66. With the general rules for meal planning in mind, the housewife is

well prepared to arrange menus that will be properly balanced, as well

as varied and attractive. One means of securing variety in menus, and at

the same time supplying oneself with a very convenient piece of kitchen

equipment, consists in placing the recipes used on small cards and

filing them in a card file under the headings to which they belong. For

instance, a heading should be made for soups, one for potatoes, and so

193 / 211

on. These cards may then be rotated in order to make up menus. When the

first card of each group has been used, it should be placed at the back

of the others in that group; then each one will come in the order in

which it was originally placed in the file. Of course, when the cards

are not filed alphabetically, it is a little more difficult to find the

recipes one needs at a particular time, and so if desired other means

of using the cards for menu making may be easily devised without

changing their position.

In addition to serving as a basis for menus, this arrangement takes the

place of a cook book. In fact, it is much more convenient, for instead

of a book containing recipes on the table where the work is being done,

a small card, which takes up less space and is much less likely to be in

the way, may be substituted.


67. To assist the housewife materially in planning dinners in great

variety, Table VII, which contains suggestions for dinner menus, is

given. As will be noted, it is intended that each dinner shall consist

of a soup, a meat, potatoes in some form, another vegetable, a salad,

and a dessert. It is not necessary, of course, to include all these

dishes when a simpler meal is desired, but a number of suggestions are

given in each group so that there may be a good selection. In order to

use this table to advantage and to secure a large variety of menus,

different combinations of the various foods may be made. Then, too, the

combinations given may be rotated so that frequent repetition of the

same combination will be avoided. This table therefore has the advantage

over meals planned for 14 or even 21 days, for these must be repeated

once in 2 or 3 weeks.



1. Tomato Bouillon

2. Rice

3. Cream of Corn

4. Noodle

5. Cream of Pea

6. Julienne

7. Clear Bouillon

8. Oxtail

9. Split-Pea Puree

10. Cream of Tomato

11. Celery

12. Cream of Onion

13. Barley Broth

14. Cream of Asparagus

15. Vegetable

16. Corn Chowder


1. Roast Beef

2. Pork Chops

3. Macaroni and Cheese

4. Broiled Hamburg

5. Baked Fish

6. Broiled Steak

7. Kidney-Bean Loaf

8. Roast Pork

9. Lamb Chops

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10. Roast Chicken

11. Baked Beans

12. Meat Loaf

13. Liver and Bacon

14. Roast Mutton

15. Broiled Ham

16. Scalloped Salmon

17. Roast Lamb

18. Lima-Bean Loaf

19. Veal Tongue

20. Fried Oysters


1. Boiled Potatoes with Butter and Parsley

2. Scalloped Potatoes

3. Hashed-Brown Potatoes

4. Baked Potatoes

5. Potato Puff

6. French Fried Potatoes

7. Potato Patties

8. Roast Potatoes

9. Candied Sweet Potatoes

10. Mashed Potatoes

11. Creamed Potatoes

12. Stuffed Potatoes

13. Baked Sweet Potatoes

14. Potatoes au Gratin

15. Sauted Potatoes


1. Spinach

2. Green Peas

3. Breaded Tomatoes

4. Squash

5. Red Beets

6. Sweet Corn

7. Buttered Carrots

8. Mashed Turnips

9. Scalloped Eggplant

10. Buttered Cauliflower

11. Hot Slaw

12. Scalloped Tomatoes

13. Carrots and Peas

14. Buttered Kohlrabi

15. Baked Onions

16. Sauted Eggplant

17. Stuffed Peppers

18. Creamed Turnips

19. Browned Parsnips

20. Sauted Tomatoes

21. Escalloped Cabbage

22. Creamed Onions

23. String Beans

24. Asparagus

25. Succotash


1. Apple and Celery

2. Lettuce

3. Banana

4. Orange and Coconut

195 / 211

5. Cabbage

6. Tomato

7. Peas and Celery

8. Apple, Date, and Orange

9. Asparagus

10. Pineapple and Nut

11. Green Pepper and Cheese

12. String Bean

13. Fruit

14. Combination

15. Cucumber

16. Waldorf

17. Cabbage and Celery

18. Pineapple and Cream Cheese

19. Humpty Dumpty


1. Chocolate Blanc Mange

2. Brown Betty

3. Raisin Pie

4. Crackers and Cheese

5. Fruit Gelatine

6. Cake and Fruit

7. Apricot Fluff

8. Tapioca Pudding

9. Steamed Pudding

10. Short Cake

11. Prunes in Jelly

12. Rice Pudding

13. Custard Pie

14. Baked Apples

15. Peach Cobbler

16. Chocolate Bread Pudding

17. Pineapple Tapioca

18. Ice Cream

19. Jelly Tarts

20. Gingerbread and Whipped Cream

21. Indian Pudding, with Custard Sauce

22. Floating Island

23. Prune Fluff

24. Nuts and Raisins

68. In the application of Table VII, use should be made of the dishes

numbered 1 in the various groups for the first day's menu. This dinner,

then, will consist of tomato bouillon, roast beef, boiled potatoes with

butter and parsley, spinach, apple-and-celery salad, and chocolate blanc

mange. In this way, the menus should be made by going through the entire

list and combining the dishes whose numbers correspond. Upon coming to

the last of the soups, which is No. 16, and attempting to make up a

menu, it will be discovered that there are only fifteen varieties of

potato dishes. In order to obtain a menu, the rotation must be begun

again, and so No. 1 of the potato dishes is used. This menu would

therefore consist of corn chowder, scalloped salmon, boiled potatoes

with butter and parsley, sauted eggplant, peach-and-cream-cheese salad,

and chocolate bread pudding.

In planning menus with the aid of this table, the housewife may not be

able to use a certain dish that is suggested because it is out of

season, cannot be procured, or resembles too closely some of the other

dishes in the menu. In such an event, she should select another dish to

take the place of the one that spoils the combination. Likewise, she

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should not hesitate to make any change that will result in producing

properly balanced meals.


69. To aid the housewife in the preparation of suitable luncheons, a

large number of luncheon menus are here given. These menus will serve to

give variety in the preparation of meals if they are rotated properly

and changes are made every once in a while in making up combinations of

food for this important and interesting meal.


No. 1

Rice Croquettes

Bread and Butter

Fruit Salad

Gingerbread and Cream Cheese

No. 2

Cream-of-Corn Soup

Egg Salad

Whole-Wheat Muffins

Baked Bananas


No. 3

Creamed Chicken on Toast

Sliced Tomatoes


Fruit Cake

No. 4

Scalloped Oysters

Apple-and-Celery Salad



No. 5

Cream-of-Tomato Soup

Hashed-Brown Potatoes

Graham Bread and Butter

Baked Apples


No. 6

Macaroni and Cheese

Cabbage Salad


Sugar Cookies


No. 7

197 / 211

Eggs a la Goldenrod

Rice with Raisins

Bread and Jam


No. 8



Prune Whip

Vanilla Wafers


No. 9


Chicken Salad


Warm Gingerbread and Whipped Cream

No. 10

Creamed Dried Beef on Toast

Lettuce Salad

Stewed Fruit


No. 11

Scalloped Corn

Brown Bread and Butter

Fruit Salad

Cheese Straws


No. 12

Cold Ham

Potato Salad

Graham Bread and Butter



No. 13

Oyster Stew




Sponge Cake

No. 14

Cheese Souffle

Baked Tomato on Toast

Rice Pudding


No. 15

Meat Pie

Cranberry Jelly

198 / 211

Table Raisins



70. WINTER BREAKFAST MENUS.--To assist the housewife in planning

properly balanced breakfast menus for winter, a number of suggestions

are here given. These necessarily differ from breakfast menus for other

seasons because of the difference in the food that can be obtained. They

are usually of a more hearty nature and contain more heat-producing


No. 1


Rolled Oats with Cream

Soft-Cooked Eggs

Toast and Butter


No. 2

Stewed Prunes

Cream of Wheat with Cream

Broiled Bacon

Muffins and Butter


No. 3

Baked Apples

Griddle Cakes with Maple Sirup

Sausage Patties


No. 4

Rolls and Butter

Corn Flakes with Hot Milk



No. 5

Vitos with Dates

French Toast and Butter


Hot Chocolate

No. 6

Apple Sauce

Fried Cornmeal Mush with Sirup

Broiled Bacon


No. 7

Orange Juice

Steamed Rice


199 / 211

Cornmeal Muffins and Butter


No. 8

California Grapes

Hominy Grits

Waffles and Sirup


No. 9

Sliced Bananas

Pearl Barley

Codfish Balls




No. 10

Popovers Filled with Warm Apple Sauce

White Cornmeal Mush

Baked Eggs in Cream



71. SUMMER BREAKFAST MENUS.--During the summer season, fresh fruits of

various kinds can be obtained, and these are generally used as the first

course for breakfast. As the menus here given show, it is well to vary

the fruit course as much as possible, so that there will be no danger of

tiring the persons to be served. An uncooked breakfast food is

preferable to a cooked one for summer and so several varieties of these

are here suggested.

No. 1

Strawberries and Cream

Scrambled Eggs



No. 2


Puffed Rice

Baking-Powder Biscuits and Honey


No. 3


Corn Flakes

Creamed Toast


No. 4


Grape Nuts and Cream


200 / 211




No. 5

Sliced Peaches

Puffed Wheat

Clipped Eggs



No. 6


Krumbles with Cream

French Toast and Sirup



72. Special occasions, such as New Year's, Easter, Fourth of July,

Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc., are usually celebrated with a dinner that

is somewhat out of the ordinary. Then, too, on such days as St.

Valentine's, St. Patrick's, Hallowe'en, etc., it is often desired to

invite friends in for a social time of some kind, when dainty,

appetizing refreshments make up a part of the entertainment. To assist

the housewife in planning menus for occasions of this kind, a number of

suggestions are here given. Suitable decorations are also mentioned in

each instance, for much of the attraction of a special dinner or

luncheon depends on the form of decoration used.

It should not be thought that elaborate, costly decorations are

necessary, for often the most effective results can be achieved with

some very simple decoration. Of course, the decorations should be

suitable for the occasion to be celebrated. Favors of various kinds are

generally on sale in confectioners' and stationers' shops, so that, if

desired, favors may be purchased. However, the ingenious housewife can,

with very little trouble, make favors that will be just as attractive as

those she can buy and that will be much less expensive. She may copy

some she sees in the shops or work out any original ideas she may have

on the most suitable decorations for the occasion.


No. 1


Cream-of-Tomato Soup

Mustard Pickles


Baked Ham

Hot Slaw

Candied Sweet Potatoes

String Beans

Orange-and-Pineapple Salad

Maple Parfait


Salted Nuts

201 / 211


No. 2

DECORATION--Potted Jerusalem Cherries

Crab-Flake Cocktail

Asparagus Broth



Roast Goose

Hot Baked Apples

Creamed Turnips

Mashed Potatoes

Peas-and-Celery Salad

Vanilla Ice Cream, Apricot Sauce

Table Raisins



No. 1


Clear Tomato Soup

Mixed Pickles


Creamed Mushrooms in Timbale Cases

Roast Spring Chicken

Mint Sauce

Potato Puff

Creamed Peas and Carrots

Grapefruit-and-Celery Salad

Milk Sherbet

Sponge Cake


No. 2

DECORATIONS--Chinese Lilies and Iris

Fruit Cocktail

Bouillon with Whipped Cream and Pimiento

Celery Wafers

Fricassee of Chicken

Riced Potatoes Scalloped Corn

Tomato Salad

Bavarian Cream Salted Nuts




DECORATIONS--Red Hearts and Ribbons, Red Candle Shades

202 / 211

Heart-Shaped Canapes Olives

Clam Bouillon

Creamed Chicken and Mushrooms in Pattie Shells

Potatoes au Gratin

Grapefruit-and-California-Grape Salad

Vanilla Ice Cream Heart-Shaped Cakes



DECORATIONS--Red Roses, Heart-Shaped Favors, Cupids

Tuna-Fish Salad

Heart-Shaped Brown Bread and Marmalade Sandwiches

Nut Sandwiches

Ice Cream in Heart-Shaped Cases

Small Decorated Cakes

Candies Nuts



DECORATIONS--Shamrocks and Green Ribbon

Cream-of-Pea Soup

Olives Wafers

Roast Pork Loin Potatoes with Parsley Sauce

Tomatoes au Gratin

Green-Peppers-and-Cheese Salad

Lemon Ice Cakes

Coffee Green Mints


DECORATIONS--White Narcissus, Green Carnations, Shamrocks

Chicken Salad

Cheese-and-Green-Pepper Sandwiches

Pistachio Ice Cream Sponge Cake

Mint Punch


No. 1

DECORATIONS--Sweet Peas, Small Flags

Iced Tomato Bouillon


Cold Sliced Ham

Swiss Cheese

Creamed Potatoes and Peas

Strawberry-and-Pineapple Salad

Coconut Cream Pie

Iced Tea

No. 2

DECORATIONS--Cornflowers and Daisies

203 / 211

Iced Watermelon with Mint

Creamed Chicken and Mushrooms on Toast

Potato Croquettes

Corn on the Cob

Sliced Cucumbers

Vanilla Ice Cream

Chocolate Sauce



No. 1

DECORATIONS--Pumpkin Jack o' Lantern, Black-Paper Cats and Witches

Tongue Sandwiches

Swiss-Cheese Sandwiches



Pumpkin Pie

Molasses Taffy

No. 2

DECORATIONS--Tiny Paper Jack o' Lanterns

Pink Bunny

Brown-Bread-and-Marmalade Sandwiches

Nut Cookies





No. 1

DECORATIONS--Basket of Fruit

Oyster Cocktail

Consomme with Peas



Roast Turkey

Candied Sweet Potatoes

Asparagus with Drawn-Butter Sauce

Cranberry Frappe

Head Lettuce

Thousand-Island Dressing

Pumpkin Pie



No. 2

DECORATIONS--Baby Chrysanthemums

Grapefruit Cocktail

204 / 211

Celery Soup


Bread Sticks

Roast Chicken

Cranberry Jelly

Mashed Potatoes

Cottage-Cheese Balls

Baked Onions

Stuffed Dates

Mince Pie



No. 1

DECORATIONS--Small Christmas Tree

Oyster Broth

Oyster Crackers

Small Pickles


Chicken Pie

Pickled Peaches

Baked Sweet Potatoes

Creamed Cauliflower

Fruit Salad

Christmas Pudding



Salted Nuts


No. 2

DECORATIONS--Poinsettias and Holly

Grapefruit with Grape Juice

Cream Chicken Bouillon

Stuffed Celery


Roast Duck

Currant Jelly

Mashed Potatoes

Baked Squash

Spiced Punch

Cabbage-and-Green-Pepper Salad

Plum Pudding






No. 1

DECORATIONS--Seasonal Flowers

205 / 211

Iced Fruit

Creamed Chicken on Toast

Stuffed Potato

Asparagus with Butter Sauce







No. 2

DECORATIONS--Seasonal Flowers

Orange and Grapefruit Juice

Broiled Sweetbreads

Creamed Potatoes

Lima-Bean Souffle

Hot Biscuits



Pineapple Fritters

Milk Sherbet




No. 1

DECORATIONS--Seasonal Flowers

Oyster Cocktail

Chicken Soup



Broiled Squab

Browned Potatoes

Fresh String Beans

Fruit Salad

French Ice Cream




No. 2

DECORATIONS--Seasonal Flowers

Grapefruit Cocktail




Chicken Croquettes

Potato Puff

Stuffed Tomatoes

Bread-and-Butter Sandwiches

Hearts of Lettuce


206 / 211

Chocolate Nut Ice Cream





No. 1

DECORATIONS--Seasonal Flowers

Fresh Pineapple

Cream-of-Celery Soup

Ripe Olives


Broiled Chicken

Candied Sweet Potatoes

Green Peas in Cream

Corn Fritters

Whole-Wheat Rolls


Grapefruit Salad

Individual Molds of Ice Cream




No. 2

DECORATIONS--Seasonal Flowers

Crabflake Cocktail

Consomme Julienne




Roast Young Duck

Mashed Potatoes

Green Lima Beans

Creamed Cauliflower



Waldorf Salad

Vanilla Ice Cream

Chocolate Sauce






DECORATIONS--Kewpies with Large Bows of Ribbon To be Used as Favors

Fruit Cocktail in Orange Basket

Creamed Sweetbreads on Toast

Mashed Potatoes

Asparagus Souffle

207 / 211

Peach-and-Cream-Cheese Salad

Vanilla Ice Cream with Maple Sirup

Birthday Cakes




DECORATIONS--Pink Sweet Peas, Maiden-Hair Fern, Pink Favors Filled with


Fruit Salad



Chocolate Ice Cream with Marshmallow

Birthday Cake

Stuffed Dates



DECORATIONS--Pink Roses, Pink Candle Shades

Fruit Cocktail

Cream-of-Pea Soup




Chicken Croquettes

Stuffed Potatoes

Asparagus Tips

Pineapple-and-Cream-Cheese Salad

Meringue Glace

Birthday Cake



DECORATIONS--Seasonal Flowers, Candle Shades, and Favors to Match

Lobster Cocktail

Clear Soup


Stuffed Olives

Chicken a la King

Julienne Potatoes

Stuffed-Tomato Salad

Chocolate Parfait

Birthday Cake





No. 1

208 / 211

Ribbon Sandwiches

Date-and-Nut Sandwiches

Toasted Pound Cake

Salted Nuts


No. 2

Apricot Sandwiches

Cream-Cheese-and-Peanut Sandwiches


Candied Orange Peel



No. 1

Welsh Rarebit

Tomato Sandwiches

Chocolate Eclairs


No. 2

Club Sandwiches

Bisque Ice Cream




73. ESSENTIALS OF GOOD TABLE SERVICE.--Too much cannot be said of the

importance of attractive table service. The simplest kind of meal served

attractively never fails to please, while the most elaborate meal served

in an uninviting way will not appeal to the appetite. Therefore, a

housewife should try never to neglect the little points that count so

much in making her meals pleasing and inviting. It is not at all

necessary that she have expensive dishes and linen, nor, in fact,

anything out of the ordinary, in order to serve meals in a dainty,

attractive way. Some points, however, are really essential and should

receive consideration.

74. In the first place, there should be absolute cleanliness in

everything used. To make this possible, the dishes should be properly

washed and dried. The glasses should be polished so that they are not

cloudy nor covered with lint. The silver should be kept polished

brightly. The linen, no matter what kind, should be nicely laundered.

Attention given to these matters forms the basis of good table service.

Close in hand with these points comes a well-arranged and neatly set

table. To this may be added some attractive touches in the way of

flowers or other simple decoration. These need cost little or nothing,

especially in the spring and summer seasons, for then the fields and

woods are filled with flowers and foliage that make most artistic table

decorations. Often, too, one's own garden offers a nice selection of

flowers that may be used for table decoration if a little time and

thought are given to their arrangement. In the winter, a small fern or

209 / 211

some other growing plant will answer.

76. A breakfast cover for one.-- By a cover is meant the silver and

dishes placed on the table for one person. In a simple meal, this might

consist of a knife, a fork, spoons, a plate, a glass, a cup and saucer,

and a bread-and-butter plate. Here the cover has been arranged on a

breakfast tray for service at a bedside. This meal is not in the least

unusual, but it is very dainty and pleasing. It consists of

strawberries with the stems left on so that they may be dipped into

sugar and eaten, a cereal, a roll with butter, a hot dish of some kind,

such as eggs, and a hot beverage.

77. A luncheon table with covers for six. --The first course consists

of a fruit cocktail, which is placed on the table before the persons to

be served are seated. The silver required up to the dessert course is

also laid beforehand. Just before the dessert is served, the entire

table should be cleared and the silver necessary for this course laid

at each place.

A point to be remembered in the placing of silver is that the various

pieces should always be placed on the table in the order in which they

are to be used. Here the first spoon is for the cocktail, which is

already on the table, while the second spoon is for the soup, the next

course. The knife, which is the third piece of silver, with the two

forks on the opposite side will be required for the dinner course, while

the third fork is a fork for the salad course.

As will be noted, doilies have been used in place of a table cloth for

this luncheon. These, which may be as simple or as elaborate as desired,

save laundering and, if they are inexpensive, they are an economy as

well as a convenience. Since they also make a luncheon table very

attractive, they are strongly recommended for meals of this kind. The

luncheon napkin, which is smaller than that used for dinner service,

should always be placed where it is shown here, that is, at the left of

the forks. If only one beverage is to be served, as is usually the case,

the glass is placed at the tip of the knife.

78. An example of a correctly set dinner table.-- A table cloth, as

will be noted, is used, for a cloth is always preferable to doilies for

dinner. At this meal, the first course is soup. This, with anything

that is to be eaten with the soup, such as the wafers used here, or a

relish, should be placed before the guests are seated. The bread-andbutter

plate, which is placed just at the top of the fork, should also

be on the table. Between each two persons, it is well to have a set of

salt-and-pepper shakers.

* * * * *



(1) What knowledge is necessary for the planning of economical and

well-balanced meals?

(2) Discuss a systematic plan for the purchasing of foods.

(3) Compare the advantages of buying foods at a cash store and a credit


(4) Mention the advantages of keeping an account of household

210 / 211


(5) Tell how economy in the purchase of foods may be practiced.

(6) Discuss the training of a child's appetite.

(7) Why is a variety of food necessary in the diet?

(8) Name the factors that influence the amount and proportion of food

substances required for an adult.

(9) (a) Explain the meaning of calorie as applied to food. (b) What

is the average number of calories required by the adult?

(10) With the aid of Table V, find out how many pounds you are under

weight or over weight. Then tell how you would proceed to acquire your

correct weight.

(11) Make out menus for breakfast, dinner, and supper for 1 day for a

child 12 months old.

(12) Plan a dinner menu that contains foods suitable for both adults and

a child 4 years old, and from it select the foods you would give

the child.

(13) What does a balanced diet include?

(14) What can be done to balance the cost of foods used in a meal?

(15) Give several points of importance in selecting the dishes for a


(16) Make out menus for the seventeenth and eighteenth days from Table


(17) Plan an original menu and decorations for a dinner you can serve

for a special occasion.

(18) What are the advantages of a nicely arranged table?

(19) Give a few general rules for the correct serving of food and

setting of tables.

(20) Why is the following menu undesirable and what changes would you

suggest to make it more nearly correct?

Cream Soup


Roast Pork


Bread and Butter


Hard Sauce

* * * * *

211 / 211



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