Thursday, June 11, 2009




4 eggs, 3 oz. of castor sugar, 4 oz. of ground sweet almonds, ½ oz. of ground bitter almonds. Whip the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, mix them lightly with the well-beaten yolks, add the other ingredients gradually. Have ready a well-buttered pie-dish, pour the mixture in (not filling the dish more than three-quarters full), and bake in a moderately hot oven until a knitting needle pushed through comes out clean. Turn the pudding out and serve cold.


½ lb. of almond paste, ¼ lb. of butter, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls of sifted sugar, cream, and ratafia flavouring. With a spoonful of water make the ground almonds into a paste, warm the butter, mix the almonds with this, and add the sugar and 2 tablespoonfuls of cream or milk, and the eggs well beaten. Mix well, and butter some cups, half fill them, and bake the puddings for about 20 minutes. Turn them out on a dish, and serve with sweet sauce.


½ lb. of rice, 2-1/2 pints of milk, 1 oz. of butter, 3 oz. of ground sweet almonds and a dozen bitter ground almonds, sugar to taste, 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon, some raspberry jam. Cook the rice, butter, milk, sugar, and almonds until the rice is quite tender, which will take from 40 to 50 minutes; butter a mould, sift the cinnamon over it evenly, pour in the rice, let it get cold, turn out and serve with sauce made of raspberry jam and water. Dip the mould into hot water for ½ a minute, if the rice will not turn out easily.


2 lbs. of cooking apples, 1 teacupful of mixed currants and sultanas, 1 heaped up teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, 2 oz. of blanched and chopped almonds, sugar to taste, Allinson wholemeal bread, and butter. Pare, core, and cut up the apples and set them to cook with 1 teacupful of water. Some apples require much more water than others. When they are soft, add the fruit picked and washed, the cinnamon, and the almonds and sugar. Cut very thin slices of bread and butter, line a buttered pie-dish with them. Place a layer of apples over the buttered bread, and repeat the layers of bread and apples until the dish is full, finishing with a layer of bread and butter. Bake from ¾ hour to 1 hour.


1 tin of apricots, 6 sponge cakes, ½ pint of milk, 2 eggs. Put the apricots into a saucepan, and let them simmer with a little sugar for ½ an hour; take them off the fire and beat them with a fork. Mix with them the sponge cakes crumbled. Beat the eggs up with milk and pour it on the apricots. Pour the mixture into a wetted mould and bake in a hot oven with a cover over the mould for ½ an hour. Turn out; serve either hot or cold.


1 pint of milk, 3 eggs, sugar, vanilla flavouring, nutmeg. Warm the milk, beat up the eggs with the sugar, pour the milk over, and flavour. Have a pie-dish lined at the edge with baked paste, strain the custard into the dish, grate a little nutmeg over the top, and bake in a slow oven for ½ an hour. Serve in the pie-dish with stewed rhubarb.


½ lb. of pearl barley, 1 lb. of apples, 2 oz. of sugar, ¼ oz. of butter, the grated rind of a lemon. Soak the barley overnight, and boil it in 3 pints of water for 3 hours. When quite tender, add the sugar, lemon rind, and the apples pared, cored, and chopped fine. Pour the mixture into a buttered dish, put the butter in bits over the top, and bake for 1 hour.


1 pint of milk, 3 oz. of cornflour, 3 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 2 oz. of butter, 3 eggs, some raspberry or apricot jam. Rub the cornflour and meal smooth with a little of the milk; bring the rest to boil with the butter, and stir into it the smooth paste. Stir the mixture over the fire for about 8 minutes, then turn it into a basin to cool. Beat up the yolks of the eggs and add them to the cooked batter; whip the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and add them to the rest; butter a pie-dish, pour in a layer of the batter, then spread a layer of jam, and so on, until the dish is full, finishing with the batter, and bake the pudding for ½ an hour.


½ lb. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 1 pint of milk, 3 eggs, 1 dessertspoonful of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of ground cinnamon (or any other flavouring preferred). Beat the eggs well, mix all thoroughly, and bake about ¾ hour.


Soak a 1d. French roll in ½ pint of boiling milk; for 1 hour, then add ¼ lb. of sultanas, ¼ lb. of currants, 3 oz. of sugar, 4 chopped apples, a little chopped peel, the yolks of 3 eggs, a little grated nutmeg and zest of lemon. Mix in lastly the whites of the 3 eggs whisked to a stiff froth, pour into a mould, and boil for 2 hours. Serve with a sweet sauce.


6 medium-sized apples, 5 eggs, 1 quart of milk, sugar, the rind of ½ a lemon and some almond or vanilla essence. Pare and core the apples, and boil them in 1 pint of water, sweetened with 2 oz. of sugar, and the lemon rind added, until they are beginning to get soft. Remove the apples from the saucepan and place them in a pie-dish without the syrup. Heat the milk and make a custard with the eggs, well beaten, and the hot milk; sweeten and flavour it to taste, pour the custard over the apples, and bake the pudding until the custard is set.


Fill a greased pudding basin with slices of Allinson bread, each slice spread thickly with raspberry jam; make a custard by dissolving 1 tablespoonful of cornflour in 1 pint of milk well beaten; boil up and pour this over the jam and bread; let it stand 1 hour; then boil for 1 hour covered with a pudding cloth. Serve either hot or cold, turned out of the basin.


¾ lb. of breadcrumbs, 1 wineglassful of rosewater, 1 pint of milk, 3 oz. of ground almonds, sugar to taste, 4 eggs well beaten, 1 oz. of butter (oiled). Mix all the ingredients, and let them soak for ½ an hour. Turn into a buttered mould and steam the pudding for 1-1/2 to 2 hours.


5 oz. of Allinson wholemeal bread, 1 pint of milk, 2 tablespoonfuls of orange or rosewater, sugar to taste, 4 eggs. Soak the bread in the milk until perfectly soft; add sugar and the rose or orange water; beat the mixture up with the yolks of the eggs; beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, and mix them lightly with the rest; pour the whole into a well-buttered pie-dish and bake the Soufflé for ½ an hour in a brisk oven; serve immediately.


¼ lb. of ratafias, 4 or 5 sponge cakes, 3 eggs, ¾ pint of milk, sugar to taste, vanilla flavouring. Butter a mould, press the ratafias all over it, and lay in the sponge cakes cut in slices; then put in more ratafias and sponge cakes until the mould is almost full. Beat the yolks of the eggs well together and the whites of 2 eggs. Boil the milk and pour it on the eggs, let it cool a little, add sugar and flavouring. Pour into the mould. Cover it with buttered paper and steam for about 1 hour. Turn it out carefully, and serve with jam or sauce round it.


3 stale 1d. buns, 1-1/2 pints milk, 3 eggs, 2 oz. sugar. Cut the buns in thin slices, put them in a dish, beat the eggs well, add to the milk and sugar, and pour over the buns; cover with a plate, then stand for 2 hours; bake for 1 hour in a moderate oven, or steam for 1-1/2 hours, as preferred; serve with lemon sauce.


½ lb. of Allinson bread cut in thin slices, eggs and milk as in Bun Pudding, 1 breakfastcupful of currants and sultanas mixed, 1 heaped-up teaspoonful of cinnamon, 2 oz. of butter, 2 oz. of chopped almonds, and sugar to taste. Soak the bread as directed in above recipe, add the fruit, which should be previously well washed, picked, and dried, and the cinnamon, almonds, and sugar. Dissolve part of the butter, add it to the rest of the ingredients, and mix them all well together. Butter a pie-dish with the rest of the butter, and bake the pudding in a moderate oven for 1 hour.


2 oz. dried cherries, 2 oz. citron peel, 2 oz. ratafias, 8 stale sponge cakes, 1 pint of milk, 4 eggs, well beaten, a few drops of almond essence, and some raspberry jam. Butter a mould and decorate it with the cherries and citron cut into fine strips, break up the sponge cakes and fill the mould with layers of sponge cake, ratafias, and jam. When the mould is nearly full, pour over the mixture the custard of milk and eggs with the flavouring added. Steam the pudding for 1 hour, and serve with sauce.


Butter a pint pudding mould and decorate it with preserved cherries, then fill the basin with layers of sliced sponge cakes and macaroons, scattering a few cherries between the layers. Make a pint of custard with Allinson custard powder, add to it 2 tablespoonfuls of raisin wine and pour over the cakes, &c., steam the pudding carefully for three-quarters of an hour, taking care not to let the water boil into it; serve with wine sauce.


To use up cold stiff porridge. Mix the porridge with enough hot milk to make it into a fairly thick batter. Beat up 1 or 2 eggs, 1 egg to a breakfastcupful of the batter, add some jam, stirring it well into the batter, bake 1 hour in a buttered pie-dish.


3 large carrots, 3 eggs, ½ pint of milk, 4 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 2 tablespoonfuls of syrup, 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon. Scrape and grate the carrots, make a batter of the other ingredients, add the grated carrots, pour the mixture into a buttered mould, and steam the pudding for 2-1/2 to 3 hours.


½ lb. of ground sweet almonds, 7 oz. of castor sugar, 1 oz. of Allinson cocoa, 8 eggs, the whites beaten up stiffly, 1 dessertspoonful of vanilla essence. Place the yolks of the eggs in the pan, whip them well, add the vanilla essence, the sugar, the almond meal, and the cocoa, beating the mixture all the time; add the whites of the eggs last. Pour the mixture into pie-dishes, taking care not to fill them to the top, and bake the puddings the same way as almond puddings.


1 quart of milk, 2 oz. of potato flour, 2 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 1 heaped-up tablespoonful of cocoa, 1 dessertspoonful of vanilla essence, and sugar to taste. Smooth the potato flour, wheatmeal flour, and cocoa with some of the milk. Add sugar to the rest of the milk, boil it up and thicken it with the smoothed ingredients. Let all simmer for 10 minutes, stir frequently, add the vanilla and mix it well through. Pour the mixture into a wetted mould; turn out when cold, and serve plain, or with cold white sauce.


¼ lb. of grated Allinson chocolate, ¼ lb. of flour, ¼ lb. of sugar, ¼ lb. of butter, 1 pint of milk, 3 eggs. Mix the chocolate, flour, sugar, and butter together. Boil up the milk and stir over the fire until it comes clean from the sides of the pan, then take it out and let it cool. Break the eggs, whisk the whites and yolks separately, first add the yolks to the pudding, and when they are well stirred in, mix in the whites. Put into a buttered basin, and steam for 1 hour. Turn out and serve hot.


Three large sticks of chocolate, 1 pint of milk, 3 eggs, 7 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, piece of vanilla 3 inches long Dissolve the chocolate in ¾ of the pint of milk, with the rest of the milk mix the wholemeal smooth, add it to the boiled chocolate, and stir the mixture over the fire until it detaches from the sides of the saucepan; then remove it from the fire and let it cool a little. Beat up the yolks of the eggs and stir those in, whip the whites to a stiff froth and mix these well through, turn the whole into a buttered mould, and steam the pudding 1-1/2 hours. Serve with white sauce poured round.


8 sponge cakes, 3 large bars of chocolate, ¼ pint of cream, white of 1 egg, 3 inches of stick vanilla, 3 oz. of almonds blanched and chopped, 2 oz. of ratafia, ½ pint of milk. Break the sponge cakes into pieces, boil the milk and pour it over them; mash them well up with a spoon. Dissolve half the chocolate in a saucepan with 2 tablespoonfuls of water, and flavour it with 1 inch of the vanilla, split; when the chocolate is quite dissolved remove the vanilla. Have ready a wetted mould, put into it a layer of sponge cake, next spread some of the dissolved chocolate, sprinkle with almonds and ratafias, repeat until you finish with a layer of sponge cake. Grate the rest of the chocolate, whip the cream with the whites of eggs, vanilla, and 1 teaspoonful of sifted sugar; sift the chocolate into the whipped cream. Turn the sponge cake mould into a glass dish, spread the chocolate cream over it evenly, and decorate it with almonds.


1 lb. raisins (stoned), 1 lb. chopped apples, 1 lb. currants, 1 lb. breadcrumbs, ½ lb. mixed peel, chopped fine, 1 lb. shelled and ground Brazil nuts, ½ lb. chopped sweet almonds, 1 oz. bitter almonds (ground), 1 lb. sugar, ½ lb. butter, ½ oz. mixed spice, 6 eggs. Wash, pick, and dry the fruit, rub the butter into the breadcrumbs, beat up the eggs, and mix all the ingredients together; if the mixture is too dry, add a little milk. Fill some greased basins with the mixture, and boil the puddings from 8 to 12 hours.


12 oz. breadcrumbs, ½ lb. currants, ½ lb. raisins, ½ lb. sweet almonds, 1 doz. bitter almonds, ¾ lb. moist sugar, 3 oz. of butter, 2 oz. candied peel, 8 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of spice, and 1 teacupful of apple sauce. Rub the butter into the breadcrumbs, wash, pick, and dry the fruit, stone the raisins, chop or grind the almonds, beat up the eggs, mixing all well together, at the last stir in the apple sauce. Boil the pudding in a buttered mould for 8 hours, and serve with white sauce.


1 lb. each of raisins, currants, sultanas, chopped apples, and Brazil nut kernels; ½ lb. each of moist sugar, wholemeal breadcrumbs, Allinson fine wheatmeal, and sweet almonds and butter; ¼ lb. of mixed peel, ½ oz. of mixed spice, 6 eggs, and some milk. Wash and pick the currants and sultanas; wash and stone the raisins; chop fine the nut kernels, blanch and chop fine the almonds, and cut up fine the mixed peel. Rub the butter into the meal and breadcrumbs. First mix all the dry ingredients, then beat well the eggs and add them. Pour as much milk as is necessary to moisten the mixture sufficiently to work it with a wooden spoon. Have ready buttered pudding basins, nearly fill them with the mixture, cover with pieces of buttered paper, tie pudding cloths over the basins, and boil for 12 hours.


This is a plainer pudding, which will agree with those who cannot take rich things. ½ lb. each of raisins, sultanas, currants, sugar, butter, and Brazil nuts. 1 lb. each of wholemeal breadcrumbs, Allinson fine wheatmeal, and grated carrots; 4 beaten-up eggs, ½ oz. of spice, and some milk. Wash and pick the currants and sultanas, wash and stone the raisins, and chop fine the Brazil nuts. Rub the butter into the wholemeal flour, mix all the ingredients together, and add as much milk as is required to moisten the mixture. Fill buttered pudding basins with it, cover with buttered paper, and tie over pudding cloths. Boil the puddings for 8 hours.


½ lb. of stale Allinson bread, 1 pint of milk, 1 oz. of butter, 3 oz. of sifted sugar, 1 tablespoonful of Allinson cocoa, 3 eggs, vanilla to taste. Boil the bread in the milk until it is quite soft and mashed up; then add the cocoa, smoothed with a little hot water, the sugar, and vanilla. Let the mixture cool a little, add the yolks of the eggs, well beaten, then beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add these, mixing all well. Bake the pudding in a buttered dish of an hour.


½ lb. of Allinson bread, 3 eggs, 1 pint of milk, 1 grated fresh cocoanut, its milk, and sugar to taste. Soak the bread as for the savouries, add the cocoanut, the milk of it, and sugar, and mix all well. Butter a pie-dish, pour in the mixture, place a few little pieces of butter on the top, and bake as above.


10 oz. of fresh grated cocoanut, 8 oz. of Allinson breadcrumbs, 4 oz. of stoned muscatels, chopped small, 3 oz. of sugar, 3 eggs, 1 pint of milk. Mix the breadcrumbs, cocoanut; muscatels, sugar, and the butter (oiled); add the yolks of the eggs, well beaten, whip the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add these to the mixture just before turning the pudding into a buttered pie-dish; bake until golden brown.


Twelve sponge fingers, 4 oz. of ratafia biscuits, 2 oz. blanched almonds, 2 oz. of candied fruit, and 1 pint of custard made with Allinson custard powder. Butter thickly a pint and a half pudding basin, decorate the bottom with a few slices of the bright coloured fruits, split the sponge fingers and arrange them round the sides of the basin, letting each one overlap the other and cut the tops level with the basin; break up the remainder of the cakes and mix with the chopped almonds, the ratafias crushed, and the remainder of the candied fruits chopped finely; carefully fill the basin with this mixture, not disturbing the fingers round the edge; prepare 1 pint of custard according to recipe on page 75, and while still hot pour into the basin over the cakes, &c., cover with a plate and put a weight on the top, let stand all night in a cold place; turn out on to a glass dish to serve.


1 quart of milk, 2 oz. of cornflour, 2 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, sugar to taste, and vanilla or other flavouring. Proceed as for a blancmange; when the ingredients are cooked, let them cool a little, beat up the eggs, and mix them well with the rest, and bake all for 20 or 30 minutes in a moderate oven.


One dessertspoonful of flour, one packet of Allinson custard powder, 1 oz. of butter, 1 pint of milk, and sugar to taste. Mix the flour and custard powder to a smooth, thin paste, with a few tablespoonfuls of the milk, boil the rest of the milk with the sugar and butter; when quite boiling pour it into the powder, &c., in the basin, stir briskly, then pour into a greased pie-dish and brown slightly in the oven; before serving decorate the top with some apricot or other jam.


½ lb. of rice, 2-1/2 pints of milk, the rind of ½ a lemon, 3 eggs, some raspberry and currant jam. Gently cook the rice with the lemon peel in the milk, until quite soft; let it cool a little and mix with it the eggs, well beaten. Butter a cake tin, place a layer of rice into it, spread a layer of jam, and repeat until the tin is full, finishing with the rice. Bake the pudding for ¾ of an hour, turn out, and eat with boiled custard, hot or cold.


A teacupful of Allinson fine wheatmeal, a pinch of salt, ½ a teacupful of sifted sugar, and 2 oz. of butter; whisk well together, and add a teacupful of fresh milk, and 2 well-beaten eggs. Beat steadily for 15 minutes; fill a well-greased tin about three-parts full, and bake in a moderate oven for 35 minutes; serve with apricot sauce poured over and around. To make the sauce, take 1 teacupful of apricot jam, add to it 1 gill of water, make very hot, and rub through a heated gravy strainer over and around the pudding; then serve at once.


2 cupfuls of stewed and stoned plums (or the same quantity of any other fruit), 1 pint of milk, 3 eggs, 1 large cupful of fine breadcrumbs, sugar to taste, 1 teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, and 1 oz. of butter. Mix the crumbs and fruit in a bowl, oil the butter and mix it with the other ingredients, adding the sugar and cinnamon; beat up the eggs with the milk, and mix it with the rest of the pudding; have ready a greased pie-dish, pour in the mixture, and bake the pudding until nicely brown.


2 oz. of giant sago, 2 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 2 oz. of currants, 2 oz. of sultanas, 1 tablespoonful of sugar, 1 quart of milk. Soak the sago in cold water, drain, and cook in a double saucepan, if possible, with 1-1/2 pints of the milk for 2 hours; mix the meal smooth with the rest of the milk, add this, the fruit and sugar, and cook it gently for another 15 minutes: then pour the pudding into a pie-dish, and bake it in the oven until set or slightly brown on the top.


½ lb. of golden syrup, 1 teacupful of sago, 1 lb. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, ½ pint of milk, 3 eggs, 2 oz. of citron peel. Soak the sago with the boiling milk until quite soft, adding a little water, if necessary; mix it with the meal and golden syrup into a fairly thick batter; beat up the eggs and mix them well with the other ingredients. Butter a mould, cut and arrange the citron in the bottom of it into a star, pour in the batter, tie a cloth over it, and steam the pudding for 3 hours.


This pudding is very much liked and easily made. 10 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 3 eggs, 1 pint of milk, ½ lb. of golden syrup. Make a batter with the meal, eggs, and milk; grease a pudding basin, pour into it first the golden syrup, then the batter without mixing them; put over the batter a piece of buttered paper, tie up with a cloth, and steam the pudding in boiling water for 2-1/2 hours, taking care that no water boils into it. If liked, the juice of ½ lemon may be added to the syrup and grated rind put in the batter. Before turning the pudding out, dip the pudding basin in cold water for 1 minute.


3 pints of gooseberries, castor sugar to taste, ½ pint of milk, 4 eggs. Stew the gooseberries with ½ a teacupful of water until quite soft, adding sugar to taste; rub the fruit through a coarse sieve and place it into a pie-dish; beat the yolks of the eggs well, mix them with the milk previously heated, and pour them over the gooseberries, mixing all well. Bake the mixture in a moderate oven until set; meanwhile beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, adding a little castor sugar, lay this over the Soufflé’ a few minutes before it is quite done, let it set in the oven, and serve quickly.


20 greengages, 4 eggs, 3 tablespoonfuls of ground rice, ½ oz. of butter, ½ pint of milk, ½ a teacupful of water, sugar to taste. Skin and stone the fruit; blanch and drop (or grind) the kernels; gently cook the greengages in the water with the kernels and sugar. When the fruit has been reduced to a pulp mix in gradually the ground rice, which should have been smoothed previously with the milk; add the butter and let the whole mixture boil up; draw the saucepan from the fire and stir in the yolks of the eggs and then the whites beaten to a stiff froth. Pour the mixture into a well-greased dish, and bake the Soufflé’ for ½ an hour in a brisk oven. Serve immediately.


1 quart of milk, 5 oz. of ground rice, 1 egg, and any kind of jam. Boil the milk, stir it into the ground rice, previously smoothed with some of the cold milk. Let the mixture cook gently for 5 minutes, stir frequently, draw the saucepan to the side, and when it has ceased to boil add the egg well whipped, and mix well. Pour half of the mixture into a pie-dish, spread a layer of jam over it, then pour the rest of the pudding mixture over the jam, and let it brown lightly in the oven.


1 pint of milk, 2 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, sugar to taste, a few drops of almond flavouring, 3 eggs, well beaten, some marmalade or other preserve. Boil the milk and meal as for a blancmange, flavour with the sugar and almond essence; let the mixture cool, add the eggs, spread a layer of marmalade or preserve in the bottom of the pie-dish, pour the mixture over, and bake it from 20 to 30 minutes.


1-1/2 pints of milk, 4 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 1 oz. of butter; some jam or golden syrup. Boil the milk and sift the meal in gradually, stirring all the time; let it cook for 5 or 6 minutes, stirring quickly until it is well cooked and a stiff batter; turn it into a dish, add the butter, and eat the pudding with syrup or jam.


1 lb. breadcrumbs, 3 eggs, 3 lemons, 2 oz. of sago, 1 pint of milk, 2 oz. of butter, 8 oz. of sugar. Soak the sago well in the milk over the fire, add the butter, letting it dissolve, and mix with it the breadcrumbs, the sugar, the juice of the 3 lemons, and the grated rind of 2. Beat the eggs well, mix all the ingredients thoroughly, and pour the mixture into 2 well-greased pudding basins; steam the puddings 2 hours, and serve them with stewed fruit or white sauce.


Prepare over night 1 pint of custard made by using 1 dessertspoonful of Allinson cornflour and 2 oz. of sugar to 1 pint of milk; let it boil 1 or 2 minutes and put on one side. Next morning add the strained juice of 2 lemons and beat together for 5 minutes; when it is perfectly smooth pour it over slices of Swiss roll which have been laid close together in a glass dish; let the slices be quite covered with the cream. Stand in a cold place for 2 or 3 hours. Garnish with glacé cherries.


3 oz. of lentil flour, 1 pint of milk, 3 oz. of sugar, the rind and juice of ½ lemon, 3 eggs, 1 oz. of butter. Boil the milk, smooth the lentil flour with a little water, and pour the boiling milk gradually over it, mixing the lentils well with the milk. Add the butter, sugar, lemon rind, and juice; when the mixture has cooled a little, add the eggs, well beaten; bake the pudding in a well-greased dish in a moderate oven until quite set.


2 oz. of Allinson steam cooked oats (to be obtained from any grocer in 2 lb. boxes), 1 large tablespoonful of sugar, ½ pint of milk, 1 oz. of butter and 1 pint of custard made with Allinson custard powder. Boil the milk with the oats, butter, sugar, cook gently for 15 minutes, then pour into a pie-dish and add to the mixture 1 pint of custard made according to recipe given, stir carefully and bake for 1-1/2 or 2 hours; let it cool for a short time before serving.

N.B.—This is a most delicious pudding.


4 oz. of macaroni, 2 pints of milk, butter, sugar, 2 eggs. Break the macaroni in small pieces and boil it for 20 minutes. Drain off all the water, pour in the milk, sugar, and a piece of butter. Boil until the macaroni is quite tender. Let it cool, then add the eggs well beaten up, and a little grated nutmeg. Put the pudding into a pie-dish and bake for ½ hour.


3 oz. macaroni, which should be boiled in milk until quite tender, place in a buttered pie-dish, and pour over a pint of custard made with Allinson custard powder, bake for ½ hour and serve either hot or cold.


¾ lb. Allinson breadcrumbs, 2 oz. of butter, 1 pint of red currants, 1 pint of raspberries, 6 oz. of sugar, ½ pint of cream. Butter a pie-dish well, spread a layer of breadcrumbs, then a layer of the fruit, washed, picked, and mixed, some sugar and bits of butter; repeat these layers until the dish is full, finishing with breadcrumbs and butter; bake the pudding for ¾ an hour, turn it into a glass dish, whip the cream, spread it over the pudding, and sift sugar over all.


½ lb. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 6 oz. of butter, 4 oz. of sugar, ½ lb. of sultanas, 4 oz. of mixed peel, 2 eggs, a little milk. Beat the butter and sugar to a cream, beat in the eggs one by one until well mixed, sift the flour and lightly stir it into the butter, add a little milk if necessary. Then put in the peel cut in very fine strips and the sultanas. Put into a well-buttered mould, which should be only three-parts full, and steam for 2 hours. Turn out and serve with melted butter sauce.


1 lb. of Allinson breadcrumbs, 3 apples, 1-1/2 lbs. of melon, 12 cloves, ½ pint of milk, 1 oz. of butter, 3 eggs, sugar to taste. Peel and cut up the apples and melon, and stew the fruit 15 minutes, adding sugar and the cloves tied in muslin. Place a layer of breadcrumbs in a buttered dish, remove the cloves from the fruit, place a layer of fruit over the breadcrumbs, and so on until the dish is full, finishing with a layer of breadcrumbs; beat up the eggs, mix them with the milk, and pour the mixture over the pudding; spread the butter in bits over the top, and bake the pudding 1 hour.


The general rule for milk puddings is to take 4 oz. of farinaceous food of any kind to 1 quart of milk. The best way to prepare most of these puddings is to let the ingredients gently cook on the top of the stove and then to turn them into a pie-dish to finish them in the oven for 4 hour or a little longer, according to the heat of the oven. Should eggs be added, they should be beaten well, then mixed with the pudding before it goes into the oven. Most farinaceous milk puddings are improved by the use of Allinson fine wheatmeal with the other ingredients. For instance, use 2 oz. of giant sago and 2 oz. of wheatmeal to 1 quart of milk; or for semolina pudding, the same quantities of wheatmeal and semolina; and for vermicelli pudding the same, with sugar and flavouring to taste.


4 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, ½ pint of milk, 3 eggs, some butter, and some mincemeat. Make the batter, fry the pancakes, and place a spoonful of mincemeat on each pancake, fold them up, and serve with sifted sugar.


½ lb. of candied cherries, 3 eggs, Allinson wholemeal bread and butter in thin slices, sugar to taste, 1 pint of milk, a few drops of almond flavouring. Butter a pudding mould and line it with the cherries, fill it with slices of bread and butter; sweeten the milk to taste, and add the flavouring; beat up the eggs, mix them well with the milk, pour the custard over the bread and butter, let it soak for 1 hour; steam the pudding for 1-1/2 hours, turn out, and serve with any kind of sweet sauce.


½ lb. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, a pinch of salt, 4 oz. of vege-butter, and ½ lb. of sultana raisins. Mix all lightly together, then add 4 cupful of golden syrup, the well-beaten yolks of 2 eggs, and teacupful of milk. Mix again, and finally add the whites of 3 eggs whisked to a firm froth; use to fill a fancy mould, and steam for 3 hours; turn out carefully, and serve with sauce.


½ lb. of fine oatmeal, 4 eggs, 1 pint of milk. Make a batter of the ingredients, and fry the pancakes in butter, oil, or vege-butter in the usual way. These are very good, and eat very short. Serve with lemon and castor sugar.


6 oz. of Allinson breakfast oats, 3 eggs, 2 oz. of soaked sago, 1 gill of milk, 2 oz. of sultanas, 2 oz. of currants, 1 even teaspoonful of cinnamon, sugar to taste, 1 oz. of butter. Mix the Allinson breakfast oats with the soaked sago, add the eggs, well beaten, the fruit, sugar, butter, cinnamon, and milk; stir all well, butter a mould, pour the mixture into it, cover with a cloth, and steam the pudding for 3 hours.


4 eggs, 6 macaroons, 1 teaspoonful finely minced citron peel, 1 dessertspoonful of cornflour, and sugar to taste. Separate the whites and yolks of the eggs, crush up finely the macaroons and mix well the yolks of the eggs, the macaroons, citron, cornflour, and sugar, adding 1 tablespoonful of water. Whip the whites to a stiff froth, mix this lightly with the rest of the ingredients, butter a mould, large enough to be only half full when the mixture is turned into it, and bake the Soufflé’ in a moderate oven until set and lightly browned. Turn out, sift sugar over it, and serve immediately.


6 eggs, 1 teacupful of milk, 1 dessertspoonful of Allinson cornflour, 2 oz. of castor sugar, I tablespoonful of orange water. Mix the yolks of the eggs with the orange water, the sugar and the cornflour (previously smoothed with the milk), stirring the whole for 10 minutes; whip up the whites of the eggs to a very stiff froth, and mix this lightly with the other ingredients; have ready a buttered Soufflé dish, pour the mixture into it, and bake the Soufflé about 20 minutes until it is a golden brown and well risen; sift sugar over it and serve immediately.


¾ lb. of Allinson wholemeal bread, some orange marmalade, 1 pint of milk, 3 eggs, some butter. Butter a mould thoroughly, cut the bread into slices and butter them, then arrange the bread and butter in the mould in layers, spreading each layer with marmalade. When the mould is ¾ full, beat up the eggs with the milk and pour it over the layers; let the whole soak for 1 hour; cover the mould tightly, and steam the pudding for 1-1/2 hours. Dip the mould in cold water for 1 minute before turning it out; serve with white sauce.


The juice of 7 oranges, and of 1 lemon, 6 oz. of sugar, 4 eggs and 4 oz. of Allinson cornflour. Add enough water to the fruit juices to make 1 quart of liquid; put 1-1/2 pints of this over the fire with the sugar. With the rest smooth the cornflour and mix with it the eggs, well beaten. When the liquid in the saucepan is near the boil, stir into it the mixture of egg and cornflour; keep stirring the mixture over a gentle fire until it has cooked 5 minutes; turn it into a wetted mould and allow to get cold, then turn out and serve.


4 oranges, 1 pint of milk, 3 eggs, 1 tablespoonful of Allinson cornflour, sugar to taste. Peel and slice the oranges and remove the pips, place the fruit in a pie-dish, and sprinkle with sugar; boil the milk, and thicken it with the cornflour; let the milk cool, beat up the eggs, and add them carefully to the thickened milk, taking care not to do so while it is too hot; pour the custard over the fruit, and bake the pudding in a moderate oven until the custard is set. Serve hot or cold.


½ lb. of Patna rice, ¼ lb. of sultanas, 2 apples, pared, cored, and chopped up, 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon, and sugar to taste. Wash the rice, mix it with the other ingredients, and tie all in a cloth, allowing plenty of room for swelling. Let the pudding boil sharply in plenty of boiling water until the rice is soft; time 1-1/2 hours.


5 or 6 thin cold pancakes, 3 or 3 stale sponge cakes, some jam, 1 pint of milk, 2 eggs, 2 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, vanilla flavouring. Spread the pancakes with jam, roll them up and cut them across into slices. Butter a mould, form a circle of slices round the bottom of the mould against the sides, overlapping each other, and work these circles right up the mould, fill the centre with the sponge cakes broken into pieces. Make a batter of the meal, milk and eggs, adding vanilla to taste; pour this over the rest and steam the pudding for 1-1/2 hours, turn out, and serve.


A ¼ lb. each of white flour and fine Allinson wheatmeal, 4 eggs, 1 pint of milk, a pinch of salt, some butter, oil, or vege-butter for frying. Make a batter of the above ingredients. Put a piece of butter the size of a walnut in the frying-pan, and when boiling pour in enough batter to make a thin pancake. Fry a golden brown, turn it over, and when browned on the other side fold the pancake over from each side and slip it upon a hot dish, and keep hot in the oven while the other pancakes are being fried. The above quantity will make 6 or 7 pancakes.


4 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, ½ pint of milk, 3 eggs, 2 oz. of currants, sugar and cinnamon to taste, butter for frying. Make the batter the usual way, pick and wash the currants and add them to the batter. Fry into thin pancakes with vege-butter.


1 teacupful of sago, 1 breakfastcupful of Allinson breadcrumbs, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, the grated rind and juice of a lemon, 4 oz. of sultanas, 6 apples chopped small, 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon, and 8 well-beaten eggs. Soak the sago over the fire with as much hot water as it will require to soften it, then mix all the ingredients together. Turn the mixture into a well-buttered mould, and steam the pudding for 2 hours. Serve with sauce.


This is a plain pudding which can be eaten instead of Christmas pudding by those who are inclined to be dyspeptic ½ lb. of wholemeal breadcrumbs, ½ lb. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, ½ lb. of raisins, 2 oz. of small sago, 2 oz. of butter, 3 oz. of sugar, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon, and some milk. Wash and stone the raisins. Rub the butter into the wheatmeal. Mix together the raisins, butter, wheatmeal, cinnamon, sugar, and breadcrumbs. Boil the sago in ½ pint of milk until soft, adding as much water as the sago will absorb. Mix it with the other ingredients, beat up the eggs, add them, and mix all well. If the mixture is too dry add as much milk as is necessary to moisten all well. Fill a buttered pudding basin with the mixture, tie over with a pudding cloth, and steam 3 hours. Eat with a sweet white sauce.


1 pint of milk, a stick of cinnamon (4 inches long), 12 blanched and sliced almonds, the thin rind of 1 lemon, sugar to taste, 3 eggs, some Allinson wholemeal bread, and 2 oz. of butter. Boil the milk with the sugar, cinnamon, and almonds; remove the cinnamon, let the milk cool a little, and then add carefully the eggs well beaten. Pour the mixture into a wide, rather shallow pie-dish. Butter slices of bread on both sides, and cover the pie-dish with these; the bread should be free from crust, and entirely cover the milk. Bake in a moderate oven about 45 minutes.


4 oz. of white poppy-seed, 3 eggs, 3 oz. of sugar, 1-1/2 oz. of butter, 6 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 2 tablespoonfuls of orange-water, and ½ pint of milk. Scald the poppy-seed with boiling water, drain this on and crush the seed in a pestle and mortar, adding a little of the milk. When the poppy-seed has been crushed fairly fine, add the yolks of the eggs, well beaten, the sugar, meal, butter, orange-water, and the rest of the milk; mix all well, beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add this to the rest of the mixture, turn all into a buttered pie-dish, and bake the pudding 1-1/2 hours.


1 lb. of prunes or French plums, 4 eggs, 1 pint of milk, 1 teaspoonful of Allinson cornflour, sugar and flavouring to taste. Wash the prunes, remove the stones, and soak the prunes in ½ pint of water over night. Stew them very gently in an enamelled saucepan in the water in which they soaked, and add a little more if needed; when the prunes are quite tender, mash them well with a fork or wooden spoon, and let them cool. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, and mix this with the mashed prunes when quite cold. Meanwhile make a custard with the milk, cornflour, and the yolks of eggs, adding sugar and a few drops of almond essence; let it cool. Heap the prunes on a glass dish and pour the custard round, and serve.


1 lb. of stoned and stewed prunes, ¾ lb. of thin slices of Allinson bread and butter, 3 eggs, 1 pint of milk, sugar to taste. Grease a pie-dish and line it with a layer of bread and butter, then arrange a layer of prunes, and so alternately until the dish is full, finishing with bread and butter; pour a little prune juice over, beat up the egg in the milk, adding a little sugar if liked. Pour the custard over the mixture, let soak 1 hour, and bake 1 hour. The pudding will be much improved if all the liquid is poured off once or twice, and poured over again.


8 oz. of rice, 1 quart of milk, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, 4 eggs, 1 teacupful of fine breadcrumbs, the rind of ½ a lemon; boil the rice in the milk with the sugar and lemon rind; let it gently simmer until quite soft, and until all the milk is absorbed; let the rice cool a little, beat up the yolks of the eggs, and mix them with the rice. Thoroughly butter a pudding mould, and sprinkle it all over with the breadcrumbs. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, mix this well with the rice, and turn the whole gently into the mould, taking care not to displace the breadcrumbs; bake the pudding 1 hour in a moderate oven. It should turn out brown and firm, looking like a cake. Serve with fruit sauce or stewed fruit.


4 oz. of Allinson rolled wheat, 1 quart of milk, 1 teacupful of currants and sultanas, a very little sugar. Soak the rolled wheat in water for 1 hour. Set the milk over the fire, when boiling add the wheat from which the water has been strained. Let it cook gently for 1 hour, then add the fruit, turn the mixture into a buttered pie-dish, and bake the pudding from ½ to 1 hour in a moderate oven.


6 oz. of Allinson rusks, raspberry jam, 1 pint of milk, 4 eggs, a few drops of almond flavouring. Spread a little jam between every two rusks, and press them together. Arrange them neatly in a buttered mould; beat up the eggs, mix them with the milk, which has been flavoured with almond essence, and pour the custard over the rusks; let them soak for 1 hour, then steam the pudding for ½ an hour, turn out, and serve with white sauce.


1-1/2 oz. of semolina, 1 pint of milk, 1 oz. of loaf sugar, yolk of 1 egg, a few drops of essence of lemon. Soak semolina in ¼ pint of the milk for 10 minutes, then stir it into the remainder of the milk, which must be boiling; add sugar, and stir over a clear fire for 20 minutes. Take off and mix in quickly the yolk of an egg beaten up with flavouring. Pour into mould previously dipped in water. Serve cold with stewed fruit or custard.


4 oz. of semolina, 1 quart of milk, the rind of ¼ a lemon, 1 tablespoonful of sugar, 2 eggs. Mix the semolina smooth with part of the milk; bring the rest of the milk to the boil with the sugar and Lemon rind; add the semolina, let all cook for 10 minutes, then remove the lemon rind, and set the mixture aside to cool; beat up the eggs, mix them with the boiled semolina when it is fairly cool, pour the mixture into a buttered pie-dish, and bake until a golden colour.


4 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, ½ pint of milk, 4 eggs, 1 even teaspoonful of powdered cinnamon, sugar to taste. Mix the milk and meal perfectly smooth, add the eggs, well beaten, the sugar and cinnamon. Butter some cups, fill them three-parts full, and bake the mixture until done, that is, when a knitting-needle passed through will come out clean. Serve with custard or milk sauce.


Line a plain mould with some slices (about ¼ inch thick) of Allinson wholemeal bread, from which the crust has been removed. Then fill the dish with any kind of hot stewed fruit, and at once cover it with a layer of bread, gently pressed on to the fruit. When cold, turn out, and serve with either custard or white sauce.


½ pint of milk, 4 eggs, 1 tablespoonful of Allinson fine wheatmeal, sugar to taste, lemon rind or vanilla, any kind of jam. Smooth the meal in part of the milk, set the rest over the fire with sugar and a piece of lemon rind or 1-1/2 inch of stick vanilla; when boiling, stir the smoothed meal into it, and let it gently cook for 5 to 8 minutes, stirring all the time; remove from the fire to cool; beat up the yolks of the eggs, and mix them well with the mixture (remove the vanilla or lemon rind), beat up to a stiff froth the whites of the eggs, and mix them with the rest. Spread a layer of jam in a pie-dish, turn the mixture over the jam, and bake the Soufflé’ until risen and brown. Serve immediately.


8 sponge cakes, 1 pot of apricot jam, 1 pint of milk, 3 eggs, ½ oz. of butter. Slice the sponge cakes lengthways, grease a mould with the butter; line it neatly with some of the slices of the sponge cakes; press them to the mould to keep them in position. Next spread a layer of apricot jam, and fill the mould with alternate layers of sponge cake and jam. Beat up the yolks of the eggs and mix them with the milk; pour the mixture over the pudding, and bake it in a slow oven until set. Let the pudding get cold, and turn it out carefully. Have ready the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth, with a little sugar; pile the froth over the pudding, and serve with custard.


2 eggs, 1-1/2 gills of milk, 2 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, ½ oz. of butter, mace, pepper, and salt to taste. Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs; mix the wheatmeal with the milk, adding the whites of the eggs, a little mace, pepper and salt. Stir the mixture over the fire with the butter until it is quite thick and comes away from the saucepan; take the mixture from the fire, and when a little cooled add the yolks. Cut off lumps with a spoon and drop them into the boiling soup.


4 Allinson wholemeal rolls, 3 cooking apples, 2 oz. of ground sweet almonds, 4 oz. of macaroons crushed, 2 oz. of currants, picked and washed, 2 eggs, a little milk, cinnamon, 1 oz. of butter, sugar to taste. Halve the rolls lengthways and remove the crumb; soak the crusts for a few minutes in a little cold milk when the stuffing is ready. Pare and core the apples, cook them with 1/3 teacupful of water, ½ oz. of the butter, and 1 tablespoonful of sugar, and mash them up to a pulp with a wooden spoon; then add the currants, almonds, macaroons, 1 egg well beaten, and the yolk of the other. Mix all well, and add some of the breadcrumbs to make the whole into a fairly firm mass. Fill the crusts of the rolls with the mixture, press the two halves of each roll together, place the rolls into a baking tin, sprinkle them with sugar and powdered cinnamon, scatter bits of butter over the crusts, and bake the rolls for ½ hour. Serve with white sauce.


1 oz. of tapioca, 1 egg, ½ pint of cold milk, 1 gill of cold water, ¼ oz. of butter, ½ oz. of moist sugar, cinnamon to taste. Put the tapioca into a basin, and cover it with water. Let it soak for 1 hour, until it has absorbed all the water. Add the milk and sugar. Bring to a boil, and simmer till quite soft and clear. Draw to the side of the fire, to cool it a little. Break the egg and beat it slightly; mix well with the tapioca; pour into a greased dish, and bake in a moderate oven until it is a golden colour. Serve either hot or cold.


1 lb. of chestnuts, ½ lb. of sugar, 1 teacupful of water, vanilla to taste. Boil the chestnuts in plenty of water until tender, but not too soft, that they may not break in peeling. Peel them; simmer the sugar and the teacupful of water for 10 minutes, then add the chestnuts. Allow all to cook gently until the syrup browns, add vanilla and remove the chestnuts from the fire; when sufficiently cool, turn the whole into a glass dish.


2 teacupfuls of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 3 oz. of sago, 6 bananas, 1 tablespoonful of sugar, 3 eggs, ½ pint of milk. Peel the bananas and mash them with a fork. Soak the sago with ½ pint of water, either in the oven or in a saucepan. Make a batter with the eggs, meal, and milk; add the bananas, sugar, and sago, and mix all smoothly. Turn the mixture into a greased mould and steam the pudding for 2 hours.


3 oz. of butter, 3 oz. of sugar, 2 eggs, 1 oz. of Allinson breadcrumbs, the juice of 1 lemon, flavouring, puff paste. Beat the butter and sugar to a cream, beat in the eggs one at a time. Pour sufficient boiling milk over the breadcrumbs to soak, and add them to the mixture, add the strained lemon juice and flavouring, and mix well together. Border a pie-dish and line with paste; put in the mixture, and bake for about 30 minutes in a moderate oven. Sift a little white sugar over, and serve hot or cold.


The old-fashioned way of making it is with white flour. Try this way. 4 oz. each of Allinson breakfast oats and Allinson fine wheatmeal, 4 eggs, 1 pint of milk, pepper and salt to taste. Whip the eggs well, and make a batter of the eggs, milk, meal and oats, adding pepper and salt. Pour the mixture into a shallow Yorkshire pudding tin, which has been previously well buttered. Scatter a few bits of butter on the top, and bake the pudding for 1 hour. Serve with baked potatoes, green vegetables, and sauce.



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