Thursday, June 11, 2009




1 pint of cream, the whites of 4 eggs, some apricot jam, 2 inches of vanilla pod, 1 dessertspoonful of castor sugar. Split the vanilla, put this and the sugar into the cream; whip this with the whites of eggs until stiff, then remove the vanilla. Place a good teaspoonful of apricot jam in each custard glass, and fill up with whipped cream.


1 quart of blackberries, sugar to taste, ½ pint of cream, white of 2 eggs. Mash the fruit gently, put it into a hair-sieve and allow it to drain. Sprinkle the fruit with sugar to make the juice drain more freely; whip the cream and mix with the juice.


1 quart of milk, 6 oz. of Allinson chocolate, 4 eggs, 1 tablespoonful of Allinson corn flour, essence of vanilla, sugar to taste. Dissolve the chocolate in a few tablespoonfuls of water, stirring it over the fire until a thick, smooth paste; add the milk, vanilla, and sugar. When boiling thicken the milk with the cornflour; remove the mixture from the fire to cool slightly, beat the eggs well, stir them into the thickened chocolate very gradually, and stir the whole over the fire, taking care not to allow it to boil When well thickened let the cream cool; serve in custard glasses or poured over sponge cakes or macaroons.


Use the whites of 3 eggs to 2 large bars of chocolate; vanilla to taste. Break the chocolate in pieces, and melt it in a little enamelled saucepan with very little water; stir it quite smooth, and flavour with Allinson vanilla essence. Set the chocolate aside until quite cold, when it should be a smooth paste, and not too firm. Beat the whites of the eggs to a very stiff froth, and mix the chocolate with it, stirring both well together until the chocolate is well mixed with the froth. It the cream is not found sweet enough, add a little castor sugar. Serve in a glass dish. This is easily made, and very dainty.


2 oz. of Allinson chocolate to ¼ pint of cream, white of 1 egg. Dissolve the chocolate over the fire with 2 tablespoonfuls of water; let it get quite cold, and then mix it with the cream previously whipped stiff; this will not require any additional sugar.


The yolks of 6 eggs, ½ pint of water, juice of 1 lemon, 2 oz. of sifted sugar, a little cinnamon. Beat up all the ingredients, put the mixture into a saucepan over a sharp fire, and whisk it till quite frothy, taking care not to let it boil; fill into glasses and serve at once.


The juice of 3 lemons and the rind of 1, 7 eggs, 6 oz. of sugar, 1 dessertspoonful of cornflour. Proceed exactly as in “Orange Cream.”


Pound 1-1/2 doz. macaroons, place in a bowl, add 1 or 2 spoonfuls of milk, and mix all to a smooth paste. Take a 6d. jar of cream, whip to a stiff froth. Lay a little of the macaroon paste roughly in the bottom of a glass dish, then 1 or 2 spoonfuls of the cream, more paste and cream, then cover with 1 spoonful of cream put on roughly.


6 oranges, 1 lemon, 7 eggs, 4 to 6 oz. of sugar (according to taste), 1 dessertspoonful of cornflour, some water. Take the juice of the oranges and the juice and grated rind of the lemon. Add enough water to the fruit juice to make 1-1/2 pints of liquid; let this get hot, adding the sugar to it; mix the cornflour smooth with a spoonful of cold water, and thicken the fruit juice with it, letting it boil up for a minute, set aside and let it cool a little; beat the eggs well, and when the liquid has cooled mix them carefully in with it; return the whole over a gentle fire, keep stirring continually until the cream thickens, but take care not to let it boil, as this would curdle it. When cold, serve in custard glasses, or in a glass dish poured over macaroons.


1 quart of raspberries, sugar to taste, ½ pint of cream. Proceed as in “Blackberry Cream.”


Lay 6 sponge cakes on a glass dish, and soak them with any fruit syrup; then add 1 pint of blancmange. When nearly cold cover the top with ratafia biscuits and decorate with angelica and cherries.


1 quart of strawberries, sugar to taste, ½ pint of cream. Proceed as in “Blackberry Cream.”


½ pint of cream, ½ pint of milk, 1 tablespoonful of Allinson cornflour, ¼ lb. of macaroons, 2 oz. of ratafias, vanilla, and sugar to taste. Put the cream and milk over the fire, adding a piece of vanilla 2 inches long, and sugar to taste; smooth the cornflour with a tablespoonful of cold milk, mix it with the milk and cream when nearly boiling, stir the mixture over the fire until it has thickened and let it simmer 2 minutes longer, always stirring; remove the vanilla, arrange the macaroons and ratafias on a shallow glass dish, let the cream cool a little, then pour it over the biscuits and serve cold. This makes a delicious dish.


Quantity of good thick cream according to requirement. The white of 1 egg to ¼ pint. Whip it well with a whisk or fork until it gets quite thick; in hot weather it should be kept on ice or standing in another basin with cold water, as the cream might curdle. Add sugar to taste and whatever flavouring might be desired, this latter giving the cream its name. When whipped cream is used to pour over sweets, &c., flavour it with stick vanilla; a piece 1 inch long is sufficient for ½ pint of cream; it must be split and as much as possible of the little grains in it rubbed into the cream.



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