vegetarian SOUPS AND STEWS recipes
1 lb. each of artichokes and potatoes, 1 Spanish onion, 1 oz. of butter, 1 pint of milk, and pepper and salt to taste. Peel, wash, and cut into dice the artichokes, potatoes, and onion. Cook them until tender in 1 quart of water with the butter and seasoning. When the vegetables are tender rub them through a sieve. Return the liquid to the saucepan, add the milk, and boil the soup up again. Add water if the soup is too thick. Serve with Allinson plain rusks, or small dice of bread fried crisp in butter or vege-butter.
1 lb. of haricot beans, ½ lb. of onions, 1 lb. of turnips, 2 carrots, 2 sticks of celery, 1 teaspoonful of mixed herbs, ½ oz. of parsley, 1 oz. of butter, 2 quarts of water, pepper and salt to taste. Cut up the vegetables and set them to boil in the water with the haricot beans (which should have been steeped over night in cold water), adding the butter, herbs, and seasoning. Cook all very gently for 3-1/2 to 4 hours, stirring occasionally. When the beans are quite tender, rub the soup through a sieve, adding more water if needed; return it to the saucepan, add the parsley chopped up finely, boil it up and serve.
8 oz. of pearl barley, 2 onions, 4 potatoes, ½ a teaspoonful of thyme, 1 dessertspoonful of finely chopped parsley, 3-1/2 pints of water, ½ pint of milk, 1 oz. of butter. Pick and wash the barley, chop up the onions, slice the potatoes. Boil the whole gently for 4 hours with the water, adding the butter, thyme, pepper and salt to taste. When the barley is quite soft, add the milk and parsley, boil the soup up, and serve.
½ lb. of stale crusts of Allinson wholemeal bread, 4 onions, 2 turnips, 1 stick of celery, 1 oz. of butter, ½ oz. of finely chopped parsley, 8 pints of water, ½ pint of milk. Soak the crusts in the water for 2 hours before they are put over the fire. Cut up into small dice the vegetables; add them to the bread with the butter and pepper and salt to taste. Allow all to simmer gently for 1 hour, then rub the soup through a sieve, return it to the saucepan, add the milk and parsley, and, if the flavour is liked, a little grated nutmeg; boil the soup up and serve at once.
1 fair-sized cabbage, a large Spanish onion, 1-1/2 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, ½ saltspoonful of nutmeg, 1-1/2 pints of milk, 2 tablespoonfuls of Allinson fine wheatmeal. After preparing and washing the cabbage, shred up very fine, chop up the onion, set these two in a saucepan over the fire with 1 quart of water, the butter and seasoning, and let all cook gently for 1 hour, or longer it the vegetables are not quite tender. Add the milk and thickening when the vegetables are thoroughly tender, and let all simmer gently for 10 minutes; serve with little squares of toasted or fried bread, or Allinson plain rusks.
1 medium-sized cabbage, 1 lb. of potatoes, 1 oz. of butter, 3 pints of milk and water equal parts, pepper and salt to taste, 1 dessertspoonful of finely chopped parsley, and 2 blades of mace, and 1 dessertspoonful of Allinson fine wheatmeal. Wash the cabbage and shred it finely, peel the potatoes and cut them into small dice; boil the vegetables in the milk and water until quite tender, adding the mace, butter, and seasoning. When quite soft, rub the wheatmeal smooth with a little water, let it simmer with the soup for 5 minutes, add the parsley, and serve.
2 pints of water, 1 pint of milk, 1 large tablespoonful of capers, ½ lemon, 2 eggs, 1-1/2 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, ½ oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the milk and water and butter, with seasoning to taste; thicken it with the wheatmeal rubbed smooth with a little milk. Chop up the capers, add them and let the soup cook gently for 10 minutes; take it off the fire, beat up the eggs and add them carefully, that they may not curdle; at the last add the juice of the half lemon, re-heat the soup without allowing it to boil, and serve.
4 good-sized carrots, 1 head of celery, 1 onion, 3 oz. of Allinson wholemeal bread without crust, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt, and 1 blade of mace. Wash, scrape, and cut the carrots into dice. Prepare and cut up the onions and celery. Set the vegetables over the fire with 3 pints of water, adding the mace and seasoning. Let all cook until quite soft, which will probably be in 1-1/2 hours. If the carrots are old, they will take longer cooking. When the vegetables are tender, rub all through a sieve, return the soup to the saucepan, add the butter, allow it to boil up, and serve with sippets of toast.
4 good-sized carrots, 1 small head of celery, 1 fair-sized onion, 1 turnip, 3 oz. of breadcrumbs, 1-1/2 oz. of butter, 1 blade of mace, pepper and salt to taste. Scrape and wash the vegetables, and cut them up small; set them over the fire with 3 pints of water, the butter, bread, and mace. Let all boil together, until the vegetables are quite tender, and then rub them through a sieve. Return the mixture to the saucepan, season with pepper and salt, and if too thick add water to the soup, which should be as thick as cream, boil the soup up, and serve.
1 medium-sized cauliflower, 1-1/2 pints of milk, 1 oz. of butter, 2 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, pepper and salt to taste, a little nutmeg, and the juice of a lemon. Prepare the cauliflower by washing and breaking it into pieces, keeping the flowers whole, and boil in 1-1/2 pints of water, adding the butter, nutmeg, and seasoning. When the cauliflower is quite tender add the milk, boil it up, and thicken the soup with the wheatmeal, which should first be smoothed with a little cold water. Lastly, add the lemon juice, and serve the soup with sippets of toast.
1 large Spanish onion, 1 teaspoonful of mixed herbs, ½ head of celery, 1-1/2 oz. butter, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, and pepper and salt to taste. Chop the onion up fine, and fry it brown in the butter, in the saucepan in which the soup is to be made, and add 5 pints of water. Prepare and cut into small pieces the carrot, turnip, and celery; add these, the nutmeg, herbs, and pepper and salt to the water, with the fried onions. When the vegetables are tender drain the liquid; return it to the saucepan, and boil the soup up.
CLEAR SOUP (with Dumplings).
2 large English onions, 1 teaspoonful of herbs, ½ teaspoonful of nutmeg, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, pepper and salt to taste, 1 oz. of butter, 3 pints of water. Chop up finely the onions and fry them brown in the butter in the saucepan in which the soup is to be made; add the water. Cut up in thin slices the carrot and turnip, add these, with the herbs, nutmeg, and seasoning to the soup. Let it boil for I hour, drain the liquid, return it to the saucepan, and when boiling add the dumplings prepared as follows: ½ pint of clear soup, 4 eggs, a little nutmeg, pepper and salt to taste. Beat the eggs well, mix them with the soup, and season the mixture with nutmeg, pepper, and salt. Pour it into a buttered jug; set it in a pan with boiling water, and let the mixture thicken. Then cut off little lumps with a spoon, and throw these into the soup and boil up before serving.
1 large head of celery or 2 small ones, 1 large Spanish onion, 2 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, and 1 blade of mace. Chop the onion and fry it brown in the butter or Allinson vege-butter in the saucepan in which the soup is to be made. When brown, add 4 pints of water, the celery washed and cut into pieces, the mace, the pepper and salt. Let all cook until the celery is quite soft, then drain the liquid from the vegetables. Return it to the saucepan, boil the soup up, and add 1 oz. of vermicelli, sago, or Italian paste; let the soup cook until this is quite soft, and serve with sippets of crisp toast, or Allinson plain rusks.
2 cocoanuts grated, 2 blades of mace, 1 saltspoonful of cinnamon, 3 pints of water, the juice of a lemon, 2 eggs, 1 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the cocoanut in the water, adding the mace, cinnamon, and seasoning. Let it cook gently for an hour; strain the mixture through a sieve and then return the soup to the saucepan. Make a paste of the eggs, wheatmeal, and lemon juice, add it to the soup and let it boil up before serving; let it simmer for 5 minutes, and serve with a little plain boiled rice.
1 breakfastcupful of fresh wheat, 1 quart of water, ½ pint of milk, ½ oz. of butter, ½ oz. of finely chopped parsley, 1 oz. of eschalots, seasoning to taste. Steep the wheat over night in the water and boil it in the same water for 3 hours, add the butter, the eschalots, chopped up very fine, and pepper and salt. Let the whole simmer very gently for another ½ hour, add the milk and parsley, boil the soup up once more, and serve.
2 bunches of leeks, 1-1/2 pints of milk, 1 oz. of butter, 1 lb. of potatoes, pepper and salt to taste, and the juice of a lemon. Cut off the coarse part of the green ends of the leeks, and cut the leeks lengthways, so as to be able to brush out the grit. Wash the leeks well, and see no grit remains, then cut them in short pieces. Peel, wash, and cut up the potatoes, then cook both vegetables with 2 pints of water. When the vegetables are quite tender, rub them through a sieve. Return the mixture to the saucepan, add the butter, milk, and seasoning, and boil the soup up again. Before serving add the lemon juice; serve with sippets of toast.
1 dozen leeks, 1-1/2 pints of milk, 1 lb. of potatoes, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, and the juice of a lemon (this last may be omitted if not liked). Prepare the leeks as in the previous recipe, cut them into pieces about an inch long. Peel and wash the potatoes and cut them into dice. Set the vegetables over the fire with 1 quart of water, and cook them until tender, which will be in about 1 hour. When soft rub all through a sieve and return the soup to the saucepan. Add the milk, butter, and seasoning, boil up, and add the lemon juice just before serving. Should the soup be too thick add a little hot water. Serve with Allinson plain rusks.
1 lb. each of lentils and potatoes, 1 large Spanish onion, 1 medium-sized head of celery (or the outer pieces of a head of celery, saving the heart for table use), 1 breakfastcupful of tinned tomatoes or ½ lb. of fresh ones, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Chop the onion up roughly, and fry it in the butter until beginning to brown. Pick and wash the lentils, and set them over the fire with 2 quarts of water or vegetable stock, adding the fried onion. Peel, wash, and cut up the potatoes, prepare the celery, cut it into small pieces, and add all to the lentils. When they are nearly soft add the tomatoes. When all the ingredients are quite tender rub them through a sieve. Return the soup to the saucepan, add pepper and salt, and more water if the soup is too thick. Serve with sippets of toast.
6 oz. of cold boiled macaroni, 1 large Spanish onion, 1 carrot, ½ lb. of tomatoes, ¼ lb. of mushrooms, 2 oz. of grated cheese, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Wash, prepare, and cut up the vegetables in small pieces. Cover them with water and stew them until tender, adding the butter and seasoning. When tender add the macaroni cut into finger lengths, and the cheese.
2 onions, 2 turnips, 1 head of celery, 3 pints of milk, 1 pint of water, 2 tablespoonfuls of Allinson fine wheatmeal, pepper and salt to taste. Chop up the vegetables and boil them in the water until quite tender. Rub them through a sieve, return the whole to the saucepan, add pepper and salt, rub the wheatmeal smooth in the milk, let the soup simmer for 5 minutes, and serve.
MILK SOUP (suitable for Children).
1-1/2 pints of milk, 1 egg, 1 tablespoonful of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 1-1/2 oz. of sultanas, sugar to taste. Boil 1-1/4 pints of milk, add the sugar, beat up the egg with the rest of the milk and mix the wheatmeal smooth with it; stir this into the boiling milk, add the sultanas, and let the soup simmer for 10 minutes.
6 oz. of coarse oatmeal, the outer part of a head of celery, 1 Spanish onion, 1 turnip, 1 oz. of butter, and pepper and salt. Wash and cut the vegetables up small, set them over the fire with 2 quarts of water. When boiling, stir in the oatmeal and allow all to cook gently for 2 hours. Rub the mixture well through a sieve, adding hot water it necessary. Return the soup to the saucepan, add the butter and pepper and salt, and let it boil up. The soup should be of a smooth, creamy consistency. Serve with sippets of toast or Allinson plain rusks.
ONION SOUP (French).
½ lb. onions, 3 oz. grated cheese, 2 oz. butter, some squares of Allinson wholemeal bread, pepper and salt to taste. Peel and chop the onions, and fry them a nice brown in the butter. When brown add to it the cheese and 3 pints of water. Boil all up together and season to taste. Place the bread in the tureen, pour the boiling soup over it, and serve.
3 parsnips, 1 onion, 1 head of celery, ½ oz. of butter, ½ pint of milk, 1 quart of water, 1 tablespoonful of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 1 tablespoonful of vinegar, pepper and salt. Scrape the parsnips and cut them up finely, cut up the celery and onion, and set the vegetables over the fire with the water, butter, and pepper and salt to taste: when they are quite tender rub them through a sieve. Return the soup to the saucepan, add the milk and the thickening, boil up for five minutes, and before serving add the vinegar. This latter may be left out if preferred.
1 lb. of split peas, 1 lb. of potatoes, peeled, washed, and cut into pieces, 1 Spanish onion, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, ½ head of celery or a whole small one, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, Pick and wash the peas, and set them to boil in 2 quarts of water. Add the potatoes and the other vegetables, previously prepared and cut into small pieces, the butter and seasoning. When all the ingredients are soft, rub them through a sieve and return them to the saucepan. If the soup is too thick, add more water. Boil it up, and serve with fresh chopped mint, or fried dice of Allinson wholemeal bread. Allow 3 to 4 hours for the soup.
This is made by the Scottish peasant in this way. He puts some pea flour into a basin, and pours boiling water over it, at the same time stirring and thoroughly mixing the meal and water together. When mixed he adds a little salt, pepper, and butter, and eats it with or without oatcake.
4 onions, 4 tomatoes, 1 oz. of grated cheese, ¼ lb. of stale Allinson wholemeal bread, 1 quart of water, 1 oz. of butter, 1 even teaspoonful of herbs, pepper and salt to taste. Slice the onions and fry them until brown, add the tomatoes skinned and sliced, the water, herbs, and pepper and salt, and let the whole boil gently for 1 hour. Cut up the bread into dice, and put it into the tureen, pour the soup over it, cover, and let it stand for 10 minutes to allow the bread to soak; sprinkle the cheese over before serving.
2 lbs. of potatoes, ½ stick of celery or the outer stalks of a head of celery, saving the heart for table use; 1 large Spanish onion, 1 pint of milk, 1 oz. of butter, a heaped up tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley, and pepper and salt to taste. Peel, wash, and cut in pieces the potatoes, peel and chop roughly the onion, prepare and cut in small pieces the celery. Cook the vegetables in three pints of water until they are quite soft. Rub them through a sieve, return the fluid mixture to the saucepan; add the milk, butter, and seasoning, and boil the soup up again; if too thick add more water. Mix the parsley in the soup just before serving.
3 oz. of rice, 4 oz. of grated cheese, a breakfastcupful of tomato juice, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the rice till tender in 2-1/2 pints of water, with the butter and seasoning. When quite soft, add the tomato juice and the cheese; stir until the soup boils and the cheese is dissolved, and serve. If too much of the water has boiled away, add a little more.
2 oz. of rice, 1 breakfastcupful of shelled green peas, 1 pint of milk, 1 quart of water, 1 oz. of butter. Boil the rice in the water for 10 minutes, add the peas, the butter and pepper and salt to taste. Let it cook until the rice and peas are tender, add the milk and boil the soup up before serving.
4 onions, 3 oz. of rice, 1-1/2 oz. of butter, 3 pints of water, pepper and salt. Chop the onions up very finely, and fry them with the butter until slightly browned; add the rice, seasoning, and water, and let the whole cook gently until quite soft. A tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley may be added.
4 large potatoes, 1 pint of clear tomato juice (from tinned tomatoes), 1 pint of milk, 1 pint of water, 2 eggs, 1 oz. of butter, seasoning to taste. Boil the potatoes in their skins; when tender peel and pass them through a potato masher. Put the potatoes into a saucepan with the butter, tomato juice, and water, adding pepper and salt to taste. Allow the soup to simmer for 10 minutes, then add the milk; boil up again, remove the saucepan to the cool side of the stove and stir in the eggs well beaten. Serve at once with sippets of toast, or Allinson plain rusks.
1-1/2 lbs. of French beans or scarlet runners, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 stick of celery, ½ oz. of butter, 1 teaspoonful of thyme, 2 quarts of water, pepper and salt to taste, and 2 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal. String the beans and break them up in small pieces, cut up the other vegetables and add them to the water, which should be boiling; add also the butter and pepper and salt. Allow all to cook until thoroughly tender, then rub through a sieve. Return the soup to the saucepan (adding more water if it has boiled away much), and thicken it with the wheatmeal; let it simmer for 5 minutes, and serve with fried sippets of bread.
½ lb. of sorrel, 1-1/2 lbs. of potatoes, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt, 3 pints of water. Pick, wash, and chop fine the sorrel, peel and cut up in slices the potatoes, and set both over the fire with the water, butter, and seasoning to taste; when the potatoes are quite tender, pass the soup through a sieve. Serve with sippets of toast.
1 lb. of sorrel, 1 large Spanish onion, 3 pints of water, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, ½ lb. of Allinson wholemeal bread cut into small dice. Pick, wash, and chop up the sorrel, chop up the onion, and boil both with the water, butter, pepper, and salt until the onion is quite tender. Place the bread in the soup-tureen and pour the soup over it. Cover it up, and let the bread soak for a few minutes before serving.
SORREL SOUP (French) (3).
1 lb. of sorrel, 1 oz. of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 2 quarts of water, pepper and salt, 2 eggs. Pick and wash the sorrel and drain the water. Set it over the fire with the butter and stew for 5 minutes, add the wheatmeal, and stir it with the sorrel for 5 minutes; add the water, pepper and salt to taste, and let the soup simmer for ½ an hour; before serving add the eggs well beaten, but do not allow them to boil, as this would make them curdle; serve with sippets of toast.
3 pints of chestnuts peeled and skinned, 2 Spanish onions, 6 potatoes, 2 turnips cut up in dice, 1 teaspoonful of thyme, 1 dessertspoonful of vinegar, 2 oz. of grated cheese, 1 oz. of butter, 2 quarts of water, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the chestnuts and vegetables gently until quite tender, which will take 1-1/2 hours. Rub them through a sieve and return the soup to the saucepan; add the butter; vinegar, and pepper and salt to taste. Let it boil 10 minutes, and sift in the cheese before serving.
2 lbs. of spinach, 1 chopped up onion, 1 oz. of butter, 1 pint of milk, the juice of 1 lemon, 1-1/2 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, and pepper and salt to taste. This will make about 3 pints of soup. Wash the spinach well, and cook it in 1 pint of water with the onion and seasoning. When the spinach is quite soft, rub all through a sieve. Mix the wheatmeal with the melted butter as in the previous recipe, stir into it the spinach, add the milk; boil all up, and add the lemon juice last of all. If the soup is too thick, add a little water.
2 carrots, 1 turnip, ½ head celery, 10 small spring onions, 1 tea-cup of cauliflower cut into little branches, heart of small white cabbage lettuce, small handful of sorrel, 1 leaf each of chervil and of tarragon, ¼ pint of peas, ¼ pint asparagus points, ¼ pint croutons, 1 quart of water. Cut the carrots and turnip into small rounds, or to shape; add them with the chopped-up celery, whole onions, and cauliflower, to a quart of water, and bring to the boil; simmer for ½ an hour. Stamp the sorrel and lettuce into small round pieces, and add them with the leaf of chervil and tarragon to the soup, together with 1 teaspoonful of sugar. When all is quite tender add the peas and asparagus points, freshly cooked; serve with croutons.
1 cucumber, 2 cabbage lettuces, 1 onion, small handful of spinach, a piece of mint, 1 pint shelled peas, 2 oz. butter. Wash and cut up the lettuces, also cut up the cucumber and onion, put them into a stewpan, together with ½ pint of peas, the mint, and butter. Cover with about 1 quart of cold water, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for 3 hours. Then strain off the liquid and pass the vegetables through a sieve. Add them to the liquid again, and set on the fire. Season and add ½ pint green peas previously boiled.
2 oz. of tapioca, 1 lb. of tomatoes, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 1 teaspoonful of herbs, 1 blade of mace, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, and 3 pints of water. Peel, wash, and cut up finely the vegetables and stew them in the butter for 10 minutes. Add the water, the tomatoes skinned and cut in slices, the herbs and seasoning to taste; when the soup is boiling, sprinkle in the tapioca, let all cook until quite tender, pass the soup through a sieve, return it to the saucepan, and boil it up before serving.
1-1/2 lbs. of tomatoes (or 1 tin of tomatoes), 1 oz. of butter, 3 pints of water (only 2 if tinned tomatoes are used), 2 oz. of rice, 1 large onion, 1 teaspoonful of herbs, pepper and salt to taste. Cut the tomatoes into slices, chop fine the onion, and let them cook with the water for about 20 minutes. Strain the mixture, return the liquid to the saucepan, and add the other ingredients and seasoning. Let the soup cook gently until the rice is tender.
1 tin of tomatoes, or 2 lbs. of fresh ones, 1 large Spanish onion or 2 small ones, 2 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, 1 oz. vermicelli, and 2 bay leaves (these may be left out it desired). Peel the onion and chop it up roughly. Fry it brown with the butter in the saucepan in which the soup should be made. When the onion is browned add the tomatoes (the fresh ones should be sliced), the bay leaves and 3 pints of water; let all cook together for ½ an hour. Then drain the liquid through a strainer or sieve without rubbing anything through; return the soup to the saucepan, add seasoning and the vermicelli, and allow the soup to cook until the vermicelli is soft, which will take from 5 to 10 minutes.
2 large turnips, 2 large carrots, 2 Spanish onions, 1 teacupful of pearl barley, 1-1/2 oz. butter, ½ pint of milk, salt and pepper to taste. Cover the vegetables with cold water and allow them to boil from 2 to 3 hours, then rub through a sieve and add butter and milk. It too thick, add more milk. Boil up and serve.
1 medium-sized marrow, 1 onion, ½ oz. of finely chopped parsley, 2 tablespoonfuls of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 1 pint of milk, 1 quart of water, ½ oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Remove the pips from the marrow, cut it into pieces, chop up fine the onions, and cook the vegetables for 20 minutes, adding the butter, pepper, and salt. Rub through a sieve, return the soup to the saucepan, rub the fine wheatmeal smooth with the milk, add this to the soup, allow it to simmer for 5 minutes, and add the parsley before serving.
4 oz. of ground almonds, 1 pint of milk, 1 pint of water, 1 oz. of vermicelli, 2 blades of mace, pepper and salt. Let the almonds and mace simmer in the water and milk for ½ of an hour, remove the mace, add pepper and salt to taste, and the vermicelli. Let the soup cook gently until the vermicelli is soft, and serve.