Thursday, June 11, 2009



No. 1.


½ small cauliflower, ½ pint milk and water, small piece of butter, 1 teaspoonful of fine wholemeal, pepper and salt to taste. Wash and cut up the cauliflower, cook till tender with the milk and water, add butter and seasoning; smooth the meal with a little water, thicken the soup with it, boil up for a minute and serve.


2 oz. wholemeal, 1 gill of milk, 1 egg, seasoning to taste. Make a batter of the ingredients, butter a flat tin or a small pie-dish, turn the batter into it, and bake it from 20 to 30 minutes. Eat with vegetables.


1 even dessertspoonful of wheatmeal, 1 ditto cornflour, ¼ pint milk, sugar and vanilla to taste. Smooth the meal and cornflour with a little of the milk, bring the rest to the boil, stir in the mixture, add flavouring, let it all simmer for 5 to 8 minutes, stirring all the time. Pour into a wetted mould, and turn out when cold.

No. 2.


¼ lb. artichokes, ¼ lb. potatoes, ¾ pint milk and water (equal parts), ¼ oz. butter, pepper and salt to taste. Peel, wash, and cut up small the vegetables, and cook them in the milk and water, until tender. Rub them through a sieve, return to saucepan, add butter and seasoning, boil up and serve.


3 oz. of flagolets, ¼ pint parsley sauce. Cook the flagolets till tender, season with pepper and salt, and serve with the sauce. Make it as follows; 1 gill of milk, 1 teaspoonful of cornflour, 1 teaspoonful of finely chopped parsley, pepper and salt, and a small bit of butter. Boil up the milk, thicken with the cornflour, previously smoothed with a spoonful of water; boil up, season, and mix with the parsley before serving.


2 oz. of fine wheatmeal, 1 egg, ½ gill of milk, 1 tablespoonful sultanas washed and picked, ½ oz. of oiled butter, a little grated lemon peel, sugar to taste. Beat up the egg and mix well all ingredients; butter a small pie-dish, and bake the pudding about ½ hour.

No. 3.


1 carrot, 1 potato, and 1 small onion cut up small, 1 pint of water, a little butter, and pepper and salt to taste. Cook the vegetables in the water till quite tender, rub them through a sieve, adding a little water if necessary; return to saucepan, add seasoning and butter, boil up and serve.


2 oz. of picked and washed Egyptian lentils, 1 small finely chopped and fried onion, 1 dessertspoonful of cold boiled vermicelli, 1 egg, some breadcrumbs, seasoning to taste. Stew the lentils with the onion in just enough water to cover them; when cooked, they should be a thick purée. Season to taste, add the vermicelli, and form into 1 or 2 cakes, dip in egg and breadcrumb, and fry in vege-butter, or butter. Serve with potatoes and green vegetables.


1 oz. small tapioca, ½ pint of milk, sugar to taste. Put the tapioca into a small pie-dish, let it soak in a very little water for half an hour, pour off any which has not been absorbed. Pour the milk over the soaked tapioca, and bake it in the oven until thoroughly cooked. Eat with or without stewed fruit.

No. 4.

CLEAR SOUP (Julienne).

¾ pint vegetable stock, 1 tablespoonful dried Julienne (vegetables), a little butter, pepper and salt to taste. Cook the Julienne in the stock until tender, add butter and seasoning and serve.


2 oz. of wheatmeal, 1 oz. of rolled oatmeal, 1 egg, ¼ oz. of oiled butter, ½ gill milk, a teaspoonful of grated onion, a pinch of herbs, pepper and salt to taste. Beat up the egg, mix it with the milk, and add the other ingredients. Turn the mixture into a small greased basin, and steam the haggis 1-1/2 hours. Serve with vegetables.


1 oz. of ground rice, a scanty ½ pint of milk, sugar and flavouring to taste, ½ egg. Boil the milk, stir the ground rice into it; let it simmer for 10 minutes, then add sugar and flavouring and the ½ egg well beaten; turn the mixture into a small pie-dish, and bake in the oven until a golden colour.

No. 5.


2 tablespoonfuls of tinned tomatoes, or 1 fair-sized fresh one, 1 small finely chopped and fried onion, a teaspoonful of vermicelli, pepper and salt to taste, ½ pint of water. Boil the tomatoes with the onion and water for 5 to 10 minutes, then drain all the liquid; return to the saucepan, season and sprinkle in the vermicelli, let the soup cook until the vermicelli is soft, and serve.


2 oz. of macaroni or Spaghetti, a little grated cheese, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the macaroni in as much water as it will absorb (about ½ pint). Season to taste. When tender serve with grated cheese and vegetables.


2 oz. of meal, 1 oz. of desiccated cocoanut, 1 gill of milk, 1 egg, sugar to taste, ¼ oz. of oiled butter. Make a batter of the egg, milk, and meal, add the other ingredients, and bake the batter in a small buttered pie-dish.

No. 6.


2 oz. of Egyptian lentils, 2 oz. each of carrots and turnips cut up small, ½ oz. of onion chopped fine, ½ oz. of butter, seasoning to taste, 1 pint of water. Cook the vegetables and lentils in the water until quite tender, then rub them through a sieve. Return to the saucepan, add butter and seasoning, boil up, and serve with sippets of toast.


¼ lb. rice, ½ pint water, ¼ oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, 1 large tomato or two small ones. Set the rice over the fire with the water (cold) and the butter and seasoning; let it simmer until the water is absorbed and the rice fairly tender. It will take 20 minutes. Meanwhile place the tomatoes in a small dish, sprinkle with pepper and salt, place a little bit of butter on each, a few spoonfuls of water in the dish, and bake them from 15 to 25 minutes. Spread the rice on a flat dish, place the tomatoes in the middle, pour the juice over, and serve.


1 dessertspoonful of sago, 1 ditto of wheatmeal, ½ pint milk, sugar and flavouring to taste. Boil the sago and wheatmeal in the milk until the sago is well swelled out. Flavour to taste, pour the mixture into a little pie-dish, and bake the pudding until a golden colour.

No. 7.


½ lb. of potatoes, 1 pint of water, 1 small onion, a piece of celery, a little piece of butter, a teaspoonful of chopped parsley, pepper and salt to taste. Peel, wash, and cut up small the vegetables, and cook them in the water till quite tender. Rub the mixture through a sieve, add the butter and seasoning, boil up, mix in the parsley, and serve.


1 small cauliflower, 1 oz. of grated cheese, 1 tablespoonful of breadcrumbs, ½ oz. of butter, pepper and salt. Boil the cauliflower until tender, cut it up and arrange it in a small pie-dish; sprinkle over the cheese and breadcrumbs, dust with pepper and salt, place the butter in little bits over the top, and bake the cauliflower until golden brown. Serve with white sauce. (See “Sauces.”)


2 medium-sized cooking apples, sugar and cinnamon or lemon peel to taste. Some paste for short crust. Pare, core, and cut up the apples, and fill a small pie-dish with them; add sugar and cinnamon to taste, and a little water. Cover with paste, and bake in a fairly quick oven until brown, then let cook gently for another ¼ hour in a cooler part of the oven.

No. 8.


2 medium-sized potatoes, 1 small onion chopped fine, and fried a nice brown in butter or vege-butter, ¼ pint milk, ¾ pint water, 1 piece of celery, pepper and salt to taste. Peel, wash, and cut up the potatoes, and cut up the celery. Boil with the water until tender. Rub the vegetables through a sieve, return the soup to the saucepan, add seasoning, milk, and onion; boil up and serve.


2 tablespoonfuls of tinned sweet corn, ¼ oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, 1 egg, some paste for crust. Beat up the egg and mix with the sweet corn, season to taste. Roll out the paste and line a plate with it, turn the sweet corn mixture on to the paste, and bake the tart until a light brown. Serve with brown sauce or tomato sauce.


1 oz. of rice, ½ pint of milk, sugar and flavouring to taste. Wash the rice and put it into a pie-dish. Bring the milk to the boil, pour it over the rice, add the sugar and any kind of flavouring, and bake the pudding till the rice is tender.

No. 9.


1 dessertspoonful of rice, ¾ pint water, ¼ pint milk, 1 oz. grated cheese, ¼ oz. butter, seasoning to taste. Cook the rice in the milk and water until tender, then add the cheese, butter, and seasoning, and let the soup boil up until the cheese is dissolved.


2 oz. each of potato, carrot, turnip, celery, tomato (or any other vegetable in season), a small onion, ½ oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, 1 teaspoonful of sago. Chop fine the onion and fry it. Boil all the vegetables, previously washed and cut up, in ½ pint of water. When they are quite tender, put all in a pie-dish, adding seasoning to taste. Add enough water for gravy, and sprinkle in the sago. Cover with short crust, and bake in a moderately hot oven.


Stew some Californian plums in enough water to cover them well. If possible, they should be soaked over night. Grate some fresh cocoanut, after removing the brown outer skin, and serve separately.

No. 10.


½ dozen sticks of asparagus, ½ pint water, ¼ pint milk, 1 level dessertspoonful of cornflour, ¼ oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the asparagus in the water till tender, add the seasoning, and the cornflour smoothed in the milk, boil up and serve.


2 oz. macaroni, ¼ pint white sauce (see “Sauces”); 1 teaspoonful capers chopped small, enough of the caper vinegar to taste. Boil the macaroni in ½ pint of water until tender. Make the white sauce, then add the capers and vinegar. Serve with vegetables.


8 or 10 well-cooked Californian plums, with a little of the juice, 2 oz. of fine wheatmeal, ½ oz. of butter, 1 gill of milk, and 1 egg. Make a batter of the milk, meal, and egg, oil the butter, and stir it in. Place the prunes in a little pie-dish, pour the batter over, and bake until a nice brown.

No. 11.


1 teacupful of tinned tomatoes, or 6 oz. of fresh ones, 1 teaspoonful of cornflour, 1 small onion, pepper and salt to taste, and a little butter. Chop the onion up fine, and cook the tomatoes and onion in enough water to make ½ pint of soup. When cooked 15 minutes rub the vegetables through a sieve; return to the saucepan, boil up, thicken with the cornflour smoothed with a spoonful of water, and add a little piece of butter; serve with sippets of toast.


One slice of Wholemeal bread, a small finely chopped onion, a little milk, half an egg beaten up, pepper and salt, a little piece of butter. Dip the bread in milk, then in egg; melt the butter in a frying pan, fry the bread and onion a nice brown, sprinkle with seasoning and serve with potato and greens.


1 oz. of semolina, ½ pint of milk, sugar and vanilla to taste. Boil the semolina in the milk until well thickened, add sugar and flavouring, pour the mixture into a little pie-dish, and bake until a golden colour.

No. 12.


1 slice of Allinson bread, 1 small finely chopped onion fried brown, a pinch of nutmeg, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the bread in ¾ pint of water and milk in equal parts, adding the onion and seasoning. When the bread is quite tender, rub all through a sieve, return soup to the saucepan, boil up, and serve.


¼ lb. of rice, ¼ lb. of mushrooms, a little butter and seasoning. Cook the rice in ½ pint of water, as directed in recipe for “Rice.” Peel and wash the mushrooms, place them in a flat tin with a few spoonfuls of water, a dusting of pepper and salt and a bit of butter on each. Bake them from 15 to 20 minutes, spread the rice on a flat dish, place the mushrooms in the middle, pour over the gravy, and serve.


3 oz. of bread, 1 oz. sultanas, ½ doz. sweet almonds chopped fine, 1 well-beaten egg, cinnamon and sugar to taste, ½ oz. of butter, a little milk. Soak the bread in milk, and squeeze the surplus out with a spoon. Mix all the ingredients together, add the butter oiled, pour the mixture into a buttered pie-dish, and bake the pudding from 30 to 45 minutes.

No. 13.


1 small Spanish onion, 1 medium-sized potato, ¼ oz. of butter, pepper and salt and a pinch of mixed herbs, a little milk. Cut up the vegetables and cook them in ½ pint of water, adding a little herbs. When tender, rub the vegetables through a sieve, return the soup to the saucepan, add the butter and seasoning, and serve.


2 oz, of macaroni, ½ teacupful tinned tomatoes, 1-1/2 gills of water, a little grated cheese. Cook the rice in the water and tomatoes until tender, add seasoning, and serve with grated cheese and vegetables.


2 oz. wheatmeal, 1 oz. of sago, 1 egg, ½ oz. of oiled butter, 1 oz. sultanas, ½ saltspoonful of cinnamon, sugar to taste. Soak the sago over the fire in a little water; when almost tender drain off any water that is not absorbed, mix it with the other ingredients, pour the mixture into a soup-or small basin, tie with a cloth, and steam the pudding for an hour. Serve with white sauce.

No. 14.


½ teacupful green peas, ¼ oz. of butter, 1 spray of mint, a teaspoonful of fine meal, a little milk, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the green peas in ½ pint of water, adding seasoning and the mint. When the peas are tender, take out the mint, add the butter, smooth the meal with a little milk, and thicken the soup. Let it cook for 2 to 3 minutes, and serve.


2 ozs. of vermicelli, 1 oz. of grated cheese, 1 egg well beaten, a few breadcrumbs, seasoning to taste, 1 gill of water, a little butter, or vege-butter. Boil the vermicelli in the water until tender and all the water absorbed. Then add seasoning, the egg, the cheese, and a few breadcrumbs, if the mixture is too moist. Form into 2 or 3 little cakes, place little bits of butter on each, and bake them a golden brown.


2 sponge cakes, 1 gill of custard, a little jam, a few ratafias, ½ oz. of chopped almond. Cut the sponge cakes in half, spread them with jam, arranging them in a little pie-dish, sprinkling crumbled ratafias and the almonds between the pieces of cake. Pour the custard over, let it all soak for half an hour, and serve.

No. 15.


2 oz. of split peas cooked overnight, 3 oz. of potatoes cut into pieces, a piece of celery, a slice of Spanish onion chopped up, seasoning to taste. Soak the peas in water overnight, after picking them over and washing them. Set them over the fire in the morning, and cook them with the vegetables till quite tender. Then rub all through a sieve. Return to the saucepan, add pepper and salt, and a little water if necessary; boil up, and serve with sippets of toast.


½ lb. potatoes, 3 oz. Spanish onion peeled and sliced, ½ teacupful tomatoes, ½ oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Arrange the potatoes, onions, and tomatoes in layers in a small pie-dish, and sprinkle pepper and salt between the vegetables. Cut the butter in little bits, and scatter them over the top. Fill the dish with boiling water, and boil the hot-pot for 1 to 1-1/2 hours, adding a little hot water if needed.


Wash and core a good-sized apple, fill the core with 1 or 2 stoned dates, and bake it in the oven in a dish or tin with a few spoonfuls of water until well done. Serve with sauce.

No. 16.


1 leek, ¼ lb. potatoes, ½ pint water, 1 gill of milk, ¼ oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Peel, wash, and cut up the leek and potatoes, and cook them till tender in the water. Then rub the vegetables through a sieve. Return to the saucepan, add the milk, butter, and seasoning, boil up, and serve.


1-1/2 gills of milk, 1 egg, 1 oz. of grated cheese, a pinch of nutmeg, pepper and salt to taste. Proceed as in savoury custard, and serve with potatoes and greens.


½ pint of milk, 1 teaspoonful N.F. cocoa, 1 oz. of half cornflour and fine wheatmeal, sugar and vanilla essence to taste. Bring the milk to the boil, mix cocoa, flour, and wheatmeal, and smooth them with a little water. Stir the mixture into the boiling milk, sweeten and flavour, keep stirring, and allow to cook 5 minutes. Pour into a wetted mould, and allow to get cold. Turn out, and serve.

No. 17.


¼ lb. turnip, a small onion, and 2 oz. of potato, a little butter and seasoning, ½ pint water. Wash, peel, and cut up the vegetables, and cook them in the water until tender. Rub them through a sieve, return the mixture to the saucepan, add butter and seasoning, boil up, and serve.


1 gill of milk, 1 egg, 2 oz. wheatmeal, 1 oz. of vege-butter, 6 oz. cold boiled potatoes. Fry the potatoes in the butter, make a batter of the milk, meal, and egg, mix it with the potatoes, add seasoning, pour the mixture in a little pie-dish, and bake the savoury for half an hour.


1 oz. of tapioca, ½ pint of water, juice and rind of ¼ lemon, 1 large tablespoonful of golden syrup. Boil the tapioca until quite tender, with the Lemon rind, in the water. Take out the rind, add the syrup and lemon juice, mix well, pour the mixture into a wetted mould, turn out when cold, and serve.

No. 18.


1 large cooking apple, 1 small finely chopped onion, seasoning and sugar to taste, a little butter, 1 teaspoonful of cornflour, ½ pint of water. Peel and cut up the apple, and cook with the onion in the water till quite tender. Rub the mixture through a sieve, return to the saucepan, add the butter, seasoning and sugar, thicken the soup with the cornflour, and serve.


2 oz. rice, 1 gill water, 1 oz. of grated cheese, seasoning, a pinch of nutmeg, 1 egg, a little wheatmeal, and some vege-butter, or butter. Cook the rice in the water until quite dry and soft, mix the egg—well beaten—seasoning, and cheese with the rice, and form the mixture into small cakes. Roll in wheatmeal, and fry them a golden brown. Serve with vegetables and brown sauce.


½ lb. ripe plums, sugar to taste, some paste. Wash the plums and put them in a small pie-dish, pour ½ teacupful of water over them, add sugar, cover the plums with a short crust, and bake the pie a golden brown.

No. 19.


½ stick celery, ½ small onion, ¼ oz. butter, 1 potato, pepper and salt. Wash, peel, and cut up the vegetables, and cook them in ½ pint of water till tender. Rub through a sieve, return to the saucepan, season with pepper and salt, add the butter, boil up, and serve.


6 oz. apples, ¼ lb. Spanish onions, 1 hard-boiled egg, a little butter, pepper and salt to taste, some paste for a short crust. Peel and cut up the apples and onion, stew gently with a little water. When nearly tender, season and add the butter, turn the mixture into a small pie-dish, quarter the egg, and place the pieces on the mixture, cover with a crust, and bake the pie ½ hour.


2 oz. macaroni, ½ pint milk, 6 eggs, sugar and flavouring to taste. Boil the macaroni in water until tender. Cut into little pieces and place in a little pie-dish; beat the milk, add the egg, well beaten, carefully with it, add sugar and flavouring, pour the custard over the macaroni, and bake until set. Serve with stewed fruit.

No. 20.


2 oz. of butter beans soaked overnight in 1 pint of water, ½ small onion cut up small, 2 oz. carrot, 2 oz. celery, ½ oz. butter. Cook all the vegetables until tender, adding water as it boils away. When all is tender, rub the vegetables through a sieve, return to the saucepan, season with pepper and salt, add the butter, boil up the soup, and serve.


1 teacupful of breadcrumbs, 1 egg well beaten, ½ small onion chopped fine, ½ saltspoonful of herbs, ½ oz. butter, seasoning to taste. Oil the butter and mix it with the breadcrumbs, egg, onion, herbs, and seasoning. Make the mixture into sausages, roll them into a little breadcrumb, and fry them brown in a little vege-butter.


1 oz. rolled wheat, ½ pint milk, 1 tablespoonful of currants and sultanas mixed, sugar to taste. Cook the rolled wheat in the milk for fifteen minutes, then add the fruit, and let simmer another 15 minutes. Pour the mixture into a small pie-dish, and bake in the oven until golden brown.

No. 21.


1 small onion chopped fine, 1 oz. of cheese shredded fine, 1 slice of dry toast, ¾ pint of water, a little milk, pepper and salt to taste. Break up the toast, and set all the ingredients over the fire; cook till the onion is tender, add ½ gill of milk, and serve.


½ lb. potatoes, peeled and cut in pieces, ½ Spanish onion chopped up, 1 tomato, ½ oz. butter, pepper and salt, some paste for crust. Stew the potatoes and onion in a little water; when tender, cut up the tomato and mix it in, season and add the butter; place the vegetables in a small pie-dish, cover with paste, and bake ½ hour or until golden brown.


½ oz. ground rice, ½ pint milk, 1 teaspoonful N.F. cocoa, a little vanilla, sugar to taste, and 1 egg. Boil the rice in the milk for 5 minutes, let it cool a little, mix in the egg, well-beaten, cocoa, sugar, and vanilla. Pour the mixture into a small pie-dish, and bake for 20 to 30 minutes.

No. 22.


1 potato, 1 small onion, 1 good handful of sorrel washed and chopped fine, a little butter, pepper and salt, ½ pint water, 1 gill milk. Peel, wash, and cut up the potatoes and onion, boil in the water till tender, and rub through a sieve. Return the mixture to the saucepan, add the milk, sorrel, butter, and seasoning. Simmer gently for 10 minutes, and serve.


2 oz. fine wheatmeal, 1 gill of milk, 1 egg, 1 teaspoonful finely chopped parsley, ½ small grated onion, ¼ oz. butter, pepper and salt. Make a batter of the meal, egg, and milk, mix in the other ingredients, pour the mixture into a buttered pie-dish, and bake the batter ½ hour.


Any kind of stewed fruit. Custard: 1 gill of milk, sugar and vanilla to taste, and 1 egg. Heat the milk, beat up the egg, and stir the milk into it gradually; pour the mixture into a small jug, place this in a saucepan of fast-boiling water, keep stirring until the spoon gets coated, which shows that the custard is thickening. Remove the saucepan from the fire immediately, and continue stirring the custard until it is well thickened. Then cool it, placing the jug in cold water. When cold, serve with stewed fruit.

No. 23.


½ teacupful green peas, 1 or 2 finely chopped spring onions, a little butter, pepper and salt, a dessertspoonful of meal, and 1 gill of milk. Cook the green peas and spring onions in ½ pint of water until quite tender. Add the butter and seasoning, thicken the soup with the meal (which should be smoothed with the milk), and boil the soup for a minute or two before serving.


¼ lb. mushrooms, ½ oz. butter, pepper and salt, ½ oz. vermicelli, cooked and cold, a little paste for short crust. Stew the mushrooms in the butter, after having dried them and cut into pieces. When they are cooked mix them well with the vermicelli. Line a couple of patty pans with the paste, and bake the tartlets until golden brown. Serve with vegetables.


1 teacupful of breadcrumbs, 1 small apple, peeled, cored, and chopped fine, ½ oz. citron peel chopped fine, 1 oz. sultanas, ½ oz. oiled butter, 1 egg well beaten, the juice and rind of a small half-lemon, sugar to taste, and a few finely chopped almonds. Mix all the ingredients, pour the mixture into a small buttered basin, cover and steam for 1 hour. Serve with sweet sauce.

No. 24.


2 oz. mushrooms cut up small, ½ small onion chopped fine, 1 dessertspoonful of fine wheatmeal, pepper and salt, ½ oz. of butter, a little milk. Stew the mushrooms and onions together in the butter until well cooked, add ½ pint of water, and cook the vegetables for 10 minutes. Add seasoning, and the meal smoothed in a little milk. Let the soup thicken and boil up, and serve with sippets of toast.


2 oz. butter beans, 1 tablespoonful of cold mashed potatoes, ½ small onion chopped fine, a pinch of herbs, ½ oz. of butter, seasoning to taste. Soak the beans in butter over night, fry the onion in the butter. Boil the beans in as much water as they absorb until quite tender. Then pass them through a nut-mill or mash them up, and mix with the fried onion, mashed potatoes, herbs, and seasoning; form into little rissoles, roll in breadcrumbs, place them on a buttered tin, place a few bits of butter on the top, and bake in the oven until a nice brown. Serve with vegetables.


½ pint hot milk, 1 egg well beaten, 1 oz. ratafia broken up, sugar and flavouring to taste. Mix the ingredients, pour the mixture into a small buttered pie-dish, and bake the custard in a moderate oven until set.

No. 25.


Make ¾ pint of clear soup, and proceed for dumplings as follows: 1 egg, 1 tablespoonful of milk, 1 teaspoonful of fine wheatmeal. Beat up the egg, add the milk and smooth the meal with it, flavour with nutmeg. Gradually drop the mixture into the boiling soup, let cook for a minute, and serve.


½ teacupful of breadcrumbs, 1 well-beaten egg, ½ teacupful cold lentil purée 1 small finely chopped onion tried brown. Mix the ingredients, adding seasoning. Form into sausages, roll them in a little wheatmeal, and bake them a nice brown in the oven. Serve with vegetables and sauce.


½ pint hot milk, 1 egg, a little sugar and flavouring. Beat the egg, mix it with the milk, sweeten and flavour to taste; pour the custard into a small pie-dish, and bake until set.

No. 26.


½ lb. parsnip, ¼ lb. potato, ½ small onion, ¼ oz. butter, pepper and salt, a little milk. Cut up the vegetables, cook them until tender, then rub through a sieve, return the mixture into a saucepan, add butter and seasoning, and as much milk as needed to make up the quantity of soup. Boil up and serve.


2 oz. ground rice, 1 egg, ½ pint milk, a little nutmeg, a pinch of herbs, ½ oz. grated cheese, seasoning, and breadcrumbs. Boil the ground rice in the milk until stiff, add the egg, well beaten, and the other ingredients. Butter a flat tin and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, spread the mixture on the tin, sprinkle well with fine breadcrumbs, scatter bits of butter on the top, and bake until golden brown. Cut into pieces, dish up, and serve with vegetables and tomato sauce.


Line a couple of patty pans with paste for short crust. Partly bake, then fill with any kind of stewed fruit, and finish baking. Serve hot or cold.

No. 27.


½ lb. chestnuts, ½ small grated onion, pepper and salt to taste, ¼ oz. butter, ¼ pint milk, 1 teaspoonful of cornflour. Boil, peel, and mash the chestnuts, and set them over the fire with the onion, milk, ½ pint of water, and the butter. When it has boiled up, bind the soup with the cornflour, boil up, and serve.


2 oz. of cold boiled macaroni cut small, ½ oz. grated cheese, 1 gill milk, 1 egg, 1 oz. fine wheatmeal, ½ oz. butter, seasoning to taste. Make a batter with the milk, egg, and meal, mix together with the macaroni, cheese, and the butter, previously oiled, season to taste; turn the mixture into a small pie-dish, and bake until a golden brown.


½ lb. apples, 1 saltspoonful of cinnamon, sugar to taste, and some paste as for a short crust. Peel, core, and out up the apples. Line a pudding basin with paste, fill the basin with the apples, add sugar and cinnamon, cover with paste, and steam the pudding for 1 to 11/2 hours.

No. 28.


½ gill of milk, 1 gill water, ½ oz. semolina, a very small piece of mace, ¼ oz. butter, ½ oz. grated cheese, pepper and salt to taste. Bring the milk and water to the boil with the mace, thicken with the semolina; cook gently for 10 minutes, remove the mace, add cheese, butter, and seasoning, and serve.


2 oz. cold boiled macaroni, 1 egg, a pinch of herbs, halt a small grated onion, pepper and salt, breadcrumbs, and butter, or vege-butter. Beat the egg well, and mix it with the macaroni cut in small pieces. Add the herbs, onion, seasoning, and as much breadcrumb as needed to keep the mixture together. Shape into cutlets, dip in egg and breadcrumb, and fry a nice brown. Serve with vegetables.


6 oz. gooseberries, 1 tablespoonful of cream, sugar to taste. Cook the goose-berries in ½ gill of water; when soft enough to pulp, add sugar to taste; rub the fruit through a sieve, let get cold, and mix the gooseberries with the cream. Serve with rusks.

No. 29.


1 oz. rice, 1 pint milk and water (equal parts), 1 saltspoonful of curry, ¼ oz. butter, 1 oz. finely chopped onion, salt to taste. Cook the rice with the onion, curry, and seasoning in the milk and water, until the rice is quite tender; add the butter, and serve.


1 teacupful of sweet corn, ½ teacupful tinned tomatoes, ½ oz. butter, seasoning to taste. Stew together, and serve with baked potatoes.


¾ lb. pumpkin, juice of ½ a lemon, sugar to taste, some paste for short crust. Line a plate with paste. Meanwhile, stew the pumpkin, cut into dice, with a little water until tender. Add sugar and Lemon juice, and cover the paste, which should have been previously brushed over with white of egg, and bake the tart until the crust is done.

No. 30.


½ stick celery, ½ gill milk, 1 dessertspoonful of meal, pepper and salt, a little piece of butter. Cut the celery into pieces, set it over the fire with 4 pint of water, let it cook until quite tender, rub it through a sieve; return to the saucepan, add pepper and salt to taste; smooth the meal with part of the milk, add the rest and thicken the soup; boil it up for a few minutes before serving.


1 small beet, 1 egg, 2 tablespoonfuls of meal, 1 gill of milk, pepper and salt, a little Lemon juice. Cut the beetroot into small dice, make a batter with the milk, meal, and egg, mix the beet with it, adding seasoning to taste. Let some butter or oil boil in the frying-pan, drop the batter by spoonfuls into the boiling fat; fry a golden brown, and serve the fritters with vegetables and brown sauce.


3 bananas, 1 gill of milk, 1 egg, a teaspoonful of lemon juice. Peel and slice the bananas, and cook in the milk until they will mash up well. Rub them through a sieve, add the egg, well beaten, and the lemon juice; pour the mixture into a small pie-dish, and bake in a moderate oven until the custard is set.



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