Thursday, June 11, 2009



These wholesome dishes are not used sufficiently by English people, for very few know the value of them. All may use these foods with benefit, and two dinners each week of them with Allinson wholemeal bread will prevent many a serious illness. They are natural food in a plain state, and supply the system with vegetable salts and acids in the best form. In winter, salads may be made with endive, mustard and cress, watercress, round lettuces, celery, or celery root, or even finely cut raw red or white cabbage; pepper, salt, oil, and vinegar are added as above. As a second course, milk or bread pudding. Salads are invaluable in cases of gout, rheumatism, gallstones, stone in the kidney or bladder, and in a gravelly condition of the water and impure condition of the system.


Boil potatoes and artichokes separately, cut into slices; mix, add pepper, salt, oil, and vinegar; eat with Allinson wholemeal bread.


A medium-sized boiled cauliflower, 3 boiled potatoes, juice of ½ a lemon, 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of oil. Cut up finely the cauliflower and potatoes when cold, mix well with the dressing, and pepper and salt to taste. A little mayonnaise is an improvement, but makes it rich.


Put some finely shredded lettuce in a glass dish, and over this put some young sliced onions, some mustard and cress, a layer of sliced tomatoes, and two hard-boiled eggs, also sliced. Add salt and pepper, and then over all put a nice layer of grated cheese. Serve with a dressing composed of equal parts of cream, salad oil, and vinegar, into which had been smoothly mixed a little mustard.


Peel and slice a cucumber, mix together ½ a teaspoonful of salt, ¼ of a teaspoonful of white pepper, and 2 tablespoonfuls of olive oil, stir it well together, then add very gradually 1 tablespoonful of vinegar, stirring it all the time. Put the sliced cucumber into a salad dish, and garnish it with nasturtium leaves and flowers.


1 large boiled Spanish onion, 3 large boiled potatoes, 1 teaspoonful of parsley, pepper and salt to taste, juice of 1 lemon, 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of olive oil. Slice the onion and potatoes when quite cold, mix well together with the parsley and pepper and salt; add the lemon juice and oil, and mix well once more.


4 medium-sized cold boiled potatoes, 6 hard-boiled eggs, 1 bunch of watercress, some mayonnaise. Slice the potatoes, and quarter the eggs. Arrange them in a dish, sprinkling pepper and salt in between; mix pieces of watercress with the eggs and tomatoes, pour over the mayonnaise, and garnish with more watercress.


Boil potatoes that are firm and waxy when cooked, and cut them in slices; let them soak in ½ gill of water, grate a small onion and mix it with these; add pepper, salt, vinegar, and oil to taste. The quantity of oil should be about three times the amount of the vinegar used. Eat with Allinson wholemeal bread.


1 lb. of cold boiled potatoes, 1 small beetroot, some spring onions, olives, 4 tablespoonfuls of vinegar, 2 of salad oil, a little tarragon vinegar, salt, pepper, minced parsley. Cut the potatoes in small pieces, put these into a salad bowl, cut up the onions and olives, and add them to the potatoes. Mix the vinegar, oil, tarragon vinegar, salt, and pepper well together, pour it into the salad bowl, and stir it well. Garnish with beetroot and parsley.


Put into the centre of the bowl some cold dressed French beans or scarlet runners, and before serving pour over some good mayonnaise. Garnish the beans with three tomatoes cut in slices and arranged in a circle one overlapping the other.


1 large lettuce, 1 head endive, mustard and cress, watercress, 2 spring onions, 2 tomatoes, two hard-boiled eggs. Shred the lettuce, endive, onions, tomatoes, and cress, place in a salad bowl with mayonnaise dressing, decorate with slices of egg and tomato and tufts of cress.


These are made from mixtures of lettuce, spring onions, cucumber, tomatoes, or any other raw or cooked green foods, pepper, salt, oil, and vinegar. Cold green peas, French beans, carrots, turnips, and lettuce make a good cold salad for the summer.


Cut up 1 lb. of cold boiled potatoes, grate fine 1 onion and mix with these, add watercress, or mustard and cress, and boiled and sliced beetroot; flavour with pepper, salt, oil, and vinegar as above. Hard-boiled eggs may be cut into slices and added, and sliced apples or pieces of orange may be advantageously mixed with the other ingredients.

When oranges are added to a salad the onion must be left out.



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