Thursday, June 11, 2009







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This volume, which is the third of The Complete Library Of Cooking

includes soups and the high-protein foods, meat, poultry, game,

and fish. It therefore contains information that is of interest to every

housewife, for these foods occupy an important place in the majority

of meals.

In her study of Soup, she will come to a thorough appreciation of the

place that soup occupies in the meal, its chief purposes, and its

economic value. All the different kinds of soups are classified and

discussed, recipes for making them, as well as the stocks used in their

preparation, receiving the necessary attention. The correct serving of

soup is not overlooked; nor are the accompaniments and garnishes so

often required to make the soup course of the meal an attractive one.

In Meat, Parts 1 and 2, are described the various cuts of the

different kinds of meat--beef, veal, lamb, mutton, and pork--and the

part of the animal from which they are obtained, the way in which to

judge a good piece of meat by its appearance, and what to do with it

from the time it is purchased until all of it is used. All the methods

applicable to the cooking of meats are emphasized in this section.

Supplementing the text are numerous illustrations showing the ways in

which meat cuts are obtained. Besides, many of them are so reproduced

that actual cuts of meat may be readily recognized. Equipped with this

knowledge, the housewife need give no concern to the selection, care,

and cooking of every variety of meat.

In Poultry and Game, the selection and preparation of all kinds of

poultry receive attention. While such food is somewhat of a luxury in a

great many homes, it helps to relieve the monotony of the usual protein

foods, and it often supplies just what is desired for special occasions.

Familiarity with poultry and game is a decided asset to any housewife,

and success with their cooking and serving is assured through a study

of this text, for every step in their preparation is clearly explained

and illustrated.

In Fish and Shell Fish, the other high-protein food is treated in full

as to its composition, food value, purchase, care, and preparation. Such

interesting processes as the boning, skinning, and filleting of fish are

not only carefully explained but clearly illustrated. In addition to

recipes for fresh, salt, smoked, and canned fish are given directions

for the preparation of all edible shell fish and recipes for the various

stuffings and sauces served with fish.

Too much cannot be said about the importance of the subjects covered in

this volume and the necessity for a thorough understanding of them on

the part of every housewife. Indeed, a mastery of them will mean for her

an acquaintance with the main part of the meal, and when she knows how

to prepare these foods, the other dishes will prove a simple matter.

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Value of Soup 4

Classification of Soups 6

Uses and Varieties of Soup Stock 7

The Stock Pot 9

Principal Ingredients in Soup 9

Processes Involved in Making Stock 10

Serving Soup 14

Recipes for Soup and Soup Accompaniments 14

Stocks and Clear Soups 15

Heavy Thick Soups 17

Cream Soups 20

Purees 23

Chowders 24

Soup Accompaniments and Garnishes 25


Value of Meat as Food 30

Structure and Composition of Meat 31

Purchase and Care of Meat 34

Purposes of Cooking Meat 36

Methods of Cooking Meat 37

Time Required for Cooking Meat 39

Beef--General Characteristics 40

Cuts of Beef 41

Steaks and Their Preparation 43

Roasts and Their Preparation 46

Preparation of Stews and Corned Beef 49

Beef Organs and Their Preparation 51

Making Gravy 52

Trying Out Suet and Other Fats 53

Preparation of Left-Over Beef 53

Veal 56

Cuts of Veal and Their Uses 56

Veal Cuts and Their Preparation 58

Veal Organs and Their Preparation 60

Preparation of Left-Over Veal 61

Mutton and Lamb--Comparison 62

Cuts of Mutton and Lamb 63

Preparation of Roasts, Chops, and Stews 64

Preparation of Left-Over Lamb and Mutton 66

Pork 67

Cuts of Pork 68

Fresh Pork and Its Preparation 69

Cured Pork and Its Preparation 72

Preparation of Left-Over Pork 74

Serving and Carving of Meat 75

Sausages and Meat Preparations 75

Principles of Deep-Fat Frying 76

Application of Deep-Fat Frying 77

Timbale Cases 79


Poultry as a Food 81

Selection of Poultry 82

Selection of Chicken 84

Selection of Poultry Other Than Chicken 86

Composition of Poultry 88

Preparation of Chicken for Cooking 88

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Preparation of Poultry Other Than Chicken for Cooking 91

Cooking of Poultry 92

Stuffing for Roast Poultry 94

Boned Chicken 98

Dishes from Left-Over Poultry 102

Serving and Carving of Poultry 105

Game 106

Recipes for Game 106


Fish in the Diet 109

Composition and Food Value of Fish 111

Purchase and Care of Fish 114

Cleaning Fish 117

Boning Fish 117

Skinning Fish 118

Filleting Fish 118

Methods of Cooking Fish 118

Recipes for Fish Sauces and Stuffings 118

Recipes for Fresh Fish 122

Recipes for Salt and Smoked Fish 127

Recipes for Canned Fish 129

Recipes for Left-Over Fish 131

Shell Fish--Nature, Varieties, and Use 131

Oysters and Their Preparation 133

Clams and Their Preparation 138

Scallops and Their Preparation 140

Lobsters and Their Preparation 140

Crabs and Their Preparation 144

Shrimp and Their Preparation 145




1. SOUP is a liquid food that is prepared by boiling meat or vegetables,

or both, in water and then seasoning and sometimes thickening the liquid

that is produced. It is usually served as the first course of a dinner,

but it is often included in a light meal, such as luncheon. While some

persons regard the making of soup as difficult, nothing is easier when

one knows just what is required and how to proceed. The purpose of this

Section, therefore, is to acquaint the housewife with the details of

soup making, so that she may provide her family with appetizing and

nutritious soups that make for both economy and healthfulness.

2. It is interesting to note the advancement that has been made with

this food. The origin of soup, like that of many foods, dates back to

practically the beginning of history. However, the first soup known was

probably not made with meat. For instance, the mess of pottage for which

Esau sold his birthright was soup made of red lentils. Later on meat

came to be used as the basis for soup because of the agreeable and

appetizing flavor it provides. Then, at one time in France a scarcity of

butter and other fats that had been used to produce moistness and

richness in foods, brought about such clear soups as bouillon and

consomme. These, as well as other liquid foods, found much favor, for

about the time they were devised it came to be considered vulgar to chew

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food. Thus, at various periods, and because of different emergencies,

particular kinds of soup have been introduced, until now there are many

kinds from which the housewife may choose when she desires a dish that

will start a meal in the right way and at the same time appeal to

the appetite.

3. VALUE OF SOUP IN THE MEAL.--Not all persons have the same idea

regarding the value of soup as a part of a meal. Some consider it to be

of no more value than so much water, claiming that it should be fed to

none but children or sick persons who are unable to take solid food. On

the other hand, many persons believe that soup contains the very essence

of all that is nourishing and sustaining in the foods of which it is

made. This difference of opinion is well demonstrated by the ideas that

have been advanced concerning this food. Some one has said that soup is

to a meal what a portico is to a palace or an overture to an opera,

while another person, who evidently does not appreciate this food, has

said that soup is the preface to a dinner and that any work really worth

while is sufficient in itself and needs no preface. Such opinions,

however, must be reconciled if the true value of this food is to be


4. Probably the best way in which to come to a definite conclusion as to

the importance of soup is to consider the purposes it serves in a meal.

When its variety and the ingredients of which it is composed are thought

of, soup serves two purposes: first, as an appetizer taken at the

beginning of a meal to stimulate the appetite and aid in the flow of

digestive juices in the stomach; and, secondly, as an actual part of the

meal, when it must contain sufficient nutritive material to permit it to

be considered as a part of the meal instead of merely an addition. Even

in its first and minor purpose, the important part that soup plays in

many meals is not hard to realize, for it is just what is needed to

arouse the flagging appetite and create a desire for nourishing food.

But in its second purpose, the real value of soup is evident. Whenever

soup contains enough nutritive material for it to take the place of some

dish that would otherwise be necessary, its value cannot be


If soup is thought of in this way, the prejudice that exists against it

in many households will be entirely overcome. But since much of this

prejudice is due to the fact that the soup served is often unappetizing

in both flavor and appearance, sufficient attention should be given to

the making of soup to have this food attractive enough to appeal to the

appetite rather than discourage it. Soup should not be greasy nor

insipid in flavor, neither should it be served in large quantities nor

without the proper accompaniment. A small quantity of well-flavored,

attractively served soup cannot fail to meet the approval of any family

when it is served as the first course of the meal.

5. GENERAL CLASSES OF SOUP.--Soups are named in various ways, according

to material, quality, etc.; but the two purposes for which soup is used

have led to the placing of the numerous kinds into two general classes.

In the first class are grouped those which serve as appetizers, such as

bouillon, consomme, and some other broths and clear soups. In the second

class are included those eaten for their nutritive effect, such as cream

soups, purees, and bisques. From these two classes of soup, the one that

will correspond with the rest of the meal and make it balance properly

is the one to choose. For instance, a light soup that is merely an

appetizer should be served with a heavy dinner, whereas a heavy, highly

nutritious soup should be used with a luncheon or a light meal.

6. ECONOMIC VALUE OF SOUP.--Besides having an important place in the

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meal of which it forms a part, soup is very often an economy, for it

affords the housewife a splendid opportunity to utilize many left-overs.

With the French people, who excel in the art of soup making chiefly

because of their clever adaptation of seasoning to foods, their

pot-au-feu is a national institution and every kitchen has its stock

pot. Persons who believe in the strictest food economy use a stock pot,

since it permits left-overs to be utilized in an attractive and

palatable way. In fact, there is scarcely anything in the way of fish,

meat, fowl, vegetables, and cereals that cannot be used in soup making,

provided such ingredients are cared for in the proper way. Very often

the first glance at the large number of ingredients listed in a soup

recipe creates the impression that soup must be a very complicated

thing. Such, however, is not the case. In reality, most of the soup

ingredients are small quantities of things used for flavoring, and it is

by the proper blending of these that appetizing soups are secured.


7. The two general classes of soup already mentioned permit of numerous

methods of classification. For instance, soups are sometimes named from

the principal ingredient or an imitation of it, as the names potato

soup, beef soup, macaroni soup, mock-turtle soup testify. Again, both

stimulating and nutritious soups may be divided into thin and thick

soups, thin soups usually being clear, and thick soups, because of their

nature, cloudy. When the quality of soups is considered, they are placed

in still different classes and are called broth, bisque, consomme,

puree, and so on. Another important classification of soups results from

the nationality of the people who use them. While soups are classified

in other ways, it will be sufficient for all practical purposes if the

housewife understands these three principal classes.

8. CLASSES DENOTING CONSISTENCY.--As has already been pointed out, soups

are of only two kinds when their consistency is thought of, namely,

clear soups and thick soups.

CLEAR SOUPS are those made from carefully cleared stock, or soup

foundation, and flavored or garnished with a material from which the

soup usually takes its name. There are not many soups of this kind,

bouillon and consomme being the two leading varieties, but in order

to be palatable, they require considerable care in making.

THICK SOUPS are also made from stock, but milk, cream, water, or any

mixture of these may also be used as a basis, and to it may be added for

thickening meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, or grain or some other starchy

material. Soups of this kind are often made too thick, and as such soups

are not appetizing, care must be taken to have them just right in


9. CLASSES DENOTING QUALITY.--When attention is given to the quality of

soup, this food divides itself into several varieties, namely, broth,

cream soup, bisque, chowder, and puree.

BROTHS have for their foundation a clear stock. They are sometimes a

thin soup, but other times they are made quite thick with vegetables,

rice, barley, or other material, when they are served as a substantial

part of a meal.

CREAM SOUPS are highly nutritious and are of great variety. They have

for their foundation a thin cream sauce, but to this are always added

vegetables, meat, fish, or grains.

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BISQUES are thick, rich soups made from game, fish, or shell fish,

particularly crabs, shrimp, etc. Occasionally, vegetables are used in

soup of this kind.

CHOWDERS are soups that have sea food for their basis. Vegetables and

crackers are generally added for thickening and to impart flavor.

PUREES are soups made thick partly or entirely by the addition of some

material obtained by boiling an article of food and then straining it to

form a pulp. When vegetables containing starch, such as beans, peas,

lentils, and potatoes, are used for this purpose, it is unnecessary to

thicken the soup with any additional starch; but when meat, fish, or

watery vegetables are used, other thickening is required. To be right, a

puree should be nearly as smooth as thick cream and of the same


10. CLASSES TYPICAL OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES.--Certain kinds of soup have

been made so universally by the people of various countries that they

have come to be regarded as national dishes and are always thought of as

typical of the particular people by whom they are used. Among the best

known of these soups are Borsch, a soup much used by the Russian

people and made from beets, leeks, and sour cream; Daikan, a Japanese

soup in which radishes are the principal ingredient; Kouskous, a soup

favored by the people of Abyssinia and made from vegetables; Krishara,

a rice soup that finds much favor in India; Lebaba, an Egyptian soup

whose chief ingredients are honey, butter, and raisin water; Minestra,

an Italian soup in which vegetables are combined; Mulligatawny, an

Indian rice soup that is flavored with curry; Potroka, another kind of

Russian soup, having giblets for its foundation; Soljinka, an entirely

different variety of Russian soup, being made from fish and onions; and

Tarhonya, a Hungarian soup containing noodles.

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11. MEANING AND USE OF STOCK.--In order that soup-making processes may

be readily grasped by the housewife, she should be thoroughly familiar

with what is meant by stock, which forms the foundation of many soups.

In looking into the derivation of this term, it will be found that the

word stock comes from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning to stick, and that

while it has many different uses, the idea of fixedness is expressed in

every one of them. As is generally known, a stock of anything means a

reserve supply of that thing stored away for future use. When applied to

soup, stock is similar in meaning, for it refers to material stored or

prepared in such a way that it may be kept for use in the making of

certain kinds of soup. In a more definite sense, soup stock may be

regarded as a liquid containing the juices and soluble parts of meat,

bone, and vegetables, which have been extracted by long, slow cooking

and which can be utilized in the making of soups, sauces, and gravies.

12. Soups in which stock is utilized include all the varieties made from

beef, veal, mutton, and poultry. If clear stock is desired for the

making of soup, only fresh meat and bones should be used and all

material that will discolor the liquid in any way carefully avoided. For

ordinary, unclarified soups, the trimmings and bones of roast, steak, or

chops and the carcass of fowl can generally be utilized. However, very

strongly flavored meat, such as mutton, or the fat from mutton should be

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used sparingly, if at all, on account of the strong flavor that

it imparts.

13. VARIETIES OF STOCK.--Several kinds of stock are utilized in the

making of soup, and the kind to employ depends on the soup desired. In

determining the kind of stock required for the foundation of a soup, the

housewife may be guided by the following classification:

FIRST STOCK is made from meat and bones and then clarified and used for

well-flavored, clear soups.

SECOND STOCK is made from the meat and the bones that remain after the

first stock is strained off. More water is added to the remaining

material, and this is then cooked with vegetables, which supply the

needed flavor. Such stock serves very well for adding flavor to a

nutritious soup made from vegetables or cereal foods.

HOUSEHOLD STOCK is made by cooking meat and bones, either fresh or

cooked, with vegetables or other material that will impart flavor and

add nutritive value. Stock of this kind is used for ordinary soups.

BONE STOCK is made from meat bones to which vegetables are added for

flavor, and it is used for making any of the ordinary soups.

VEGETABLE STOCK is made from either dried or fresh vegetables or both.

Such stock is employed in making vegetable soups.

GAME STOCK is made from the bones and trimmings of game to which

vegetables are added for flavor. This kind of stock is used for making

game soups.

FISH STOCK is made from fish or fish trimmings to which vegetables are

added for flavor. Shell fish make especially good stock of this kind.

Fish stock is employed for making chowders and fish soups.

14. ADDITIONAL USES OF STOCK.--As has already been shown, stock is used

principally as a foundation for certain varieties of soup. This

material, however, may be utilized in many other ways, being especially

valuable in the use of left-over foods. Any bits of meat or fowl that

are left over can be made into an appetizing dish by adding thickened

stock to them and serving the combination over toast or rice. In fact, a

large variety of made dishes can be devised if there is stock on hand to

add for flavor. The convenience of a supply of stock will be apparent

when it is realized that gravy or sauce for almost any purpose can be

made from the contents of the stock pot.

15. SOUP EXTRACTS.--If a housewife does not have sufficient time to go

through the various processes involved in making soup, her family need

not be deprived of this article of diet, for there are a number of

concentrated meat and vegetable extracts on the market for making soups

quickly. The meat extracts are made of the same flavoring material as

that which is drawn from meat in the making of stock. Almost all the

liquid is evaporated and the result is a thick, dark substance that must

be diluted greatly with water to obtain the basis for a soup or a broth.

Some of the vegetable extracts, such as Japanese soy and English

marmite, are so similar in appearance and taste to the meat extracts as

to make it quite difficult to detect any difference. Both varieties of

these extracts may be used for sauces and gravies, as well as for soups,

but it should be remembered that they are not highly nutritious and are

valuable merely for flavoring.

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16. NATURE, USE, AND CARE OF STOCK POT.--Among the utensils used for

cooking there is probably none more convenient and useful than the stock

pot. It is nothing more or less than a covered crock or pot into which

materials that will make a well-flavored stock are put from time to

time. From such a supply, stock can be drawn when it is needed for

soup; then, when some is taken out, more water and materials may be

added to replenish the pot. The stock pot should be made of either

enamel or earthenware, since a metal pot of any kind is liable to

impart flavor to the food. Likewise, its lid, or cover, should be

tight-fitting, for then it will be an excellent utensil in which the

materials may be stored until they are to be heated, when they can be

poured or dipped into a saucepan or a kettle.

The stock pot, like any other utensil used for making soup, should

receive considerable care, as it must be kept scrupulously clean. No

stock pot should ever be allowed to stand from day to day without being

emptied, thoroughly washed, and then exposed to the air for a while

to dry.

17. FOOD SUITABLE FOR THE STOCK POT.--Some one has said that nothing

edible is out of place in the stock pot, and, to a great extent, this

statement is true. Here should be put the bones from the cooked roast,

as well as the trimmings cut from it before it went into the oven; the

tough ends and bones of beefsteak; the trimmings or bones sent home by

the butcher; the carcasses of fowls, together with any remains of

stuffing and tough or left-over bits of meat; any left-over vegetables;

the remains of the gravy or any unsweetened sauces used for meats or

vegetables; the spoonful of left-over hash, stew, or stuffing; a

left-over stuffed tomato or pepper; and the water in which rice,

macaroni, or certain vegetables have been cooked. Of course, plain water

can be used for the liquid, but the water in which such vegetables as

cauliflower, carrots, beans, peas, asparagus, celery, and potatoes have

been cooked is especially desirable, for, besides imparting flavor to

the soup, it adds valuable mineral salts. However, when such things as

left-over cereals, rice, macaroni, and green vegetables are to be

utilized in soup, they should not be put in the stock pot; rather, they

should be added to the stock after it is removed from the pot.



18. The making of the stock that is used in soup is the most important

of the soup-making processes; in fact, these two things--soup and

stock--may be regarded, in many instances, as one and the same. The

housewife will do well, therefore, to keep in mind that whenever

reference is made to the making of soup usually stock making is also

involved and meant. Before the actual soup-making processes are taken

up, however, the nature of the ingredients required should be well

understood; for this reason, suitable meats and vegetables, which are

the principal ingredients in soups, are first discussed.

19. MEAT USED FOR SOUP MAKING.--With the exception of pork, almost every

kind of meat, including beef, veal, mutton, lamb, game, and poultry, is

used for soup making. Occasionally, ham is employed, but most other

forms of pork are seldom used to any extent. When soup stock is made

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from these meats, they may be cooked separately, or, as a combination is

often an improvement over a single variety, several kinds may be

combined. For instance, mutton used alone makes a very strongly flavored

soup, so that it is usually advisable to combine this kind of meat with

another meat that has a less distinctive flavor. On the other hand, veal

alone does not have sufficient flavor, so it must be combined with lamb,

game, fowl, or some other well-flavored meat.

20. Certain cuts of meats are preferred to others in the making of

soups, because of the difference in their texture. The tender cuts,

which are the expensive ones, should not be used for soups, as they do

not produce enough flavor. The tough cuts, which come from the muscles

that the animal uses constantly and that therefore grow hard and tough,

are usually cheaper, but they are more suitable, because they contain

the material that makes the best soup. The pieces best adapted to soup

making are the shins, the shanks, the lower part of the round, the neck,

the flank, the shoulder, the tail, and the brisket. Although beef is

obtained from the cow, the same cuts come from practically the same

places in other animals. Stock made from one of these cuts will be

improved if a small amount of the fat of the meat is cooked with it;

but to avoid soup that is too greasy, any excess fat that remains after

cooking should be carefully removed. The marrow of the shin bone is the

best fat for soup making.

If soup is to be made from fish, a white variety should be selected. The

head and trimmings may be utilized, but these alone are not sufficient,

because soup requires some solid pieces of meat. The same is true of

meat bones; they are valuable only when they are used with meat, an

equal proportion of bone and meat being required for the best stock.

21. VEGETABLES USED FOR SOUP MAKING.--In soup making, the housewife has

also a large number of vegetables from which to select, for any

vegetable that has a decided flavor may be used. Among those from which

soups can be made successfully are cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus,

corn, onions, turnips, carrots, parsnips, tomatoes, beans, peas,

lentils, salsify, potatoes, spinach, celery, mushrooms, okra, and even

sweet potatoes. These vegetables are used for two purposes: to provide

flavoring and to form part of the soup itself as well as to furnish

flavor. When they are used simply for flavoring, they are cooked until

their flavor is obtained and then removed from the stock. When they are

to form part of the soup, as well as to impart flavor, they are left in

the soup in small pieces or made into a puree and eaten with the soup.

Attention, too, must be given to the condition of the vegetables that

are used in soup. The fresh vegetables that are used should be in

perfect condition. They should have no decayed places that might taint

or discolor the soups, and they should be as crisp and solid as

possible. If they are somewhat withered or faded, they can be freshened

by allowing them to stand in cold water for a short time. When dried

vegetables are to be used for soup making, they should first be soaked

well in cold water and then, before being added to the stock, either

partly cooked or entirely cooked and made into a puree.


22. Although the making of stock or soup is a simple process, it must

necessarily be a rather long one. The reason for this is that all flavor

cannot be drawn from the soup materials unless they are subjected to

long, slow cooking at a temperature lower than the boiling point. With

this point definitely understood, the actual work of soup making may

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be taken up.

23. COOKING MEAT FOR SOUP.--When clear stock is to be made from fresh

meat, the required quantity of meat should be cut into small pieces

rather than large ones, so as to expose as much of the surface as

possible from which the flavor of the meat can be drawn. A little more

flavor is obtained and a brown color developed if a small part, perhaps

a fourth, of the pieces of meat are first browned in the frying pan. The

pieces thus browned, together with the pieces of fresh meat, are put

into a kettle and a quart of cold water for each pound of meat is

then added.

The reason for using cold rather than hot water will be evident when the

action of water on raw meat is understood. The fiber of meat is composed

of innumerable thread-like tubes containing the flavor that is to be

drawn out into the water in order to make the stock appetizing. When the

meat is cut, these tiny tubes are laid open. Putting the meat thus

prepared into cold water and allowing it to heat gradually tend to

extract the contents of the tubes. This material is known as

extractives, and it contains in its composition stimulating

substances. On the other hand, plunging the meat into hot water and

subjecting it quickly to a high temperature will coagulate the protein

in the tissue and prevent the extractives from leaving the tubes.

24. To obtain the most flavor from meat that is properly prepared, it

should be put over a slow fire and allowed to come gradually to the

boiling point. As the water approaches the boiling point, a scum

consisting of coagulated albumin, blood, and foreign material will begin

to rise to the top, but this should be skimmed off at once and the

process of skimming continued until no scum remains. When the water

begins to boil rapidly, either the fire should be lowered or the kettle

should be removed to a cooler part of the stove so that the water will

bubble only enough for a very slight motion to be observed. Throughout

the cooking, the meat should not be allowed to boil violently nor to

cease bubbling entirely.

The meat should be allowed to cook for at least 4 hours, but longer if

possible. If, during this long cooking, too much water evaporates, more

should be added to dilute the stock. The salt that is required for

seasoning may be added just a few minutes before the stock is removed

from the kettle. However, it is better to add the salt, together with

the other seasonings, after the stock has been drawn off, for salt, like

heat, has a tendency to harden the tissues of meat and to prevent the

flavor from being readily extracted.

25. Although, as has been explained, flavor is drawn from the fibers of

meat by boiling it slowly for a long time, the cooking of meat for soup

does not extract the nourishment from it to any extent. In reality, the

meat itself largely retains its original nutritive value after it has

been cooked for soup, although a small quantity of protein is drawn out

and much of the fat is removed. This meat should never be wasted;

rather, it should be used carefully with materials that will take the

place of the flavor that has been cooked from it.

26. FLAVORING STOCK.--It is the flavoring of stock that indicates real

skill in soup making, so this is an extremely important part of the

work. In fact, the large number of ingredients found in soup recipes

are, as a rule, the various flavorings, which give the distinctive

flavor and individuality to a soup. However, the housewife whose larder

will not produce all of the many things that may be called for in a

recipe should not feel that she must forego making a particular kind of

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soup. Very often certain spices or certain flavoring materials may be

omitted without any appreciable difference, or something that is on hand

may be substituted for an ingredient that is lacking.

27. The flavorings used most for soup include cloves, peppercorns, red,

black, and white pepper, paprika, bay leaf, sage, marjoram, thyme,

summer savory, tarragon, celery seed, fennel, mint, and rosemary. While

all of these are not absolutely necessary, the majority of them may well

be kept on the pantry shelf. In addition, a bottle of Worcestershire

sauce should be kept on hand. Celery and parsley, which are also much

used for flavoring, can usually be purchased fresh, but as they are

scarce at times it is advisable to dry some of the leaves during the

season when they can be secured, so as to have a supply when they are

not in the market. A small amount of lemon peel often improves soup, so

some of this should be kept in store. Another group of vegetables that

lend themselves admirably to soup flavoring includes leeks, shallots,

chives, garlic, and onions, all of which belong to the same family. They

must be used judiciously, however, as a strong flavor of any of them is

offensive to most persons.

28. As many of the flavorings used for soup lose their strength when

they are exposed to the air, every effort should be made to keep them in

good condition. Many of them can be kept an indefinite length of time if

they are placed in tightly closed metal boxes or glass jars. Flavorings

and spices bought from the grocer or the druggist in paper packages

should be transferred to, and enclosed in, a receptacle that will not

allow them to deteriorate. If proper attention is given to these

materials, the supply will not have to be replenished often; likewise,

the cost of a sufficient number to produce the proper flavorings will be

very slight.

29. In the use of any of the flavorings mentioned or the strongly

flavored vegetables, care should be taken not to allow any one

particular flavor to predominate. Each should be used in such quantity

that it will blend well with the others. A very good way in which to fix

spices and herbs that are to flavor soup is to tie them in a small piece

of cheesecloth and drop the bag thus made into the soup pot. When

prepared in this way, they will remain together, so that, while the

flavor can be cooked out, they can be more readily removed from the

liquid than if they are allowed to spread through the contents of the

pot. Salt, which is, of course, always used to season soup, should be

added in the proportion of 1 teaspoonful to each quart of liquid.

30. REMOVING GREASE FROM SOUP.--A greasy soup is always unpalatable.

Therefore, a very important feature of soup making, whether a thin or a

thick soup is being made, is the removal of all grease. Various ways of

removing grease have been devised, depending on whether the soup is hot

or cold. In the case of hot or warm soup, all the grease that it is

possible to remove with a spoon may be skimmed from the top, and the

remainder then taken up with a piece of clean blotting paper,

tissue-paper, or absorbent cotton. Another plan, by which the fat may be

hardened and then collected, consists in tying a few small pieces of ice

in a piece of cloth and drawing them over the surface of the soup. A

very simple method is to allow the soup or stock to become cold, and

then remove the fat, which collects on the top and hardens, by merely

lifting off the cake that forms.

31. CLEARING SOUP.--Sometimes it is desired to improve the appearance of

soup stock, particularly a small amount of soup that is to be served at

a very dainty luncheon or dinner. In order to do this, the stock may be

treated by a certain process that will cause it to become clear. After

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being cleared, it may be served as a thin soup or, if it is heavy

enough, it may be made into a clear, sparkling jelly into which many

desirable things may be molded for salad or for a dish to accompany a

heavy course. Clearing soup is rather extravagant; however, while it

does not improve the taste, it does improve the appearance.

A very satisfactory way in which to clear stock is to use egg whites and

crushed egg shell. To each quart of cold stock should be added the

crushed shell and a slightly beaten egg white. These should be mixed

well, placed on the fire, and the mixture stirred constantly until it

boils. As the egg coagulates, some of the floating particles in the

stock are caught and carried to the top, while others are carried to the

bottom by the particles of shell as they settle. After the mixture has

boiled for 5 or 10 minutes, the top should be skimmed carefully and the

stock then strained through a fine cloth. When it has been reheated, the

cleared stock will be ready to serve.

32. THICKENING SOUP.--Although thin, clear soups are preferred by some

and are particularly desirable for their stimulating effect, thick soups

find much favor when they are used to form a substantial part of a meal.

Besides giving consistency to soup, thickening usually improves the

flavor, but its chief purpose is to give nutritive value to this food.

In fact, whenever a soup is thickened, its food value is increased by

the ingredient thus added. For this reason, it is advisable to thicken

soups when they are desired for any other purpose than their

stimulating effect.

33. The substance used to thicken soups may be either a starchy material

or food or a puree of some food. The starchy materials generally used

for this purpose are plain flour, browned flour, corn starch, and

arrowroot flour. Any one of these should be moistened with enough cold

water to make a mixture that will pour easily, and then added to the hot

liquid while the soup is stirred constantly to prevent the formation of

lumps. A sufficient amount of this thickening material should be used to

make a soup of the consistency of heavy cream.

The starchy foods that are used for thickening include rice, barley,

oatmeal, noodles, tapioca, sago, and macaroni. Many unusual and fancy

forms of macaroni can be secured, or the plain varieties of Italian

pastes may be broken into small pieces and cooked with the soup. When

any of these foods are used, they should be added long enough before the

soup is removed to be cooked thoroughly.

Purees of beans, peas, lentils, potatoes, and other vegetables are

especially desirable for the thickening of soups, for they not only give

consistency, but add nutritive value and flavor as well. Another

excellent thickening may be obtained by beating raw eggs and then adding

them carefully to the soup just before it is to be served. After eggs

have been added for thickening, the soup should not be allowed to boil,

as it is liable to curdle.

34. KEEPING STOCK.--Soup stock, like many other foods, spoils quite

readily. Therefore, in order to keep it for at least a few days, it must

receive proper attention. At all times, the vessel containing stock

should be tightly closed and, especially in warm weather, the stock

should be kept as cold as possible. Stock that is heavy enough to

solidify into a jellylike consistency when it is cold will keep better

than stock that remains liquid. The addition of salt or any spicy

flavoring also helps to keep stock from deteriorating, because these

materials act as preservatives and prevent the action of bacteria that

cause spoiling. Bacteria may be kept from entering soup if, instead of

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removing the grease, it is allowed to form in a solid cake over the

top. No matter which of these precautions is taken to prevent stock from

spoiling, it should be heated to boiling point once a day when it is to

be kept for several days.


35. Soup may be correctly served in several different ways, the method

to adopt usually depending on the kind of soup. Thin, clear soups are

generally served in bouillon cups, as shown in Fig. 3, which may be

placed on the table immediately before the family assembles or passed

after the members are seated. Heavier soups may be served at the table

from a soup tureen, or each person's portion may be served before the

family comes to the table. For soups of this kind, the flat soup plate,

is found preferable.

The spoon to be served with soup also depends on the kind of soup, but a

larger spoon than a teaspoon is always necessary. When soup is served in

a soup plate, a dessert spoon is used. A bouillon spoon is the best

kind to use with any thin soup served in bouillon cups. Such a spoon,

is about the length of a teaspoon, but has a round bowl.

36. To increase the attractiveness of soup and at the same time make it

more appetizing and nutritious, various accompaniments and relishes are

served with it. When the accompaniment is in the form of crackers,

croutons, or bread sticks, they may be passed after the soup is served,

or a few of them may be placed on the bread-and-butter plate at each

person's place. The relishes should be passed while the soup is being

eaten. Plain whipped cream or whipped cream into which a little mashed

pimiento has been stirred adds much to the flavor and appearance of

soup when served on the top of any hot or cold variety. Then, too, many

soups, especially vegetable soups, are improved in flavor by the

addition of a spoonful of grated cheese, which should be sprinkled into

the dish at the time of serving. For this purpose, a hard, dry cheese,

such as Parmesan, which can often be purchased already grated in

bottles, is the most satisfactory.

37. In summer, clear soups are sometimes served cold, as cold soups are

found more desirable for warm weather than hot ones. However, when a

soup is intended to be hot, it should be hot when it is ready to be

eaten, and every effort should be made to have it in this condition if

an appetizing soup is desired. This can be accomplished if the soup is

thoroughly heated before it is removed from the stove and the dishes in

which it is to be served are warmed before the soup is put into them.

* * * * *



38. So that the housewife may put into practice the knowledge she has

gained about soup making, there are here given recipes for various kinds

of soup. As will be observed, these recipes are classified according to

the consistency and nature of the soups, all those of one class being

placed in the same group. As it is important, too, for the housewife to

know how to prepare the various accompaniments and garnishes that are

generally served with soup, directions for the making of these are also

given and they follow the soup recipes.

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39. In carrying out these recipes, it will be well to note that

exactness in fulfilling the requirements and care in working out the

details of the recipes are essential. These points cannot be ignored in

the making of soup any more than in other parts of cookery, provided

successful results and excellent appearance are desired. It is therefore

wise to form habits of exactness. For instance, when vegetables are to

be cut for soups, they should be cut into pieces of equal size, or, if

they are to be diced, they should be cut so that the dice are alike. All

the pieces must be of the same thickness in order to insure uniform

cooking; if this precaution is not observed, some of the pieces are

likely to overcook and fall to pieces before the others are done.

Strict attention should also be given to the preparation of other

ingredients and the accompaniments. The meat used must be cut very

carefully rather than in ragged, uneven pieces. Noodles, which are often

used in soup, may be of various widths; but all those used at one time

should be uniform in width--that is, all wide or all narrow. If

different widths are used, an impression of careless cutting will be

given. Croutons and bread sticks, to be most satisfactory, should be cut

straight and even, and, in order to toast uniformly, all those made at

one time should be of the same size.


40. Stock for Clear Soup or Bouillon.--A plain, but well-flavored, beef

stock may be made according to the accompanying recipe and used as a

basis for any clear soup served as bouillon without the addition of

anything else. However, as the addition of rice, barley, chopped

macaroni, or any other such food will increase the food value of the

soup, any of them may be supplied to produce a more nutritious soup.

When this stock is served clear, it should be used as the first course

in a comparatively heavy meal.


4 lb. beef

4 qt. cold water

1 medium-sized onion

1 stalk celery

2 sprigs parsley

6 whole cloves

12 peppercorns

1 bay leaf



Cut the meat into small pieces. Pour the cold water over it, place on a

slow fire, and let it come to a boil. Skim off all scum that rises to

the top. Cover tightly and keep at the simmering point for 6 to 8 hours.

Then strain and remove the fat. Add the onion and celery cut into

pieces, the parsley, cloves, peppercorns, and bay leaf. Simmer gently

for about 20 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Strain through

a cloth.

41. Household Stock.--If it is desired to make a stock that may be kept

on hand constantly and that may be used as a foundation for various

kinds of soups, sauces, and gravies, or as a broth for making casserole

dishes, household stock will be found very satisfactory. Such stock made

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in quantity and kept in a sufficiently cool place may be used for

several days before it spoils. Since most of the materials used in this

stock cannot be put to any other particularly good use, and since the

labor required in making it is slight, this may be regarded as an

extremely economical stock.


3 qt. cold water

3 lb. meat (trimmings of fresh

meat, bones, and tough pieces

from roasts, steaks, etc.)

1 medium-sized onion

4 cloves

6 peppercorns




Pour the cold water over the meat and bones and put them on the fire to

cook. When they come to a boil skim well. Then cover and simmer 4 to 6

hours. Add the onion, cloves, peppercorns, and herbs and cook for

another hour. Add salt and pepper to taste. Strain and set aside to

cool. Remove the fat.

42. White Stock.--An especially nice broth having a delicate flavor and

generally used for special functions when an attractive meal is being

served to a large number of persons is made from veal and fowl and known

as white stock. If allowed to remain in a cool place, this stock will

solidify, and then it may be used as the basis for a jellied meat

dish or salad.


5 lb. veal

1 fowl, 3 or 4 lb.

8 qt. cold water

2 medium-sized onions

2 Tb. butter

2 stalks celery

1 blade mace



Cut the veal and fowl into pieces and add the cold water. Place on a

slow fire, and let come gradually to the boiling point. Skim carefully

and place where it will simmer gently for 6 hours. Slice the onions,

brown slightly in the butter, and add to the stock with the celery and

mace. Salt and pepper to suit taste. Cook 1 hour longer and then strain

and cool. Remove the fat before using.

43. Consomme.--One of the most delicious of the thin, clear broths is

consomme. This is usually served plain, but any material that will not

cloud it, such as finely diced vegetables, green peas, tiny pieces of

fowl or meat, may, if desired, be added to it before it is served. As a

rule, only a very small quantity of such material is used for

each serving.


4 lb. lower round of beef

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4 lb. shin of veal

1/4 c. butter

8 qt. cold water

1 small carrot

1 large onion

2 stalks celery

12 peppercorns

5 cloves

4 sprigs parsley

Pinch summer savory

Pinch thyme

2 bay leaves



Cut the beef and veal into small pieces. Put the butter and meat into

the stock kettle, and stir over the fire until the meat begins to brown.

Add the cold water, and let come to the boiling point. Skim carefully

and let simmer for 6 hours. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and

add to the stock with the spices and herbs. Cook for 1 hour, adding salt

and pepper to suit taste. Strain and cool. Remove the fat and clear

according to directions previously given.

44. Tomato Bouillon.--It is possible to make a clear tomato soup without

meat stock, but the recipe here given, which is made with meat stock,

has the advantage of possessing a better flavor. The tomato in this

bouillon lends an agreeable color and flavor and affords a change from

the usual clear soup. Cooked rice, macaroni, spaghetti, or vermicelli

may be added to tomato bouillon to provide an additional quantity of

nutrition and vary the plain soup.


(Sufficient to Serve Eight)

1 qt, meat stock

1 tsp. salt

1 Tb. sugar

1/4 tsp. pepper

1 can tomatoes

Heat the stock, and to it add the salt, sugar, and pepper. Rub the

tomatoes through a fine sieve, and add them to the stock. Cook together

for a few minutes and serve.


45. Julienne Soup.--A very good way in which to utilize any small

quantities of vegetables that may be in supply but are not sufficient to

serve alone is to use them in julienne soup. For soup of this kind,

vegetables are often cut into fancy shapes, but this is a more or less

wasteful practice and should not be followed, as tiny strips or dice cut

finely and carefully are quite as agreeable. The vegetables do not add a

large amount of nutriment to this soup, but they introduce into the soup

mineral salts that the soups would otherwise not have and they also add

a variety of flavor.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

1 pt. mixed vegetables

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1/2 tsp. salt

1 qt. stock

1/4 tsp. pepper

Cut into tiny dice or into strips such vegetables as celery, carrots,

and turnips, making them as nearly the same size and shape as possible.

Put them on to cook in enough boiling salted water to cover well. Cook

until they are soft enough to be pierced with a fork, but do not lose

their shape. Drain off the water and put the vegetables into the stock.

Bring to the boiling point, season with the pepper, and serve.

46. Ox-Tail Soup.--The use of ox tails for soup helps to utilize a part

of the beef that would ordinarily be wasted, and, as a rule, ox tails

are comparatively cheap. Usually the little bits of meat that cook off

the bones are allowed to remain in the soup. Variety may be obtained by

the addition of different kinds of vegetables.


(Sufficient to Serve Eight)

2 ox tails

1 large onion

1 Tb. beef drippings

4 qt. cold water

1 Tb. mixed herbs

4 peppercorns

1 Tb. salt

Wash and cut up the ox tails, separating them at the joints. Slice the

onion and brown it and half of the ox tails in the beef drippings. When

they are browned, put them and the remainder of the ox tails into a

kettle. Add the water and the herbs and peppercorns tied in a little

piece of cheesecloth. Bring to the boiling point, and then simmer for 3

to 4 hours or until the meat separates from the bones. Add the salt an

hour before serving the soup. Remove the fat and serve some of the

nicest joints with the soup. If vegetables are desired, they should be

diced and added 20 minutes before serving, so that they will be

cooked soft.

47. Mulligatawny Soup.--If a highly seasoned soup is desired,

mulligatawny, although not a particularly cheap soup, will be found very

satisfactory. The curry powder that is used adds an unusual flavor that

is pleasing to many people, but if it is not desired, it may be omitted.


(Sufficient to Serve Eight)

3 lb. chicken

1 lb. veal

4 qt. cold water

2 onions

1 Tb. butter

4 peppercorns

4 cloves

1 stalk celery

1 Tb. curry powder

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1 lemon

Cut up the chicken and veal, add the cold water to them, and place over

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a slow fire. Slice the onions and brown them in the butter. Add them and

the peppercorns, cloves, chopped celery, and curry powder stirred to a

smooth paste with a little water to the meat. Simmer together slowly

until the chicken is tender. Remove the meat from the bones and cut it

into small pieces. Put the bones into the kettle and simmer for another

hour. Strain the liquid from the veal and bones and remove the fat. Add

the salt, pepper, chicken, and the juice of the lemon. Return to the

fire and cook for a few minutes. Serve with a tablespoonful or two of

cooked rice in each soup dish.

48. Noodle Soup.--The addition of noodles to soup increases its food

value to a considerable extent by providing carbohydrate from the flour

and protein from the egg and flour. Noodle soup is a very attractive

dish if the noodles are properly made, for then they will not cause the

soup to become cloudy when they are put into it. Little difficulty will

be experienced if the directions here given for making noodles are

followed explicitly.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

1 egg

1 Tb. milk

1/2 tsp. salt


1 qt. household stock

3 sprigs parsley

1 small onion

To make noodles, beat the egg slightly, add to it the milk, and stir in

the salt and enough flour to make a stiff dough. Toss upon a floured

board and roll very thin. Allow the dough to dry for hour or more, and

then cut it into strips about 4 inches wide. Place several strips

together, one on top of the other, and roll them up tight, in the

manner indicated. Cut each roll into thin slices with a sharp knife.

When the slices are separated the noodles should appear as shown in the

pile at the right. If it is desired not to follow this plan, the dough

may be rolled into a thin sheet and cut into strips with a noodle


Such a supply of noodles may be used at once, or they may be dried

thoroughly and sealed tightly in a jar for future use. The very dry

ones, however, require a little longer cooking than those which are

freshly made. With the noodles prepared, heat the stock with the parsley

and onion chopped very fine. Add the noodles and cook for 15 or 20

minutes or until the noodles are thoroughly cooked.

Rice, barley, macaroni, and other starchy materials may be added to

stock in the same way as the noodles.

49. Vegetable Soup With Noodles.--The combination of noodles and

vegetables in soup is a very excellent one, since the vegetables add

flavor and the noodles add nutritive value. If the vegetables given in

the accompanying recipe cannot be readily obtained, others may be



(Sufficient to Serve Six)

1 carrot

1 onion

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1 turnip

1 stalk celery

1 c. boiling water

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 c. noodles

2 sprigs parsley

1/8 tsp. pepper

1 qt. household stock

Dice the vegetables and put them on to cook with the boiling water and

the salt. Cook for a few minutes or until partly soft. Add the noodles,

parsley, pepper, and stock and cook for 15 minutes longer. Serve.


50. Soups classed as cream soups consist of a thin white sauce to which

is added a vegetable in the form of a puree or cut into small pieces.

Because of their nature, cream soups are usually high in food value; but

they are not highly flavored, so their use is that of supplying

nutrition rather than stimulating the appetite. Considerable variety can

be secured in cream soups, for there are scarcely any vegetables that

cannot be used in the making of them. Potatoes, corn, asparagus,

spinach, peas, tomatoes, and onions are the vegetables that are used

oftenest, but cream soups may also be made of vegetable oysters, okra,

carrots, watercress, celery, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, lentils, and

dried peas. The vegetables may be cooked especially for the soup, or

left-over or canned vegetables may be utilized. It is an excellent plan

to cook more than enough of some vegetables for one day, so that some

will be left over and ready for soup the next day.

If the vegetable is not cut up into small pieces, it must be put through

a sieve and made into the form of a puree before it can be added to the

liquid. It will be observed that with the large, round sieve, a potato

masher must be used to mash the vegetables, the pulp of which is caught

by the utensil in which the sieve is held. In making use of the smaller

sieve, or ricer, the vegetable is placed in it and then mashed by

pressing the top down over the contents with the aid of the handles.

51. THIN WHITE SAUCE.--The liquid for cream soups should be thin white

sauce made entirely of milk or of milk and cream. The flavor of the soup

will be improved, however, by using with the milk some meat stock, or

the stock that remains from cooking celery, asparagus, or any vegetables

that will lend a good flavor to the soup. The recipe here given makes a

sauce that may be used for any kind of cream soup.


1 pt. milk, or milk and cream or stock

1 tsp. salt

2 Tb. butter

2 Tb. flour

Heat the liquid, salt, and butter in a double boiler. Stir the flour and

some of the cold liquid that has been reserved to a perfectly smooth,

thin paste and add to the hot liquid. Stir constantly after adding the

flour, so that no lumps will form. When the sauce becomes thick, it is

ready for the addition of any flavoring material that will make a

palatable soup. If thick material, such as any vegetable in the form of

a puree, rice, or potato, is used without additional liquid, only half

as much flour will be required to thicken the sauce.

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52. CREAM-OF-POTATO SOUP.--Because of the large quantity of carbohydrate

derived from the potato, cream-of-potato soup is high in food value. For

persons who are fond of the flavor of the potato, this makes a delicious

soup and one that may be served as the main dish in a light meal.


(Sufficient to Serve Four)

2 slices of onion

1 sprig parsley

2 medium-sized potatoes

1 c. milk

1 c. potato water

1 Tb. flour

2 Tb. butter

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

Cook the onion and parsley with the potatoes, and, when cooked soft,

drain and mash. Make a sauce of the milk, potato water, flour, and

butter. Season with the salt and pepper, add the mashed potato,

and serve.

53. CREAM-OF-CORN SOUP.--The flavor of corn is excellent in a cream

soup, the basis of the soup being milk, butter, and flour. Then, too,

the addition of the corn, which is comparatively high in food value,

makes a very nutritious soup.


(Sufficient to Serve Four)

1 pt. milk

1 Tb. butter

1 Tb. flour

1 c. canned corn

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

Make a white sauce of the milk, butter, and flour. Force the corn

through a colander or a sieve, and add the puree to the white sauce.

Season with the salt and pepper, and serve.

54. Cream-of-Asparagus Soup.--The asparagus used in cream-of-asparagus

soup adds very little besides flavor, but this is of sufficient value to

warrant its use. If a pinch of soda is used in asparagus soup, there is

less danger of the curdling that sometimes occurs. In making this soup,

the asparagus should be combined with the white sauce just

before serving.


(Sufficient to Serve Four)

1 pt. milk

2 Tb. flour

2 Tb. butter

1 c. asparagus puree

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

Make white sauce of the milk, flour, and butter. Add to it the cup of

puree made by forcing freshly cooked or canned asparagus through a

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sieve. Season with the salt and pepper, and serve.

55. Cream-of-Spinach Soup.--Although cream-of-spinach soup is not

especially attractive in appearance, most persons enjoy its flavor, and

the soup serves as another way of adding an iron-containing food to the

diet. Children may often be induced to take the soup when they would

refuse the spinach as a vegetable.


(Sufficient to Serve Four)

1 pt. milk

2 Tb. flour

2 Tb. butter

1/2 c. spinach puree

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

Make white sauce of the milk, flour, and butter. Add the spinach puree,

made by forcing freshly cooked or canned spinach through a sieve. Season

with the salt and pepper, heat thoroughly, and serve.

56. Cream-of-Pea Soup.--Either dried peas or canned green peas may be

used to make cream-of-pea soup. If dried peas are used, they must first

be cooked soft enough to pass through a sieve. The flavor is quite

different from that of green peas. With the use of green peas, a fair

amount of both protein and carbohydrate is added to the soup, but more

protein is provided when dried peas are used.


(Sufficient to Serve Four)

1 pt. milk

1 Tb. flour

2 Tb. butter

1/2 c. pea puree

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

Make white sauce of the milk, flour, and butter. Put enough freshly

cooked or canned peas through a sieve to make 1/2 cupful of puree. Then

add the pea puree, the salt, and the pepper to the white sauce. Heat

thoroughly and serve.

57. CREAM-OF-TOMATO SOUP.--As a rule, cream-of-tomato soup is popular

with every one. Besides being pleasing to the taste, it is comparatively

high in food value, because its basis is cream sauce. However, the

tomatoes themselves add very little else besides flavor and

mineral salts.


(Sufficient to Serve Four)

1 c. canned tomatoes

1 pt. milk

3 Tb. flour

3 Tb. butter

1/8 tsp. soda

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

22 / 148

Force the tomatoes through a sieve and heat them. Make white sauce of

the milk, flour, and butter. Add the soda to the tomatoes, and pour them

slowly into the white sauce, stirring rapidly. If the sauce begins to

curdle, beat the soup quickly with a rotary egg beater. Add the salt and

pepper and serve.

58. CREAM-OF-ONION SOUP.--Many persons who are not fond of onions can

often eat soup made of this vegetable. This is probably due to the fact

that the browning of the onions before they are used in the soup

improves the flavor very decidedly. In addition, this treatment of the

onions gives just a little color to the soup.


(Sufficient to Serve Four)

4 medium-sized onions

4 Tb. butter

2 Tb. flour

2-1/2 c. milk

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

Slice the onions and brown them in a frying pan with 2 tablespoonfuls of

the butter. Make white sauce of the flour, the remaining butter, and the

milk. Add to this the browned onions, salt, and pepper. Heat thoroughly

and serve.


59. CHESTNUT PUREE.--There are many recipes for the use of chestnuts in

the making of foods, but probably none is any more popular than that for

chestnut puree. The chestnuts develop a light-tan color in the soup. The

very large ones should be purchased for this purpose, since chestnuts of

ordinary size are very tedious to work with.


(Sufficient to Serve Four)

1 c. mashed chestnuts

1 c. milk

2 Tb. flour

2 Tb. butter

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

1/8 tsp. celery salt

1 c. white stock

Cook Spanish chestnuts for 10 minutes; then remove the shells and skins

and mash the chestnuts. Make white sauce of the milk, flour, and butter.

Add to this the mashed chestnuts, salt, pepper, celery salt, and stock.

Heat thoroughly and serve.

60. SPLIT-PEA PUREE.--Dried peas or split peas are extremely high in

food value, and their addition to soup stock makes a highly nutritious

soup of very delightful flavor. Such a puree served in quantity does

nicely for the main dish in a light meal. Instead of the peas, dried

beans or lentils may be used if they are preferred.


(Sufficient to Serve Four)

23 / 148

3/4 c. split peas

1 pt. white stock

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

2 Tb. butter

2 Tb. flour

Soak the peas overnight, and cook in sufficient water to cover well

until they are soft. When thoroughly soft, drain the water from the peas

and put them through a colander. Heat the stock and add to it the pea

puree, salt, and pepper. Rub the butter and flour together, moisten with

some of the warm liquid, and add to the soup. Cook for a few minutes

and serve.


61. CLAM CHOWDER.--The flavor of clams, like that of oysters and other

kinds of sea food, is offensive to some persons, but where this is not

the case, clam chowder is a popular dish of high food value. This kind

of soup is much used in localities where clams are plentiful.


(Sufficient to Serve Eight)

1 c. water

1 qt. clams

1 small onion

1 c. sliced potatoes

1/2 c. stewed tomatoes

1/2 c. diced carrots

1/2 c. diced celery

1-1/2 c. milk

2 Tb. butter

1-1/2 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

Add the water to the clams, and pick them over carefully to remove any

shell. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth, and then scald the clams

in it. Remove the clams and cook the vegetables in the liquid until they

are soft. Add the milk, butter, salt, and pepper and return the clams.

Heat thoroughly and serve over crackers.

62. FISH CHOWDER.--An excellent way in which to utilize a small quantity

of fish is afforded by fish chowder. In addition, this dish is quite

high in food value, so that when it is served with crackers, little of

anything else need be served with it to make an entire meal if it be

luncheon or supper. Cod, haddock, or fresh-water fish may be used in the

accompanying recipe.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

2 lb. fish

1 small onion

1 c. sliced potatoes

1/2 c. stewed tomatoes

1-1/2 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

2 Tb. butter

1-1/2 c. milk

24 / 148

Skin the fish, remove the flesh, and cut it into small pieces. Simmer

the head, bones, and skin of the fish and the onion in water for 1/2

hour. Strain, and add to this stock the fish, potatoes, tomatoes, salt,

and pepper. Simmer together until the potatoes are soft. Add the butter

and milk. Serve over crackers.

63. POTATO CHOWDER.--A vegetable mixture such as the one suggested in

the accompanying recipe is in reality not a chowder, for this form of

soup requires sea food for its basis. However, when it is impossible to

procure the sea food, potato chowder does nicely as a change from the

usual soup. This chowder differs in no material way from soup stock in

this form.


(Sufficient to Serve Four)

1-1/2 c. sliced potatoes

1 small onion, sliced

1 c. water

1-1/2 c. milk

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

2 Tb. butter

Cook the potatoes and onion in the water until they are soft, but not

soft enough to fall to pieces. Rub half of the potatoes through a sieve

and return to the sliced ones. Add the milk, salt, pepper, and butter.

Cook together for a few minutes and serve.

64. CORN CHOWDER.--The addition of corn to potato chowder adds variety

of flavor and makes a delicious mixture of vegetables. This dish is

rather high in food value, especially if the soup is served over

crackers. A small amount of tomato, although not mentioned in the

recipe, may be added to this combination to improve the flavor.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

1 c. sliced potatoes

1 small onion, sliced

1 c. water

1 c. canned corn

1-1/2 c. milk

2 Tb. butter

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

Cook the potatoes and onions in the water until they are soft. Add the

corn, milk, butter, salt, and pepper, and cook together for a few

minutes. Serve over crackers.


65. The soup course of a meal is a more or less unattractive one, but it

may be improved considerably if some tempting thing in the way of a

garnish or an accompaniment is served with it. But whatever is selected

to accompany soup should be, in a great measure, a contrast to it in

both consistency and color. The reason why a difference in consistency

is necessary is due to the nature of soup, which, being liquid in form,

is merely swallowed and does not stimulate the flow of the gastric

25 / 148

juices by mastication. Therefore, the accompaniment should be something

that requires chewing and that will consequently cause the digestive

juices, which respond to the mechanical action of chewing, to flow. The

garnish may add the color that is needed to make soup attractive. The

green and red of olives and radishes or of celery and radishes make a

decided contrast, so that when any of these things are served with soup,

an appetizing first course is the result. It is not necessary to serve

more than one of them, but if celery and radishes or celery, radishes,

and olives can be combined in the same relish dish, they become more

attractive than when each is served by itself.

66. RADISHES AND CELERY.--Before radishes and celery are used on the

table, whether with soup or some other part of a meal, they should be

put into cold water and allowed to stand for some time, so that they

will be perfectly crisp when they are served. In the case of radishes,

the tops and roots should first be cut from them, and the radishes then

scrubbed thoroughly. They may be served without any further treatment,

or they may be prepared to resemble flowers. This may be done by

peeling the red skin back to show the white inside, and then cutting

the sections to look like the petals of a flower. Little difficulty

will be experienced in preparing radishes in this artistic way if a

sharp knife is used, for, with a little practice, the work can be done

quickly and skilfully.

67. Celery that is to be served with soup may be prepared in two ways.

The stems may be pulled from the stalk and served separately, as in the

group on the right, or the stalk may be cut down through the center

with a knife into four or more pieces, as shown at the left of the

illustration. The first of these methods is not so good as the second,

for by it one person gets all of the tender heart and the coarse

outside stems are left for all the others. By the second method, every

piece consists of some of the heart and some of the outside stems

attached to the root and makes a similar serving for each person.

Whichever way is adopted, however, the celery should be scrubbed and

cleansed thoroughly. This is often a difficult task, because the dirt

sticks tightly between the stems. Still, an effort should be made to

have the celery entirely free from dirt before it goes to the table. A

few tender yellow leaves may be left on the pieces to improve the

appearance of the celery.

68. CRACKERS.--Various kinds of wafers and crackers can be purchased to

serve with soup, and the selection, as well as the serving of them, is

entirely a matter of individual taste. One point, however, that must not

be overlooked is that crackers of any kind must be crisp in order to be

appetizing. Dry foods of this sort absorb moisture from the air when

they are exposed to it and consequently become tough. As heat drives off

this moisture and restores the original crispness, crackers should

always be heated before they are served. Their flavor can be improved by

toasting them until they are light brown in color.

69. CROUTONS.--As has already been learned, croutons are small pieces of

bread that have been fried or toasted to serve with soup. These are

usually made in the form of cubes, or dice, as is shown in the front

group in Fig. 10; but they may be cut into triangles, circles, ovals,

hearts, or, in fact, any fancy shape, by means of small cutters that can

be purchased for such purposes. The bread used for croutons should not

be fresh bread, as such bread does not toast nor fry very well;

left-over toast, stale bread, or slices of bread that have been cut from

the loaf and not eaten are usually found more satisfactory. If the

croutons are not made from slices already cut, the bread should be cut

into slices 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick, and, after the crusts have been

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closely trimmed, the slices should be cut into cubes. When the cubes

have been obtained, they may be put into a shallow pan and toasted on

all sides quickly, placed in a frying basket and browned in deep fat, or

put into a frying pan and sauted in butter. If toast is used, it should

merely be cut in the desired shape.

Various methods of serving croutons are in practice. Some housewives

prefer to place them in the soup tureen and pour the soup over them,

while others like to put a few in each individual serving of soup. A

better plan, however, and one that is much followed, is to serve a

number of croutons on a small plate or dish at each person's place, as

shown in Figs. 3 and 4, for then every one may eat them in the way


70. BREAD STICKS.--A soup accompaniment similar in nature to croutons,

and known as bread sticks, is made of pieces of bread 1/2 inch wide,

1/2 inch thick, and several inches long. These are toasted on each side

and are served in place of crackers. Variety in bread sticks may be

secured by spreading butter over them before the toasting is begun or

by sprinkling grated cheese over them a few minutes before they are

removed from the oven. Bread sticks are usually served on a bread-andbutter

plate to the left of each person's place at the table.

71. PASTRY STRIPS.--A very appetizing addition to soup may be made by

cutting pastry into narrow strips and then baking these strips in the

oven until they are brown or frying them in deep fat and draining them.

Strips prepared in this way may be served in place of crackers,

croutons, or bread sticks, and are considered delicious by those who are

fond of pastry. Details regarding pastry are given in another Section.

72. SOUP FRITTERS.--If an entirely different kind of soup accompaniment

from those already mentioned is desired, soup fritters will no doubt

find favor. These are made by combining certain ingredients to form a

batter and then dropping small amounts of this into hot fat and frying

them until they are crisp and brown. The accompanying recipe, provided

it is followed carefully, will produce good results.


1 egg

2 Tb. milk

3/4 tsp. salt

1/2 c. flour

Beat the egg, and to it add the milk, salt, and flour. Drop the batter

in tiny drops into hot fat, and fry until brown and crisp. Drain on

paper and serve with the soup.

73. EGG BALLS.--To serve with a soup that is well flavored but not

highly nutritious, egg balls are very satisfactory. In addition to

supplying nutrition, these balls are extremely appetizing, and so they

greatly improve a course that is often unattractive. Careful attention

given to the ingredients and the directions in the accompanying recipe

will produce good results.


3 yolks of hard-cooked eggs

1/2 tsp. melted butter

Salt and pepper

1 uncooked yolk

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Mash the cooked yolks, and to them add the butter, salt, and pepper, and

enough of the uncooked yolk to make the mixture of a consistency to

handle easily. Shape into tiny balls. Roll in the white of egg and then

in flour and saute in butter. Serve in the individual dishes of soup.

74. FORCEMEAT BALLS.--Another delicious form of accompaniment that

improves certain soups by adding nutrition is forcemeat balls. These

contain various nutritious ingredients combined into small balls, and

the balls are then either sauted or fried in deep fat. They may be

placed in the soup tureen or in each person's soup.


1/2 c. fine stale-bread crumbs

1/2 c. milk

2 Tb. butter

White of 1 egg

1/4 tsp. salt

Few grains of pepper

2/3 c. breast of raw chicken or raw fish

Cook the bread crumbs and milk to form a paste, and to this add the

butter, beaten egg white, and seasonings. Pound the chicken or fish to a

pulp, or force it through a food chopper and then through a puree

strainer. Add this to the first mixture. Form into tiny balls. Roll in

flour and either saute or fry in deep fat. Serve hot.

75. AMERICAN FORCEMEAT BALLS.--A simple kind of forcemeat balls may be

made according to the accompanying recipe. The meat used may be sausage

provided especially for the purpose or some that is left over from a

previous meal. If it is not possible to obtain sausage, some other

highly seasoned meat, such as ham first ground very fine and then

pounded to a pulp, may be substituted.


1 Tb. butter

1 small onion

1-1/2 c. bread, without crusts

1 egg

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

Dash of nutmeg

1 Tb. chopped parsley

1/2 c. sausage meat

Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the onion finely chopped. Fry for

several minutes over the fire. Soak the bread in water until thoroughly

softened and then squeeze out all the water. Mix with the bread the egg,

salt, pepper, nutmeg, parsley, and meat, and to this add also the butter

and fried onion. Form small balls of this mixture and saute them in

shallow fat, fry them in deep fat, or, after brushing them over with

fat, bake them in the oven. Place a few in each serving of soup.



(1) (a) Mention the two purposes that soups serve in a meal, (b)

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What are the qualities of a good soup?

(2) (a) Mention the two general classes of soup. (b) Explain and

illustrate how to choose a soup.

(3) Why is soup an economical dish?

(4) (a) Explain in full the meaning of stock as applied to soup. (b)

For what purposes other than soup making is stock used?

(5) (a) What is the value of the stock pot? (b) What care should be

given to it?

(6) Mention some of the materials that may be put into the stock pot.

(7) (a) Why are the tough cuts of meat more suitable for soup than the

tender ones? (b) Name the pieces that are best adapted to soup making.

(8) (a) What proportion of bone to meat should be used in making soup

from fresh meat? (b) For what two purposes are vegetables used

in soup?

(9) Explain briefly the making of stock from meat.

(10) (a) Why should the cooking of the meat for stock be started with

cold water rather than with hot water? (b) What disposal should be

made of meat from which stock is made?

(11) (a) Of what value are flavorings in the making of soups? (b)

What precaution should be taken in the use of flavorings?

(12) Explain how grease may be removed from soup.

(13) How may soup be cleared?

(14) (a) For what purposes is thickening used in soups? (b) Mention

the materials most used to thicken soups.

(15) What precaution should be taken to keep soup or stock from


(16) What point about the serving of soup should be observed if an

appetizing soup is desired?

(17) What kind of dish is used for serving: (a) thin soup? (b) thick


(18) (a) What is a cream soup? (b) Give the general directions for

making soup of this kind.

(19) (a) How may the soup course of a meal be made more attractive?

(b) In what ways should soup accompaniments be a contrast to the soup?

(20) (a) Explain the making of croutons. (b) What is the most

satisfactory way in which to prepare celery that is to be served

with soup?


Plan and prepare a dinner menu from the recipes given in the lessons

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that you have studied. Submit the menu for this dinner and give the

order in which you prepared the dishes. In addition, tell the number of

persons you served, as well as what remained after the meal and whether

or not you made use of it for another meal. Send this information with

your answers to the Examination Questions.

* * * * *


* * * * *



1. In its broadest sense, MEAT may be considered as "any clean, sound,

dressed or properly prepared edible part of animals that are in good

health at the time of slaughter." However, the flesh of carnivorous

animals--that is, animals that eat the flesh of other animals--is so

seldom eaten by man, that the term meat is usually restricted to the

flesh of all animals except these. But even this meaning of meat is too

broad; indeed, as the term is generally used it refers particularly to

the flesh of the so-called domestic animals, and does not include

poultry, game, fish, and the like. It is in this limited sense that meat

is considered in these Sections, and the kinds to which attention is

given are beef, veal, lamb, mutton, and pork. Meat, including these

varieties, forms one of the principal sources of the family's food

supply. As such, it is valuable chiefly as a food; but, in the form of

broths and extracts made from it, meat stimulates the appetite and

actually assists the flow of gastric juice. Therefore, so that the

outlay for meat will not be greater than it should be and this food will

provide the greatest amount of nourishment, every housewife should be

thoroughly familiar with the place it occupies in the dietary.

2. In the first place, it should be remembered that the food eaten by

human beings comes from two sources--animal and vegetable. The foods of

animal origin, which include milk, eggs, and meat, have a certain

similarity that causes them to be classed together and this is the fact

that they are high-protein foods. Milk is the first protein food fed to

the young, but a little later it is partly replaced by eggs, and,

finally, or in adult life, meat largely takes the place of both. For

this reason, meat has considerable importance in the dietary. In

reality, from this food is obtained the greatest amount of protein that

the average person eats. However, it will be well to note that milk and

eggs, as well as cheese and even cereals and vegetables, can be made to

take the place of meat when the use of less of this food is deemed


3. As the work of protein foods is to build and repair tissue, it is on

them that the human race largely depends. Of course, protein also yields

energy; but the amount is so small that if one variety of protein food,

such as meat, were eaten simply to supply energy to the body, huge

quantities of it would be needed to do the same work that a small amount

of less expensive food would accomplish. Some persons have an idea that

meat produces the necessary strength and energy of those who perform

hard work. This is entirely erroneous, because fats and carbohydrates

are the food substances that produce the energy required to do work.

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Some kind of protein is, of course, absolutely necessary to the health

of every normal person, but a fact that cannot be emphasized too

strongly is that an oversupply of it does more harm than good.

Scientists have been trying for a long time to determine just how much

of these tissue-building foods is necessary for individuals, but they

have found this a difficult matter. Nevertheless, it is generally

conceded that most persons are likely to use too much rather than too

little of them. It is essential then, not only from the standpoint of

economy, but from the far more important principle of health, that the

modern housewife should know the nutritive value of meats.

4. In her efforts to familiarize herself with these matters, the

housewife should ever remember that meat is the most expensive of the

daily foods of a family. Hence, to get the greatest value for the money

expended, meat must be bought judiciously, cared for properly, and

prepared carefully. Too many housewives trust the not over-scrupulous

butcher to give them the kind of meat they should have, and very often

they do not have a clear idea as to whether it is the best piece that

can be purchased for the desired purpose and for the price that is

asked. Every housewife ought to be so familiar with the various cuts of

meat that she need not depend on any one except herself in the purchase

of this food. She will find that both the buying and the preparation of

meats will be a simple matter for her if she learns these three

important things: (1) From what part of the animal the particular piece

she desires is cut and how to ask for that piece; (2) how to judge a

good piece of meat by its appearance; and (3) what to do with it from

the moment it is purchased until the last bit of it is used.

5. Of these three things, the cooking of meat is the one that demands

the most attention, because it has a decided effect on the quality and

digestibility of this food. Proper cooking is just as essential in the

case of meat as for any other food, for a tender, digestible piece of

meat may be made tough and indigestible by improper preparation, while a

tough piece may be made tender and very appetizing by careful,

intelligent preparation. The cheaper cuts of meat, which are often

scorned as being too tough for use, may be converted into delicious

dishes by the skilful cook who understands how to apply the various

methods of cookery and knows what their effect will be on the

meat tissues.

6. Unfortunately, thorough cooking affects the digestibility of meat

unfavorably; but it is doubtless a wise procedure in some cases because,

as is definitely known, some of the parasites that attack man find their

way into the system through the meat that is eaten. These are carried to

meat from external sources, such as dust, flies, and the soiled hands of

persons handling it, and they multiply and thrive. It is known, too,

that some of the germs that cause disease in the animal remain in its

flesh and are thus transmitted to human beings that eat such meat. If

there is any question as to its good condition, meat must be thoroughly

cooked, because long cooking completely eliminates the danger from

such sources.


7. An understanding of the physical structure of meat is essential to

its successful cooking. Meat consists of muscular tissue, or lean;

varying quantities of visible fat that lie between and within the

membranes and tendons; and also particles of fat that are too small to

be distinguished except with the aid of a microscope. The general nature

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of the lean part of meat can be determined by examining a piece of it

with merely the unaided eye. On close observation, it will be noted

that, especially in the case of meat that has been cooked, innumerable

thread-like fibers make up the structure. With a microscope, it can be

observed that these visible fibers are made up of still smaller ones,

the length of which varies in different parts of the animal. It is to

the length of these fibers that the tenderness of meat is due. Short

fibers are much easier to chew than long ones; consequently, the pieces

containing them are the most tender. These muscle fibers, which are in

the form of tiny tubes, are filled with a protein substance. They are

held together with a tough, stringy material called connective tissue.

As the animal grows older and its muscles are used more, the walls of

these tubes or fibers become dense and tough; likewise, the amount of

connective tissue increases and becomes tougher. Among the muscle fibers

are embedded layers and particles of fat, the quantity of which varies

greatly in different animals and depends largely on the age of the

animal. For instance, lamb and veal usually have very little fat in the

tissues, mutton and beef always contain more, while pork contains a

greater amount of fat than the meat of any other domestic animal.

8. The composition of meat depends to a large extent on the breed of the

animal, the degree to which it has been fattened, and the particular cut

of meat in question. However, the muscle fibers are made up of protein

and contain more protein, mineral salts, or ash, and certain substances

called extractives, all of which are held in solution by water. The

younger the animal, the greater is the proportion of water and the lower

the nutritive value of meat. It should be understood, however, that not

all of meat is edible material; indeed, a large part of it is made up of

gristle, bones, cartilage, nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue.

The amount of these indigestible materials also varies in different

animals and different cuts, but the average proportion in a piece of

meat is usually considered to be 15 per cent. of the whole. Because of

the variation of both the edible and inedible material of meat, a

standard composition for this food cannot readily be given.

BEEF Fuel value per pound

Chuck, medium fat 735

Loin, medium fat 1040

Ribs, medium fat 1155

Round, very lean 475

Round, medium fat 895

Round, very fat 1275

Rump, medium fat 1110


Breast, medium fat 740

Leg, medium fat 620

Loin, medium fat 690


Leg, medium fat 870


Leg, medium fat 900


Ham, fresh, medium fat 1345

Ham, smoked 1675

Loin 1455

32 / 148

Bacon, medium fat 2795

9. PROTEIN IN MEAT.--The value of meat as food is due to the proteins

that it contains. Numerous kinds of protein occur in meat, but the

chief varieties are myosin and muscle albumin. The myosin, which is

the most important protein and occurs in the greatest quantity, hardens

after the animal has been killed and the muscles have become cold. The

tissues then become tough and hard, a condition known as rigor

mortis. As meat in this condition is not desirable, it should be used

before rigor mortis sets in, or else it should be put aside until this

condition of toughness disappears. The length of time necessary for this

to occur varies with the size of the animal that is killed. It may be

from 24 hours to 3 or 4 days. The disappearance is due to the

development of certain acids that cause the softening of the tissues.

The albumin, which is contained in solution in the muscle fibers, is

similar in composition to the albumen of eggs and milk, and it is

affected by the application of heat in the cooking processes in much

the same way.

10. GELATINE IN MEAT.--The gelatine that is found in meat is a substance

very similar in composition to protein, but it has less value as food.

It is contained in the connective tissue and can be extracted by

boiling, being apparent as a jellylike substance after the water in

which meat has been cooked has cooled. Use is made of this material in

the preparation of pressed meats and fowl and in various salads and

other cold-meat dishes. Some kinds of commercial gelatine are also made

from it, being first extracted from the meat and then evaporated to form

a dry substance.

11. FAT IN MEAT.--All meat, no matter how lean it appears, contains some

fat. As already explained, a part of the fat contained in meat occurs in

small particles so embedded in the muscle fibers as not to be readily

seen, while the other part occurs in sufficient amounts to be visible.

In the flesh of some animals, such as veal and rabbit, there is almost

no visible fat, but in very fat hogs or fowls, one-third or one-half of

the weight may be fat. Meats that are very fat are higher in nutritive

value than meats that contain only a small amount of this substance, as

will be observed on referring to the table of meat compositions in Fig.

1. However, an excessive amount of fat prevents the protein materials

from digesting normally.

The quality of fat varies greatly, there being two distinct kinds of

this material in animals. That which covers or lies between the muscles

or occurs on the outside of the body just beneath the skin has a lower

melting point, is less firm, and is of a poorer grade for most purposes

than that which is found inside the bony structure and surrounds the

internal organs. The suet of beef is an example of this internal fat.

Fat is a valuable constituent of food, for it is the most concentrated

form in which the fuel elements of food are found. In supplying the body

with fuel, it serves to maintain the body temperature and to yield

energy in the form of muscular and other power. Since this is such a

valuable food material, it is important that the best possible use be

made of all drippings and left-over fats and that not even the smallest

amount of any kind be wasted.

12. CARBOHYDRATE IN MEAT.--In the liver and all muscle fibers of animals

is stored a small supply of carbohydrate in a form that is called

glycogen, or muscle sugar. However, there is not enough of this

substance to be of any appreciable value, and, so far as the methods of

cookery and the uses of meat as food are concerned, it is of no

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13. WATER IN MEAT.--The proportion of water in meat varies from

one-third to three-fourths of the whole, depending on the amount of fat

the meat contains and the age of the animal. This water carries with it

the flavor, much of the mineral matter, and some food material, so that

when the water is removed from the tissues these things are to a great

extent lost. The methods of cookery applied to meat are based on the

principle of either retaining or extracting the water that it contains.

The meat in which water is retained is more easily chewed and swallowed

than that which is dry. However, the water contained in flesh has no

greater value as food than other water. Therefore, as will be seen in

Fig. 1, the greater the amount of water in a given weight of food, the

less is its nutritive value.

14. MINERALS IN MEAT.--Eight or more kinds of minerals in sufficient

quantities to be of importance in the diet are to be found in meat. Lean

meat contains the most minerals; they decrease in proportion as the

amount of fat increases. These salts assist in the building of hard

tissues and have a decided effect on the blood. They are lost from the

tissues of meat by certain methods of cookery, but as they are in

solution in the water in which the meat is cooked, they need not be lost

to the diet if use is made of this water for soups, sauces, and gravies.

15. EXTRACTIVES IN MEAT.--The appetizing flavor of meat is due to

substances called extractives. The typical flavor that serves to

distinguish pork from beef or mutton is due to the difference in the

extractives. Although necessary for flavoring, these have no nutritive

value; in fact, the body throws them off as waste material when they are

taken with the food. In some methods of cookery, such as broiling and

roasting, the extractives are retained, while in others, such as those

employed for making stews and soups, they are drawn out.

Extractives occur in the greatest quantity in the muscles that the

animal exercises a great deal and that in reality have become tough.

Likewise, a certain part of an old animal contains more extractives than

the same part of a young one. For these reasons a very young chicken is

broiled while an old one is used for stew, and ribs of beef are roasted

while the shins are used for soup.

Meat that is allowed to hang and ripen develops compounds that are

similar to extractives and that impart additional flavor. A ripened

steak is usually preferred to one cut from an animal that has been

killed only a short time. However, as the ripening is in reality a

decomposition process, the meat is said to become "high" if it is

allowed to hang too long.


16. PURCHASE OF MEAT.--Of all the money that is spent for food in the

United States nearly one-third is spent for meat. This proportion is

greater than that of any European country and is probably more than is

necessary to provide diets that are properly balanced. If it is found

that the meat bill is running too high, one or more of several things

may be the cause. The one who does the purchasing may not understand the

buying of meat, the cheaper cuts may not be used because of a lack of

knowledge as to how they should be prepared to make them appetizing, or

more meat may be served than is necessary to supply the needs of

the family.

34 / 148

Much of this difficulty can be overcome if the person purchasing meat

goes to the market personally to see the meat cut and weighed instead of

telephoning the order. It is true, of course, that the method of cutting

an animal varies in different parts of the country, as does also the

naming of the different pieces. However, this need give the housewife no

concern, for the dealer from whom the meat is purchased is usually

willing to supply any information that is desired about the cutting of

meat and the best use for certain pieces. In fact, if the butcher is

competent, this is a very good source from which to obtain a knowledge

of such matters.

Another way in which to reduce the meat bill is to utilize the trimmings

of bone and fat from pieces of meat. In most cases, these are of no

value to the butcher, so that if a request for them is made, he will, as

a rule, be glad to wrap them up with the meat that is purchased. They

are of considerable value to the housewife, for the bones may go into

the stock pot, while the fat, if it is tried out, can be used for

many things.

17. The quantity of meat to purchase depends, of course, on the number

of persons that are to be served with it. However, it is often a good

plan to purchase a larger piece than is required for a single meal and

then use what remains for another meal. For instance, a large roast is

always better than a small one, because it does not dry out in the

process of cookery and the part that remains after one meal may be

served cold in slices or used for making some other dish, such as meat

pie or hash. Such a plan also saves both time and fuel, because

sufficient meat for several meals may be cooked at one time.

In purchasing meat, there are certain pieces that should never be asked

for by the pound or by the price. For instance, the housewife should not

say to the butcher, "Give me 2 pounds of porterhouse steak," nor should

she say, "Give me 25 cents worth of chops." Steak should be bought by

the cut, and the thickness that is desired should be designated. For

example, the housewife may ask for an inch-thick sirloin steak, a 2-inch

porterhouse steak, and so on. Chops should be bought according to the

number of persons that are to be served, usually a chop to a person

being quite sufficient. Rib roasts should be bought by designating the

number of ribs. Thus, the housewife may ask for a rib roast containing

two, three, four, or more ribs, depending on the size desired. Roasts

from other parts of beef, such as chuck or rump roasts, may be cut into

chunks of almost any desirable size without working a disadvantage to

either the butcher or the customer, and may therefore be bought by the

pound. Round bought for steaks should be purchased by the cut, as are

other steaks; or, if an entire cut is too large, it may be purchased as

upper round or lower round, but the price paid should vary with the

piece that is purchased. Round bought for roasts, however, may be

purchased by the pound.

18. CARE OF MEAT IN THE MARKET.--Animal foods decompose more readily

than any other kind, and the products of their decomposition are

extremely dangerous to the health. It is therefore a serious matter when

everything that comes in contact with meat is not clean. Regarding the

proper care of meat, the sanitary condition of the market is the first

consideration. The light and ventilation of the room and the cleanliness

of the walls, floors, tables, counters, and other equipment are points

of the greatest importance and should be noted by the housewife when she

is purchasing meat. Whether the windows and doors are screened and all

the meat is carefully covered during the fly season are also matters

that should not be overlooked. Then, too, the cleanliness and physical

condition of the persons who handle the meat should be of as great

35 / 148

concern as the sanitary condition of the market. The housewife who

desires to supply her family with the safest and cleanest meat should

endeavor to purchase it in markets where all the points pertaining to

the sanitary condition are as ideal as possible. If she is at all

doubtful as to the freshness and cleanliness of what is sold to her, she

should give it thorough cooking in the process of preparation so that no

harm will be done to the persons who are to eat it.

19. CARE OF MEAT IN THE HOME.--Because of the perishable nature of meat,

the care given it in the market must be continued in the home in order

that no deterioration may take place before it is cooked. This is not

much of a problem during cold weather, but through the summer months a

cool place in which to keep it must be provided unless the meat can be

cooked very soon after it is delivered. Meat that must be shipped long

distances is frozen before it is shipped and is kept frozen until just

before it is used. If such meat is still frozen when it enters the home,

it should not be put into a warm place, for then it will thaw too

quickly. Instead, it should be put in the refrigerator or in some place

where the temperature is a few degrees above freezing point, so that it

will thaw slowly and still remain too cold for bacteria to

become active.

Even if meat is not frozen, it must receive proper attention after it

enters the home. As soon as it is received, it should be removed from

the wrapping paper or the wooden or cardboard dish in which it is

delivered. If the meat has not been purchased personally, it is

advisable to weigh it in order to verify the butcher's bill. When the

housewife is satisfied about the weight, she should place the meat in

an earthenware, china, or enameled bowl, cover it, and then put it away

in the coolest available place until it is used. Some persons put salt

on meat when they desire to keep it, but this practice should be

avoided, as salt draws out the juices from raw meat and hardens the

tissues to a certain extent.

If such precautions are taken with meat, it will be in good condition

when it is to be cooked. However, before any cooking method is applied

to it, it should always be wiped with a clean, damp cloth. In addition,

all fat should be removed, except just enough to assist in cooking the

meat and give it a good flavor. Bone or tough portions may also be

removed if they can be used to better advantage for soups or stews.

* * * * *



20. It is in the preparation of food, and of meat in particular, that

one of the marked differences between uncivilized and civilized man is

evident. Raw meat, which is preferred by the savage, does not appeal to

the appetite of most civilized persons; in fact, to the majority of them

the idea of using it for food is disgusting. Therefore, civilized man

prepares his meat before eating it, and the higher his culture, the more

perfect are his methods of preparation.

While it is probably true that most of the methods of cookery render

meat less easy to digest than in its raw condition, this disadvantage is

offset by the several purposes for which this food is cooked. Meat is

cooked chiefly to loosen and soften the connective tissue and thus cause

the muscle tissues to be exposed more fully to the action of the

digestive juices. Another important reason for cooking meat is that

36 / 148

subjecting it to the action of heat helps to kill bacteria and

parasites. In addition, meat is cooked to make it more attractive to the

eye and to develop and improve its flavor.


21. The result desired when meat is cooked has much to do with the

method of cookery to choose, for different methods produce different

results. To understand this, it will be necessary to know just what the

action of cooking is on the material that meat contains. When raw meat

is cut, the tiny meat fibers are laid open, with the result that, in the

application of the cooking process, the albuminous material either is

lost, or, like the albumen of eggs, is coagulated, or hardened, and thus

retained. Therefore, before preparing a piece of meat, the housewife

should determine which of these two things she wishes to accomplish and

then proceed to carry out the process intelligently.

The methods of cookery that may be applied to meat include broiling, pan

broiling, roasting, stewing or simmering, braizing, frying, sauteing,

and fricasseeing. All of these methods are explained in a general way in

Essentials of Cookery, Part 1, but explanations of them as they apply

to meat are here given in order to acquaint the housewife with the

advantages and disadvantages of the various ways by which this food can

be prepared.

22. BROILING AND PAN BROILING.--Only such cuts of meats as require short

cooking can be prepared by the methods of broiling and pan broiling. To

carry out these methods successfully, severe heat must be applied to the

surface of the meat so that the albumin in the ends of the muscle fibers

may be coagulated at once. This presents, during the remainder of the

preparation, a loss of the meat juices.

Meat to which either of these methods is applied will be indigestible on

the surface and many times almost uncooked in the center, as in the case

of rare steak. Such meat, however, is more digestible than thin pieces

that are thoroughly cooked at the very high temperature required

for broiling.

23. ROASTING.--The process of roasting, either in the oven or in a pot

on top of the stove, to be properly done, requires that the piece of

meat to be roasted must first be seared over the entire surface by the

application of severe heat. In the case of a pot roast, the searing can

be done conveniently in the pot before the pot-roasting process begins.

If the meat is to be roasted in the oven, it may be seared first in a

pan on top of the stove. However, it may be seared to some extent by

placing it in a very hot oven and turning it over so that all the

surface is exposed. Then, to continue the roasting process, the

temperature must be lowered just a little.

The roasting pan may be of any desirable size and shape that is

convenient and sufficiently large to accommodate the meat to be

prepared. It is provided with a cover that fits tight. In this cover

is an opening that may be closed or opened so as to regulate the amount

of moisture inside the pan. In the bottom of the pan is a rack upon

which the meat may rest.

24. To prepare meat for roasting, flour should be sprinkled or rubbed

over its lean surface before it is put in the pan. This forms a paste

that cooks into a crust and prevents the loss of juices from the meat.

In roasting, the heat is applied longer and more slowly than in broiling

37 / 148

or frying, so that there is more possibility for the connective tissue

beneath the surface to soften. The surface is, however, as indigestible

as that of broiled meat.

An important point for every housewife to remember in this connection is

that the larger the roast the slower should be the fire. This is due to

the fact that long before the heat could penetrate to the center, the

outside would be burned. A small roast, however, will be more delicious

if it is prepared with a very hot fire, for then the juices will not

have a chance to evaporate and the tissues will be more moist and tasty.

25. FRYING AND SAUTEING.--When meat is fried or sauted, that is, brought

directly in contact with hot fat, it is made doubly indigestible,

because of the hardening of the surface tissues and the indigestibility

of the fat that penetrates these tissues. This is especially true of

meat that is sauted slowly in a small quantity of hot fat. Much of this

difficulty can be overcome, however, if meat prepared by these methods,

like that which is broiled or roasted, is subjected quickly to intense

heat. In addition, the fat used for cooking should be made hot before

the meat is put into it.

26. BOILING.--To boil meat means to cook it a long time in water at a

temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit. This method of preparing meat is

not strongly advocated, for there is seldom a time when better results

cannot be obtained by cooking meat at a lower temperature than boiling

point. The best plan is to bring the meat to the boiling point, allow

it to boil for a short time, and then reduce the temperature so that the

meat will simmer for the remainder of the cooking.

In cooking meat by boiling, a grayish scum appears on the surface just

before the boiling point is reached. This scum is caused by the gradual

extraction of a part of the soluble albumin that is present in the

hollow fibers of the muscle tissue. After its extraction, it is

coagulated by the heat in the water. As it coagulates and rises, it

carries with it to the top particles of dirt and other foreign material

present in the water or on the surface of the meat. In addition, this

scum contains a little blood, which is extracted and coagulated and

which tends to make it grayish in color. Such scum should be skimmed

off, as it is unappetizing in appearance.

27. Whether the meat should be put into cold water or boiling water

depends on the result that is desired. It is impossible to make a rich,

tasty broth and at the same time have a juicy, well-flavored piece of

boiled meat. If meat is cooked for the purpose of making soup or broth,

it should be put into cold water and then brought to a boil. By this

method, some of the nutritive material and much of the flavoring

substance will be drawn out before the water becomes hot enough to

harden them. However, in case only the meat is to be used, it should be

plunged directly into boiling water in order to coagulate the surface at

once, as in the application of dry heat. If it is allowed to boil for 10

minutes or so and the temperature then reduced, the coating that is

formed will prevent the nutritive material and the flavor from being

lost to any great extent. But if the action of the boiling water is

permitted to continue during the entire time of cooking, the tissues

will become tough and dry.

28. STEWING OR SIMMERING.--The cheap cuts of meat, which contain a great

deal of flavor and are so likely to be tough, cannot be prepared by the

quick methods of cookery nor by the application of high temperature, for

the result would be a tough, indigestible, and unpalatable dish. The

long, slow cooking at a temperature lower than boiling point, which is

38 / 148

known as stewing or simmering, should be applied. In fact, no better

method for the preparation of tough pieces of meat and old fowl can be

found than this process, for by it the connective tissue and the muscle

fibers are softened. If the method is carried out in a tightly closed

vessel and only a small amount of liquid is used, there is no

appreciable loss of flavor except that carried into the liquid in which

the meat cooks. But since such liquid is always used, the meat being

usually served in it, as in the case of stews, there is no actual loss.

To secure the best results in the use of this method, the meat should be

cut into small pieces so as to expose as much surface as possible. Then

the pieces should be put into cold water rather than hot, in order that

much of the juices and flavoring materials may be dissolved. When this

has been accomplished, the temperature should be gradually raised until

it nearly reaches the boiling point. If it is kept at this point for

several hours, the meat will become tender and juicy and a rich, tasty

broth will also be obtained.

29. BRAIZING.--Meat cooked by the method of braizing, which is in

reality a combination of stewing and baking, is first subjected to the

intense dry heat of the oven and then cooked slowly in the steam of the

water that surrounds it. To cook meat in this way, a pan must be used

that will permit the meat to be raised on a rack that extends above a

small quantity of water. By this method a certain amount of juice from

the meat is taken up by the water, but the connective tissue is well

softened unless the cooking is done at too high a temperature.

30. FRICASSEEING.--As has already been learned, fricasseeing is a

combination of sauteing and stewing. The sauteing coagulates the surface

proteins and prevents, to some extent, the loss of flavor that would

occur in the subsequent stewing if the surface were not hardened. To

produce a tender, tasty dish, fricasseeing should be a long, slow

process. This method is seldom applied to tender, expensive cuts of meat

and to young chickens, but is used for fowl and for pieces of meat that

would not make appetizing dishes if prepared by a quicker method.


31. The length of time required for cooking various kinds of meat is

usually puzzling to those inexperienced in cookery. The difference

between a dry, hard beef roast and a tender, moist, juicy one is due to

the length of time allowed for cooking. Overdone meats of any kind are

not likely to be tasty. Therefore, it should be remembered that when dry

heat is used, as in baking, roasting, broiling, etc., the longer the

heat is applied the greater will be the evaporation of moisture and the

consequent shrinkage in the meat.

A general rule for cooking meat in the oven is to allow 15 minutes for

each pound and 15 minutes extra. If it is to be cooked by broiling,

allow 10 minutes for each pound and 10 minutes extra; by boiling, 20

minutes for each pound and 20 minutes extra; and by simmering, 30

minutes for each pound. In Table I is given the number of minutes

generally allowed for cooking 1 pound of each of the various cuts of

beef, veal, mutton, lamb, and pork by the different cookery methods.

This table should be referred to in studying the two Sections

pertaining to meat.



39 / 148




Round Roasting 12 to 15

Ribs Roasting, well done 12 to 15

Ribs Roasting, rare 8 to 10

Rump Roasting 12 to 15

Sirloin Roasting, rare 8 to 10

Rolled roast Roasting 12 to 15

Steaks Broiling, well done 12 to 15

Steaks Broiling, rare 8 to 10

Fresh beef Boiling 20 to 25

Corned beef Boiling 25 to 30

Any cut Simmering 30

Chuck Braizing 25 to 30


Leg Roasting 20

Chops or steak Broiling 8 to 30

Shoulder Braizing 30 to 40


Leg Roasting 15 to 20

Shoulder Roasting 15 to 20

Leg Braizing 40 to 50

Leg Boiling 15 to 25

Chops Broiling 10 to 12


Loin or saddle Roasting 15 to 20

Leg Roasting 15 to 20

Chops Broiling 8 to 10


Shoulder or ribs Roasting 20 to 25

Ham Boiled 20 to 30

Chops Broiled 8 to 10

* * * * *



32. As is generally known, BEEF is the flesh of a slaughtered steer,

cow, or other adult bovine animal. These animals may be sold to be

slaughtered as young as 1-1/2 to 2 years old, but beef of the best

quality is obtained from them when they are from 3 to 4 years of age.

Ranging from the highest quality down to the lowest, beef is designated

by the butcher as prime, extra fancy, fancy, extra choice, choice, good,

and poor. In a market where trade is large and varied, it is possible to

make such use of meat as to get a higher price for the better qualities

than can be obtained in other markets.

33. When the quality of beef is to be determined, the amount, quality,

and color of the flesh, bone, and fat must be considered. The surface of

a freshly cut piece of beef should be bright red in color. When it is

exposed to the air for some time, the action of the air on the blood

causes it to become darker, but even this color should be a good clear

40 / 148

red. Any unusual color is looked on with suspicion by a person who

understands the requirements of good meat. To obtain beef of the best

quality, it should be cut crosswise of the fiber. In fact, the way in

which meat is cut determines to a great extent the difference between

tender and tough meat and, consequently, the price that is charged. This

difference can be readily seen by examining the surface of a cut. It

will be noted that the tender parts are made up of short fibers that are

cut directly across at right angles with the surface of the meat, while

the tougher parts contain long fibers that run either slanting or almost

parallel to the surface.

34. The amount of bone and cartilage in proportion to meat in a cut of

beef usually makes a difference in price and determines the usefulness

of the piece to the housewife. Therefore, these are matters that should

be carefully considered. For instance, a certain cut of beef that is

suitable for a roast may cost a few cents less than another cut, but if

its proportion of bone to meat is greater than in the more expensive

piece, nothing is gained by purchasing it. Bones, however, possess some

value and can be utilized in various ways. Those containing marrow,

which is the soft tissue found in the cavities of bones and composed

largely of fat, are more valuable for soup making and for stews and

gravies than are solid bones.

In young beef in good condition, the fat is creamy white in color.

However, as the animal grows older, the color grows darker until it

becomes a deep yellow.

Besides the flesh, bone, and fat, the general shape and thickness of a

piece of beef should be noted when its quality is to be determined. In

addition, its adaptability to the purpose for which it is selected and

the method of cookery to be used in its preparation are also points that

should not be overlooked.

* * * * *



35. With the general characteristics of beef well in mind, the housewife

is prepared to learn of the way in which the animal is cut to produce

the different pieces that she sees in the butcher shop and the names

that are given to the various cuts. The cutting of the animal, as well

as the naming of the pieces, varies in different localities, but the

difference is not sufficient to be confusing. Therefore, if the

information here given is thoroughly mastered, the housewife will be

able to select meat intelligently in whatever section of the country she

may reside. An important point for her to remember concerning meat of

any kind is that the cheaper cuts are found near the neck, legs, and

shins, and that the pieces increase in price as they go toward the back.

36. The general method of cutting up a whole beef into large cuts is as

follows. After the head, feet, and intestines are removed, the carcass

is cut down along the spine and divided into halves. Each half includes

an entire side and is known as a side of beef. Then each side is

divided into fore and hind quarters along the diagonal line that occurs

about midway between the front and the back. It is in this form that

the butcher usually receives the beef. He first separates it into the

large pieces and then cuts these pieces into numerous smaller ones

having names that indicate their location.

41 / 148

37. The cuts that are obtained from these larger pieces are as follows.

For instance, from the chuck are secured numerous cuts, including the

neck, shoulder clod, shoulder, and chuck ribs. The same is true of the

other pieces.


To make these large pieces of a size suitable for sale to the consumer,

the butcher cuts each one of them into still smaller pieces, The names

of these cuts, together with their respective uses, and the names of

the beef organs and their uses, are given in Table II.





Chuck........Neck Soups, broths, stews

Shoulder clod Soups, broths, stews,

boiling, corning

Ribs (11th, 12th, Brown stews, braizing,

and 13th) poor roasts

Ribs (9th and 10th) Braizing, roasts

Shoulder Soups, stews, corning, roast

Cross-ribs Roast

Brisket Soups, stews, corning

Shin Soups

Prime Ribs...Ribs (1st to 8th, Roasts


Whole Plate..Plate Soups, stews, corning

Navel Soups, stews, corning

Loin.........Short steak Steaks, roasts

Porterhouse cuts Steaks, roasts

Hip-bone steak Steaks, roasts

Flat-bone steak Steaks, roasts

Round-bone steak Steaks, roasts

Sirloin Steaks

Top sirloin Roasts

Flank Rolled steak, braizing, boiling

Tenderloin Roast

Round........Rump Roasts, corning

Upper round Steaks, roasts

Lower round Steaks, pot roasts, stews

Vein Stews, soups

Shank Soups

Beef Organs..Liver Broiling, frying

Heart Baking, braizing

Tongue Boiling, baking, braizing

Tail Soup

39. The ribs are numbered in the opposite direction from the way in

which they are ordinarily counted; that is, the first rib in a cut of

beef is the one farthest from the head and the thirteenth is the one

42 / 148

just back of the neck. The first and second ribs are called the back

ribs; the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth, the middle ribs. To prepare

the ribs for sale, they are usually cut into pieces that contain two

ribs, the first and second ribs being known as the first cut, the third

and fourth as the second cut, etc. After being sawed across, the rib

bones are either left in to make a standing rib roast or taken out and

the meat then rolled and fastened together with skewers to make a

rolled roast. Skewers, which are long wooden or metal pins that may be

pushed through meat to fasten it together, will be found useful to the

housewife in preparing many cuts of meat for cooking. They may usually

be obtained at a meat market or a hardware store.

40. Certain of the organs of beef are utilized to a considerable extent,

they are included in Table II. The heart and the tongue are valuable

both because they are economical and because they add variety to the

meat diet of the family. The tongue, either smoked or fresh, may be

boiled and then served hot, or it may be pickled in vinegar and served

cold. The heart may be prepared in the same way, or it may be stuffed

and then baked. The tail of beef makes excellent soup and is much used

for this purpose.

* * * * *



41. Steaks Obtained From the Loin. From the loin are cut Delmonico

steaks, porterhouse steaks,hip-bone steaks, flat-bone steaks and

sirloin steaks. When steaks are cut from the flesh of animals in good

condition, they are all very tender and may be used for the quick

methods of cookery, such as broiling.

DELMONICO STEAK, is the smallest steak that can be cut from the loin

and is therefore an excellent cut for a small family. It contains

little or no tenderloin. Sometimes this steak is wrongly called a club

steak, but no confusion will result if it is remembered that a club

steak is a porterhouse steak that has most of the bone and the flank

end, or "tail," removed.

Porterhouse steak contains more tenderloin than any other steak. This

steak also being small in size is a very good cut for a small number of


Hip-bone steak contains a good-sized piece of tenderloin. Steak of this

kind finds much favor, as it can be served quite advantageously.

Flat-bone steak has a large bone, but it also contains a considerable

amount of fairly solid meat. When a large number of persons are to be

served, this is a very good steak to select.

Sirloin steak contains more solid meat than any of the other steaks cut

from the loin. For this reason, it serves a large number of persons

more advantageously than the others do.

42. Steaks Obtained From the Round.--While the steaks cut from the loin

are usually preferred because of their tenderness, those cut from the

upper round and across the rump are very desirable for many purposes. If

these are not so tender as is desired, the surface may be chopped with

a dull knife in order to make tiny cuts through the fibers, or it may be

pounded with some blunt object, as, for instance, a wooden potato

43 / 148

masher. What is known as a round steak is a slice that is cut across

the entire round. However, such a steak is often cut into two parts

where the line dividing the round is shown, and either the upper or the

lower piece may be purchased. The upper round is the better piece and

brings a higher price than the whole round or the lower round including

the vein. The quick methods of cookery may be applied to the more

desirable cuts of the round, but the lower round or the vein is

generally used for roasting, braizing, or stewing.

43. Broiled Beefsteak.--As has already been explained, the steaks cut

from the loin are the ones that are generally used for broiling. When

one of these steaks is to be broiled, it should never be less than 1

inch thick, but it may be from 1 to 2-1/2 inches in thickness, according

to the preference of the persons for whom it is prepared. As the flank

end, or "tail," of such steaks is always tough, it should be cut off

before cooking and utilized in the making of soups and such dishes as

require chopped meats. In addition, all superfluous fat should be

removed and then tried out. Beef fat, especially if it is mixed with

lard or other fats, makes excellent shortening; likewise, it may be used

for sauteing various foods.

When a steak has been prepared in this manner, wipe it carefully with a

clean, damp cloth. Heat the broiler very hot and grease the rack with a

little of the beef fat. Then place the steak on the rack, expose it

directly to the rays of a very hot fire, and turn it every 10 seconds

until each side has been exposed several times to the blaze. This is

done in order to sear the entire surface and thus prevent the loss of

the juice. When the surface is sufficiently seared, lower the fire or

move the steak to a cooler place on the stove and then, turning it

frequently, allow it to cook more slowly until it reaches the desired

condition. The broiling of a steak requires from 10 to 20 minutes,

depending on its thickness and whether it is preferred well done or

rare. Place the broiled steak on a hot platter, dot it with butter,

season it with salt and pepper, and serve at once.

44. Pan-Broiled Steak.--If it is impossible to prepare the steak in a

broiler, it may be pan-broiled. In fact, this is a very satisfactory way

to cook any of the tender cuts. To carry out this method, place a heavy

frying pan directly over the fire and allow it to become so hot that the

fat will smoke when put into it. Grease the pan with a small piece of

the beef fat, just enough to prevent the steak from sticking fast. Put

the steak into the hot pan and turn it as soon as it is seared on the

side that touches the pan. After it is seared on the other side, turn it

again and continue to turn it frequently until it has broiled for about

15 minutes. When it is cooked sufficiently to serve, dot it with butter

and season it with salt and pepper. Serve hot.

45. ROLLED STEAK, OR MOCK DUCK.--To have a delicious meat, it is not

always necessary to secure the tender, expensive cuts, for excellent

dishes can be prepared from the cheaper pieces. For instance, steaks cut

from the entire round or thin cuts from the rump can be filled with a

stuffing and then rolled to make rolled steak, or mock duck. This is an

extremely appetizing dish and affords the housewife a chance to give her

family a pleasing variety in the way of meat. The steak used for this

purpose should first be broiled in the way explained in Art. 43. Then it

should be filled with a stuffing made as follows:


1 qt. stale bread crumbs

1 c. stewed tomatoes

44 / 148

1 small onion

1 Tb. salt

2 Tb. butter

1/4 Tb. pepper

1 c. hot water

Mix all together. Pile on top of the broiled steak and roll the steak

so that the edges lap over each other and the dressing is completely

covered. Fasten together with skewers or tie by wrapping a cord around

the roll. Strips of bacon or salt pork tied to the outside or fastened

with small skewers improve the flavor of the meat. Place in a roasting

pan and bake in a hot oven until the steak is thoroughly baked. This

will require not less than 40 minutes. Cut into slices and serve hot.

46. SKIRT STEAK.--Lying inside the ribs and extending from the second

or third rib to the breast bone is a thin strip of muscle known as a

skirt steak. This is removed before the ribs are cut for roasts, and, as

shown in Fig. 13, is slit through the center with a long, sharp knife to

form a pocket into which stuffing can be put. As a skirt steak is not

expensive and has excellent flavor, it is a very desirable piece

of meat.

To prepare such a steak for the table, stuff it with the stuffing given

for rolled steak in Art. 45, and then fasten the edges together with

skewers. Bake in a hot oven until the steak is well done. Serve hot.

47. SWISS STEAK.--Another very appetizing dish that can be made from the

cheaper steaks is Swiss steak. To be most satisfactory, the steak used

for this purpose should be about an inch thick.

Pound as much dry flour as possible into both sides of the steak by

means of a wooden potato masher. Then brown it on both sides in a hot

frying pan with some of the beef fat. When it is thoroughly browned,

pour a cup of hot water over it, cover the pan tight, and remove to the

back of the stove. Have just enough water on the steak and apply just

enough heat to keep it simmering very slowly for about 1/2 hour. As the

meat cooks, the water will form a gravy by becoming thickened with the

flour that has been pounded into the steak. Serve the steak with

this gravy.

48. HAMBURGER STEAK.--The tougher pieces of beef, such as the flank ends

of the steak and parts of the rump, the round, and the chuck, may be

ground fine by being forced through a food chopper. Such meat is very

frequently combined with egg and then formed into small cakes or patties

to make Hamburger steak. Besides providing a way to utilize pieces of

meat that might otherwise be wasted, this dish affords variety to

the diet.


(Sufficient to Serve Four)

1 lb. chopped beef

1 small onion, chopped

1-1/2 tsp. salt

1 egg (if desired)

1/4 tsp. pepper

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and shape into thin patties. Cook by

broiling in a pan placed in the broiler or by pan-broiling in a hot,

well-greased frying pan. Spread with butter when ready to serve.

45 / 148

49. PLANKED STEAK.--A dish that the housewife generally considers too

complicated for her, but that may very readily be prepared in the home,

is planked steak. Such a steak gets its name from the fact that a part

of its cooking is done on a hardwood plank, and that the steak, together

with vegetables of various kinds, is served on the plank. Potatoes are

always used as one of the vegetables that are combined with planked

steak, but besides them almost any combination or variety of vegetables

may be used as a garnish. Asparagus tips, string beans, peas, tiny

onions, small carrots, mushrooms, cauliflower, stuffed peppers, and

stuffed tomatoes are the vegetables from which a selection is usually

made. When a tender steak is selected for this purpose and is properly

cooked, and when the vegetables are well prepared and artistically

arranged, no dish can be found that appeals more to the eye and

the taste.

To prepare this dish, broil or pan-broil one of the better cuts of steak

for about 8 minutes. Butter the plank, place the steak on the center of

it and season with salt and pepper. Mash potatoes and to each 2 cupfuls

use 4 tablespoonfuls of milk, 1 tablespoonful of butter, and one egg.

After these materials have been mixed well into the potatoes, arrange a

border of potatoes around the edge of the plank. Then garnish the steak

with whatever vegetables have been selected. Care should be taken to see

that these are properly cooked and well seasoned. If onions, mushrooms,

or carrots are used, it is well to saute them in butter after they are

thoroughly cooked. With the steak thus prepared, place the plank under

the broiler or in a hot oven and allow it to remain there long enough to

brown the potatoes, cook the steak a little more, and thoroughly heat

all the vegetables.

50. VEGETABLES SERVED WITH STEAK.--If an attractive, as well as a tasty,

dish is desired and the housewife has not sufficient time nor the

facilities to prepare a planked steak, a good plan is to saute a

vegetable of some kind and serve it over the steak. For this purpose

numerous vegetables are suitable, but onions, small mushrooms, and

sliced tomatoes are especially desirable. When onions are used, they

should be sliced thin and then sauted in butter until they are soft and

brown. Small mushrooms may be prepared in the same way, or they may be

sauted in the fat that remains in the pan after the steak has been

removed. Tomatoes that are served over steak should be sliced, rolled in

crumbs, and then sauted.


51. FILLET OF BEEF.--A large variety of roasts can be obtained from a

side of beef, but by far the most delicious one is the tenderloin, or

fillet of beef. This is a long strip of meat lying directly under the

chine, or back bone. It is either taken out as a whole, or it is left in

the loin to be cut as a part of the steaks that are obtained from this

section. When it is removed in a whole piece, as shown in Fig. 14, the

steaks that remain in the loin are not so desirable and do not bring

such a good price, because the most tender part of each of them

is removed.

Two different methods of cookery are usually applied to the tenderloin

of beef. Very often, it is cut into slices about 2 inches thick and

then broiled, when it is called broiled fillet, or fillet mignon. If it

is not treated in this way, the whole tenderloin is roasted after being

rolled, or larded, with salt pork to supply the fat that it lacks.

Whichever way it is cooked, the tenderloin always proves to be an

exceptionally tender and delicious cut of beef. However, it is the most

46 / 148

expensive piece that can be bought, and so is not recommended when

economy must be practiced.

52. CHUCK ROASTS.--While the pieces cut from the chuck are not so

desirable as those obtained from the loin or as the prime ribs, still

the chuck yields very good roasts. These pieces are of a fairly good

quality and if a roast as large as 8 or 10 pounds is desired, they make

an economical one to purchase.

53. RIB ROASTS.--Directly back of the chuck, as has already been

learned, are the prime ribs. From this part of the beef, the best rib

roasts are secured. To prepare this piece for roasting the back bone

and ribs are removed, is rolled into a roll of solid meat. The thin

lower part that is cut off is used for boiling.

54. When only a small roast is wanted, a single rib is often used. In a

roast of this kind, the bone is not removed, but, is sawed in half.

Such a roast is called a standing rib roast. Another small roast,

called a porterhouse roast is obtained by cutting a porterhouse steak

rather thick. It is therefore a very tender and delicious, although

somewhat expensive, roast. Other parts of the loin may also be cut for

roasts, the portion from which sirloin steaks are cut making large and

very delicious roasts.

55. RUMP ROASTS.--Between the loin and the bottom round lies the rump,

and from this may be cut roasts of different kinds. These roasts have a

very good flavor and are very juicy, and if beef in prime condition can

be obtained, they are extremely tender. Besides these advantages, rump

roasts are economical, so they are much favored. To prepare them for

cooking, the butcher generally removes the bone and rolls them.

56. ROAST BEEF.--The usual method of preparing the roasts that have just

been described, particularly the tender ones, is to cook them in the

oven. For this purpose a roasting pan, such as the one previously

described and illustrated, produces the best results, but if one of

these cannot be obtained, a dripping pan may be substituted. When the

meat is first placed in the oven, the oven temperature should be 400 to

450 degrees Fahrenheit, but after the meat has cooked for about 15

minutes, the temperature should be lowered so that the meat will cook

more slowly.

Before putting the roast in the oven, wipe it thoroughly with a damp

cloth. If its surface is not well covered with a layer of fat, place

several pieces of salt pork on it and tie or skewer them fast. Then,

having one of the cut sides up so that it will be exposed to the heat of

the oven, set the piece of meat in a roasting pan or the utensil that is

to be substituted. Dredge, or sprinkle, the surface with flour, salt,

and pepper, and place the pan in the oven, first making sure that the

oven is sufficiently hot. Every 10 or 15 minutes baste the meat with the

fat and the juice that cooks out of it; that is, spoon up this liquid

and pour it over the meat in order to improve the flavor and to prevent

the roast from becoming dry. If necessary, a little water may be added

for basting, but the use of water for this purpose should generally be

avoided. Allow the meat to roast until it is either well done or rare,

according to the way it is preferred. The length of time required for

this process depends so much on the size of the roast, the temperature

of the oven, and the preference of the persons who are to eat the meat,

that definite directions cannot well be given. However, a general idea

of this matter can be obtained by referring to the Cookery Time Table

given in Essentials of Cookery, Part 2, and also to Table I of this

Section, which gives the time required for cooking each pound of meat.

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If desired, gravy may be made from the juice that remains in the pan,

the directions for making gravy being given later.

57. BRAIZED BEEF.--An excellent way in which to cook a piece of beef

that is cut from the rump or lower round is to braize it. This method

consists in placing the meat on a rack over a small quantity of water in

a closed pan and then baking it in the oven for about 4 hours.

Vegetables cut into small pieces are placed in the water and they cook

while the meat is baking. As meat prepared in this way really cooks in

the flavored steam that rises from the vegetables, it becomes very

tender and has a splendid flavor; also, the gravy that may be made from

the liquid that remains adds to its value. In serving it, a spoonful of

the vegetables is generally put on the plate with each piece of meat.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

3 lb. beef from rump or lower round




2 thin slices salt pork

1/4 c. diced carrots

1/4 c. diced turnips

1/4 c. diced onions

1/4 c. diced celery

3 c. boiling water

Wipe the meat with a damp cloth, and dredge, or sprinkle, it with the

flour, salt, and pepper. Try out the pork and brown the entire surface

of the meat in the fat thus obtained. Then place the meat on a rack in a

deep granite pan, an earthen bowl, or a baking dish, and surround it

with the diced vegetables. Add the boiling water, cover the dish tight,

and place in a slow oven. Bake for about 4 hours at a low temperature.

Then remove the meat to a hot platter, strain out the vegetables, and

make a thickened gravy of the liquid that remains, as explained later.

58. POT-ROASTED BEEF.--The usual, and probably the most satisfactory,

method of preparing the cheaper cuts of beef is to cook them in a heavy

iron pot over a slow fire for several hours. If the proper attention is

given to the preparation of such a roast, usually called a pot roast, it

will prove a very appetizing dish. Potatoes may also be cooked in the

pot with the meat. This is a good plan to follow for it saves fuel and

at the same time offers variety in the cooking of potatoes.

When a piece of beef is to be roasted in a pot, try out in the pot a

little of the beef fat. Then wipe the meat carefully and brown it on all

sides in the fat. Add salt, pepper, and 1/2 cupful of boiling water and

cover the pot tightly. Cook over a slow fire until the water is

evaporated and the meat begins to brown; then add another 1/2 cupful of

water. Continue to do this until the meat has cooked for several hours,

or until the entire surface is well browned and the meat tissue very

tender. Then place the meat on a hot platter and, if desired, make gravy

of the fat that remains in the pan, following the directions given

later. If potatoes are to be cooked with the roast, put them into the

pot around the meat about 45 minutes before the meat is to be removed,

as they will be cooked sufficiently when the roast is done.

59. BEEF LOAF.--Hamburger steak is not always made into small patties

and broiled or sauted. In fact, it is very often combined with cracker

crumbs, milk, and egg, and then well seasoned to make a beef loaf. Since

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there are no bones nor fat to be cut away in serving, this is an

economical dish and should be used occasionally to give variety to the

diet. If desired, a small quantity of salt pork may be combined with the

beef to add flavor.


(Sufficient to Serve Ten)

3 lb. beef

2 Tb. salt

1/4 lb. salt pork

1/4 Tb. pepper

1 c. cracker crumbs

1 small onion

1 c. milk

2 Tb. chopped parsley

1 egg

Put the beef and pork through the food chopper; then mix thoroughly with

the other ingredients. Pack tightly into a loaf-cake pan. Bake in a

moderate oven for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. During the baking, baste frequently

with hot water to which a little butter has been added. Serve either hot

or cold, as desired.


60. Cuts Suitable for Stewing and Corning.--Because of the large variety

of cuts obtained from a beef, numerous ways of cooking this meat have

been devised. The tender cuts are, of course, the most desirable and the

most expensive and they do not require the same preparation as the

cheaper cuts. However, the poorer cuts, while not suitable for some

purposes, make very good stews and corned beef. The cuts that are most

satisfactory for stewing and corning are the upper chuck, the shoulder,

and the lower chuck. Besides these pieces, the brisket, the lower part

of the round, and any of the other chuck pieces that do not make good

roasts are excellent for this purpose. In fact, any part that contains

bone and fat, as well as lean, makes well-flavored stew.

61. Beef Stew.--Any of the pieces of beef just mentioned may be used

with vegetables of various kinds to make beef stew. Also left-over

pieces of a roast or a steak may be utilized with other meats in the

making of this dish. If the recipe here given is carefully followed, a

very appetizing as well as nutritious stew will be the result.


(Sufficient to Serve Eight)

4 lb. beef

2/3 c. diced carrots

2 Tb. salt

1 small onion, sliced

1/4 Tb. pepper

3 c. potatoes cut into 1/4 in. slices

2/3 c. diced turnips

2 Tb. flour

Wipe the meat and cut it into pieces about 2 inches long. Try out some

of the fat in a frying pan and brown the pieces of meat in it, stirring

the meat constantly so that it will brown evenly. Put the browned meat

into a kettle with the remaining fat and the bone, cover well with

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boiling water, and add the salt and pepper. Cover the kettle with a

tight-fitting lid. Let the meat boil for a minute or two, then reduce

the heat, and allow it to simmer for about 2 hours. For the last hour,

cook the diced turnips, carrots, and onions with the meat, and 20

minutes before serving, add the potatoes. When the meat and vegetables

are sufficiently cooked, remove the bones, fat, and skin; then thicken

the stew with the flour moistened with enough cold water to pour. Pour

into a deep platter or dish and serve with or without dumplings.

62. When dumplings are to be served with beef stew or any dish of this

kind, they may be prepared as follows:


2 c. flour

2 Tb. fat

1/2 Tb. salt

3/4 to 1 c. milk

4 tsp. baking powder

Mix and sift the flour, salt, and baking powder. Chop in the fat with a

knife. Add the milk gradually and mix to form a dough. Toss on a floured

board and roll out or pat until it is about 1 inch thick. Cut into

pieces with a small biscuit cutter. Place these close together in a

buttered steamer and steam over a kettle of hot water for 15 to 18

minutes. Serve with the stew.

If a softer dough that can be cooked with the stew is preferred, 1 1/2

cupfuls of milk instead of 3/4 to 1 cupful should be used. Drop the

dough thus prepared by the spoonful into the stew and boil for about 15

minutes. Keep the kettle tightly covered while the dumplings

are boiling.

63. CORNED BEEF.--It is generally the custom to purchase corned beef,

that is, beef preserved in a brine, at the market; but this is not

necessary, as meat of this kind may be prepared in the home. When the

housewife wishes to corn beef, she will find it an advantage to procure

a large portion of a quarter of beef, part of which may be corned and

kept to be used after the fresh beef has been eaten. Of course, this

plan should be followed only in cold weather, for fresh meat soon spoils

unless it is kept very cold.

To corn beef, prepare a mixture of 10 parts salt to 1 part saltpeter and

rub this into the beef until the salt remains dry on the surface. Put

the meat aside for 24 hours and then rub it again with some of the same

mixture. On the following day, put the beef into a large crock or stone

jar and cover it with a brine made by boiling 2-1/2 gallons of water

into which have been added 2 quarts salt, 2 ounces saltpeter, and 3/4

pound brown sugar. Be careful to cool the brine until it entirely cold

before using it. Allow the beef to remain in the brine for a week before

attempting to use it. Inspect it occasionally, and if it does not appear

to be keeping well, remove it from the brine, rub it again with the salt

mixture, and place it in fresh brine. Beef that is properly corned will

keep an indefinite length of time, but it should be examined, every 2 or

3 days for the first few weeks to see that it is not spoiling.

64. BOILED CORNED BEEF.--The usual way to prepare beef corned in the

manner just explained or corned beef bought at the market is to boil it.

After it becomes sufficiently tender by this method of cooking, it may

be pressed into a desired shape and when cold cut into thin slices. Meat

of this kind makes an excellent dish for a light meal such as luncheon

50 / 148

or supper.

To boil corned beef, first wipe it thoroughly and roll and tie it. Then

put it into a kettle, cover it with boiling water, and set it over the

fire. When it comes to the boiling point, skim off the scum that forms

on the top. Cook at a low temperature until the meat is tender enough to

be pierced easily with a fork. Then place the meat in a dish or a pan,

pour the broth over it, put a plate on top that will rest on the meat,

and weight it down with something heavy enough to press the meat into

shape. Allow it to remain thus overnight. When cold and thoroughly set,

remove from the pan, cut into thin slices, and serve.

65. BOILED DINNER.--Corned beef is especially adaptable to what is

commonly termed a boiled dinner. Occasionally it is advisable for the

housewife to vary her meals by serving a dinner of this kind. In

addition to offering variety, such a dinner affords her an opportunity

to economize on fuel, especially if gas or electricity is used, for all

of it may be prepared in the same pot and cooked over the same burner.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

3 lb. corned beef

1 c. sliced turnips

1 small head of cabbage cut into eighths

1 c. sliced potatoes

Pepper and salt

1 c. sliced carrots

Cook the corned beef in the manner explained in Art. 64. When it has

cooked sufficiently, remove it from the water. Into this water, put the

cabbage, carrots, turnips, and potatoes; then add the salt and pepper,

seasoning to taste. Cook until the vegetables are tender. Remove the

vegetables and serve them in vegetable dishes with some of the meat

broth. Reheat the meat before serving.


66. BOILED TONGUE.--The tongue of beef is much used, for if properly

prepared it makes a delicious meat that may be served hot or cold. It is

usually corned or smoked to preserve it until it can be used. In either

of these forms or in its fresh state, it must be boiled in order to

remove the skin and prepare the meat for further use. If it has been

corned or smoked, it is likely to be very salty, so that it should

usually be soaked overnight to remove the salt.

When boiled tongue is desired, put a fresh tongue or a smoked or a

corned tongue from which the salt has been removed into a kettle of cold

water and allow it to come to a boil. Skim and continue to cook at a low

temperature for 2 hours. Cool enough to handle and then remove the skin

and the roots. Cut into slices and serve hot or cold.

67. PICKLED TONGUE.--A beef tongue prepared in the manner just explained

may be treated in various ways, but a method of preparation that meets

with much favor consists in pickling it. Pickled tongue makes an

excellent meat when a cold dish is required for a light meal or meat for

sandwiches is desired. The pickle required for one tongue contains the

following ingredients:


51 / 148

1-1/2 c. vinegar

2 c. water

1/4 c. sugar

1 Tb. salt

1/4 Tb. pepper

6 cloves

1 stick cinnamon

Boil all of these ingredients for a few minutes, then add the tongue,

and boil for 15 minutes. Remove from the stove and let stand for 24

hours. Slice and serve cold.

68. BRAIZED TONGUE.--The process of braizing may be applied to tongue as

well as to other parts of beef. In fact, when tongue is cooked in this

way with several kinds of vegetables, it makes a delicious dish that is

pleasing to most persons.


(Sufficient to Serve Eight)

1 fresh tongue

1/3 c. diced carrots

1/3 c. diced onions

1/3 c. diced celery

1 c. stewed tomatoes

2 c. water in which tongue is boiled

Boil the tongue as previously directed, and then skin it and remove the

roots. Place it in a long pan and pour over it the carrots, onions,

celery, stewed tomatoes, and the water. Cover tight and bake in a slow

oven for 2 hours. Serve on a platter with the vegetables and sauce.

69. STUFFED HEART.--If a stuffed meat is desired, nothing more

appetizing can be found than stuffed heart. For this purpose the heart

of a young beef should be selected in order that a tender dish

will result.

After washing the heart and removing the veins and the arteries, make a

stuffing like that given for rolled beefsteak in Art. 45. Stuff the

heart with this dressing, sprinkle salt and pepper over it, and roll it

in flour. Lay several strips of bacon or salt pork across the top, place

in a baking pan, and pour 1 cupful of water into the pan. Cover the pan

tight, set it in a hot oven, and bake slowly for 2 or 3 hours, depending

on the size of the heart. Add water as the water in the pan evaporates,

and baste the heart frequently. When it has baked sufficiently, remove

to a platter and serve at once.


70. To meats prepared in various ways, gravy--that is, the sauce made

from the drippings or juices that cook out of steaks, roasts, and stews,

or from the broth actually cooked from the meat as for soup--is a

valuable addition, particularly if it is well made and properly

seasoned. A point to remember in this connection is that gravy should be

entirely free from lumps and not too thick. It will be of the right

thickness if 1 to 2 level tablespoonfuls of flour is used for each pint

of liquid. It should also be kept in mind that the best gravy is made

from the brown drippings that contain some fat.

52 / 148

To make gravy, remove any excess of fat that is not required, and then

pour a little hot water into the pan in order to dissolve the drippings

that are to be used. Add the flour to the fat, stirring until a smooth

paste is formed. Then add the liquid, which may be water or milk, and

stir quickly to prevent the formation of lumps. Season well with salt

and pepper. Another method that also proves satisfactory is to mix the

flour and liquid and then add them to the fat that remains in the pan in

which the meat has been cooked.


71. The suet obtained from beef is a valuable source of fat for cooking,

and it should therefore never be thrown away. The process of obtaining

the fat from suet is called trying, and it is always practiced in

homes where economy is the rule.

To try out suet, cut the pieces into half-inch cubes, place them in a

heavy frying pan, and cover them with hot water. Allow this to come to a

boil and cook until the water has evaporated. Continue the heating until

all the fat has been drawn from the tissue. Then pour off all the liquid

fat and squeeze the remaining suet with a potato masher or in a fruit

press. Clean glass or earthen jars are good receptacles in which to keep

the fat thus recovered from the suet.

To try out other fats, proceed in the same way as for trying out suet.

Such fats may be tried by heating them in a pan without water, provided

the work is done carefully enough to prevent them from scorching.


72. As has been shown, meat is both an expensive and a perishable food.

Therefore, some use should be made of every left-over bit of it, no

matter how small, and it should be disposed of quickly in order to

prevent it from spoiling. A point that should not be overlooked in the

use of left-over meats, however, is that they should be prepared so as

to be a contrast to the original preparation and thus avoid monotony in

the food served. This variation may be accomplished by adding other

foods and seasonings and by changing the appearance as much as possible.

For instance, what remains from a roast of beef may be cut in thin

slices and garnished to make an attractive dish; or, left-over meat may

be made very appetizing by cutting it into cubes, reheating it in gravy

or white sauce, and serving it over toast or potato patties. Then there

is the sandwich, which always finds a place in the luncheon. The meat

used for this purpose may be sliced thin or it may be chopped fine, and

then, to increase the quantity, mixed with salad dressing, celery,

olives, chopped pickles, etc. An excellent sandwich is made by placing

thin slices of roast beef between two slices of bread and serving hot

roast-beef gravy over the sandwich thus formed. Still other appetizing

dishes may be prepared from left-over beef as the accompanying

recipes show.

73. MEXICAN BEEF--An extremely appetizing dish, known as Mexican beef,

can be made from any quantity of left-over beef by serving it with a

vegetable sauce. Such a dish needs few accompaniments when it is served

in a light meal, but it may be used very satisfactorily as the main dish

in a heavy meal.


53 / 148

2 Tb. butter

1/2 tsp. salt

1 onion, chopped

1/8 tsp. pepper

1 red pepper

1 tsp. celery salt

1 green pepper

Thin slices roast beef

3/4 c. canned tomatoes

Brown the butter, add the chopped onion, and cook for a few minutes.

Then add the chopped peppers, tomatoes, salt, pepper, and celery salt.

Cook all together for a few minutes and add the thinly sliced roast

beef. When the meat has become thoroughly heated, it is ready to serve.

74. COTTAGE PIE.--A very good way to use up left-over mashed potatoes

as well as roast beef is to combine them and make a cottage pie. In this

dish, mashed potatoes take the place of the crust that is generally put

over the top of a meat pie. If well seasoned and served hot, it makes a

very palatable dish.

To make a cottage pie, cover the bottom of a baking dish with a 2-inch

layer of well-seasoned mashed potatoes. Over this spread left-over roast

beef cut into small pieces. Pour over the meat and potatoes any

left-over gravy and a few drops of onion juice made by grating raw

onion. Cover with a layer of mashed potatoes 1 inch deep. Dot with

butter and place in a hot oven until the pie has heated through and

browned on top. Serve hot.

75. BEEF PIE.--No housewife need be at a loss for a dish that will tempt

her family if she has on hand some left-over pieces of beef, for out of

them she may prepare a beef pie, which is always in favor. Cold roast

beef makes a very good pie, but it is not necessary that roast beef be

used, as left-over steak or even a combination of left-over meats, will

do very well.

Cut into 1-inch cubes whatever kinds of left-over meats are on hand.

Cover with hot water, add a sliced onion, and cook slowly for 1 hour.

Thicken the liquid with flour and season well with salt and pepper. Add

two or three potatoes, cut into 1/4-inch slices, and let them boil for

several minutes. Pour the mixture into a buttered baking dish and cover

it with a baking-powder biscuit mixture. Bake in a hot oven until the

crust is brown. Serve hot.

76. BEEF HASH.--One of the most satisfactory ways in which to utilize

left-over roast beef or corned beef is to cut it into small pieces and

make it into a hash. Cold boiled potatoes that remain from a previous

meal are usually combined with the beef, and onion is added for flavor.

When hash is prepared to resemble an omelet and is garnished with

parsley, it makes an attractive dish.

To make beef hash, remove all skin and bone from the meat, chop quite

fine, and add an equal quantity of chopped cold-boiled potatoes and one

chopped onion. Season with salt and pepper. Put the mixture into a

well-buttered frying pan, moisten with milk, meat stock, or left-over

gravy, and place over a fire. Let the hash brown slowly on the bottom

and then fold over as for an omelet. Serve on a platter garnished

with parsley.

77. FRIZZLED BEEF.--While the dried beef used in the preparation of

frizzled beef is not necessarily a left-over meat, the recipe for this

54 / 148

dish is given here, as it is usually served at a meal when the preceding

left-over beef dishes are appropriate. Prepared according to this

recipe, frizzled beef will be found both nutritious and appetizing.


(Sufficient to Serve Four)

2 Tb. butter

1/4 lb. thinly sliced dried beef

2 Tb. flour

1 c. milk

4 slices of toast

Brown the butter in a frying pan and add the beef torn into small

pieces. Allow it to cock until the beef becomes brown. Add the flour and

brown it. Pour the milk over all, and cook until the flour thickens the

milk. Serve over the toast.



(1) (a) What is meat? (b) What substance in meat makes it a valuable


(2) (a) What do protein foods do for the body? (b) How does meat

compare in cost with the other daily foods?

(3) What harm may occur from eating meat that is not thoroughly cooked?

(4) (a) Describe the structure of meat, (b) How do the length and

the direction of the fibers affect the tenderness of meat?

(5) (a) How may gelatine be obtained from meat? (b) What use is made

of this material?

(6) (a) Describe the two kinds of fat found in meat, (b) What does

this substance supply to the body?

(7) (a) What is the value of water in the tissues of meat? (b) How

does its presence affect the cookery method to choose for

preparing meat?

(8) (a) What are extractives? (b) Why are they of value in meat?

(9) (a) Name the ways by which the housewife may reduce her meat bill,

(b) How should meat be cared for in the home?

(10) Give three reasons for cooking meat.

(11) (a) Describe the effect of cooking on the materials contained in

meat, (b) How does cooking affect the digestibility of meat?

(12) What methods of cookery are used for: (a) the tender cuts of

meat? (b) the tough cuts? (c) Mention the cuts of meat that have the

most flavor.

(13) (a) How should the temperature of the oven vary with the size of

the roast to be cooked? (b) Give the reason for this.

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(14) Describe beef of good quality.

(15) In what parts of the animal are found: (a) the cheaper cuts of

beef? (b) the more expensive cuts?

(16) (a) Name the steaks obtained from the loin, (b) Which of these

is best for a large family? (c) Which is best for a small family?

(17) Describe the way in which to broil steak.

(18) (a) What is the tenderloin of beef? (b) Explain the two ways of

cooking it.

(19) (a) Name the various kinds of roasts, (b) Describe the roasting

of beef in the oven.

(20) (a) What cuts of beef are most satisfactory for stews? (b)

Explain how beef stew is made.

* * * * *


* * * * *



1. Veal is the name applied to the flesh of a slaughtered calf. This

kind of meat is at its best in animals that are from 6 weeks to 3 months

old when killed. Calves younger than 6 weeks are sometimes slaughtered,

but their meat is of poor quality and should be avoided. Meat from a

calf that has not reached the age of 3 weeks is called bob veal. Such

meat is pale, dry, tough, and indigestible and, consequently, unfit for

food. In most states the laws strictly forbid the sale of bob veal for

food, but constant vigilance must be exercised to safeguard the public

from unscrupulous dealers. A calf that goes beyond the age of 3 months

without being slaughtered must be kept and fattened until it reaches the

age at which it can be profitably sold as beef, for it is too old to be

used as veal.

2. The nature of veal can be more readily comprehended by comparing it

with beef, the characteristics of which are now understood. Veal is

lighter in color than beef, being more nearly pink than red, and it

contains very little fat, as reference to Fig. 1, Meat, Part 1, will

show. The tissues of veal contain less nutriment than those of beef, but

they contain more gelatine. The flavor of veal is less pronounced than

that of beef, the difference between the age of animals used for veal

and those used for beef being responsible for this lack of flavor. These

characteristics, as well as the difference in size of corresponding

cuts, make it easy to distinguish veal from beef in the market.


3. The slaughtered calf from which veal is obtained is generally

delivered to the butcher with the head, feet, and intestines removed

and the carcass split into halves through the spine. He divides each

half into quarters, known as the fore quarter and the hind quarter, and

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cuts these into smaller pieces.

4. FORE QUARTER.--The fore quarter is composed of the neck, chuck,

shoulder, fore shank, breast, and ribs. Frequently, no distinction is

made between the neck and the chuck, both of these pieces and the fore

shank being used for soups and stews. The shoulder is cut from the ribs

lying underneath, and it is generally used for roasting, often with

stuffing rolled inside of it. The breast, which is the under part of

the fore quarter and corresponds to the plate in beef, is suitable for

either roasting or stewing. When the rib bones are removed from it, a

pocket that will hold stuffing can be cut into this piece. The ribs

between the shoulder and the loin are called the rack; they may be cut

into chops or used as one piece for roasting.

5. HIND QUARTER.--The hind quarter is divided into the loin, flank,

leg, and hind shank. The loin and the flank are located similarly to

these same cuts in beef. In some localities, the part of veal

corresponding to the rump of beef is included with the loin, and in

others it is cut as part of the leg. When it is part of the leg, the leg

is cut off just in front of the hip bone and is separated from the lower

part of the leg, or hind shank, immediately below the hip joint. This

piece is often used for roasting, although cutlets or steaks may be cut

from it. The hind shank, which, together with the fore shank, is called

a knuckle, is used for soup making. When the loin and flank are cut in

a single piece, they are used for roasting.

6. VEAL ORGANS.--Certain of the organs of the calf, like those of beef

animals, are used for food. They include the heart, tongue, liver, and

kidneys, as well as the thymus and thyroid glands and the pancreas. The

heart and tongue of veal are more delicate in texture and flavor than

those of beef, but the methods of cooking them are practically the same.

The liver and kidneys of calves make very appetizing dishes and find

favor with many persons. The thymus and thyroid glands and the pancreas

are included under the term sweetbreads. The thymus gland, which lies

near the heart and is often called the heart sweetbread, is the best

one. The thyroid gland lies in the throat and is called the throat

sweetbread. These two glands are joined by a connecting membrane, but

this is often broken and each gland sold as a separate sweetbread. The

pancreas, which is the stomach sweetbread, is used less often than

the others.

7. Table of Veal Cuts.--The various cuts of veal, together with their

uses, are arranged for ready reference in Table I. Therefore, so that

the housewife may become thoroughly familiar with these facts about

veal, she is urged to make a careful study of this table.




/ Head Soup, made dishes, gelatine

| Breast Stew, made dishes, gelatine

Fore Quarter | Ribs Stew, made dishes, chops

| Shoulder Stew, made dishes

\ Neck Stew or stock, made dishes

/ Loin Chops, roasts

Hind Quarter | Leg Cutlets or fillet, sauteing, or


57 / 148

\ Knuckle Stocks, stews

/ Brains Made dishes, chafing dish

| Liver Broiling, sauteing

Veal Organs | Heart Stuffed, baked

| Tongue Broiled, braised

| Sweetbreads Made dishes, chafing dish

\ Kidneys Boiled, stew



8. In the preparation of veal, an important point to remember is that

meat of this kind always requires thorough cooking. It should never be

served rare. Because of the long cooking veal needs, together with the

difficulty encountered in chewing it and its somewhat insipid flavor,

which fails to excite the free flow of gastric juice, this meat is more

indigestable than beef. In order to render it easier to digest, since it

must be thoroughly cooked, the long, slow methods of cookery should be

selected, as these soften the connective tissue. Because of the lack of

flavor, veal is not so good as beef when the extraction of flavor is

desired for broth. However, the absence of flavor makes veal a valuable

meat to combine with chicken and the more expensive meats, particularly

in highly seasoned made dishes or salads. Although lacking in flavor,

veal contains more gelatine than other meats. While this substance is

not very valuable as a food, it lends body to soup or broth and assists

in the preparation of certain made dishes. To supply the flavor needed

in dishes of this kind, pork is sometimes used with the veal.

9. Veal Steaks or Cutlets.--Strictly speaking, veal cutlets are cut from

the ribs; however, a thin slice cut from the leg, as shown in Fig. 2,

while in reality a steak, is considered by most housewives and butchers

as a cutlet. A piece cut from the leg of veal corresponds to a cut of

round steak in beef.

10. Pan-Broiled Veal Steak or Cutlets.--Several methods of preparing

veal steak or cutlets are in practice, but a very satisfactory one is to

pan-broil them. This method prevents the juices from being drawn out of

the meat and consequently produces a tender, palatable dish.

To pan-broil veal steak or cutlets, grease a hot frying pan with fat of

any desirable kind, place the pieces of meat in it, and allow them to

sear, first on one side and then on the other. When they are completely

seared, lower the temperature, and broil for 15 to 20 minutes, or longer

if necessary. Season well with salt and pepper. When cooked, remove to a

platter and, just before serving, pour melted butter over the meat.

11. Veal Cutlets in Brown Sauce.--To improve the flavor of veal cutlets,

a brown sauce is often prepared and served with them. In fact, the

cutlets are cooked in this sauce, which becomes thickened by the flour

that is used to dredge the meat.

To cook cutlets in this way, dredge them with flour, season them with

salt and pepper, and saute them in hot fat until the flour is quite

brown. Then pour 1 cupful of milk and 1 cupful of water over the meat,

cover the pan securely, and allow to cook slowly for about 3/4 hour. The

sauce should be slightly thick and quite brown. Serve the cutlets in the

brown sauce.

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12. Veal Roasts.--Several different cuts of veal make very good roasts.

The most economical one is a 5 or 6-inch slice cut from the leg of veal.

Both the loin and the best end of the neck are excellent for roasting.

The shoulder of veal is sometimes roasted, but it is more often used

for stew. Veal breast from which the ribs have been removed and veal

rack, which is the portion of the ribs attached to the neck, may also

be used for roasting. When they are, they are usually cut so as to

contain a deep slit, or pocket, that may be filled with stuffing. In

fact, whenever it is possible, the bone is removed from a piece of

roasting veal and stuffing is put in its place.

To roast any of these pieces, wipe the meat, dredge it with flour, and

season it with salt and pepper. Place it in a roasting pan and put it

into a hot oven. Bake for 15 minutes; then lower the temperature of the

oven and continue to bake slowly until the meat is well done, the

length of time depending on the size of the roast. Baste frequently

during the roasting. Remove the roast to a hot platter. Then place the

roasting pan over the flame, and make gravy by browning 2 tablespoonfuls

of flour in the fat that it contains, adding to this 1-1/2 cupfuls of

water, and cooking until the flour has thickened the water. Serve the

gravy thus prepared in a gravy bowl.

13. Stuffed Veal Breast.-- When such a piece is desired for roasting,

it is advisable to have the butcher prepare it. The stuffing required

should be made as follows:


4 Tb. butter or bacon or ham fat

1/2 Tb. salt

1/8 Tb. pepper

1 Tb. celery salt

2 sprigs of parsley, chopped

1 pimiento, chopped

1-1/2 c. water

1 qt. stale bread crumbs

Melt the fat, and to it add the salt, pepper, celery salt, parsley,

pimiento, and water. Pour this mixture over the crumbs, and mix all

thoroughly. Stuff into the opening in the breast. Place the meat thus

stuffed in a baking pan and bake in a moderately hot oven for 1 to

1-1/2 hours.

14. Veal Potpie.--A good way in which to impart the flavor of meat to a

starchy material and thus not only economize on meat, but also provide

an appetizing dish, is to serve meat with dumplings in a veal potpie.

For such a dish, a piece of veal from the shoulder is the best cut. To

give variety, potatoes may be used, and to improve the flavor at least

one onion is cooked with the meat.

To prepare a veal potpie, wipe the meat, cut it into pieces of the right

size for serving, and to it add a few pieces of salt pork or bacon. Put

these over the fire in enough cold water to cover the meat well and add

a small onion, sliced. Bring to the boiling point and skim; then simmer

until the meat is tender. Season with salt and pepper a few minutes

before the meat has finished cooking. Next, make a baking-powder biscuit

dough, roll it 1/4 inch thick, and cut it into 1-1/2-inch squares. Then

examine the meat to see how much of the liquid has evaporated. If the

liquid is too thick, add boiling water to thin it. Drop in the squares

59 / 148

of dough, cover the pot tight, and boil for 15 minutes without


If potatoes are desired in a pie of this kind, cut them into thick

slices and add the slices about 10 minutes before the dough is to be put

into the broth, so that they will have sufficient time in which to cook.

15. Veal Stew.--The cheaper cuts of veal can be used to advantage for

making veal stew. Such a dish is prepared in the same way as beef stew,

which is explained in Meat, Part 1, except that veal is substituted

for the beef. Vegetables of any desired kind may be used in veal stew,

and the stewed or boiled dumplings mentioned in the beef-stew recipe may

or may not be used. As the vegetables and the dumplings, provided

dumplings are used, increase the quantity of meat-flavored food, only

small portions of the meat need be served.

16. Jellied Veal.--The large amount of gelatine contained in veal may be

utilized in the preparation of jellied veal. The most satisfactory piece

for making jellied veal is the knuckle, or shank. No more attractive

meat dish than this can be found for luncheon or supper, for it can be

cut into thin slices and served on a nicely garnished platter.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

Knuckle of veal

1 Tb. salt

1/4 c. chopped celery

1 Tb. chopped parsley

1 Tb. chopped onion

Put the knuckle in a pot and add enough water to cover it. Add the salt,

celery, parsley, and onion. Cook until the meat is very tender and then

strain off the liquid. Cut the meat from the bones and chop it very

fine. Boil the liquid until it is reduced to 1 pint, and then set aside

to cool. Place the meat in a mold and when cold pour the broth over it.

Keep in a cool place until it has set. Slice and serve cold.


17. Getting Sweetbreads Ready for Cooking--The throat glands and the

pancreas of calves, which, as has already been learned, are called

sweetbreads, can be cooked in various ways for the table. The first

process in their preparation, however, is the same for all recipes. When

this is understood, it will be a simple matter to make up attractive

dishes in which sweetbreads are used. It is generally advisable to buy

sweetbreads in pairs, as the heart and throat sweetbreads are preferable

to the one that lies near the stomach. Sweetbreads spoil very quickly.

Therefore, as soon as they are brought into the kitchen, put them in

cold water and allow them to remain there for 1/2 hour or more. Then put

them to cook in boiling water for 20 minutes in order to parboil them,

after which place them in cold water again. Unless they are to be used

immediately, keep them in cold water, as this will prevent them from

discoloring. Before using sweetbreads in the recipes that follow, remove

the skin and stringy parts.

18. Broiled Sweetbreads.--Because of their tenderness, sweetbreads are

especially suitable for broiling. When prepared in this way and served

with sauce of some kind, they are very palatable.

60 / 148

In order to broil sweetbreads, first parboil them in the manner just

explained. Then split each one lengthwise and broil them over a clear

fire for 5 minutes or pan-broil them with a small amount of butter until

both surfaces are slightly browned. Season with salt and pepper.

Serve hot.

19. Creamed Sweetbreads.--If an especially dainty dish is desired for a

light meal, sweetbreads may be creamed and then served over toast or in

patty shells or timbale cases, the making of which is taken up later. If

desired, mushrooms may be combined with sweetbreads that are served in

this way. Diced cold veal or calves' brains creamed and served in this

way are also delicious. Instead of creaming sweetbreads and calves'

brains, however, these organs are sometimes scrambled with eggs.

To prepare creamed sweetbreads, parboil them and then separate them

into small pieces with a fork or cut them into cubes. Reheat them in a

cupful of white sauce, season well, and then serve them in any of the

ways just mentioned. If mushrooms are to be used, cook and dice them

before combining them with the sweetbreads.

20. Kidneys.--The kidneys of both lamb and veal are used for food. The

cooking of them, however, must be either a quick, short process or a

long, slow one. When a quick method is applied, the tissues remain

tender. Additional cooking renders them tough, so that a great deal more

cooking must be done to make them tender again. Whatever method is

applied, kidneys must always be soaked in water for 1 hour or more so as

to cleanse them, the outside covering then pared off, and the meat

sliced or cut into cubes or strips. After being thus prepared, kidneys

may be broiled or sauted, or, if a long method of cookery is preferred,

they may be boiled or stewed with or without vegetables.

21. Calves' Liver and Bacon.--Beef liver is sometimes used for food, but

it is not so good as liver from the calf. In fact, calves' liver,

especially when combined with bacon, is very appetizing. The bacon

supplies the fat that the liver lacks and at the same time

provides flavor.

To prepare calves' liver and bacon, cut the liver into 1/2-inch slices,

cover these with boiling water, and let them stand for 5 minutes. Remove

from the water, dip into flour, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. For

each slice of liver pan-broil a slice of bacon. Remove the bacon to a

hot platter, and then place the slices of liver in the bacon fat and

saute them for about 10 minutes, turning them frequently. Serve the

liver and bacon together.


22. Veal Rolls.--The portion of a veal roast that remains after it has

been served hot can be combined with dressing to make veal rolls, a dish

that will be a pleasing change from the usual cold sliced meat.

To make veal rolls, slice the veal and into each slice roll a spoonful

of stuffing. Tie with a string, roll in flour, and sprinkle with salt

and pepper. Brown the rolls in hot butter. Then pour milk, stock, or

gravy over the rolls and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove the strings and

serve on toast.

23. Left-Over Jellied Veal.--While jellied veal is usually made from a

piece of veal bought especially for this purpose, it can be made from

the left-overs of a veal roast. However, when the roast is purchased,

61 / 148

some veal bones should be secured. Wash these bones, cover them with

cold water, and to them add 1 onion, 1 bay leaf, and 1 cupful of diced

vegetables, preferably celery, carrots, and turnips. Allow these to

simmer for 2 hours. To this stock add the bones that remain after the

roast has been served and simmer for 1 or 2 hours more. Strain the

stock, skim off the fat, and season well with salt and pepper. Chop fine

the left-over veal and 2 hard-cooked eggs. Put in a loaf-cake pan and

pour the stock over it. When it has formed a mold, slice and serve cold.

24. Creamed Veal on Biscuits.--A very good substitute for chicken and

hot biscuits is creamed veal served on biscuits. This is an especially

good dish for a light meal, such as luncheon or supper. Any left-over

veal may be chopped or cut up into small pieces and used for this

purpose. After the veal has been thus prepared, reheat it with white

sauce and season it well with paprika, salt, and pepper. Make

baking-powder biscuits. To serve, split the hot biscuits, lay them open

on a platter or a plate, and pour the hot creamed veal over them.

25. Scalloped Veal with Rice.--A very palatable dish can be prepared

from left-over veal by combining it with rice and tomatoes. To prepare

such a dish, season cooked rice with 1 teaspoonful of bacon fat to each

cupful of rice. Place a layer of rice in a baking dish, and over it put

a layer of chopped veal. Pour a good quantity of stewed tomatoes over

the veal and season well with salt and pepper. Over the tomatoes put a

layer of rice, and cover the top with buttered crumbs. Set in a hot oven

and bake until the crumbs are browned and the ingredients

thoroughly heated.

26. Veal Salad.--A salad is always a delightful addition to a meal and

so usually finds favor. When it is made of meat, such as veal, it can be

used as the main dish for luncheon or supper. As shown in the

accompanying recipe, other things, such as celery, peas, and hard-cooked

eggs, are usually put in a salad of this kind.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

2 c. cold diced veal

1 c. diced celery

1/2 c. canned peas

3 hard-cooked eggs

4 Tb. olive oil

2 Tb. vinegar

1/2 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

Combine the veal, celery, peas, and eggs chopped fine. Mix the olive

oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper to make a dressing. Marinate the

ingredients with this dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves with any salad

dressing desired.



27. The term mutton is usually applied to the flesh of a sheep that is 1

year or more old, while lamb is the flesh of sheep under 1 year of age.

The popularity of these meats varies very much with the locality. In the

United States, a preference for lamb has become noticeable, but in

62 / 148

England mutton is more popular and is more commonly used. Both of these

meats, however, are very palatable and nutritious, so that the choice

of one or the other will always be determined by the taste or market


28. Lamb that is 6 weeks to 3 months old is called spring lamb, and

usually comes into the market in January or February. The meat of sheep

1 year old is called yearling. Good mutton is cut from sheep that is

about 3 years old. Lamb may be eaten as soon as it is killed, but mutton

requires ripening for 2 or 3 weeks to be in the best condition for food.

Mutton differs from lamb very much as beef differs from veal, or as the

meat of any other mature animal differs from a young one of the same

kind. In mutton there is a smaller percentage of water and a larger

percentage of fat, protein, extractives, and flavoring substances.

There is also a difference in the appearance of these two meats. Lamb is

pink and contains only small amounts of fat, while mutton is brick red

and usually has considerable firm white fat. The bones of lamb are pink,

while those of mutton are white. The outside of lamb is covered with a

thin white skin that becomes pink in mutton. The size of the pieces of

meat often aids in distinguishing between these two meats, mutton, of

course, coming in larger pieces than lamb.

29. If there is any question as to whether the meat from sheep is lamb

or mutton, and it cannot be settled by any of the characteristics

already mentioned, the front leg of the dressed animal may be examined

at the first joint above the foot. In lamb, the end of the bone can

be separated from the long bone at the leg, as indicated, while in

mutton this joint grows fast. The joint is jagged in lamb, but smooth

and round in mutton.



30. Mutton and lamb are usually cut up in the same way, the dressed

animal being divided into two pieces of almost equal weight. The line of

division occurs between the first and second ribs, as is indicated by

the heavy middle line in Fig. 6. The back half of the animal is called

the saddle and the front half, the rack. In addition to being cut in

this way, the animal is cut down the entire length of the backbone and

is thus divided into the fore and hind quarters.

The method of cutting up the racks and saddles varies in different

localities, the rack, or fore quarter, is cut up into the neck, chuck,

shoulder, rib chops, and breast; and the saddle, or hind quarter, is

divided into the loin, flank, and leg.

The membrane, which extends from the legs down over the ribs, is the

omentum, or covering of the intestines, and is known as the caul. This

must be removed from any part that it covers before the meat is cooked.


31. Distinguishing Features of Cuts.--When the uses of the cuts of lamb

and mutton are to be considered, attention must be given to the anatomy

of the animal and the exercise that the different parts have received

during life. This is important, because the continued action of the

muscles tends to make the flesh tough, but, at the same time, it

increases the amount of extractives or flavoring material. Therefore,

63 / 148

meat taken from a part that has been subjected to much muscular action

is likely to need longer cooking than that taken from portions that have

not been exercised so much.

In lamb and mutton, as in beef and veal, the hind quarter is exercised

less in life than the fore quarter and consequently is, on the average,

more tender. The cuts from this part are therefore more expensive and

more suitable for roasting and broiling. The fore quarter, although

having the disadvantage of containing more bone and being tougher, is

more abundantly supplied with extractives and flavoring materials. Most

of the pieces obtained from this portion are particularly suitable for

broths, soups, stews, etc. The rib is an exception, for this is usually

higher in price than the hind-quarter pieces and is used for chops

and roasts.

32. Table of Mutton and Lamb Cuts.--The various cuts of mutton and lamb

and the uses to which they can be put are given in Table II, which may

be followed as a guide whenever there is doubt as to the way in which a

cut of either of these meats should be cooked.




Fore quarter:

Neck...................Broth, stew

Chuck.................. Stew, steamed

Shoulder................Boiled, steamed, braised, roast

Rack ribs...............Chops, crown roast

Breast.................. Stew, roast, braised, stuffed

Hind quarter:

Loin.................... Seven chops, roast, boiling

Flank................... Stew

Leg..................... Roast, braising, broiling

Saddle.................. Roast



33. The cookery processes applied in preparing mutton and lamb for the

table do not differ materially from those applied in the preparation of

other meats. However, directions for cooking mutton and lamb in the most

practical ways are here given, so that the housewife may become

thoroughly familiar with the procedure in preparing roasts, chops,

and stews.

34. Roast Leg of Mutton or Lamb.--Of all the principal cuts of mutton or

lamb, the leg contains the smallest percentage of waste. It is,

therefore, especially suitable for roasting and is generally used for

this purpose. In order to make the leg smaller, a slice resembling a

round steak of beef is sometimes cut for broiling, as here shown. If

desired, the leg may be boned and then stuffed before roasting. Since

these meats are characterized by a very marked flavor, something tart

or acid is generally served with them.

To roast a leg of lamb or mutton, remove the caul, the pink skin, and

64 / 148

the superfluous fat. Dredge the leg with flour, salt, and pepper, set in

a roasting pan, and place in a hot oven. After the meat has cooked for

15 minutes, lower the temperature, and bake for 2 hours. Baste

frequently with water to which has been added a small amount of bacon or

ham fat and which should be put in the pan with the meat. Serve hot with

something acid, such as mint sauce, currant or mint jelly, or spiced


A mint sauce that will be found satisfactory for this purpose is made as



2 Tb. powdered sugar

1/2 c. vinegar

1/4 c. finely chopped mint leaves,

or 2 Tb. dried mint

Add the sugar to the vinegar and heat. Pour this over the mint and steep

on the back of the stove for 30 minutes.

35. Roast Saddle of Mutton.--While saddle is the name applied to the

hind quarters of lamb and mutton, this term, as used in the cooking of

such meat, refers to the piece that consists of the two sides of the

loin cut off in one piece. It may be cut with or without the flank. In

either form, it is rolled and then skewered or tied into shape.

To roast such a piece, remove all superfluous fat, dredge with flour,

salt, and pepper, place in a pan, and sear in a hot oven. Then reduce

the heat, place a small quantity of water in the pan, and bake for 2-1/2

to 3 hours, basting from time to time during this cooking process. Serve

with or without mint sauce, as desired.

36. Crown Roast of Lamb.--A very attractive roast is made by cutting the

same number of corresponding ribs from each side of the lamb and

trimming back the meat from the end of each rib and paper frills placed

on the ends of the bones. Such frills are usually added by the butcher,

but they may be purchased in supply stores and put on in the home.

To prepare a roast of this kind, cook in the same way as a roast leg or

saddle. When it is sufficiently baked, fill the center with a cooked and

seasoned vegetable. Brussels sprouts, peas, string beans, asparagus, and

cauliflower are especially suitable for this purpose. Just before

serving, cover the ends of the bones with paper frills.

37. Lamb and Mutton Chops.--Chops of mutton or lamb are obtained from

two sources. They may be cut from the ribs and have one bone in each cut

or they may be cut from the loin, when they correspond to the steaks

in beef. A rib chop cut from this piece has only a small part of solid

lean meat and contains one rib bone. Such a chop can be made into a

French chop by trimming the meat from the bone down to the lean part,

or "eye," of the chop. Just before being served, a paper frill may be

placed over the bone of a chop of this kind. Chops cut from the loin

often have a strip of bacon or salt pork rolled around the edge and

fastened with a skewer.

38. The most satisfactory way in which to prepare chops is either to

broil them in a broiler or to pan-broil them. Apply to the cooking of

them the same principles that relate to the preparation of steaks; that

is, have the pan or broiler hot, sear the chops quickly on both sides,

and then cook them more slowly until well done, turning them

65 / 148

frequently. The broiling of lamb chops should require only from 8 to 10

minutes, as they are seldom more than 1 inch thick.

39. Lamb and Mutton Stews.--The cheaper cuts of lamb and mutton, such as

the neck, chuck, and flank, are used for the making of stews. Mutton,

however, is not so satisfactory as lamb for such dishes, as its flavor

is too strong. If mutton must be used, its flavor can be improved by

adding 1 or 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar during the cooking. The chief

object in the making of lamb and mutton stews is, as in the case of beef

and veal stews, to draw from the meat as much as possible of the

flavoring and nutritive materials.

This can be accomplished by cutting up the meat into small pieces so as

to increase the amount of surface exposed and by keeping the temperature

low enough to prevent the proteins from coagulating.

With these points in mind, proceed in the making of lamb or mutton stew

in the same way as for beef stew. To improve the flavor of the stew,

cook with it savory herbs and spices, such as bay leaf, parsley,

and cloves.


40. Turkish Lamb.--No left-over meat lends itself more readily to the

preparation of made dishes than lamb. Combined with tomatoes and rice

and flavored with horseradish, it makes a very appetizing dish called

Turkish lamb. The accompanying recipe should be carefully followed in

preparing this dish.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

2 Tb. butter

1 onion, chopped

1/2 c. rice

1 c. water

1 c. stewed tomatoes

1-1/2 c. diced lamb or mutton

1 Tb. horseradish

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

Put the butter in a frying pan and to it add the chopped onion and the

dry rice. Cook until the rice is browned. Then pour in the water and

tomatoes and add the meat, horseradish, salt, and pepper. Simmer gently

until the rice is completely cooked.

41. MINCED LAMB ON TOAST.--Any lamb that remains after a meal may be

minced by chopping it fine or putting it through the food chopper. If it

is then heated, moistened well with water or stock, and thickened

slightly, it makes an excellent preparation to serve on toast.

After mincing lean pieces of left-over lamb until they are very fine,

put them in a buttered frying pan. Dredge the meat well with flour and

allow it to brown slightly. Add enough water or stock to moisten well.

Season with salt and pepper, cook until the flour has thickened, and

then serve on toast.

42. SCALLOPED LAMB OR MUTTON.--As a scalloped dish is usually pleasing

to most persons, the accompanying recipe for scalloped lamb or mutton

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will undoubtedly find favor. Both macaroni and tomatoes are combined

with the meat in this dish, but rice could be substituted for the

macaroni, if desired.

To make scalloped lamb or mutton, arrange a layer of buttered crumbs in

a baking dish, and on top of them place a layer of cooked macaroni, a

layer of meat, and then another layer of macaroni. Over this pour enough

stewed tomato to moisten the whole well. Season each layer with salt,

pepper, and butter. Over the top, place a layer of buttered crumbs. Bake

in a medium-hot oven until the whole is thoroughly heated.

43. SPANISH STEW.--Left-over pieces of mutton or lamb may also form the

foundation of a very appetizing dish known as Spanish stew. Here

tomatoes are also used, and to give the stew flavor chilli sauce

is added.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

2 Tb. butter.

1 onion, sliced

1 Tb. flour

2 c. lamb or mutton, diced

1-1/2 c. stewed tomatoes

1 c. stock or gravy

1 Tb. chilli sauce

1 red pepper, cut fine

2 tsp. salt

Put the butter in a frying pan and brown the sliced onion in it. Add the

flour and meat, and after browning them pour in the stewed tomatoes and

the stock or gravy. Season with the chilli sauce, the red pepper, and

the salt. Cover and let simmer until the whole is well thickened

and blended.

44. INDIVIDUAL LAMB PIES.--Individual pies are always welcome, but when

they are made of lamb or mutton they are especially attractive. The

proportions required for pies of this kind are given in the

accompanying recipe.


2 c. diced lamb or mutton

1/2 c. diced carrots

1/2 c. peas, cooked or canned

1 c. gravy or thickened stock

Cut into small pieces any left-over lamb or mutton. Cook the carrots

until they are soft, add them, together with the peas, to the meat, and

pour the gravy or thickened stock over all. Simmer gently for a few

minutes. Line patty pans with a thin layer of baking-powder biscuit

dough, fill with the mixture, and cover the top with another thin layer

of the dough. Bake in a quick oven until the dough is baked.

* * * * *



45. PORK is the flesh of slaughtered swine used as food. It is believed

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to be more indigestible than other meats, but if it is obtained from a

young and properly fed animal, it is not only digestible, but highly

appetizing, and, when eaten occasionally, it is very wholesome.

The age of the animal from which pork is cut can be determined by the

thickness of the skin; the older the animal, the thicker the skin. To be

of the best kind, pork should have pink, not red, flesh composed of

fine-grained tissues, and its fat, which, in a well-fattened animal,

equals about one-eighth of the entire weight, should be white and firm.

Although all cuts of pork contain some fat, the proportion should not be

too great, or the pieces will not contain as much lean as they should.

However, the large amount of fat contained in pork makes its food value

higher than that of other meats, unless they are excessively fat, and

consequently difficult of digestion.

46. One of the chief advantages of pork is that about nine-tenths of

the entire dressed animal may be preserved by curing and smoking.

Originally, these processes required a period of 2 to 3 months for their

completion, but they have gradually been shortened until now only a few

days are required for the work. Pork cured and smoked by the new

methods, however, does not possess such excellent flavor and such good

keeping qualities as that so treated by the longer process. Any one who

has the right storage facilities to care for the meat properly will find

it much more economical to purchase a whole carcass or a part of one and

then salt, smoke, or pickle the various pieces that can be treated in

this way than to purchase this meat cut by cut as it is needed

or desired.


47. NAMES OF PORK CUTS.--The butcher usually buys a whole carcass of

pork. He first divides it into halves by splitting it through the spine,

and then cuts it up into smaller pieces. As will be observed, the

method of cutting up a hog differs greatly from the cutting of the

animals already studied. After the head is removed, each side is

divided into the shoulder, clear back fat, ribs, loin, middle cut,

belly, ham, and two hocks.

48. USES OF PORK CUTS.--Hogs are usually fattened before they are

slaughtered, and as a result there is a layer of fat under the skin

which is trimmed off and used in the making of lard. The best quality of

lard, however, is made from the fat that surrounds the kidneys. This is

called leaf lard, because the pieces of fat are similar in shape to

leaves. Such lard has a higher melting point and is more flaky than that

made from fat covering the muscles.

49. The head of pork does not contain a great deal of meat, but, as the

quality of this meat is very good, it is valuable for a number of

special dishes, such as headcheese and scrapple.

The hocks contain considerable gelatine, so they are used for dishes

that solidify, or become firm, after they are made.

50. A shoulder of pork is cut roughly from the carcass. This piece

provides both roasts and steaks, or, when trimmed, it may be cured or

smoked. The front leg, which is usually cut to include the lower part

of the shoulder. The ribs inside this cut, when cut from underneath,

are sold as spareribs. This piece is generally trimmed to make what is

known as shoulder ham.

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51. The ribs and the loin are cut in one piece. From this piece are

obtained the most desirable chops and roasts. When a roast is desired,

the rib bones are removed from the rib cut. Directly under the backbone

in these cuts is the tenderest piece of pork to be had. When this is

removed in one piece, it is, as in beef, called the tenderloin. Very

often, however, it is left in to be cut up with the rest of the loin.

52. The middle cut is commonly used for bacon, while the belly is most

suitable for salt pork. These two cuts consist of large quantities of

fat and only narrow layers of lean. They are especially valuable for

enriching and flavoring foods, such as beans, that are neither rich in

fat nor highly flavored.

53. The hind leg, or untrimmed ham. When this piece is trimmed and

ready for curing or for roasting, as will be noticed, the

outside skin, or rind, is not removed from either the shoulder or

the ham.

54. TABLE OF PORK CUTS.--As is done in explaining the meats that have

been considered previously, there is here presented a table, designated

as Table III, that gives the names of the pork cuts and the uses to

which they may be put. This table will assist the housewife materially

in learning the names and uses of the various cuts of pork.




Head Headcheese, boiling, baking

Shoulder Steaks, roasting, curing, smoking

Spareribs Roasting, boiling

Belly Salt pork, curing

Middle cut Bacon, curing, smoking

Ribs Chops, roasting

Loin Chops, roasting

Ham Roasting, curing, smoking

Back fat Lard

Hock Boiling, making jelly

Internal organs and trimmings Sausage

* * * * *



55. ROAST PORK.--In the preparation of pork for the table, and a roast

in particular, several points must be taken into consideration. Unlike

beef, which is often served rare, pork must be well done in order to be

satisfactory. Rare pork to most persons is repulsive. Also, as a large

part of the surface of a pork roast, especially one cut from the

shoulder, loin, or ribs, is covered with a layer of fat, pork does not

have to be seared to prevent the loss of juice, nor does it have to be

put into such a hot oven as that required for beef. In fact, if the

temperature of the oven is very high, the outside will finish cooking

before the heat has had a chance to penetrate sufficiently to cook the

center. While this makes no difference with meat that does not need to

be thoroughly cooked, it is a decided disadvantage in the case of pork.

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56. When a shoulder of pork is to be roasted, it makes a very

satisfactory dish if it is boned and stuffed before roasting. To bone

such a piece, run a long, narrow knife all around the bone and cut it

loose; then pick up the bone by one end and shake it until it will pull

out. Fill the opening thus formed with bread or cracker stuffing.

If an especially inviting roast of pork is desired, a crown roast

should be selected, for this is just as attractive as a crown roast of

lamb. It is made by cutting corresponding pieces from each side of the

rib piece, trimming the bones clean as far back as the lean part of the

chops, and fastening the pieces together. A garnish of fried apple rings

is very attractive for such a roast.

57. To cook a roast of any of these varieties, wipe the meat thoroughly,

dredge it with flour, salt, and pepper, and place it on a rack in a

dripping pan. Bake about 3 hours, depending on the size of the roast,

and baste every 15 minutes with fat from the bottom of the dripping pan.

After the roast is removed from the roasting pan, make a gravy as for

any other roast. Serve with apple sauce, baked apples, cranberry sauce,

chilli sauce, pickles, or some other acid dish. Such an accompaniment

aids considerably in the digestion of pork, for it cuts the large amount

of fat that this meat contains and that so often retards the digestion,

and hastens the fat through the stomach.

58. ROAST PIG.--In some households, roasted pig is the favorite meat for

the Thanksgiving or the Christmas dinner. There is sufficient reason for

its popularity, for when properly prepared and attractively garnished,

roasted pig offers a pleasing change from the meat usually served on

such days.

To be suitable for roasting, a pig should be not more than 1 month or 6

weeks old and should not weigh more than 7 or 8 pounds after it is

cleaned. The butcher should prepare it for cooking by scalding off the

hair, washing the pig thoroughly, inside and out, and withdrawing the

entrails of the animal through an incision made in the under part of

the body.

59. When the pig is received in the home, wash it thoroughly, within and

without, wipe it dry, and fill it with stuffing. To make a stuffing

suitable for this purpose, season 2 quarts of fine bread crumbs with 4

tablespoonfuls of chopped onion, 2 teaspoonfuls of salt, 1 teaspoonful

of pepper, and cupful of melted butter. Mix thoroughly and add 3 beaten

eggs. If the stuffing needs moisture, add water or milk. Stuff the pig

firmly with this stuffing, using every effort to restore its original

shape. Then sew up the opening and truss the animal; that is, draw the

hind legs forwards and bend the front legs backwards under the body, and

skewer and tie them into place.

With the animal in this shape, wipe it off with a damp cloth, dredge it

with flour, and place it in a dripping pan, adding 1 cupful of boiling

water in which 1 teaspoonful of salt has been dissolved. Roast in a

moderate oven for at least 1-1/2 hours, or 20 minutes for each pound of

pig. Baste frequently, first with butter and water and later with

drippings. When the skin begins to brown slightly, rub over it a clean

piece of cloth dipped in melted butter. Repeat this operation every 10

minutes until the meat is well done. Then remove the pig to a hot

platter and garnish with parsley, lettuce, celery, or fried or baked

apples. If a more ornamental garnishing is desired, place a lemon in the

mouth and use cranberries for the eyes. In carving, cut the head off,

split through the spine lengthwise, remove the legs, and cut the ribs so

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as to form chops.

60. SAUTED OR BROILED PORK.--Slices cut from the ribs and loin of pork

are called chops, and those obtained from the shoulder and hind legs are

called steaks. These, together with the tenderloin, the small piece of

lean, tender meat lying under the bones of the loin and seldom weighing

more than a pound, are especially suitable for sauteing or broiling.

When they are to be prepared by these processes, saute or broil them as

any other meat, remembering, however, that pork must be well done.

Because of this fact, a more moderate temperature must be employed than

that used for beefsteak.

61. PORK CHOPS IN TOMATO SAUCE.--A slight change from the usual way of

preparing pork chops can be had by cooking them with tomatoes. The

combination of these two foods produces a dish having a very

agreeable flavor.

First brown the chops in their own fat in a frying pan, turning them

frequently so that the surfaces will become evenly browned. When they

have cooked for 15 minutes, pour enough strained stewed tomatoes over

them to cover them well, and season with salt and pepper. Cover the pan

tight, and allow them to simmer until the tomatoes become quite thick.

Place the chops on a hot platter, pour the tomato sauce over them, and

serve hot.

62. SAUTED TENDERLOIN OF PORK.--Since the tenderloin of pork is a very

tender piece of meat, it needs no accompaniment to make it a delicious

dish, but sometimes a change of preparation is welcomed in order to give

variety to the diet. The accompanying directions should therefore be

followed when something different from broiled tenderloin is desired.

Cut the tenderloin into lengthwise slices and brown these slices in

melted butter, turning them several times. Then remove to a cooler part

of the stove, and let them cook slowly in the butter for 15 minutes,

taking care to have them closely covered and turning them once or twice

so that they will cook evenly. At the end of this time, pour enough milk

or cream in the pan to cover the meat well and cook for 15 minutes

longer. With a skimmer, remove the meat, which should be very tender by

this time, from the pan, and put it where it will keep hot. Make a gravy

of the drippings that remain in the pan by thickening it with 1

tablespoonful of flour, stirring it until it is thick and smooth and

seasoning it to taste with salt and pepper. Pour the gravy over the meat

and serve hot.

63. PORK SAUSAGE.--The trimmings and some of the internal organs of pork

are generally utilized to make sausage by chopping them very fine and

then highly seasoning the chopped meat. Pork in this form may be bought

fresh or smoked and loose or in casings. It usually contains

considerable fat and therefore shrinks upon being cooked, for the fat is

melted by the heat and runs out of the sausage.

To cook pork sausages put up in casings, place the required number in a

hot frying pan with a small quantity of hot water. Cover the pan with a

lid and allow the sausages to cook. When they have swelled up and the

skins, or casings, look as if they would burst, remove the cover and

thoroughly prick each one with a sharp fork, so as to allow the fat and

the water to run out. Then allow the water to evaporate and saute the

sausages in their own fat, turning them frequently until they are

well browned.

To cook loose pork sausage, shape it into thin, flat cakes. Grease a

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frying pan slightly, in order to keep the cakes from sticking to the

surface, place the cakes in the pan, and allow them to cook in the fat

that fries out, turning them occasionally until both sides are

well browned.


64. Under the heading of cured pork may be included many of the cuts of

pork, for a large part of a pork carcass can be preserved by curing.

However, this term is usually restricted to include salt pork, bacon,

and ham. As has already been learned, salt pork is obtained from the

belly; bacon, from the middle cut; and ham, from the two hind legs

of pork.

65. SALT PORK.--As the cut used for salt pork is almost entirely fat,

this piece is seldom used alone for the table. Occasionally, it is

broiled to be served with some special food, such as fried apples, but

for the most part it is used for larding; that is, slices of it are

laid across the surface of meat and fish that are lacking in fat and

that therefore cook better and have a more agreeable flavor when fat in

some form is added. Pork of this kind is usually bought by the pound and

then sliced by the housewife as it is needed for cooking purposes.

66. BACON.--The middle cut of pork, upon being cured by smoking, is

regarded as bacon. It is sometimes used for larding purposes, but as it

contains more lean than salt pork, has a very pleasing flavor, and is

the most easily digested fat known, it is much used for food. A piece

that contains the usual proportion of fat and lean is shown in Fig. 22.

The strip of fat that occurs between the rind, or outer coat, and the

first layer of lean is the firmest and the best for larding. The fat

that fries out of bacon is excellent for use in the cooking and

seasoning of other foods, such as vegetables and meats. When bacon is

cooked for the table, its flavor will be improved if it is broiled

rather than fried in its own fat. The rind of bacon should, as a rule,

be trimmed off, but it should never be wasted, for it may be used to

grease a pancake griddle or any pan in which food is to be cooked,

provided the bacon flavor will not be objectionable.

In purchasing bacon, it is usually more economical to buy the whole

side, or the entire middle cut, but if smaller quantities are desired,

any amount, either in one piece or in slices, may be bought. The

commercially cut bacon, which is very thin and becomes very crisp in its

preparation, may be bought with the rind retained or removed. In both of

these forms, it is often put up in jars or packed neatly in flat

pasteboard boxes. While such bacon is undoubtedly the most popular kind,

it should be remembered that the more preparation that is put on such a

food before it enters the home, the more expensive it becomes. Very

satisfactory results can be obtained from bacon bought in the piece if

care is used in cutting it. To secure very thin, even slices, a knife

having a thin blade that is kept sharp and in good condition should

always be used.

67. BACON AND EGGS.--There are many combinations in which bacon is one

of the foods, but no more palatable one can be found than bacon and

eggs. This is generally a breakfast dish; still there is no reason why

it cannot be used at times for luncheon or supper to give variety.

To prepare this combination of foods, first pan-broil the desired number

of slices of bacon in a hot frying pan until they are crisp and then

remove them to a warm platter. Into the fat that has fried out of the

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bacon, put the required number of eggs, which have first been broken

into a saucer. Fry them until they reach the desired degree of hardness,

and then remove to the platter containing the bacon. Serve by placing a

slice or two of bacon on the plate with each egg.

68. BACON COMBINED WITH OTHER FOODS.--Many other foods may be fried in

the same way as eggs and served with bacon. For instance, sliced apples

or sliced tomatoes fried in bacon fat until they become tender, but not

mushy, are delicious when served with crisp pieces of bacon. Also, cold

cereals, such as cream of wheat, oatmeal, corn-meal mush, etc., may be

sliced and fried until crisp and then served with bacon.

69. HAM.--The hind leg of pork, when cured and smoked, is usually known

as ham. In such a ham, the proportion of fat and lean is about right,

but when ham is bought with the rind removed, much of the fat is also

taken off. The best hams weigh from 8 to 15 pounds, and have a thin

skin, solid fat, and a small, short tapering leg or shank.

Several ways of cooking ham are in practice. Very often slices

resembling slices of round steak are cut from the whole ham and then

fried or broiled. If a larger quantity is desired, the entire ham or a

thick cut may be purchased. This is boiled or baked and then served hot

or cold. It is a good idea to purchase an entire ham and keep it in

supply, cutting off slices as they are desired. In such an event, the

ham should be kept carefully wrapped and should be hung in a cool, dry

place. In cutting a ham, begin at the large end and cut off slices

until the opposite end becomes too small to make good slices. The piece

that remains may be cooked with vegetables, may be boiled and served

either hot or cold, or, if it is only a small piece, may be used for

making soup.

70. BROILED HAM.--The methods of broiling and pan broiling are very

satisfactory when applied to ham that is cut in slices. Ham is

pan-broiled in the same way as other meats. To broil ham, place slices 1

inch thick on the hot broiler rack and sear quickly on both sides. Then

reduce the temperature and broil for 15 to 18 minutes, turning the ham

every few minutes until done. Remove to a hot platter. Add a little

water to the drippings in the broiler pan, pour this over the meat, and

serve at once.

71. HAM BAKED IN MILK.--A change from the usual ways of preparing

slices of ham can be had by baking them in milk. A point to remember in

carrying out this method is that the meat must bake slowly in order to

be tender when it is done.

Secure a 2-inch slice of ham, place it in a dripping pan, and completely

cover it with milk. Put in a moderate oven and cook for 2 or more hours.

When the ham is done, its surface should be brown and the milk should be

almost entirely evaporated. If the liquid added in the beginning is not

sufficient, more may be added during the baking.

72. BOILED HAM.--Sometimes it is desired to cook an entire ham,

particularly when a large number of persons are to be served. The usual

way to prepare a whole ham is to boil it. When it is sufficiently

cooked, it may be served hot or kept until it is cold and then served in

slices. Nothing is more appetizing for a light meal, as luncheon or

supper, or for picnic lunches than cold sliced ham. Then, too, boiled

ham is very delicious when it is fried until the edges are crisp.

To prepare boiled ham, first soak the ham in cold water for several

hours and then remove it and scrub it. Place it in a large kettle with

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the fat side down and cover well with cold water. Put over a slow fire

and allow to come to the boiling point very slowly. Boil for 15 minutes

and skim off the scum that has risen. Simmer slowly for about 5 hours,

or at least 25 minutes for each pound of ham. Take from the kettle and

remove the skin about two-thirds of the way back. It will be found that

the skin will peel off easily when the ham is cooked enough. Garnish in

any desirable way and serve hot or cold.

73. BAKED HAM.--Another very appetizing way in which to cook an entire

ham is to bake it. This involves both cooking in water on the top of the

stove and baking in the oven. While this recipe, as well as those

preceding, specifies ham, it should be remembered that shoulder may be

cooked in the same ways.

For baked ham, proceed in the way just explained for boiled ham, but

boil only 12 minutes for each pound. Take the ham from the kettle and

allow it to cool enough to permit it to be handled. Remove the skin.

Then place the ham in a roasting pan and pour over it 1 cupful of water.

Bake 12 minutes for each pound and baste frequently while baking. Serve

hot or cold.


74. COLD PORK WITH FRIED APPLES.--A combination that most persons find

agreeable and that enables the housewife to use up left-over pork, is

cold pork and fried apples. To prepare this dish, remove the cores from

sour apples and cut the apples into 1/2-inch slices. Put these in a

frying pan containing hot bacon fat and fry until soft and well browned.

Slice cold pork thin and place in the center of a platter. Arrange the

apples around the pork in a border.

75. SCALLOPED PORK AND CABBAGE.--If not enough pork remains to serve

alone, it can be combined with cabbage to make a most appetizing

scalloped dish. The accompanying recipe shows just how to prepare such

a dish.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

2 c. small thin slices of pork

1-1/2 c. cooked chopped cabbage

1-1/2 c. thin white sauce

1/4 c. buttered crumbs

Arrange the pork and cabbage in layers in a baking dish, having a layer

of cabbage on top. Pour the white sauce over all and sprinkle the crumbs

on top. Bake until the sauce boils and the crumbs are brown.

76. MOCK CHICKEN SALAD.--The similarity in appearance of pork to chicken

makes it possible to prepare a salad of cold pork that is a very good

substitute for chicken salad. A salad of this kind can be used as the

main dish in such a meal as luncheon or supper.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

4 Tb. vinegar

2 c. diced pork

1-1/2 c. diced celery

Salad dressing

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Heat the vinegar and pour it over the diced pork. Set aside to chill.

When ready to serve, add the diced celery and mix well. Pour the salad

dressing over all and serve on crisp lettuce leaves.


77. The manner of carving and serving meat in the home depends to some

extent on the kind of meat that is to be served. A way that is favored

by some is to carve the meat before it is placed on the table and then

serve it according to the style of service used. However, the preferable

way is to place the platter containing the meat on the table, together

with the plates, in front of the person who is to do the carving

and serving.

The carver should use considerable care in cutting and serving the meat

so that the platter and the surrounding tablecloth will not become

unsightly. To make each portion as attractive as possible, it should be

cut off evenly and then placed on the plate with the best side up.

Furthermore, the carving should be done in an economical way in order

that whatever remains after the first serving may be served later in the

same meal, and what is not eaten at the first meal may be utilized to

advantage for another. To obtain the best results in carving, a good

carving knife should be secured and it should always be kept well


78. With the general directions clear in mind, the methods of carving

and serving particular kinds of meat may be taken up. Chops, of course,

require no carving. By means of a large fork, one should be placed on

each person's plate. Steaks and roasts, however, need proper cutting in

order that equally good pieces may be served to each person dining. To

carve a steak properly, cut it across from side to side so that each

piece will contain a portion of the tender part, as well as a share of

the tougher part. When cut, the pieces should be strips that are about

as wide as the steak is thick. It is often advisable to remove the bone

from some steaks before placing them on the table.

79. Roasts require somewhat more attention than steaks. Before they are

placed on the table, any cord used for tying should be cut and removed

and all skewers inserted to hold the meat in shape should be pulled out.

To carve a roast of any kind, run the fork into the meat deeply enough

to hold it firmly and then cut the meat into thin slices across the

grain. In the case of a roast leg that contains the bone, begin to carve

the meat from the large end, cutting each slice down to the bone and

then off so that the bone is left clean. Place round of beef and rolled

roasts on the platter so that the tissue side, and not the skin side, is

up, and then cut the slices off in a horizontal direction. To carve a

rib roast properly, cut it parallel with the ribs and separate the

pieces from the backbone.


80. In addition to the fresh, raw meats that the housewife can procure

for her family, there are on the market numerous varieties of raw,

smoked, cooked, and partly cooked meats, which are generally included

under the term SAUSAGES. These meats are usually highly seasoned, so

they keep better than do fresh meats. They should not be overlooked by

the housewife, for they help to simplify her labor and at the same time

serve to give variety to the family diet. Still, it should be remembered

that when meats are made ready for use before they are put on the

75 / 148

market, the cost of the labor involved in their manufacture is added to

the price charged for them. For this reason, the housewife must be

prepared to pay more for meats of this kind than she would pay if she

could prepare them at home. However, she need not be concerned regarding

their safety, for the government's inspection and regulations prevent

any adulteration of them.

81. Among the numerous varieties of these meats, many of them are

typical of certain localities, while others have a national or an

international reputation. They also vary in the kind of meat used to

make them. Some of them are made from beef, as frankfurters and

certain kinds of bologna, while others are made from pork and include

the smoked and unsmoked sausages, Liverwurst is made from the livers

of certain animals, and may be purchased loose or in skins.

Some of these sausages are used so often in certain combinations of

foods that they are usually thought of in connection with the foods that

it is customary for them to accompany. Frankfurters and sauerkraut, pork

sausage and mashed potatoes, liverwurst and fried corn-meal mush are

well-known combinations of this kind.

82. Closely allied to these sausages, although not one of them, is a

meat preparation much used in some localities and known as scrapple,

or ponhasse. This is prepared by cooking the head of pork, removing

the meat from the bones, and chopping it very fine. The pieces of meat

are then returned to the broth in which the head was cooked and enough

corn meal to thicken the liquid is stirred in. After the whole has

boiled sufficiently, it is turned into molds and allowed to harden. When

it is cold and hard, it can be cut into slices, which are sauted in

hot fat.

83. Besides scrapple, numerous other meat preparations, such as meat

loaves of various kinds and pickled pig's feet, can usually be

obtained in the market. While the thrifty housewife does not make a

habit of purchasing meats of this kind regularly, there are times when

they are a great convenience and also afford an opportunity to vary

the diet.

* * * * *



84. Up to this point, all frying of foods has been done by sauteing

them; that is, frying them quickly in a small amount of fat. The other

method of frying, which involves cooking food quickly in deep fat at a

temperature of 350 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit, is used so frequently in

the preparation of many excellent meat dishes, particularly in the use

of left-overs, that specific directions for it are here given, together

with several recipes that afford practice in its use. No difficulty will

be experienced in applying this method to these recipes or to other

recipes if the underlying principles of deep-fat frying are thoroughly

understood and the proper utensils for this work are secured.

85. In the first place, it should be remembered that if foods prepared

in this way are properly done, they are not so indigestible as they are

oftentimes supposed to be, but that incorrect preparation makes for

indigestibility in the finished product. For instance, allowing the food

to soak up quantities of fat during the frying is neither economical nor

conducive to a digestible dish. To avoid such a condition, it is

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necessary that the mixture to be fried be made of the proper materials

and be prepared in the right way. One of the chief requirements is that

the surface of the mixture be properly coated with a protein material,

such as egg or egg and milk, before it is put into the fat or that the

mixture contain the correct proportion of egg so that its outside

surface will accomplish the same purpose. The reason for this

requirement is that the protein material is quickly coagulated by the

hot fat and thus prevents the entrance of fat into the inside material

of the fried food.

Care must be taken also in the selection of the fat that is used for

deep-fat frying. This may be in the form of an oil or a solid fat and

may be either a vegetable or an animal fat. However, a vegetable fat is

usually preferred, as less smoke results from it and less flavor of the

fat remains in the food after it is cooked.

86. The utensils required for deep-fat frying consist of a wire basket

and a pan into which the basket will fit. As will be observed, the pan

in which the fat is put has an upright metal piece on the side opposite

the handle. Over this fits a piece of wire with which the basket is

equipped and which is attached to the side opposite the handle of the

basket. This arrangement makes it possible to drain the fat from

whatever food has been fried without having to hold the basket over the



87. With the principles of deep-fat frying well in mind, the actual work

of frying foods by this method may be taken up. Numerous foods and

preparations may be subjected to this form of cookery, but attention is

given at this time to only croquettes and timbale cases. Croquettes

are small balls or patties usually made of some finely minced food and

fried until brown. Timbale cases are shells in which various creamed

foods are served. As these two preparations are representative of the

various dishes that can be cooked by frying in deep fat, the directions

given for these, if carefully mastered, may be applied to many

other foods.

88. FRYING OF CROQUETTES.--After the mixture that is to be fried has

been prepared, and while the croquettes are being shaped, have the fat

heating in the deep pan. Before the food is immersed, test the

temperature of the fat to make sure that it is hot enough. To do this,

put a 1/2-inch cube of bread in the hot fat and keep it there for 40

seconds. If at the end of this time it is a golden brown, it may be

known that the fat is sufficiently hot for any mixture. Be careful to

regulate the heat so as to keep the fat as near this temperature as

possible, for it should be remembered that each time a cold food is

immersed in hot fat, the temperature is lowered. Usually, a few

minutes' frying is necessary to assure this regulation of the


As soon as the correct temperature is reached, put several of the

croquettes in the basket and set the basket in the pan of hot fat so

that the croquettes are entirely covered. Fry until a good brown color

is secured. Then lift the basket out of the fat and allow it to drain

until all the fat possible has dripped from it. Finally remove the

croquettes from the basket and place them on any kind of paper that will

absorb the excessive fat. Serve at once or keep hot until ready

to serve.

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89. VEAL CROQUETTES.--Veal that remains from a roast after it has been

served once can be utilized in no better way than in the making of

croquettes; or, if desired, veal may be cooked especially for this

purpose. When such croquettes are served with a sauce of any desirable

kind, such as white sauce or tomato sauce, or with left-over gravy, no

more appetizing dish can be found.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

2 c. cold ground veal

1 c. thick white sauce

2 Tb. chopped onion

1 Tb. chopped parsley

Salt and pepper

1 egg

Fine crumbs

Mix the ground veal with the white sauce, add the onion and parsley, and

salt and pepper to taste. Shape into oblong croquettes. Roll first in

the beaten egg, which, if necessary, may be increased by the addition of

a little milk, and then in the crumbs. Fry in deep fat until a golden

brown. Serve with or without sauce.

90. SWEETBREAD CROQUETTES.--An extremely palatable dish can be made by

frying in deep fat sweetbreads cut any desirable shape and size. These

are usually served with a vegetable, and often a sauce of some kind is

served over both.

To prepare the sweetbreads, parboil them according to the directions

given in Art. 17. Cut them into the kind of pieces desired, sprinkle the

pieces with salt and pepper, and dip them into beaten egg and then into

crumbs. Fry in deep fat and serve with a vegetable or a sauce or both.

91. RICE-AND-MEAT PATTIES.--Sometimes not enough meat remains after a

meal to make a tasty dish by itself. In such a case, it should be

combined with some other food, especially a starchy one, so as to extend

its flavor and produce a dish that approaches nearer a balanced ration

than meat alone does. A small amount of any kind of meat combined with

rice and the mixture then formed into patties, or croquettes, provides

both an appetizing and a nutritious dish.


(Sufficient to Serve Six)

1 c. finely chopped left-over meat

1 c. cold steamed rice

1/2 c. thick white sauce

1 Tb. chopped onion

1 tsp. celery salt

Salt and pepper

1 egg

Fine crumbs

Mix the meat and rice, stir into them the white sauce, onion, and celery

salt, and salt and pepper to taste. Shape into croquettes, or patties;

roll first in the egg and then in the crumbs. Fry in deep fat until

golden brown and serve with any desirable sauce.

92. TIMBALE CASES.--Such foods as creamed sweetbreads, creamed

sweetbreads and mushrooms, and other delicate foods that are served in

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small quantities can be made very attractive by serving them in timbale

cases. These are made out of a batter by means of a timbale iron and

fried in deep fat until brown. In serving them, place them either on a

small plate or on the dinner plate with the rest of the dinner. To make

them especially attractive, dip the edge into egg white and then into

very finely chopped parsley.

93. To prepare timbale cases, a timbale iron is required. Such an iron

consists of a fluted piece of metal that is either solid or hollow and

that has attached to it a handle long enough to keep the hand

sufficiently far away from the hot fat.

The batter required for timbale cases and the directions for combining

them are as follows:


(Sufficient to Make Twenty)

1 egg

1/2 c. milk

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. sugar

3/4 c. flour

Beat the egg with a fork just enough to break it up thoroughly. Add the

milk, salt, and sugar. Stir in the flour with as little beating as

possible. After preparing this mixture, allow it to stand for 1/2 hour,

so that any air it contains in the form of bubbles may escape and thus

prevent the formation of holes and bubbles in the finished

timbale cases.

When about to use the batter, pour it into a cup or some other small

utensil that is just large enough to admit the iron easily. The iron

must be nearly covered with batter, but a large amount of it will not be

needed if a small utensil is used. Place the iron in the hot fat, until

it is hot, or for about 4 minutes. Then let it drip and place it in the

batter, being careful not to permit the batter to come quite to the top

of the iron, and remove it at once. Place it immediately into the hot

fat, allowing the fat to come higher on the iron than the batter does.

This precaution will prevent the formation of a ridge of bubbles around

the top of the timbale case. Fry in the deep fat until the case is

nicely browned. Remove the iron from the fat, and allow it to drip.

Then carefully remove the timbale case from the iron with a fork and

place it on paper that will absorb the fat.

If your timbales are soft instead of crisp, you will know that the

mixture is too thick and should be diluted. Too hot or too cold an iron

will prevent the mixture from sticking to it.



(1) (a) What is veal? (b) From animals of what age is the best veal


(2) Compare veal and beef as to characteristics.

(3) What cuts of veal are most suitable for: (a) roasts? (b)

cutlets? (c) soup and stews? (d) chops?

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(4) (a) What organs of veal are used for foods? (b) What are


(5) (a) Why is veal more indigestible than beef? (b) What important

point must be remembered concerning the cooking of veal?

(6) (a) What substance in veal is utilized in the preparation of

jellied veal? (b) Explain how this dish is prepared.

(7) (a) At what age is sheep sold as lamb? (b) How do lamb and

mutton differ as to food substances?

(8) Compare the flesh of lamb and mutton as to appearance.

(9) As they apply to lamb and mutton, explain the terms: (a) rack;

(b) saddle.

(10) Explain why some cuts of lamb and mutton are tough and others


(11) What is: (a) a crown roast of lamb? (b) a French chop?

(12) (a) Describe pork of the best kind. (b) Why is the food value

of pork higher than that of other meats?

(13) (a) Name the cuts of pork. (b) What is meant by leaf lard?

(14) What important points must be taken into consideration in the

cooking of pork?

(15) (a) Name some of the accompaniments that are usually served with

pork. (b) What is the purpose of these accompaniments?

(16) (a) For what purpose is salt pork generally used? (b) What is

bacon? (c) To what uses is bacon put?

(17) (a) Give the general directions for the carving and serving of

meat. (b) Explain how to carve and serve a steak.

(18) (a) What is meant by deep-fat frying? (b) Why must a food that

is to be fried in deep fat contain or be coated with a protein material?

(19) (a) What utensils are necessary for deep-fat frying? (b)

Explain the procedure in frying croquettes in deep fat.

(20) (a) For what purpose are timbale cases used? (b) Explain how to

make a batter for timbale cases.


Select a cut of beef that you consider most desirable from an economical

standpoint. Buy a quantity that may be used to the greatest advantage

for your family. Prepare it in any way you desire.

State the number of pounds purchased, the price of the meat, the number

of meals in which it was served, and the number of persons (tell how

many adults and how many children) served at each meal. Estimate the

cost of each portion by dividing the cost of the whole by the number of

persons served.

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Make up an original dish in which left-over meat is used and submit the

recipe to us.

* * * * *


* * * * *


1. POULTRY is the term used to designate birds that have been

domesticated, or brought under the control of man, for two purposes,

namely, the eggs they produce and the flesh food they supply. All the

common species of domestic fowls--chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys,

guinea fowls, and pigeons--are known as poultry. However, none of these

species is included under this term unless it is raised for at least one

of the two purposes mentioned. As the term is to be understood in this

Section, poultry includes all domestic fowls that are killed in order

that their flesh may be cooked and used as food for human beings. Of

course, many wild birds are killed for the flesh food they furnish, but

they are classed under the term game.

2. Poultry is probably never a necessity in the ordinary dietary, and

when prices are high it is a decided luxury. Still it does aid

materially in relieving the monotony of the usual protein foods, and it

supplies that "something out of the ordinary" for special occasions.

Then, too, it is often valuable in the diet of an invalid or some person

with a poor appetite. Poultry is, of course, used more in some homes

than in others; yet there is scarcely a home in which it is not served

some time or another. A knowledge of this food and its preparation and

serving will therefore prove to be a valuable asset to any housewife.

3. To arrive at a knowledge of the use of poultry as a food, the

housewife must necessarily become familiar with its selection and

purchase. Then she must give attention to both its preparation for

cooking and its actual cooking, and, finally, to its serving. In all

these matters she will do well to adhere to the practice of economy,

for, at best, poultry is usually an expensive food. Before entering into

these matters in detail, however, it will be well to look into them in a

general way.

4. In the selection of poultry, the housewife should realize that

poultry breeders have so developed certain breeds, even of the same

species, that they are better for table use than others. The flesh of

any breed of poultry may be improved by feeding the birds good food and

giving them proper care; and it is by applying these principles that the

breeders are enabled to better the quality of this food. Other things

also influence the quality of poultry flesh as food, as, for example,

the way in which the poultry is prepared for market and the care it

receives in transportation and storage. Unless these are as they should

be, they have a detrimental effect on poultry, because such food is

decidedly perishable.

It is possible to exercise economy in the purchase of poultry, but

before the housewife can do this she must be able to judge the age of

each kind she may desire. On the age depends to a great extent the

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method of cookery to be followed in preparing the poultry for the table.

Likewise, she must know the marks of cold-storage poultry, as well as

those of poultry that is freshly killed; and she must be familiar with

the first marks of deterioration, or decay, that result from storing the

food too long or improperly.

Economy may also be practiced in preparing poultry for cooking. To bring

this about, however, the housewife should realize that the best method

of preparing any kind of poultry for cooking is always the most

economical. It means, too, that she should understand thoroughly the

methods of drawing and cutting, so that she may either do this work

herself or direct it.

The way in which poultry is cooked has a bearing on the cost of this

food, too. For example, a young, tender bird prepared by a wrong method

not only is a good dish spoiled, but is a waste of expensive material.

Likewise, an older bird, which has more flavor but tougher tissues, is

almost impossible as food if it is not properly prepared. Both kinds

make appetizing dishes and do not result in waste if correct methods of

cooking are followed in their preparation.

Even the way in which poultry is served has a bearing on the cost of

this food. For this reason, it is necessary to know how to carve, as

well as how to utilize any of this food that may be left over, if the

housewife is to get the most out of her investment.

* * * * *



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